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"""This module defines Sentinel objects that are used to represent data that is not yet available.
For example, :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.sentinels.DatasetSentinel` is used in
:class:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment` to enable a user to pass the fold validation
dataset as an argument on Experiment initialization. At the point that the sentinel is provided, the
training dataset has not yet been split into folds, which is why the Sentinel is necessary

    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment` has the following properties that utilize
    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.sentinels.DatasetSentinel`: [`train_input`, `train_target`,
    `validation_input`, `validation_target`, `holdout_input`, `holdout_target`]. These properties
    can be passed as arguments to Experiment or OptimizationProtocol initialization in order to
    provide the dataset to a Model's `fit` call, for example
    This is one of the points at which one might want to use the Sentinels exposed by
    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment`, specifically as values in the
    `model_init_params` and `model_extra_params` arguments to a descendant of
    This is a second point at which one might use the Sentinels exposed by
    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment`. In this case, they could be provided as
    values in the `model_init_params` and `model_extra_params` arguments in a call to
    the structure of which intentionally mirrors that of
    This is ultimately where `Sentinel` instances will be converted to the actual values that they
    represent via calls to :func:`hyperparameter_hunter.sentinels.locate_sentinels`"""
# Import Own Assets
from import BaseDataset
from hyperparameter_hunter.settings import G
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.boltons_utils import remap

# Import Miscellaneous Assets
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

# Sentinel Base Class
class Sentinel(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Base class for Sentinels representing data that is not yet available. Subclasses should
        call `super().__init__()` at the end of their `__init__` methods

        *args: List
            Extra arguments for subclasses of :class:`Sentinel`
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments for subclasses of :class:`Sentinel`"""
        self._sentinel = None
        self.sentinel = self._build_sentinel()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.sentinel == other

    def sentinel(self) -> str:
        """Retrieve :attr:`Sentinel._sentinel`

            The value of :attr:`Sentinel._sentinel`"""
        return self._sentinel

    def sentinel(self, value: str):
        """Set :attr:`Sentinel._sentinel` to `value`, and add self to `settings.G.sentinel_registry`

        value: Str
            The new value of :attr:`Sentinel._sentinel`"""
        self._sentinel = value

    def _build_sentinel(self) -> str:
        """Create a string containing all information necessary to identify the sentinel

        sentinel: Str
            A string identifying the sentinel"""

    def retrieve_by_sentinel(self) -> object:
        """Retrieve the actual object represented by the sentinel

            The object for which the sentinel was being used as a placeholder"""

    def _validate_parameters(self):
        """Ensure input parameters are valid and properly formatted"""

# Sentinel Location Utilities
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _sentinel_visitor(path, key, value):
    """If `value` is a `Sentinel` return the value it represents. Else `default_visit`"""
    if isinstance(value, Sentinel):
        return (key, value.retrieve_by_sentinel())
    return (key, value)

def locate_sentinels(parameters):
    """Produce a mirrored `parameters` dict, wherein `Sentinel` values are converted to the objects
    they represent

    parameters: Dict
        Dict of parameters, which may contain nested `Sentinel` values

        Mirror of `parameters`, except where a `Sentinel` was found, the value it represents
        is returned instead"""
    if len(G.sentinel_registry) == 0:
        return parameters
    return remap(parameters, visit=_sentinel_visitor)

# Sentinel Classes
class DatasetSentinel(Sentinel):
    def __init__(
        self, dataset_type, dataset_hash, cv_type=None, global_random_seed=None, random_seeds=None
        """Class to create sentinels representing dataset input/target values

        dataset_type: Str
            Dataset type, suffixed with '_input', or '_target', for which a sentinel should be
            created. Acceptable values are as follows: ['train_input', 'train_target',
            'validation_input', 'validation_target', 'holdout_input', 'holdout_target']
        dataset_hash: Str
            The hash of the dataset for which a sentinel should be created that was generated while
            creating :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.cross_experiment_key`
        cv_type: Str, or None, default=None
            If None, `dataset_type` should be one of ['holdout_input', 'holdout_target']. Else,
            should be a string that is one of the following: 1) a string attribute of
            `sklearn.model_selection._split`, or 2) a hash produced while creating
        global_random_seed: Int, or None, default=None
            If None, `dataset_type` should be one of ['holdout_input', 'holdout_target']. If int,
            should be :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.global_random_seed`
        random_seeds: List, or None, default=None
            If None, `dataset_type` should be one of ['holdout_input', 'holdout_target']. If list,
            should be :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.random_seeds`"""
        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
        self.dataset_hash = dataset_hash
        self.cv_type = cv_type
        self.global_random_seed = global_random_seed
        self.random_seeds = random_seeds

    def _build_sentinel(self):
        """Create a string containing all information necessary to identify the sentinel

        sentinel: Str
            A string identifying the sentinel"""
        sentinel = "SENTINEL***"
        sentinel += self.dataset_type + "***"
        sentinel += self.dataset_hash + "***"
        sentinel += self.cv_type + "***" if self.cv_type is not None else ""

        if self.random_seeds is not None:
            sentinel += "{}".format(self.random_seeds)
        elif self.global_random_seed is not None:
            sentinel += "{}".format(self.global_random_seed)

        return sentinel

    def retrieve_by_sentinel(self):
        """Retrieve the actual dataset represented by the sentinel

            The dataset for which the sentinel was being used as a placeholder"""
        kind, chunk = self.dataset_type.split("_")
        dataset: BaseDataset = getattr(G.Env.current_task, "data_{}".format(kind))
        return getattr(dataset, chunk).T.fold

    def _validate_parameters(self):
        """Ensure input parameters are valid and properly formatted"""
        #################### dataset_type ####################
        acceptable_values = [

        if self.dataset_type not in acceptable_values:
            raise ValueError("Received invalid `dataset_type`: '{}'".format(self.dataset_type))

        #################### cv_type ####################
        if self.dataset_type in ("holdout_input", "holdout_target"):
            self.cv_type = None
        elif self.cv_type is None:
            raise ValueError("`cv_type` may only be None if 'holdout' `dataset_type`")

        #################### global_random_seed ####################
        if self.dataset_type in ("holdout_input", "holdout_target"):
            self.global_random_seed = None
        elif self.global_random_seed is None:
            raise ValueError("`global_random_seed` may only be None if 'holdout' `dataset_type`")

        #################### random_seeds ####################
        if self.dataset_type in ("holdout_input", "holdout_target"):
            self.random_seeds = None
        elif self.random_seeds is None and self.global_random_seed is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`random_seeds=None` requires 'holdout' `dataset_type`, or `global_random_seed`"