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/* commander/autocmdr component
 * This component is what loads the cmds/ modules.
 * To use add require('autocmdr/lib/loader.js')(program) where program is a commander or autocmdr program.

var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

module.exports = function (program, opts) {
  'use strict';

  opts = opts || {};
  opts.name = opts.name || program._name || require('path').basename(process.mainModule.filename);
  opts.path = opts.path || require('path').join(process.mainModule.filename, '../../cmds/');

  function _require (filepath) {  // TODO: Prevent loading twice

    if (typeof filepath === 'string') {   // TODO: Don't load same command twice?
      program.log.debug('Loading ', filepath);

      var _f = require(filepath);
      if (typeof _f === 'function') {
        _f(program);    // This adds the command to this program

    return program;

  // Load tasks in a given folder.
  function _loadCmds (dirpath) {
    if (fs.existsSync(dirpath) && fs.statSync(dirpath).isDirectory()) {
      program.log.debug('Loading commands from ' + dirpath);
      fs.readdirSync(dirpath).forEach(function (filename) {
        var filepath = path.join(dirpath, filename);
    } else {
      program.log.debug('Directory not found ' + dirpath);

    return program;

  if (opts.path) {

    var _lib = path.join(opts.path, '../' + opts.name + '.js');

    if (fs.existsSync(_lib)) {
      _require(path.join(opts.path, '../' + opts.name + '.js'));  // TODO: make filename an option?