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Test Coverage
 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2018
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import Foundation
import LoggerAPI
import KituraNet
import KituraContracts

// Type-safe middleware Codable router

extension Router {

    // MARK: Codable Routing with TypeSafeMiddleware

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
         guard let user: User = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
         respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3,
                            respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and returns a single Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Single) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and returns a single Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Single) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and returns a single Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Single) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User` array, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith([user], nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3,
                            respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User` array, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith([user], nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User` array, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith([user], nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, id: Int, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, id: Int,
                            respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and an Identifier, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Id, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self)
        get(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular with identifier and middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                   return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an identifier
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, id: Int, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and an Identifier, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Id, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self)
        get(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular with identifier and middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an identifier
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, rid: Int, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and an Identifier, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Id, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self)
        get(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular with identifier and middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of (`Identifier`, Codable) tuples or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [(Int, User)] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, respondWith: ([(Int, User)]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let users: [(Int, User)] = session.users else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(users, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, id: Int,
                            respondWith: ([(Int, User)]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance, and returns an array of (Identifier, Codable) tuples or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, @escaping IdentifierCodableArrayResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) with identifier typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, CodableHelpers.constructTupleArrayOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of (`Identifier`, Codable) tuples or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [(Int, User)] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, respondWith: ([(Int, User)]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let users: [(Int, User)] = session.users else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(users, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances, and returns an array of (Identifier, Codable) tuples or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, @escaping IdentifierCodableArrayResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) with identifier typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, CodableHelpers.constructTupleArrayOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with an array of (`Identifier`, Codable) tuples or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [(Int, User)] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, respondWith: ([(Int, User)]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let users: [(Int, User)] = session.users else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(users, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances, and returns an array of (Identifier, Codable) tuples or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, @escaping IdentifierCodableArrayResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET(Array) with identifier typed middleware request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, CodableHelpers.constructTupleArrayOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, query: Query, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query,
     respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and a QueryParams instance, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Q, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            // Define result handler
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error


     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, query: Query, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Q, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            // Define result handler
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error


     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, rquery: Query, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns a single of Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Q, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            // Define result handler
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: [User]] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, query: Query, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query,
                            respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Q, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, query: Query?, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             let matchedUsers = userArray.filter { $ <= }
             return respondWith(matchedUsers, nil)
         } else {
             respondWith(userArray, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.get("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query,
     respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Q?, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
        ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: [User]] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, query: Query, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Q, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, middle2: Middle2, query: Query?, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             let matchedUsers = userArray.filter { $ <= }
             return respondWith(matchedUsers, nil)
         } else {
             return respondWith(userArray, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Q?, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
        ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: [User]] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: [User] = session.user[] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Q, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a GET request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with an array of Codable objects or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.get("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query?, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             let matchedUsers = userArray.filter { $ <= }
             return respondWith(matchedUsers, nil)
         } else {
             return respondWith(userArray, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a QueryParams instance, and returns an array of Codable objects or a RequestError.
    public func get<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Q?, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void
        ) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user: User? = nil
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.delete("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3,
                               respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and returns a RequestError or nil on success.
    public func delete<T: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (plural with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user: User? = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and returns a RequestError or nil on success.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (plural with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user: User? = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and returns a RequestError or nil on success.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (plural with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, id: Int, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
         session.user[id] = nil
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.delete("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, id: Int,
                               respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Id, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, id: Id.self)
        delete(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (singular with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, id: Int, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[id] = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Id, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, id: Id.self)
        delete(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (singular with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, rid: Int, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[id] = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Id, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, id: Id.self)
        delete(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (singular with middleware) type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, identifier, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, query: Query, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[] = nil
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.delete("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query,
                               respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Q, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, query: Query?, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             userArray = userArray.filter { $ != }
             return respondWith(nil)
         } else {
             userArray = []
             return respondWith(nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.delete("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, query: Query?,
     respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Q?, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
        ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, query: Query, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[] = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Q, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, middle2, Middle2, query: Query?, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             userArray = userArray.filter { $ != }
             return respondWith(nil)
         } else {
             userArray = []
             return respondWith(nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Q?, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
        ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
        let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, rquery: Query, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[] = nil
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Q, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
    ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error
     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a DELETE request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, the parsed query parameters,
     and a handler which responds with nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MyHTTPAuth` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeHTTPBasic` protocol from `Kitura-CredentialsHTTP` to provide basic HTTP authentication.
     struct Query: QueryParams {
         let id: Int
     router.delete("/user") { (auth: MyHTTPAuth, middle2, Middle2, middle3, Middle3, query: Query?, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in
         if let query = query {
             userArray = userArray.filter { $ != }
             return respondWith(nil)
         } else {
             userArray = []
             return respondWith(nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware and Identifier, and returns nil on success, or a `RequestError`.
    public func delete<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Q: QueryParams>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Q?, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void
        ) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with middleware and Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                do {
                    var query: Q? = nil
                    let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                    if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                        query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                    handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
                } catch {
                    // Http 400 error

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        if session.user == nil {
            return respondWith(nil, .badRequest)
        } else {
            session.user = user
            respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     ```swift"/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, user: User,
                             respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        if session.user == nil {
            return respondWith(nil, .badRequest)
        } else {
            session.user = user
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an optional `User`, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, ruser: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        if session.user == nil {
            return respondWith(nil, .badRequest)
        } else {
            session.user = user
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with an `Identifier` and a Codable object, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, user: User, respondWith: (Int?, User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        let newId = session.users.count + 1
        session.user[newId] = user
        respondWith(newId, user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     ```swift"/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, user: User, respondWith: (Int?, User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance and a Codable object, and returns an Identifier and a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, I, @escaping IdentifierCodableResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructIdentOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with an `Identifier` and a Codable object, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, user: User, respondWith: (Int?, User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        let newId = session.users.count + 1
        session.user[newId] = user
        respondWith(newId, user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a Codable object, and returns an Identifier and a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, I, @escaping IdentifierCodableResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructIdentOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a POST request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with an `Identifier` and a Codable object, or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, ruser: User, respondWith: (Int?, User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        let newId = session.users.count + 1
        session.user[newId] = user
        respondWith(newId, user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances and a Codable object, and returns an Identifier and a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func post<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, I, @escaping IdentifierCodableResultClosure<Id, O>) -> Void
    ) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructIdentOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PUT request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession,  id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
         session.user[id] = user
         respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.put("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3,
     id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func put<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPutRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        put(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PUT type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PUT request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2,  id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[id] = user
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func put<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPutRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        put(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PUT type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PUT request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     ```swift"/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, r id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        session.user[id] = user
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func put<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPutRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        put(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PUT type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PATCH request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts a successfully executed instance of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.patch("/user") { (session: MySession, id: Int, inputUser: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        } = ?? = ??
        respondWith(user, nil)
     #### Multiple Middleware: ####
     The closure can process up to three `TypeSafeMiddleware` objects by defining them in the handler:
     router.patch("/user") { (middle1: Middle1, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3,
     id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives a TypeSafeMiddleware instance, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func patch<T: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPatchRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        patch(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PATCH type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))


     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PATCH request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts two successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.patch("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, id: Int, inputUser: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        } = ?? = ??
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives two TypeSafeMiddleware instances, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func patch<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPatchRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        patch(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PATCH type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

     Sets up a closure that will be invoked when a PATCH request to the provided route is received by the server.
     The closure accepts three successfully executed instances of `TypeSafeMiddleware`, an `Identifier`, a Codable object
     and a handler which responds with a single Codable object or a `RequestError`.
     The handler contains the developer's logic, which determines the server's response.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     In this example, `MySession` is a struct that conforms to the `TypeSafeMiddleware` protocol and specifies an [Int: User] dictionary, where `User` conforms to Codable.
     router.patch("/user") { (session: MySession, middle2: Middle2, middle3: Middle3, rid: Int, inputUser: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        guard let user: User = session.user[id] else {
            return respondWith(nil, .notFound)
        } = ?? = ??
        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the URL path that will invoke the handler.
     - Parameter handler: A closure that receives three TypeSafeMiddleware instances, an Identifier and a Codable object, and returns a Codable object or a RequestError.
    public func patch<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware, Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(
        _ route: String,
        handler: @escaping (T1, T2, T3, Id, I, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void
    ) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPatchRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        patch(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PATCH type-safe request")
            self.handleMiddleware(T1.self, T2.self, T3.self, request: request, response: response) { typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3 in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1, let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2, let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                    return next()
                guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                    let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
                else {
                    return next()
                handler(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3, identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))


    // Function to call the static handle function of a TypeSafeMiddleware and on success return
    // an instance of the middleware or on failing set the response error and return nil.
    private func handleMiddleware<T: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ middlewareType: T.Type,
        request: RouterRequest,
        response: RouterResponse,
        completion: @escaping (T?) -> Void
    ) {
        T.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware: T?, error: RequestError?) in
            guard let typeSafeMiddleware = typeSafeMiddleware else {
                response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                return completion(nil)

    // Function to call the static handle function of two TypeSafeMiddleware in sequence and on success return
    // both instances of the middlewares or on failing set the response error and return at least one nil.
    private func handleMiddleware<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ middlewareOneType: T1.Type,
        _ middlewareTwoType: T2.Type,
        request: RouterRequest,
        response: RouterResponse,
        completion: @escaping (T1?, T2?) -> Void
    ) {
        T1.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware1: T1?, error: RequestError?) in
            guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1 else {
                response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                return completion(nil, nil)
            T2.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware2: T2?, error: RequestError?) in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                    return completion(typeSafeMiddleware1, nil)
                completion(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2)

    // Function to call the static handle function of three TypeSafeMiddleware in sequence and on success return
    // all instances of the middlewares or on failing set the response error and return at least one nil.
    private func handleMiddleware<T1: TypeSafeMiddleware, T2: TypeSafeMiddleware, T3: TypeSafeMiddleware>(
        _ middlewareOneType: T1.Type,
        _ middlewareTwoType: T2.Type,
        _ middlewareThreeType: T3.Type,
        request: RouterRequest,
        response: RouterResponse,
        completion: @escaping (T1?, T2?, T3?) -> Void
    ) {
        T1.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware1: T1?, error: RequestError?) in
            guard let typeSafeMiddleware1 = typeSafeMiddleware1 else {
                response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                return completion(nil, nil, nil)
            T2.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware2: T2?, error: RequestError?) in
                guard let typeSafeMiddleware2 = typeSafeMiddleware2 else {
                    response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                    return completion(typeSafeMiddleware1, nil, nil)
                T3.handle(request: request, response: response) { (typeSafeMiddleware3: T3?, error: RequestError?) in
                    guard let typeSafeMiddleware3 = typeSafeMiddleware3 else {
                        response.status(CodableHelpers.httpStatusCode(from: error ?? .internalServerError))
                        return completion(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, nil)
                    completion(typeSafeMiddleware1, typeSafeMiddleware2, typeSafeMiddleware3)