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Test Coverage
 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2017
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import Foundation
import LoggerAPI
import KituraNet
import KituraContracts

/// Bridge [RequestError](
/// from [KituraContracts]( so that you only need to import
/// `Kitura` to access it.
public typealias RequestError = KituraContracts.RequestError

// Codable router

extension Router {

    // MARK: Codable Routing

     Setup a CodableArrayClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/users") { (respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(users, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A CodableArrayClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableArrayClosure<O>) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a SimpleCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //Status is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/status") { (respondWith: (Status?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(status, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A SimpleCodableClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping SimpleCodableClosure<O>) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a IdentifierSimpleCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/users") { (id: Int, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: An IdentifierSimpleCodableClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierSimpleCodableClosure<Id, O>) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a IdentifierCodableArrayClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.
     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/users") { (respondWith: ([(Int, User)]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
        respondWith([(Int, User)], nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A IdentifierCodableArrayClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableArrayClosure<Id, O>) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)
     Setup a (QueryParams, CodableArrayResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     // User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/query") { (query: MyQuery, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(users, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams, CodableArrayResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a (QueryParams, CodableResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     // User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/query") { (query: MyQuery, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


     respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams, CodableResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a (QueryParams?, CodableArrayResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     // User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/query") { (query: MyQuery?, respondWith: ([User]?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(users, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams?, CodableArrayResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a (QueryParams?, CodableResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     // User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.get("/query") { (query: MyQuery?, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


     respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams?, CodableResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func get<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        getSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a NonCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     router.delete("/users") { (respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in


     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: An NonCodableClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func delete(_ route: String, handler: @escaping NonCodableClosure) {
        deleteSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a IdentifierNonCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     router.delete("/users") { (id: Int, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in


     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: An IdentifierNonCodableClosure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func delete<Id: Identifier>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierNonCodableClosure<Id>) {
        deleteSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a (QueryParams, ResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     router.delete("/query") { (query: MyQuery, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in


     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams, ResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func delete<Q: QueryParams>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void) {
        deleteSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a (QueryParams?, ResultClosure) -> Void on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     // MyQuery is a codable struct defining the supported query parameters
     router.delete("/query") { (query: MyQuery?, respondWith: (RequestError?) -> Void) in


     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A (QueryParams?, ResultClosure) -> Void that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func delete<Q: QueryParams>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void) {
        deleteSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a CodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a POST request comes to the server.
     In this scenario, the ID (i.e. unique identifier) is a field in the Codable instance.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable"/users") { (user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A Codable closure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func post<I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableClosure<I, O>) {
        postSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a CodableIdentifierClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a POST request comes to the server.
     In this scenario, the ID (i.e. unique identifier) for the Codable instance is a separate field (which is sent back to the client
     in the location HTTP header).

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable"/users") { (user: User, respondWith: (Int?, User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(id, user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: A Codable closure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func post<I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableIdentifierClosure<I, Id, O>) {
        postSafelyWithId(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a IdentifierCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     router.put("/users") { (id: Int, user: User, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) in


        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: An Identifier Codable closure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func put<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableClosure<Id, I, O>) {
        putSafely(route, handler: handler)

     Setup a IdentifierCodableClosure on the provided route which will be invoked when a request comes to the server.

     ### Usage Example: ###
     //User is a struct object that conforms to Codable
     //OptionalUser is a struct object that conforms to Codable where all properties are optional
     router.patch("/users") { (id: Int, patchUser: OptionalUser, respondWith: (User?, RequestError?) -> Void) -> Void in


        respondWith(user, nil)
     - Parameter route: A String specifying the pattern that needs to be matched, in order for the handler to be invoked.
     - Parameter handler: An Identifier Codable closure that gets invoked when a request comes to the server.
    public func patch<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableClosure<Id, I, O>) {
        patchSafely(route, handler: handler)

    // POST
    fileprivate func postSafely<I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableClosure<I, O>) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
            handler(codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

    // POST
    fileprivate func postSafelyWithId<I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableIdentifierClosure<I, Id, O>) {
        registerPostRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        post(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received POST type-safe request")
            guard let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response) else {
            handler(codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructIdentOutResultHandler(successStatus: .created, response: response, completion: next))

    // PUT with Identifier
    fileprivate func putSafely<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableClosure<Id, I, O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPutRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        put(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PUT type-safe request")
            guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                  let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
            else {
            handler(identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // PATCH
    fileprivate func patchSafely<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableClosure<Id, I, O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerPatchRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self)
        patch(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received PATCH type-safe request")
            guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response),
                  let codableInput = CodableHelpers.readCodableOrSetResponseStatus(I.self, from: request, response: response)
            else {
            handler(identifier, codableInput, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // Get single
    fileprivate func getSafely<O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping SimpleCodableClosure<O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: false) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (single no-identifier) type-safe request")
            handler(CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // Get array
    fileprivate func getSafely<O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping CodableArrayClosure<O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: false) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request")
            handler(CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
    // Get array of (Id, Codable) tuples
    fileprivate func getSafely<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierCodableArrayClosure<Id, O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: false) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural with identifier) type-safe request")
            handler(CodableHelpers.constructTupleArrayOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // Get w/Query Parameters
    fileprivate func getSafely<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            do {
                let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error

    // Get w/Query Parameters with CodableResultClosure
    fileprivate func getSafely<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular) type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            // Define result handler
            do {
                let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error

    // Get w/Optional Query Parameters
    fileprivate func getSafely<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping CodableArrayResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true, outputType: O.self, outputIsArray: true)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (plural) type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            do {
                var query: Q? = nil
                let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                    query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error

    // Get w/Optional Query Parameters with CodableResultClosure
    fileprivate func getSafely<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping CodableResultClosure<O>) -> Void) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true, outputType: O.self)
        get(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular) type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            // Define result handler
            do {
                var query: Q? = nil
                let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                    query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error
    // GET single identified element
    fileprivate func getSafely<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierSimpleCodableClosure<Id, O>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerGetRoute(route: route, id: Id.self, outputType: O.self)
        get(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received GET (singular with identifier) type-safe request")
            guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
            handler(identifier, CodableHelpers.constructOutResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // DELETE
    fileprivate func deleteSafely(_ route: String, handler: @escaping NonCodableClosure) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: false) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (plural) type-safe request")
            handler(CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // DELETE single element
    fileprivate func deleteSafely<Id: Identifier>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping IdentifierNonCodableClosure<Id>) {
        if !pathSyntaxIsValid(route, identifierExpected: true) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, id: Id.self)
        delete(appendId(path: route)) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE (singular) type-safe request")
            guard let identifier = CodableHelpers.parseIdOrSetResponseStatus(Id.self, from: request, response: response) else {
            handler(identifier, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))

    // DELETE w/Query Parameters
    fileprivate func deleteSafely<Q: QueryParams>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: false)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            do {
                let query: Q = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: request.queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error

    // DELETE w/Optional Query Parameters
    fileprivate func deleteSafely<Q: QueryParams>(_ route: String, handler: @escaping (Q?, @escaping ResultClosure) -> Void) {
        registerDeleteRoute(route: route, queryParams: Q.self, optionalQParam: true)
        delete(route) { request, response, next in
            Log.verbose("Received DELETE type-safe request with Query Parameters")
            Log.verbose("Query Parameters: \(request.queryParameters)")
            do {
                var query: Q? = nil
                let queryParameters = request.queryParameters
                if queryParameters.count > 0 {
                    query = try QueryDecoder(dictionary: queryParameters).decode(Q.self)
                handler(query, CodableHelpers.constructResultHandler(response: response, completion: next))
            } catch {
                // Http 400 error

    /// Precondition: Path is known to contain a : character
    func pathHasSingleParamIdAsSuffix(_ path: String) -> Bool {
        let pathArray = path.split(separator: ":", maxSplits: 1)
        if pathArray.count > 1 {
            return pathArray[1] == "id"
        return false
    func pathSyntaxIsValid(_ path: String, identifierExpected: Bool) -> Bool {
        let identifierSupplied = path.contains(":")
        switch (identifierExpected, identifierSupplied) {
        case (false, true):
            Log.error("Path '\(path)' is not allowed: Codable routes do not allow path parameters.")
            return false
        case (true, false):
  "Identifier expected for '\(path)'. :id will be automatically appended to the path.")
            return true
        case (true, true):
            guard pathHasSingleParamIdAsSuffix(path) else {
                Log.error("Erroneous path '\(path)' is not allowed. Codable routes support a trailing id parameter only.")
                return false
            return true
        case (false, false):
            return true

    /// Append the `:id` parameter to a path that does not already contain a parameter.
    /// If the path already contains a parameter, it will be returned unmodified.
    internal func appendId(path base: String) -> String {
        let identifierSupplied = base.contains(":")
        guard !identifierSupplied else {
            return base
        return joinPath(base, with: ":id")

    /// Join two path components together such that they are separated by a single `/`.
    private func joinPath(_ base: String, with component: String) -> String {
        let strippedBase = base.hasSuffix("/") ? String(base.dropLast()) : base
        let strippedComponent = component.hasPrefix("/") ? String(component.dropFirst()) : component
        return "\(strippedBase)/\(strippedComponent)"

 * Building blocks for Codable routing, intended for convenience when implementing
 * extensions to the `Router` that interoperate with `Codable` types.
public struct CodableHelpers {
     * Check if the given request has content type JSON
     * - Parameter request: The RouterRequest to check
     * - Returns: True if the content type of the request is application/json, false otherwise
    public static func isContentTypeJSON(_ request: RouterRequest) -> Bool {
        // FIXME: This should be a simple lookup of content type cached on the RouterRequest
        guard let contentType = request.headers["Content-Type"] else {
            return false
        return contentType.hasPrefix("application/json")
     * Check if the given request has content type x-www-form-urlencoded
     * - Parameter request: The RouterRequest to check
     * - Returns: True if the content type of the request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, false otherwise
    public static func isContentTypeURLEncoded(_ request: RouterRequest) -> Bool {
        // FIXME: This should be a simple lookup of content type cached on the RouterRequest
        guard let contentType = request.headers["Content-Type"] else {
            return false
        return contentType.hasPrefix("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
     * Get the HTTPStatusCode corresponding to the provided RequestError
     * - Parameter from: The RequestError to map to a HTTPStatusCode
     * - Returns: A HTTPStatusCode corresponding to the RequestError http code
     *            if valid, or HTTPStatusCode.unknown otherwise
    public static func httpStatusCode(from error: RequestError) -> HTTPStatusCode {
        // ORM status code 7XX mapped to internalServerError 500
        if error.httpCode >= 700 && error.httpCode < 800 { return HTTPStatusCode.internalServerError }
        return HTTPStatusCode(rawValue: error.rawValue) ?? HTTPStatusCode.unknown

     * Create a closure that can be called by a codable route handler that
     * provides only an optional `RequestError`
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will create a closure that can be passed to the registered
     *         route handler.
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` to which the codable response error and
     *                       status code will be written
     * - Parameter completion: The completion to be called after the returned
     *                         closure completes execution.
     * - Returns: The closure to pass to the codable route handler. The closure takes one argument
     *            `(RequestError?)`.
     *            If the argument is `nil` then the response will be considered successful, otherwise
     *            it will be considered failed.
     *            If successful, the HTTP status code will be set to `HTTPStatusCode.noContent` and no
     *            body will be sent.
     *            If failed, the HTTP status code used for the response will be set to either the
     *            `httpCode` of the `RequestError`, if that is a valid HTTP status code, or
     *            `HTTPStatusCode.unknown` otherwise. If the `RequestError` has a codable `body` then
     *            it will be encoded and sent as the body of the response.
    public static func constructResultHandler(response: RouterResponse, completion: @escaping () -> Void) -> ResultClosure {
        return { error in
            if let error = error {
                response.status(httpStatusCode(from: error))
                do {
                    if let bodyData = try error.encodeBody(.json) {
                        response.send(data: bodyData)
                } catch {
                    Log.error("Could not encode error: \(error)")
            } else {

     * Create a closure that can be called by a codable route handler that
     * provides an optional `Codable` body and an optional `RequestError`
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will create a closure that can be passed to the registered
     *         route handler.
     * - Parameter successStatus: The `HTTPStatusCode` to use for a successful response (see below)
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` to which the codable response body (or codable
     *                       error) and status code will be written
     * - Parameter completion: The completion to be called after the returned
     *                         closure completes execution.
     * - Returns: The closure to pass to the codable route handler. The closure takes two arguments
     *            `(OutputType?, RequestError?)`.
     *            If the second (error) argument is `nil` then the first (body) argument should be non-`nil`
     *            and the response will be considered successful. If the second (error) argument is non-`nil`
     *            then the first argument is ignored and the response is considered failed.
     *            If successful, the HTTP status code will be set to `successStatus` and the `CodableResultClosure` output
     *            will be JSON encoded and sent as the body of the response.
     *            If failed, the HTTP status code used for the response will be set to either the
     *            `httpCode` of the `RequestError`, if that is a valid HTTP status code, or
     *            `HTTPStatusCode.unknown` otherwise. If the `RequestError` has a codable `body` then
     *            it will be encoded and sent as the body of the response.
    public static func constructOutResultHandler<OutputType: Codable>(successStatus: HTTPStatusCode = .OK, response: RouterResponse, completion: @escaping () -> Void) -> CodableResultClosure<OutputType> {
        return { codableOutput, error in
            var status = successStatus
            if let error = error {
                status = httpStatusCode(from: error)
            if status.class != .successful, let error = error {
                do {
                    if let bodyData = try error.encodeBody(.json) {
                        response.send(data: bodyData)
                } catch {
                    Log.error("Could not encode error: \(error)")
            } else {
                if let codableOutput = codableOutput {
                } else {
                    Log.debug("Note: successful response ('\(status)') delivers no data.")

     * Create a closure that can be called by a codable route handler that
     * provides an array of tuples of (Identifier, Codable) and an optional `RequestError`
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will create a closure that can be passed to the registered
     *         route handler.
     * - Parameter successStatus: The `HTTPStatusCode` to use for a successful response (see below)
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` to which the codable response body (or codable
     *                       error) and status code will be written
     * - Parameter completion: The completion to be called after the returned
     *                         closure completes execution.
     * - Returns: The closure to pass to the codable route handler. The closure takes two arguments
     *            `([(Id, OutputType)]?, RequestError?)`.
     *            If the second (error) argument is `nil` then the first argument (body) should be non-`nil`
     *            and the response will be considered successful. If the second (error) argument is non-`nil`
     *            then the first argument is ignored and the response is considered failed.
     *            If successful, the HTTP status code will be set to `successStatus` and the `IdentifierCodableArrayResultClosure` output
     *            will be JSON encoded as an array of dictionaries, which is then sent as the body of the response.
     *            If failed, the HTTP status code used for the response will be set to either the
     *            `httpCode` of the `RequestError`, if that is a valid HTTP status code, or
     *            `HTTPStatusCode.unknown` otherwise. If the `RequestError` has a codable `body` then
     *            it will be encoded and sent as the body of the response.
    public static func constructTupleArrayOutResultHandler<Id: Identifier, OutputType: Codable>(successStatus: HTTPStatusCode = .OK, response: RouterResponse, completion: @escaping () -> Void) -> IdentifierCodableArrayResultClosure<Id, OutputType> {
        return { codableOutput, error in
            var status = successStatus
            if let error = error {
                status = httpStatusCode(from: error)
            if status.class != .successful, let error = error {
                do {
                    if let bodyData = try error.encodeBody(.json) {
                        response.send(data: bodyData)
                } catch {
                    Log.error("Could not encode error: \(error)")
            } else {
                if let codableOutput = codableOutput {
                    let entries ={ [$0.value: $1] })
                } else {
                    Log.debug("Note: successful response ('\(status)') delivers no data.")
     * Create a closure that can be called by a codable route handler that
     * provides an optional `Identifier` id, optional `Codable` body and an optional `RequestError`
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will create a closure that can be passed to the registered
     *         route handler.
     * - Parameter successStatus: The `HTTPStatusCode` to use for a successful response (see below)
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` to which the id, codable response body (or codable
     *                       error) and status code will be written
     * - Parameter completion: The completion to be called after the returned
     *                         closure completes execution.
     * - Returns: The closure to pass to the codable route handler. The closure takes three arguments
     *            `(IdType?, OutputType?, RequestError?)`.
     *            If the third (error) argument is `nil` then the first (id) and second (body) arguments
     *            should both be non-`nil` and the response will be considered successful. If the third
     *            (error) argument is non-`nil` then the first and second arguments are ignored and the
     *            response is considered failed.
     *            If successful, the HTTP status code will be set to `successStatus`, the `IdentifierCodableResultClosure` output
     *            will be JSON encoded and sent as the body of the response, and the `Location` header of the
     *            response will be set to the id (by converting it to a `String` using its `value` property).
     *            If failed, the HTTP status code used for the response will be set to either the
     *            `httpCode` of the `RequestError`, if that is a valid HTTP status code, or
     *            `HTTPStatusCode.unknown` otherwise. If the `RequestError` has a codable `body` then
     *            it will be encoded and sent as the body of the response.
    public static func constructIdentOutResultHandler<IdType: Identifier, OutputType: Codable>(successStatus: HTTPStatusCode = .OK, response: RouterResponse, completion: @escaping () -> Void) -> IdentifierCodableResultClosure<IdType, OutputType> {
        return { id, codableOutput, error in
            var status = successStatus
            if let error = error {
                status = httpStatusCode(from: error)
            if status.class != .successful, let error = error {
                do {
                    if let bodyData = try error.encodeBody(.json) {
                        response.send(data: bodyData)
                } catch {
                    Log.error("Could not encode error: \(error)")
            } else if let id = id {
                response.headers["Location"] = String(id.value)
                if let codableOutput = codableOutput {
                } else {
                    Log.debug("Note: successful response ('\(status)') delivers no data.")
            } else {
                Log.error("No id (unique identifier) value provided.")

     * Read data from the request body and decode as the given `InputType`, setting an error
     * status on the given response in the case of failure.
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will read the codable input object from the request that can be passed
     *         to a codable route handler.
     * - Parameter inputCodableType: The `InputType.Type` (a concrete type complying to `Codable`)
     *                               to use to represent the decoded body data.
     * - Parameter request: The `RouterRequest` from which to read the body data.
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` on which to set any error HTTP status codes in
     *                       cases where reading or decoding the data fails.
     * - Returns: An instance of `InputType` representing the decoded body data.
    public static func readCodableOrSetResponseStatus<InputType: Codable>(_ inputCodableType: InputType.Type, from request: RouterRequest, response: RouterResponse) -> InputType? {
        guard request.decoder != nil else {
            return nil
        guard !request.hasBodyParserBeenUsed else {
            Log.error("No data in request. Codable routes do not allow the use of BodyParser.")
            return nil
        do {
            return try InputType.self)
        } catch {
            Log.error("Failed to read Codable input from request: \(error)")
            if let decodingError = error as? DecodingError {
                response.send("Could not decode received data: \(decodingError.humanReadableDescription)")
            } else {
                // Linux Swift does not send a DecodingError when the JSON is invalid, instead it sends Error "The operation could not be completed"
                response.send("Could not decode received data.")
            return nil
     * Read an id from the request URL, setting an error status on the given response in the case of failure.
     * - Note: This function is intended for use by the codable router or extensions
     *         thereof. It will read and id from the request that can be passed
     *         to a codable route handler.
     * - Parameter idType: The `IdType.Type` (a concrete type complying to `Identifier`) to use
     *                     to represent the id.
     * - Parameter request: The `RouterRequest` from which to read the URL.
     * - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` on which to set any error HTTP status codes in
     *                       cases where reading or decoding the data fails.
     * - Returns: An instance of `IdType` representing the id.
    public static func parseIdOrSetResponseStatus<IdType: Identifier>(_ idType: IdType.Type, from request: RouterRequest, response: RouterResponse) -> IdType? {
        guard let idParameter = request.parameters["id"],
              let id = try? IdType(value: idParameter)
        else {
            // TODO: Should this be .notFound?
            return nil
        return id

//extension Router {
//    // CRUD API codable routing
//    // (URL path and HTTP verb are inferred by the framework)
//    public func register<I: Persistable>(api: I.Type) {
//        api.registerHandlers(router: self)
//        Log.verbose("Registered API: \(api)")
//    }

// Persistable extension
//extension Persistable {
//    static func registerHandlers(router: Router) {
//        router.postSafely(route, handler: self.create)
//        Log.verbose("Registered POST for: \(self)")
//        // Register update
//        router.putSafely(route, handler: self.update)
//        Log.verbose("Registered PUT for: \(self)")
//        // Register read ALL
//        router.getSafely(route, handler: as Router.CodableArrayClosure)
//        Log.verbose("Registered GET for: \(self)")
//        // Register read Single
//        router.getSafely(route, handler: as Router.IdentifierSimpleCodableClosure)
//        Log.verbose("Registered single GET for: \(self)")
//        // Register delete all
//        router.deleteSafely(route, handler: self.delete as Router.NonCodableClosure)
//        Log.verbose("Registered DELETE for: \(self)")
//        // Register delete single
//        router.deleteSafely(route, handler: self.delete as Router.IdentifierNonCodableClosure)
//        Log.verbose("Registered single DELETE for: \(self)")
//    }