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 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2016, 2017
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import LoggerAPI

import Foundation

// MARK RouteRegex

/// :nodoc:
/// This class has no public functions and in only used internally within RouterElement.
/// A set of helper functions for router path matching using regular expression.
public class RouteRegex {
    /// A shared instance of RouteRegex.
    public static let sharedInstance = RouteRegex()

    private let namedCaptureRegex: NSRegularExpression
    private let unnamedCaptureRegex: NSRegularExpression
    private let keyRegex: NSRegularExpression
    private let nonKeyRegex: NSRegularExpression
    private let complexRouteCharacters = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "*.:+?()[]\\")

    private init() {
        do {
            namedCaptureRegex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(.*)?(?:\\:(\\w+)(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))?(?:([+*?])?))", options: [])
            unnamedCaptureRegex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(.*)?(?:(?:\\(((?:\\\\.|[^()])+)\\))(?:([+*?])?))", options: [])
            keyRegex = namedCaptureRegex
            nonKeyRegex = unnamedCaptureRegex
        } catch {
            Log.error("Failed to create regular expressions used to parse Route patterns")

    /// Builds a regular expression from a String pattern
    /// - Parameter pattern: Optional string
    /// - Parameter allowPartialMatch: True if a partial match is allowed. Defaults to false.
    /// - Returns: A tuple of the compiled `NSRegularExpression?`, a bool as to whether or not
    ///            this is a simple String compare, and array of keys
    internal func buildRegex(fromPattern: String?, allowPartialMatch: Bool = false) -> (NSRegularExpression?, Bool, [String]?) {
        guard let pattern = fromPattern else {
            return (nil, false, nil)

        // Check and see if the pattern is a simple string (no captures and not a regular expression)
        if pattern.rangeOfCharacter(from: complexRouteCharacters) == nil {
            return (nil, true, nil)

        var regexStr = "^"
        var keys = [String]()
        var nonKeyIndex = 0

        let paths = pattern.split(separator: "/")

        for path in paths {
            (regexStr, keys, nonKeyIndex) =
                handlePath(String(path), regexStr: regexStr, keys: keys, nonKeyIndex: nonKeyIndex)

        if allowPartialMatch {
            // Allows the route to match exactly, or match any additional text after its trailing '/'
            // i.e. the route defined on the path "/hello" will match "/hello/foo/bar"
        } else {
            // Allows the route to match exactly, or with a trailing '/'
            // i.e. the route defined on the path "/hello" will match only "/hello" or "/hello/"

        var regex: NSRegularExpression? = nil
        do {
            regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: regexStr, options: [])
        } catch {
            Log.error("Failed to compile the regular expression for the route \(pattern)")

        return (regex, false, keys)

    func handlePath(_ path: String, regexStr: String, keys: [String], nonKeyIndex: Int) ->
        (regexStr: String, keys: [String], nonKeyIndex: Int) {
            var nonKeyIndex = nonKeyIndex
            var keys = keys
            var regexStr = regexStr

            // If there was a leading slash, there will be an empty component in the split
            if  path.isEmpty {
                return (regexStr, keys, nonKeyIndex)

            let (matched, prefix, matchExp, plusQuestStar) =
                matchRangesInPath(path, nonKeyIndex: &nonKeyIndex, keys: &keys)

            let toAppend: String
            if  matched { // A path element with no capture
                toAppend = getStringToAppendToRegex(plusQuestStar: plusQuestStar,
                                                    prefix: prefix, matchExp: matchExp)
            } else {
                toAppend = "/\(path)"  // A path element with no capture

            return (regexStr, keys, nonKeyIndex)

    func matchRangesInPath(_ path: String, nonKeyIndex: inout Int, keys: inout [String]) ->
        (match: Bool, prefix: String, matchExp: String, plusQuestStar: String) {
            var matched = false
            var prefix = ""
            var matchExp = "[^/]+?"
            var plusQuestStar = ""

            if  path == "*" {
                // Handle a path element of * specially
                return (true, prefix, ".*", plusQuestStar)

            let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: path.count)
            let nsPath = NSString(string: path)           // Needed for substring

            if let keyMatch = keyRegex.firstMatch(in: path, options: [], range: range) {
                // We found a path element with a named/key capture
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: keyMatch, at: 1, to: &prefix)
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: keyMatch, at: 3, to: &matchExp)
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: keyMatch, at: 4, to: &plusQuestStar)

                let keyMatchRange = keyMatch.range(at: 2)
                keys.append(nsPath.substring(with: keyMatchRange))
                matched = true
            } else if let nonKeyMatch = nonKeyRegex.firstMatch(in: path, options: [], range: range) {
                // We found a path element with an unnamed capture
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: nonKeyMatch, at: 1, to: &prefix)
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: nonKeyMatch, at: 2, to: &matchExp)
                extract(fromPath: nsPath, with: nonKeyMatch, at: 3, to: &plusQuestStar)

                matched = true

            return (matched, prefix, matchExp, plusQuestStar)

    func extract(fromPath path: NSString, with match: NSTextCheckingResult, at index: Int,
                 to string: inout String) {
        let range = match.range(at: index)

        if  range.location != NSNotFound  &&  range.location != -1 {
            string = path.substring(with: range)

    func getStringToAppendToRegex(plusQuestStar: String, prefix: String,
                                  matchExp: String) -> String {
        // We have some kind of capture for this path element
        // Build the runtime regex depending on whether or not there is "repetition"
        switch plusQuestStar {
        case "+":
            return "/\(prefix)(\(matchExp)(?:/\(matchExp))*)"
        case "?":
            if  prefix.isEmpty {
                return "(?:/(\(matchExp)))?"
            return "/\(prefix)(?:(\(matchExp)))?"
        case "*":
            if  prefix.isEmpty {
                return "(?:/(\(matchExp)(?:/\(matchExp))*))?"
            return "/\(prefix)(?:(\(matchExp)(?:/\(matchExp))*))?"
            return "/\(prefix)(?:(\(matchExp)))"