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Test Coverage
 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2018
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import LoggerAPI
import KituraNet
import KituraContracts
import TypeDecoder

typealias QParams = OrderedDictionary<String, TypeInfo>

// Definition of document output formats.
enum SwaggerDocumentFormat {
    case json
    case yaml // not currently supported.

// Errors that can be thrown.
enum SwaggerGenerationError: Swift.Error {
    case invalidSwiftType
    case notImplemented
    case encodingError

// Container for Swagger response type.
struct SwaggerResponseType {
    // Indicates whether the response payload is optional
    var optional: Bool
    // Indicates whether the response should be declared as an array type
    var array: Bool
    // Indicates that the response returns a tuple of identifier and payload
    var tuple: Bool
    // The Swift type corresponding to the response type, or `nil` if there is no response payload
    var type: Decodable.Type?
    // The HTTP status code to associate with this response, or `nil` to define the 'default' response
    var statusCode: HTTPStatusCode?

// Container for Swagger document information.
struct SwaggerInfo: Encodable {
    var version: String
    var description: String
    var title: String

// Container for a reference.
struct SingleReference: Encodable {
    let ref: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case ref = "$ref"

// Container for an array of an internally referenced model. This is only used
// within responses.
// Note: By internally referenced, a reference in the definitions section of the
// Swagger document is inferred.
struct ArrayReference: Encodable {
    let type: String = "array"
    let items: SingleReference

struct AdditionalReference: Encodable {
    let type: String = "object"
    let additionalProperties: SingleReference

// Container for a reference.
struct TupleReference: Encodable {
    let type: String = "array"
    let items: AdditionalReference

// enum ResponseSchema describes all types of response:
// 1. An array of an internally referenced model
// 2. A single internally referenced model.
enum ResponseSchema: Encodable {
    case array(ArrayReference)
    case single(SingleReference)
    case tuple(TupleReference)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
        case .array(let arrayRef): try container.encode(arrayRef)
        case .single(let singleRef): try container.encode(singleRef)
        case .tuple(let tupleRef): try container.encode(tupleRef)

// enum CollectionFormat describes all types of array collections.
enum CollectionFormat: String, Encodable {
    case csv, ssv, tsv, pipes, multi

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        try container.encode(self.rawValue)

// struct BodyParameter: container for body parameter fields.
struct BodyParameter: Encodable {
    let invalue: String = "body"
    let name: String
    let required: Bool = true
    let schema: SingleReference?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case invalue = "in", name, required, schema

// struct PathParameter: container for path parameter fields.
struct PathParameter: Encodable {
    let invalue: String = "path"
    let name: String
    let required: Bool = true
    let type: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case invalue = "in", name, required, type

// struct QueryParamArrayItems: container for query parameter array items fields.
struct QueryParamArrayItems: Encodable {
    let type: String
    let format: String?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case type, format

// struct QueryParamArray: container for query parameter array fields.
struct QueryParamArray: Encodable {
    let invalue: String = "query"
    let name: String
    let required: Bool
    let type: String = "array"
    let items: QueryParamArrayItems
    let collectionFormat: CollectionFormat

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case invalue = "in", name, required, type, items, collectionFormat

// struct QueryParamArray: container for query parameter single fields.
struct QueryParamSingle: Encodable {
    let invalue: String = "query"
    let name: String
    let required: Bool
    let type: String
    let format: String?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case invalue = "in", name, required, type, format

// struct QueryParamArray: container for query parameter fields.
enum QueryParameter: Encodable {
    case array(QueryParamArray)
    case single(QueryParamSingle)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()

        switch self {
        case .array(let queryParamArray): try container.encode(queryParamArray)
        case .single(let queryParamSingle): try container.encode(queryParamSingle)

// Container for Swagger Parameters.
enum SwaggerParameter: Encodable {
    case body(BodyParameter)
    case path(PathParameter)
    case query(QueryParameter)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()

        switch self {
        case .body(let bodyParameter): try container.encode(bodyParameter)
        case .path(let pathParameter): try container.encode(pathParameter)
        case .query(let queryParameter): try container.encode(queryParameter)

// Container for header.
struct SwaggerHeader: Encodable {
    let description: String
    let type: String

// Container for headers.
typealias SwaggerHeaders = Dictionary<String, SwaggerHeader>

// Container for Swagger Response.
struct SwaggerResponse: Encodable {
    let description: String
    let schema: ResponseSchema?
    let headers: SwaggerHeaders?

// Container for Swagger Responses.
typealias SwaggerResponses = Dictionary<String, SwaggerResponse>

// Container for Swagger Method.
struct SwaggerMethod: Encodable {
    var consumes: [String]?
    var produces: [String]?
    var parameters: [SwaggerParameter]?
    var responses: SwaggerResponses

// Container for Swagger Methods.
typealias SwaggerMethods = Dictionary<String, SwaggerMethod>

// Container for array of native Swift types.
struct NativeArraySchema: Encodable {
    var type: String?
    var format: String?

    init(type: String) {
        self.type = type
        self.format = nil

    init(type: String, format: String) {
        self.type = type
        self.format = format

// enum PropertyValue describes all types of Property.
enum PropertyValue: Encodable {
    case arrayref(SingleReference)
    case nativearray(NativeArraySchema)
    case singleref(SingleReference)
    case string(String)
    case dict(SwaggerProperty)

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
        case .arrayref(let reference): try container.encode(reference)
        case .singleref(let reference): try container.encode(reference)
        case .nativearray(let nativeArraySchema): try container.encode(nativeArraySchema)
        case .string(let stringValue): try container.encode(stringValue)
        case .dict(let dictSchema): try container.encode(dictSchema)

// Container for swagger Property.
typealias SwaggerProperty = Dictionary<String, PropertyValue>

// Container for swagger Properties.
typealias SwaggerProperties = OrderedDictionary<String, SwaggerProperty>

// Container for swagger Model.
struct SwaggerModel {
    var type: String
    var properties: SwaggerProperties
    var required: [String]

// Enum of supported Swift types.
// Note that there are ommissions here, notably Float80, because it is not codable.
enum SwiftType: String {
    case Bool
    case Dictionary
    case Double, Float, Float32, Float64
    case Int, UInt, Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64
    case String

    // Return the OpenApi (Swagger) type that maps to the Swift type.
    func swaggerType() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Bool:
            return "boolean"
        case .Dictionary:
            return "object"
        case .Double, .Float, .Float32, .Float64:
            return "number"
        case .Int, .UInt, .Int8, .UInt8, .Int16, .UInt16, .Int32, .UInt32, .Int64, .UInt64:
            return "integer"
        case .String:
            return "string"

    // Return the OpenApi (Swagger) format needed for certain Swift types. Some
    // Swift types don't need a format, this is used to provide more info about
    // a type for an application that uses the generated Swagger doc.
    func swaggerFormat() -> String? {
        switch self {
        case .Float, .Float32, .Float64, .Int8, .UInt8, .Int16, .UInt16, .Int32, .UInt32, .Int64, .UInt64:
            return self.rawValue.lowercased()
            return nil

    // return true if name of type matches a Swift native type.
    static func isBaseType(_ typename: String) -> Bool {
        switch typename {
        case Bool.rawValue,
            return true
            return false

public struct SwaggerDocument: Encodable {
    // swagger document is the conatiner for all the openAPI information that we
    // can gather from the Kitura server. Once data is written to the structures
    // in SwaggerDocument, a call to toDocument() is used to write the document
    // to disk.
    private var swagger: String
    private var info: SwaggerInfo
    private var basePath: String
    private var schemes: [String]
    private var paths: Dictionary<String, SwaggerMethods>
    private var definitions: Dictionary<String, SwaggerModel>

    // processedSet & unprocessedSet are used for ensuring that models that are
    // only referenced from within another model are correctly processed.
    private var processedSet = Set<TypeInfo>()
    private var unprocessedSet = Set<TypeInfo>()

    // When encoding, only use these member vars as keys.
    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case swagger, info, basePath, schemes, paths

    private var dateEncodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.DateEncodingStrategy = .deferredToDate
    private var dateDecodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.DateDecodingStrategy = .deferredToDate

    public init(title: String = "Kitura Project",
                description: String = "Generated by Kitura",
                version: String = "1.0") {
        self.swagger = "2.0" = SwaggerInfo(version: version, description: description, title: title)
        self.basePath = "/"
        self.schemes = [] // The valid schemes will be populated later, at serialisation time
        self.paths = [:]
        self.definitions = [:]

    /// Gets a set of the types that have completed processing.
    public var processedTypes: Set<TypeInfo> { return processedSet }

    /// Gets a set of the types that have yet to be processed.
    public var unprocessedTypes: Set<TypeInfo> { return unprocessedSet }

    /// Retrieve the date encoding strategy from the JSONEncoder associated with the router.
    /// This must be called when the encoders are modified, as this could occur before or after
    /// route registration.
    mutating func setEncoders(_ encoders: [MediaType: () -> BodyEncoder]) {
        if let encoder = encoders[.json], let jsonEncoder = encoder() as? JSONEncoder {
            self.dateEncodingStrategy = jsonEncoder.dateEncodingStrategy

    /// Retrieve the date decoding strategy from the JSONEDecoder associated with the router.
    /// This must be called when the decoders are modified, as this could occur before or after
    /// route registration.
    mutating func setDecoders(_ decoders: [MediaType: () -> BodyDecoder]) {
        if let decoder = decoders[.json], let jsonDecoder = decoder() as? JSONDecoder {
            self.dateDecodingStrategy = jsonDecoder.dateDecodingStrategy

    // Build a SwaggerParameter from a description and a parameter type.
    // - Parameter name: A string name for the parameter.
    // - Parameter parametertype: A string representation of the parameter type.
    // - Returns: SwaggerParameter.
    func buildParameter(name: String, parameterType: String) -> SwaggerParameter {
        if name == "id" {
            // id can only be string or integer. so force the type to string if
            // it is neither.
            var idtype = "string"
            if let ptype = SwiftType(rawValue: parameterType) {
                idtype = ptype.swaggerType()
                if idtype != "integer" && idtype != "string" {
                    idtype = "string"

            let pParam = PathParameter(name: name, type: idtype)
            return SwaggerParameter.path(pParam)
        let schema = SingleReference(ref: "#/definitions/\(parameterType)")
        let bParam = BodyParameter(name: name, schema: schema)
        return SwaggerParameter.body(bParam)

    // Process a query parameter
    // - Parameter name: The name of the parameter.
    // - Parameter typeInfo: The TypeInfo that represents this parameter.
    // - Parameter parameters: An array of parameters to append to.
    // - Parameter isArray: A boolean to indicate that this parameter is an array.
    // - Parameter isRequired: A boolean to indicate that this parameter is required.
    func processQueryParameter(name: String, typeInfo: TypeInfo, parameters: inout [SwaggerParameter], isArray array: Bool=false, isRequired required: Bool=true) {
        var property = [String: String]()
        var sp: SwaggerParameter

        if case .unkeyed(_, let elementTypeInfo) = typeInfo {
            // An array container.
            processQueryParameter(name: name, typeInfo: elementTypeInfo, parameters: &parameters, isArray: true, isRequired: required)
        } else if case .optional(let wrappedTypeInfo) = typeInfo {
            // An optional container.
            processQueryParameter(name: name, typeInfo: wrappedTypeInfo, parameters: &parameters, isArray: array, isRequired: false)
        } else if case .single(_, let typeInfo) = typeInfo {
            // A native type.
            if let swifttype = SwiftType(rawValue: SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: typeInfo)) {
                property["type"] = swifttype.swaggerType()
                if let format = swifttype.swaggerFormat() {
                    property["format"] = format
                if let paramType = property["type"] {
                    if array {
                        let items = QueryParamArrayItems(type: paramType, format: property["format"])
                        let qpa = QueryParamArray(name: name, required: required, items: items, collectionFormat: CollectionFormat.csv)
                        sp = SwaggerParameter.query(QueryParameter.array(qpa))
                    } else {
                        let qps = QueryParamSingle(name: name, required: required, type: paramType, format: property["format"])
                        sp = SwaggerParameter.query(QueryParameter.single(qps))

    // Add query parameters.
    // - Parameter qParams: A QueryParams object.
    // - Parameter parameters: An array of parameters to append to.
    func addQueryParameters(qParams: QParams, allOptQParams: Bool, parameters: inout [SwaggerParameter]) {
        for (name, typeInfo) in qParams {
            processQueryParameter(name: name, typeInfo: typeInfo, parameters: &parameters, isRequired: !allOptQParams)

    func addHeader(headers: inout SwaggerHeaders, name: String, description: String, type: String) {
        headers[name] = SwaggerHeader(description: description, type: type)

    // Build a SwaggerResponse from a description and a response type.
    // - Parameter description: A string description of the response.
    // - Parameter responseType: Either an array or a single response.
    // - Returns: SwaggerResponse.
    func buildResponse(description: String, responseType: SwaggerResponseType, headers: SwaggerHeaders?) -> SwaggerResponse {
        guard let type = responseType.type else {
            return SwaggerResponse(description: description, schema: nil, headers: headers)
        var isArrayType = responseType.array
        var definition = "\(type)"
        // FIXME: Detect arrays Array<
        if definition.starts(with: "Array<") {
            definition = String(definition.split(separator: "<")[1].split(separator: ">")[0])
            isArrayType = true

        let reference = SingleReference(ref: "#/definitions/\(definition)")
        if isArrayType {
            if responseType.tuple {
                let additionalRef = AdditionalReference(additionalProperties: reference)
                let tupleRef = TupleReference(items: additionalRef)
                // Array of tuples of (identifier, reference type)
                return SwaggerResponse(description: description, schema: .tuple(tupleRef), headers: nil)
            } else {
                // Array of reference type
                return SwaggerResponse(description: description, schema: .array(ArrayReference(items: reference)), headers: headers)
        // Single response type
        return SwaggerResponse(description: description, schema: .single(reference), headers: headers)

    // Force-try is okay because we are compiling a known valid regex.
    // swiftlint:disable:next force_try
    private let tupleRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^\\(Optional\\(Swift\\.String\\), Optional\\(Swift\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)\\)$", options: [])

    // Determine if the type passed is a Dictionary.
    // - Parameter _: Any swift type.
    // - Returns: Bool, True if the type passed in was originally a Swift dictionary.
    func isDictEncodedAsTuple(_ type: Any) -> Bool {
        let typeStr = "\(type)"
        let match = tupleRegex.matches(in: typeStr, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: typeStr.count))
        return match.count == 1

    // Force-try is okay because we are compiling a known valid regex.
    // swiftlint:disable:next force_try
    private let unkeyedTypeRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^([^{\\]]+)", options: [])

    // Takes a type name for an unKeyed type (an Array) and strips the array
    // square brackets to give the type contained within the array.
    // - Parameter _: A type name for a typedecoder unKeyed type (an array type).
    // - Returns: String name of the type contained within the array.
    func getUnkeyedTypeName(_ type: String) -> String {
        var arrayType = ""
        let nsType = NSString(string: type)
        let match = unkeyedTypeRegex.matches(in: type, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: type.count))
        if match.count > 0 {
            let arrayTypeRange = match[0].range(at: 1)
            arrayType = nsType.substring(with: arrayTypeRange) as String
        return arrayType

    // From a Swift type, return a SwaggerProperty.
    // - Parameter _: Any swift type.
    // - Returns: SwaggerProperty.
    // - Throws: SwaggerGenerationError.invalidSwiftType.
    func swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(_ theSwiftType: Any) throws -> SwaggerProperty {
        // return a property with the type and format.
        var property = SwaggerProperty()
        var swiftTypeStr = SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: theSwiftType)
        if isDictEncodedAsTuple(theSwiftType) {
            swiftTypeStr = "Dictionary"

        if let type = SwiftType(rawValue: swiftTypeStr) {
            property["type"] = .string(type.swaggerType())
            if let format = type.swaggerFormat() {
                property["format"] = .string(format)
        } else {
            throw SwaggerGenerationError.invalidSwiftType
        return property

    // From a TypeInfo, this function will return a SwaggerProperty object and an isOptional indicator.
    // - Parameter _: TypeInfo for the type being decomposed.
    // - Parameter name: Name of the type being decomposed.
    // - Parameter isArray: indicate whether this is an array type.
    // - Parameter isOptional: indicate whether this is an optional type.
    // - Returns: Tuple containing  a SwaggerProperty that represents the type, and an optional flag.
    mutating func decomposeType(_ typeInfo: TypeInfo, name: String, isArray array: Bool=false, isRequired required: Bool=true) -> (SwaggerProperty, Bool) {
        var property = SwaggerProperty()

        switch typeInfo {
        case .keyed(let type, _):
            // found a keyed item, this is an embedded model that needs to be
            // turned into a separate definition and a ref to it placed here.
            addModel(model: typeInfo, forSwiftType: type)
            let typeName = SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: type)
            property["$ref"] = .string("#/definitions/\(typeName)")
            return (property, required == true)
        case .dynamicKeyed(_, _ /*let keyTypeInfo*/, let valueTypeInfo):
            // found a Dictionary, this needs to be mapped to an "object" type with additionalProperties
            property["type"] = .string("object")
            let (prop, optional) = decomposeType(valueTypeInfo, name: name, isArray: array, isRequired: required)
            property["additionalProperties"] = .dict(prop)
            return (property, optional)
        case .unkeyed(_, let elementTypeInfo):
            // found an array.
            let typeName = self.getUnkeyedTypeName(SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(typeInfo: elementTypeInfo))
            if SwiftType.isBaseType(typeName) {
                if let type = SwiftType(rawValue: typeName) {
                    if let format = type.swaggerFormat() {
                        property["items"] = .nativearray(NativeArraySchema(type: type.swaggerType(), format: format))
                    } else {
                        property["items"] = .nativearray(NativeArraySchema(type: type.swaggerType()))
            } else {
                property["items"] = .arrayref(SingleReference(ref: String(describing: "#/definitions/\(typeName)")))
            property["type"] = .string("array")

            // check that this model has been processed, if not add it to the notProcessed set.
            switch elementTypeInfo {
            case .single(_, let lowLevelType):
                // Array contains a simple type
                Log.debug("No need to process: \(lowLevelType)")
            case .cyclic(let cyclicType):
                Log.debug("No need to process: \(cyclicType)")
                // Array contains a complex type: check whether this model needs processing
                if self.processedSet.contains(elementTypeInfo) == false {
                    Log.debug("Adding unprocessed model: \(elementTypeInfo.debugDescription)")
                } else {
                    Log.debug("Already processed \(elementTypeInfo.debugDescription)")
            return (property, required == true)
        case .cyclic(let type):
            property["type"] = .string(SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: type))
            return (property, required == true)
        case .single(let swiftType, let serializedType):
            do {
                let property: SwaggerProperty
                // FIXME: This only works if encoders are configured _before_ route registration.
                if swiftType is Date.Type {
                    // Note: We do not handle a difference in input vs. output encoding - although it
                    // is possible to configure Kitura this way, it is not compatible with REST.
                    switch self.dateEncodingStrategy {
                    case .iso8601, .formatted(_):
                        // Date is serialized to a string
                        property = try swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(String.self)
                    case .secondsSince1970, .millisecondsSince1970:
                        // Date is serialized to an integer value
                        property = try swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(Int64.self)
                        // Default encoding for Date (Double)
                        property = try swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(serializedType)
                } else {
                     property = try swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(serializedType)
                return (property, required == true)
            } catch {
                Log.warning("Failed to derive a SwaggerProperty from type '\(serializedType)': \(error)")
        case .optional(let wrappedTypeInfo):
            return decomposeType(wrappedTypeInfo, name: name, isArray: array, isRequired: false)
        case .opaque(let type):
            do {
                let property = try swaggerPropertyFromSwiftType(type)
                return (property, required == true)
            } catch {
                Log.warning("Failed to derive a SwaggerProperty from type '\(type)': \(error)")
        return (property, required)

    // From a TypeInfo, this function will return a SwaggerProperty object and an isOptional indicator.
    // - Parameter _: TypeInfo for the type being decomposed.
    // - Returns: Tuple containing a SwaggerProperties object that represents the model, and a Set of required fields.
    // - Throws: SwaggerGenerationError.invalidSwiftType.
    mutating func buildModel(_ typeInfo: TypeInfo?) throws -> (properties: SwaggerProperties, required: Set<String>) {
        var modelProperties = SwaggerProperties()
        var required = Set<String>()
        guard let typeInfo = typeInfo else {throw SwaggerGenerationError.invalidSwiftType }

        if case .keyed(_, let properties) = typeInfo {
            for (k, v) in properties {
                // Log.debug("found: key:\(k), value:\(v)")
                let (prop, reqd) = decomposeType(v, name: k)
                if reqd {
                modelProperties[k] = prop
        } else {
            // This should not occur: addModel should only call buildModel for a keyed type
            Log.error("Expected a top-level (keyed) type, but received: \(typeInfo.debugDescription)")
        return (modelProperties, required)

    /// add a model into the OpenAPI (swagger) document
    /// - Parameter model: TypeInfo object that describes a model
    /// - Parameter forSwiftType: The Swift Type of the model
    mutating func addModel(model typeInfo: TypeInfo, forSwiftType: Any.Type? = nil) {
        // from the typeinfo we can extract the model name and all subordinate structures.

        // Remove this typeInfo from the unprocessed set, as we're about to process it

        // get the model name.
        switch typeInfo {
        case .keyed(let name, _):
            // A composite type (struct, class) that requires a model definition.
            let model: String
            if let swiftType = forSwiftType {
                model = SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: swiftType)
                if model != SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: name) {
                    // This composite type A encodes itself to a single value of composite type B.
                    // The swagger should describe a model of type A with structure of type B.
                    Log.debug("Note: Model name '\(model)' differs from TypeDecoded name '\(name)'. This probably indicates that it is a keyed container that encodes as a single value, complex type.")
            } else {
                model = SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: name)
            var modelDefinition: SwaggerModel

            // Check to see if we have already built this model
            guard self.definitions[model] == nil else {
                Log.debug("Already generated model '\(model)'")

            // then build all it
            do {
                Log.verbose("Building model: '\(model)'")
                let modelInfo = try buildModel(typeInfo)
                if modelInfo.required.count > 0 {
                    modelDefinition = SwaggerModel(type: "object", properties:, required: Array(modelInfo.required))
                } else {
                    modelDefinition = SwaggerModel(type: "object", properties:, required: [])
                self.definitions[model] = modelDefinition
            } catch {
                Log.warning("Failed to build model '\(model)': \(error)")
        case .unkeyed(_, let arrayType):
            // A type nested in an array. Process the array's type
            Log.debug("Model nested in array, type = \(arrayType.debugDescription)")
        case .dynamicKeyed(_, _, let dictionaryValueType):
            // A type nested within a dictionary. Process the dictionary's value type
            Log.debug("Model nested in dictionary, type = \(dictionaryValueType.debugDescription)")
        case .single(let swiftType, let encodedType):
            // A type that encodes to a single value: this does not need to be modelled
            let model = SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(type: swiftType)
            if swiftType == encodedType {
                // This Swift type is a basic type, eg. String
                Log.debug("Model not required for type '\(typeInfo.debugDescription)'")
            } else {
                // This Swift type encodes to a single-value type, eg. UUID -> String
                Log.debug("Model '\(model)' has a single encoded value of type: '\(encodedType)'")
            Log.debug("Model not required for type '\(typeInfo.debugDescription)'")

    /// Generates a standard description based on an HTTPStatusCode,
    /// or nil which indicates that the response is user-defined (in
    /// lieu of a capability of users describing their own responses)
    static func responseDescription(for status: HTTPStatusCode?) -> String {
        guard let status = status else {
            return "A user-defined response."
        switch status {
        case .badRequest: return "An error occurred while decoding an input type."
        case .created: return "The resource was successfully created."
        case .unsupportedMediaType: return "The incoming content type cannot be handled."
        case .unprocessableEntity: return "The incoming payload could not be decoded."
        case .internalServerError: return "An unexpected error, such as a misconfiguration of the server."
        default: return "A successful response."

    /// add a path into the OpenAPI (swagger) document
    /// - Parameter path: The API path to register.
    /// - Parameter method: The method the will be called on this path.
    /// - Parameter id: The name of the id parameter.
    /// - Parameter idReturned: Bool indicating whether the id is returned.
    /// - Parameter qParams: Query Parameters passed on the REST call.
    /// - Parameter optQParams: Whether all the query parameters in qParams are to be treated as optional.
    /// - Parameter responseList: An array of response types that can be returned from this path.
    mutating func addPath(path: String, method: String, id: String?, idReturned: Bool, qParams: QParams?, allOptQParams: Bool=false, inputTypeInfo: TypeInfo?, responseList: [SwaggerResponseType]?) {
        // split the path into its components:
        // - route path.
        // - parameters.

        let parts = path.components(separatedBy: ":")
        if parts.count > 0 {
            // Build up the path structure.
            var swaggerPath = parts[0]

            // Append an id parameter if needed. An id parameter may either be part of the request, as a
            // path parameter, or as part of the response to identify the entity in question.
            if id != nil && idReturned == false {
                swaggerPath = swaggerPath.hasSuffix("/") ? swaggerPath + "{id}" : swaggerPath + "/{id}"
            var responses = SwaggerResponses()
            if let responseTypes = responseList {
                for responseType in responseTypes {
                    // Response is keyed by String, as it may be non-numeric (eg: 'default')
                    let responseCode: String
                    if let statusCode = responseType.statusCode {
                        responseCode = String(statusCode.rawValue)
                    } else {
                        responseCode = "default"
                    var headers = SwaggerHeaders()
                    if idReturned, method == "post", responseType.statusCode?.class == .successful, let id = id {
                        // A successful POST response can contain the identifier of an entity, which should
                        // be encoded in a Location header. Note the returning an id may also occur for GET
                        // (plural), but this is returned as a tuple array, and is handled by buildResponse.
                        var idtype: String
                        if let unwrappedIdType = SwiftType(rawValue: id) {
                            idtype = unwrappedIdType.swaggerType()
                        } else {
                            idtype = "\(id)"
                        addHeader(headers: &headers, name: "Location", description: "Identity of resource", type: idtype)
                    responses[responseCode] = buildResponse(description: SwaggerDocument.responseDescription(for: responseType.statusCode), responseType: responseType, headers: headers)

                // handle the input parameter here: turn it into a parameters object.
                var parameters = [SwaggerParameter]()
                if idReturned == false {
                    // an id is not returned, so it must be an input parameter (if it's provided at all).
                    if let id = id {
                        parameters.append(buildParameter(name: "id", parameterType: id))

                if let paramTypeInfo = inputTypeInfo {
                    parameters.append(buildParameter(name: "input", parameterType: SwaggerDocument.getTypeName(typeInfo: paramTypeInfo)))

                if let qParams = qParams {
                    // add any query parameters
                    addQueryParameters(qParams: qParams, allOptQParams: allOptQParams, parameters: &parameters)

                // not going to use the default response for now as this refers to
                // ResponseError which is part of Kitura, so we would not want to
                // recreate it in the Models dir.
                // responses["default"] = buildResponse(description: "default response", responseType: responseList[1]).

                // build the method definition, note that parameters are optional.
                Log.verbose("Building method definition for '\(method)' on path '\(swaggerPath)'")
                let methodDefinition = SwaggerMethod(consumes: ["application/json"],
                                                     produces: ["application/json"],
                                                     parameters: parameters.count > 0 ? parameters : nil,
                                                     responses: responses)
                if var methods = self.paths[swaggerPath] {
                    // entry exists, so add the method.
                    Log.debug("Appending method definition to existing path '\(swaggerPath)'")

                    methods[method] = methodDefinition
                    self.paths[swaggerPath] = methods
                } else {
                    // no entry exists, so create one for this path.
                    Log.debug("Creating new methods definition for path '\(swaggerPath)'")

                    // first create a methods dict to hold all the methods for this path.
                    var methods = SwaggerMethods()
                    methods[method] = methodDefinition
                    self.paths[swaggerPath] = methods

    // JSON encode iall the properties (field name and type) for a model and return them
    // as a formatted String. The order of the properties is maintained.
    // - Parameter properties: An ordered dictionary of properties.
    // - Parameter pretty: if true, the JSON will be formatted to be readable.
    // - Parameter depth: indentation depth for pretty formatting.
    func JSONEncodeModelProperties(properties: SwaggerProperties, pretty: Bool, depth: Int) throws -> String {
        var propertyStr = ""
        let sp = String(repeating: "  ", count: depth)
        let nl = pretty ? "\n" : ""

        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, *) {
            encoder.outputFormatting = .sortedKeys
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions
        var fieldCount = 1
        for (field, fieldProps) in properties {
            propertyStr.append("\(sp)\"\(field)\": ")
            let encodedData = try encoder.encode(fieldProps)
            if let json = String(data: encodedData, encoding: .utf8) {
                if fieldCount < properties.count {
                fieldCount += 1
            } else {
                Log.warning("Failed to generate utf8 String from JSON encoded data")
                throw SwaggerGenerationError.encodingError
        return propertyStr

    // JSON encode the model content and return it as a formatted String. A
    // list of required fields is also encoded.
    // - Parameter model: Name of the model being encoded.
    // - Parameter pretty: if true, the JSON will be formatted to be readable.
    // - Parameter depth: indentation depth for pretty formatting.
    func JSONEncodeModelContent(model: String, pretty: Bool, depth: Int) throws -> String {
        var contentStr = ""
        let sp = String(repeating: "  ", count: depth)
        let nl = pretty ? "\n" : ""

        if let modelRef = self.definitions[model] {
            contentStr.append("\(sp)\"type\": \"\(modelRef.type)\",\(nl)")
            if modelRef.required.count > 0 {
                let encoder = JSONEncoder()
                if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, *) {
                    encoder.outputFormatting = .sortedKeys
                } else {
                    // Fallback on earlier versions
                do {
                    let encodedData = try encoder.encode(modelRef.required.sorted())
                    if let json = String(data: encodedData, encoding: .utf8) {
                        contentStr.append("\(sp)\"required\": \(json),\(nl)")
                    } else {
                        throw SwaggerGenerationError.encodingError
                } catch let error as EncodingError {
                    Log.warning("Unable to encode required model references for model \(model): \(error)")
                    throw SwaggerGenerationError.encodingError
            contentStr.append("\(sp)\"properties\": {\(nl)")
            do {
                contentStr.append(try JSONEncodeModelProperties(properties:, pretty: pretty, depth: depth + 1))
            } catch let error as EncodingError {
                Log.warning("Error encoding model properties for model \(model): \(error)")
                throw SwaggerGenerationError.encodingError
        } else {
            Log.warning("Model definition not found for \(model)")
            throw SwaggerGenerationError.encodingError
        return contentStr

    // JSON encode the model and return it as a formatted
    // String.
    // - Parameter model: Name of the model being encoded.
    // - Parameter pretty: if true, the JSON will be formatted to be readable.
    // - Parameter depth: indentation depth for pretty formatting.
    func JSONEncodeModel(model: String, pretty: Bool, depth: Int) throws -> String {
        var modelStr = ""
        let sp = String(repeating: "  ", count: depth)
        let nl = pretty ? "\n" : ""

        let modelContent = try JSONEncodeModelContent(model: model, pretty: pretty, depth: depth + 1)
        modelStr.append("\(sp)\"\(model)\": {\(nl)")
        return modelStr

    // JSON encode the definitions Dictionary and return it as a formatted
    // String. This is an order specific encoding to preserve the order of
    // the model fields in the definitions.
    // - Parameter pretty: if true, the JSON will be formatted to be readable.
    func JSONEncodeDefinitions(pretty: Bool) throws -> String {
        var depth = 0
        var nl = ""
        var definitionsStr = ""

        if pretty {
            depth = 1
            nl = "\n"

        let sp = String(repeating: "  ", count: depth)

        definitionsStr = ",\(nl)"
        definitionsStr.append("\(sp)\"definitions\": {\(nl)")
        var modelCount = 0
        for model in self.definitions.keys.sorted() {
            modelCount += 1
            let encodedModel = try JSONEncodeModel(model: model, pretty: pretty, depth: depth + 1)
            if modelCount < definitions.count {

        return definitionsStr

    /// Convert this object into a JSON formatted string.
    func serializeAPIToJSON() throws -> String? {
        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, *) {
            encoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys]
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions
            encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
        let encodedData = try encoder.encode(self)
        var search = "}"
        var json = String(data: encodedData, encoding: .utf8)
        if var unwrappedJson = json {
            if encoder.outputFormatting.contains(.prettyPrinted) {
                search = "\n}"
            if let insertionIndex = unwrappedJson.range(of: search, options: .backwards)?.lowerBound {
                let definitions = try JSONEncodeDefinitions(pretty: encoder.outputFormatting.contains(.prettyPrinted))
                unwrappedJson.replaceSubrange(insertionIndex..., with: definitions)
            json = unwrappedJson
        return json

    /// Convert this object into a serialized document.
    /// - Parameter format: The serialization format of the document.
    mutating func serializeAPI(format: SwaggerDocumentFormat) throws -> String? {
        var document: String?

        self.schemes = []
        if !Kitura.httpServersAndPorts.filter({ $0.server.sslConfig == nil }).isEmpty {
        if !Kitura.httpServersAndPorts.filter({ $0.server.sslConfig != nil }).isEmpty {

        switch format {
        case .json:
            document = try serializeAPIToJSON()

        case .yaml:
            throw SwaggerGenerationError.notImplemented
        return document
    private static func getTypeName(type: Any.Type) -> String {
        let fullName = String(reflecting: type)
        return removeFrameworkname(fullName: fullName)
    private static func getTypeName(type: Any) -> String {
        let fullName = String(reflecting: type)
        return removeFrameworkname(fullName: fullName)

    private static func getTypeName(typeInfo: TypeInfo) -> String {
        let fullName: String
        switch typeInfo {
        case .cyclic(let type):
            fullName = "\(String(reflecting: type))"
        case .dynamicKeyed:
            fullName = "\(typeInfo.description)"
        case .keyed(let original, _):
            fullName = "\(String(reflecting: original))"
        case .opaque(let type):
            fullName = "\(String(reflecting: type))"
        case .optional(let type):
            fullName = "\(type.debugDescription)"
        case .single(_, let type):
            fullName = "\(String(reflecting: type))"
        case .unkeyed(_, let type):
            fullName = "\(type.debugDescription)"
        return removeFrameworkname(fullName: fullName)

    private static func removeFrameworkname(fullName: String) -> String {
        let fullNameSplit = fullName.components(separatedBy: ".")
        if fullNameSplit.count <= 1 {
            return fullName
        } else {
            return fullNameSplit[1..<fullNameSplit.count].joined(separator: ".")

extension Router {

    // Describes the type of a parameter in a log message
    private enum ParamType: String {
        case outputType = "Output"
        case inputType = "Input"
        case queryParamType = "Query parameters"

    // Log information about the circumstances of a TypeDecodeError
    private func logTypeDecodeError<T: Codable>(_ error: Swift.Error, for type: T.Type, on route: String, as param: ParamType) {
        if let error = error as? TypeDecodingError {
            var underlyingErrorString = ""
            if let underlyingError = error.context.underlyingError {
                underlyingErrorString = "Underlying error: \(underlyingError)"
            Log.warning("\(param.rawValue) type `\(type)` on path `\(route)` could not be decoded: \(error.context.debugDescription) \(underlyingErrorString)")
        } else {
            Log.warning("\(param.rawValue) type `\(type)` on path `\(route)` could not be decoded: \(error)")

    // Register a route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter method: The http method name: one of 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'.
    // - Parameter outputType: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerRoute<O: Codable>(route: String, method: String, outputType: O.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for \(method) method")

        let typeInfo: TypeInfo
        do {
            typeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(outputType)
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: outputType, on: route, as: .outputType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: method, id: nil, idReturned: false, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

        // add model information into the document structure.
        swagger.addModel(model: typeInfo, forSwiftType: outputType)

        // now walk all the unprocessed models and ensure they are processed.
        for unprocessed in Array(swagger.unprocessedTypes) {
            Log.debug("Processing unprocessed model: \(unprocessed.debugDescription)")
            swagger.addModel(model: unprocessed)

    // Register a route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter method: The http method name: one of 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'.
    // - Parameter queryTypes: The types of the query parameters.
    // - Parameter allOptQParams: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter outputType: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerRoute<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(route: String, method: String, queryType: Q.Type, allOptQParams: Bool, outputType: O.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for \(method) method")

        let typeInfo: TypeInfo
        do {
            typeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(outputType)
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: outputType, on: route, as: .outputType)

        var params: OrderedDictionary<String, TypeInfo>? = nil
        do {
            if case .keyed(_, let dict) = try TypeDecoder.decode(queryType) {
                params = dict
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: queryType, on: route, as: .queryParamType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: method, id: nil, idReturned: false, qParams: params, allOptQParams: allOptQParams, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

        // add model information into the document structure.
        swagger.addModel(model: typeInfo, forSwiftType: outputType)

        // now walk all the unprocessed models and ensure they are processed.
        for unprocessed in Array(swagger.unprocessedTypes) {
            Log.debug("Processing unprocessed model: \(unprocessed.debugDescription)")
            swagger.addModel(model: unprocessed)

    // Register a route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter method: The http method name: one of 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'.
    // - Parameter inputType: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter outputType: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerRoute<I: Codable, O: Codable>(route: String, method: String, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for \(method) method")

        let inputTypeInfo: TypeInfo
        do {
            inputTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(inputType)
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: inputType, on: route, as: .inputType)

        var outputTypeInfo: TypeInfo? = nil
        if inputType != outputType {
            do {
                outputTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(outputType)
            } catch {
                return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: outputType, on: route, as: .outputType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: method, id: nil, idReturned: false, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: inputTypeInfo, responseList: responseTypes)

        // add model information into the document structure.
        swagger.addModel(model: inputTypeInfo, forSwiftType: inputType)
        if let outputTypeInfo = outputTypeInfo {
            swagger.addModel(model: outputTypeInfo, forSwiftType: outputType)

        // now walk all the unprocessed models and ensure they are processed.
        for unprocessed in Array(swagger.unprocessedTypes) {
            Log.debug("Processing unprocessed model: \(unprocessed.debugDescription)")
            swagger.addModel(model: unprocessed)

    // Register a route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter method: The http method name: one of 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'.
    // - Parameter id: The type of the identifier.
    // - Parameter idReturned: Flag indicating that id is returned.
    // - Parameter outputType: The type of the model to register.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerRoute<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(route: String, method: String, id: Id.Type, idReturned: Bool, outputType: O.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for \(method) method")

        let typeInfo: TypeInfo
        do {
            typeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(outputType)
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: outputType, on: route, as: .outputType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: method, id: "\(id)", idReturned: idReturned, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

        // add model information into the document structure.
        swagger.addModel(model: typeInfo, forSwiftType: outputType)

        // now walk all the unprocessed models and ensure they are processed.
        for unprocessed in Array(swagger.unprocessedTypes) {
            Log.debug("Processing unprocessed model: \(unprocessed.debugDescription)")
            swagger.addModel(model: unprocessed)

    // Register a route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter method: The http method name: one of 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'.
    // - Parameter id: The type of the identifier.
    // - Parameter idReturned: Flag indicating that id is returned.
    // - Parameter inputType: The type of the input model to register.
    // - Parameter outputType: The type of the output model to register.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerRoute<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(route: String, method: String, id: Id.Type, idReturned: Bool, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for \(method) method")

        let inputTypeInfo: TypeInfo
        do {
            inputTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(inputType)
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: inputType, on: route, as: .inputType)

        var outputTypeInfo: TypeInfo? = nil
        if inputType != outputType {
            do {
                outputTypeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(outputType)
            } catch {
                return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: outputType, on: route, as: .outputType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: method, id: "\(id)", idReturned: idReturned, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: inputTypeInfo, responseList: responseTypes)

        // add model information into the document structure.
        swagger.addModel(model: inputTypeInfo, forSwiftType: inputType)
        if let outputTypeInfo = outputTypeInfo {
            swagger.addModel(model: outputTypeInfo, forSwiftType: outputType)

        // now walk all the unprocessed models and ensure they are processed.
        for unprocessed in Array(swagger.unprocessedTypes) {
            Log.debug("Processing unprocessed model: \(unprocessed.debugDescription)")
            swagger.addModel(model: unprocessed)

    // Register a delete route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerDelete(route: String, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for delete method")

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: "delete", id: nil, idReturned: false, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

    // Register a delete route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter queryType: The type of any query parameters.
    // - Parameter allOptQParams: Flag to indicate that the parameters are optional.
    // - Parameter responseTypes: array of expected swagger response type objects.
    func registerDelete<Q: QueryParams>(route: String, queryType: Q.Type, allOptQParams: Bool, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for delete method")

        let typeInfo: TypeInfo
        var params: OrderedDictionary<String, TypeInfo>? = nil
        do {
            typeInfo = try TypeDecoder.decode(queryType)
            if case .keyed(_, let dict) = typeInfo {
                params = dict
        } catch {
            return logTypeDecodeError(error, for: queryType, on: route, as: .queryParamType)

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: "delete", id: nil, idReturned: false, qParams: params, allOptQParams: allOptQParams, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

    // Register a delete route in the SwaggerDocument.
    // - Parameter route: The route to be registered.
    // - Parameter id: The type of the identifier.
    func registerDelete<Id: Identifier>(route: String, id: Id.Type, responseTypes: [SwaggerResponseType]) {
        Log.debug("Registering \(route) for delete method")

        // insert the path information into the document structure.
        swagger.addPath(path: route, method: "delete", id: "\(id)", idReturned: false, qParams: nil, inputTypeInfo: nil, responseList: responseTypes)

    /// Register GET route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter outputtype: The output object type.
    public func registerGetRoute<O: Codable>(route: String, outputType: O.Type, outputIsArray: Bool = false) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: outputIsArray, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .OK))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "get", outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register GET route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter id: The id type.
    /// - Parameter outputtype: The output object type.
    public func registerGetRoute<Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(route: String, id: Id.Type, outputType: O.Type, outputIsArray: Bool = false) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        // A GET route involving an ID and an array return type is a GET (plural) request, returning
        // an array of tuples associating an ID with each item returned.
        let outputIsArrayOfTuples = outputIsArray
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: outputIsArray, tuple: outputIsArrayOfTuples, type: O.self, statusCode: .OK))
        // The supported permutations for GET involving an ID are:
        // 1) Get (singular) by ID, where the ID is an input parameter (appended to the path), and:
        //   a) the return type is a single item, or
        //   b) the return type is an array of items (for situations where an ID identifies an array)
        // 2) Get (plural), where the ID of each element is returned
        // There is no way for the calling function to communicate whether the ID is input or output,
        // however we can infer it from whether the return type is an array.
        let idReturned: Bool = outputIsArray
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "get", id: Id.self, idReturned: idReturned, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register GET route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter queryParams: The query parameters.
    /// - Parameter optionalQParam: Flag to indicate that the query params are all optional.
    /// - Parameter outputType: The output object type.
    public func registerGetRoute<Q: QueryParams, O: Codable>(route: String, queryParams: Q.Type, optionalQParam: Bool, outputType: O.Type, outputIsArray: Bool = false) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: outputIsArray, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .OK))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .badRequest))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "get", queryType: Q.self, allOptQParams: optionalQParam, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register DELETE route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    public func registerDeleteRoute(route: String) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .OK))
        registerDelete(route: route, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register DELETE route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter queryParams: The query parameters.
    /// - Parameter optionalQParam: Flag to indicate that the query params are all optional.
    public func registerDeleteRoute<Q: QueryParams>(route: String, queryParams: Q.Type, optionalQParam: Bool) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .OK))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .badRequest))
        registerDelete(route: route, queryType: Q.self, allOptQParams: optionalQParam, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register DELETE route
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter id: The id type.
    public func registerDeleteRoute<Id: Identifier>(route: String, id: Id.Type ) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .OK))
        registerDelete(route: route, id: Id.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register POST route that is handled by a CodableIdentifierClosure.
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter inputType: The input object type.
    /// - Parameter outputType: The output object type.
    public func registerPostRoute<I: Codable, O: Codable>(route: String, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .created))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unsupportedMediaType))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .internalServerError))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unprocessableEntity))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "post", inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register POST route that is handled by a CodableIdentifierClosure.
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter id: The id type.
    /// - Parameter inputType: The input object type.
    /// - Parameter outputType: The output object type.
    public func registerPostRoute<I: Codable, Id: Identifier, O: Codable>(route: String, id: Id.Type, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .created))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unsupportedMediaType))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .internalServerError))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unprocessableEntity))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "post", id: Id.self, idReturned: true, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register PUT route that is handled by a IdentifierCodableClosure.
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter id: The id type.
    /// - Parameter inputType: The input object type.
    /// - Parameter outputType: The output object type.
    public func registerPutRoute<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(route: String, id: Id.Type, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .OK))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unsupportedMediaType))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .internalServerError))
        // There are two cases where an unprocessableEntity can be returned:
        // 1. If we cannot decode the input type from the request,
        // 2. If we cannot decode the Identifier value supplied (for example, a missing or non-numeric value is supplied for a numeric Identifier)
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unprocessableEntity))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "put", id: Id.self, idReturned: false, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)

    /// Register PATCH route that is handled by an IdentifierCodableClosure.
    /// - Parameter route: The route to register.
    /// - Parameter id: The id type.
    /// - Parameter inputType: The input object type.
    /// - Parameter outputType: The output object type.
    public func registerPatchRoute<Id: Identifier, I: Codable, O: Codable>(route: String, id: Id.Type, inputType: I.Type, outputType: O.Type) {
        var responseTypes = [SwaggerResponseType]()
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: O.self, statusCode: .OK))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unsupportedMediaType))
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .internalServerError))
        // There are two cases where an unprocessableEntity can be returned:
        // 1. If we cannot decode the input type from the request,
        // 2. If we cannot decode the Identifier value supplied (for example, a missing or non-numeric value is supplied for a numeric Identifier)
        responseTypes.append(SwaggerResponseType(optional: true, array: false, tuple: false, type: nil, statusCode: .unprocessableEntity))
        registerRoute(route: route, method: "patch", id: Id.self, idReturned: false, inputType: I.self, outputType: O.self, responseTypes: responseTypes)