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 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2016,2017
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import Foundation
import LoggerAPI

// MARK: StaticFileServer

 A router middleware that serves static files from a given path.
 By default, it will serve files from the "/public" directory.
 ### Usage Example: ###
 The example below creates and registers a `StaticFileServer` on the "/example" route.
 When the router is running, A user can make a request that matches the "/example" path (e.g. localhost:8080/example/hello.html).
 The static file server would look inside its "/files" folder for a file with the same name as the path following "/example"  (e.g. "hello.html").
 If a file is found it is sent as a response to that request, otherwise the next handler is called.
 let router = Router()
 router.all("/example", middleware: StaticFileServer(path: "./files"))
open class StaticFileServer: RouterMiddleware {

    // MARK: Configuration Options
    /// Cache configuration options for StaticFileServer.
    public struct CacheOptions {
        let addLastModifiedHeader: Bool
        let maxAgeCacheControlHeader: Int
        let generateETag: Bool

        /// Initialize a CacheOptions instance.
        /// - Parameter addLastModifiedHeader: an indication whether to set
        /// "Last-Modified" header in the response.
        /// - Parameter maxAgeCacheControlHeader: a max-age in seconds for
        /// "max-age" value in "Cache-Control" header in the response
        /// - Parameter generateETag: an indication whether to set "Etag"
        /// header in the response.
        public init(addLastModifiedHeader: Bool = true, maxAgeCacheControlHeader: Int = 0,
             generateETag: Bool = true) {
            self.addLastModifiedHeader = addLastModifiedHeader
            self.maxAgeCacheControlHeader = maxAgeCacheControlHeader
            self.generateETag = generateETag

    /// Configuration options for StaticFileServer.
    public struct Options {
        let possibleExtensions: [String]
        let redirect: Bool
        let serveIndexForDirectory: Bool
        let cacheOptions: CacheOptions
        let acceptRanges: Bool
        let defaultIndex: String?

        /// Initialize an Options instance.
        /// - Parameter possibleExtensions: an array of file extensions to be added
        /// to the file name in case the file was not found. The extensions are 
        /// added in the order they appear in the array, and a new search is 
        /// performed.
        /// - Parameter serveIndexForDirectory: an indication whether to serve
        /// "index.html" file the requested path is a directory.
        /// - Parameter redirect: an indication whether to redirect to trailing
        /// "/" when the requested path is a directory.
        /// - Parameter cacheOptions: cache options for StaticFileServer.
        /// - Parameter defaultIndex: A default index, like "/index.html", to be served if the
        /// requested path is not found. This is intended to be used by single page applications
        /// that wish to fallback to a default index when a requested path is not found, and where
        /// that path is not a file request. It will be assumed that the default index is reachable
        /// from the root directory configured with the StaticFileServer. Here's a usage example:
        /// ```swift
        /// let router = Router()
        /// router.all("/", middleware: StaticFileServer(defaultIndex: "/index.html"))
        /// ```
        public init(possibleExtensions: [String] = [], serveIndexForDirectory: Bool = true,
             redirect: Bool = true, cacheOptions: CacheOptions = CacheOptions(), acceptRanges: Bool = true,
             defaultIndex: String? = nil) {
            self.possibleExtensions = possibleExtensions
            self.serveIndexForDirectory = serveIndexForDirectory
            self.redirect = redirect
            self.cacheOptions = cacheOptions
            self.acceptRanges = acceptRanges
            self.defaultIndex = defaultIndex

    /// The absolute (fully qualified) root serving path for this `StaticFileServer`,
    /// for example: `/Users/Dave/MyKituraProj/./public`
    public let absoluteRootPath: String

    let fileServer: FileServer

    // MARK: Initializer
    /// Initializes a `StaticFileServer` instance.
    /// - Parameter path: a root directory for file serving.
    /// - Parameter options: configuration options for StaticFileServer.
    /// - Parameter customResponseHeadersSetter: an object of a class that
    /// implements `ResponseHeadersSetter` protocol providing a custom method to set
    /// the headers of the response.
    public init(path: String = "./public", options: Options = Options(),
                 customResponseHeadersSetter: ResponseHeadersSetter? = nil) {
        let rootPathAbsolute = StaticFileServer.ResourcePathHandler.getAbsolutePath(for: path)
        absoluteRootPath = rootPathAbsolute
        // If the supplied path does not exist log a warning as the path could be created dynamically at runtime.
        // If the supplied path exists and is not a directory then log an error.
        var isDirectory = ObjCBool(false)

        let pathExists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: absoluteRootPath, isDirectory: &isDirectory)
        #if !os(Linux) || swift(>=4.1)
        let isDirectoryBool = isDirectory.boolValue
        let isDirectoryBool = isDirectory
        if !pathExists {
            Log.warning("StaticFileServer being initialised with invalid path: \(rootPathAbsolute)")
        } else if !isDirectoryBool {
            Log.error("StaticFileServer should not be initialised with a path that resolves to a file")

        let cacheOptions = options.cacheOptions
        let cacheRelatedHeadersSetter =
            CacheRelatedHeadersSetter(addLastModifiedHeader: cacheOptions.addLastModifiedHeader,
                                      maxAgeCacheControlHeader: cacheOptions.maxAgeCacheControlHeader,
                                      generateETag: cacheOptions.generateETag)

        let responseHeadersSetter = CompositeRelatedHeadersSetter(setters: cacheRelatedHeadersSetter,

        fileServer = FileServer(servingFilesPath: absoluteRootPath, options: options,
                                responseHeadersSetter: responseHeadersSetter)

    // MARK: Serve file

    /// Handle the request - serve static file.
    /// - Parameter request: The `RouterRequest` object used to work with the incoming
    ///                     HTTP request.
    /// - Parameter response: The `RouterResponse` object used to respond to the
    ///                     HTTP request.
    /// - Parameter next: The closure called to invoke the next handler or middleware
    ///                     associated with the request.
    open func handle(request: RouterRequest, response: RouterResponse, next: @escaping () -> Void) {
        defer {

        guard request.serverRequest.method == "GET" || request.serverRequest.method == "HEAD" else {

        guard let filePath = fileServer.getFilePath(from: request) else {

        guard let requestPath = request.parsedURL.path else {

        let queryString: String = {
            if let queryString = request.parsedURL.query {
                return "?\(queryString)"
            return ""
        fileServer.serveFile(filePath, requestPath: requestPath,
                             queryString: queryString, response: response)