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Test Coverage
 * Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import XCTest
import Kitura

@testable import KituraNet
@testable import KituraContracts

import Foundation
import Dispatch

// This file defines a builder API on top of KituraTest as syntactic sugar
// for writing more concise tests.
// For example, from inside a subclass of KituraTest, you can write:
// func testSomething() {
//     buildServerTest(someRouter, timeout: 30)
//         .request("get", path: "/route")
//         .hasStatus(.OK)
//         .hasData(someCodable)
//         .run()
// }
// This will create a test server connected to someRouter, send a single
// GET request to "/route", and test the response HTTP status code is 200 (OK)
// and the response data can be decoded and equal to someCodable.

// These protocols prevent adding assertions before adding at least
// one request
protocol RequestTestBuilder {
    func request(_ method: String, path: String) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request(_ method: String, path: String, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T, headers: [String:String]?, encoder: @escaping () -> BodyEncoder) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request(_ method: String, path: String, urlEncodedString: String) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func request(_ method: String, path: String, urlEncodedString: String, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder
    func run()

protocol AssertionTestBuilder: RequestTestBuilder {
    func has(callback: @escaping (ClientResponse) -> Void) -> Self
    func hasStatus(_ statusCode: HTTPStatusCode) -> Self
    func hasContentType(withPrefix contentTypePrefix: String) -> Self
    func hasHeader(_ name: String, only expectedValue: String) -> Self
    func hasNoData() -> Self
    func hasData() -> Self
    func hasData(_ expected: String) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [T]) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: T) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [[String: T]]) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [T], customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: T, customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [[String: T]], customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self

// A builder object for constructing tests made up of one or more
// requests on which multiple assertions can be applied
class ServerTestBuilder: RequestTestBuilder, AssertionTestBuilder {
    // An object to keep track of a request and store up a list of
    // assertions to be applied when the request is complete
    private class Request {
        let test: KituraTest
        let invoker: (@escaping (ClientResponse?) -> Void) throws -> Void
        fileprivate var assertions: [(ClientResponse) -> Void] = []

        init(_ test: KituraTest, _ method: String, _ path: String, headers: [String:String]? = nil) {
            self.test = test
            self.invoker = { callback in
                test.performRequest(method, path: path, callback: callback, headers: headers)

        init<T: Encodable>(_ test: KituraTest, _ method: String, _ path: String, _ data: T, headers: [String:String]? = nil) {
            self.test = test
            self.invoker = { callback in
                let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(data)
                test.performRequest(method, path: path, callback: callback, headers: headers, requestModifier: { request in
                    request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
                    request.write(from: data)
        init<T: Encodable>(_ test: KituraTest, _ method: String, _ path: String, _ data: T, headers: [String:String]? = nil, encoder: @escaping () -> BodyEncoder, mediaType: MediaType = .json) {
            self.test = test
            self.invoker = { callback in
                let data = try encoder().encode(data)
                test.performRequest(method, path: path, callback: callback, headers: headers, requestModifier: { request in
                    request.headers["Content-Type"] = "\(mediaType.description); charset=utf-8"
                    request.write(from: data)
        init(_ test: KituraTest, _ method: String, _ path: String, _ urlEncodedString: String, headers: [String:String]? = nil) {
            self.test = test
            self.invoker = { callback in
                test.performRequest(method, path: path, callback: callback, headers: headers, requestModifier: { request in
                    request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                    request.write(from: urlEncodedString)
    let test: KituraTest
    let router: ServerDelegate
    let sslOption: SSLOption
    let socketTypeOption: SocketTypeOption
    let timeout: TimeInterval
    let line: Int
    private var requests: [Request] = []
    private var currentRequest: Request? { return requests.last }

    public init(test: KituraTest, router: ServerDelegate, sslOption: SSLOption, socketTypeOption: SocketTypeOption, timeout: TimeInterval, line: Int) {
        self.test = test
        self.router = router
        self.sslOption = sslOption
        self.socketTypeOption = socketTypeOption
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.line = line

    public func request(_ method: String, path: String) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        return request(method, path: path, headers: nil)

    public func request(_ method: String, path: String, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        requests.append(Request(test, method, path, headers: headers))
        return self

    public func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        return request(method, path: path, data: data, headers: nil)
    public func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        requests.append(Request(test, method, path, data, headers: headers))
        return self
    public func request<T: Encodable>(_ method: String, path: String, data: T, headers: [String:String]?, encoder: @escaping () -> BodyEncoder) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        requests.append(Request(test, method, path, data, headers: headers, encoder: encoder))
        return self
    public func request(_ method: String, path: String, urlEncodedString: String) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        return request(method, path: path, urlEncodedString: urlEncodedString, headers: nil)
    public func request(_ method: String, path: String, urlEncodedString: String, headers: [String:String]?) -> AssertionTestBuilder {
        requests.append(Request(test, method, path, urlEncodedString, headers: headers))
        return self

    public func has(callback: @escaping (ClientResponse) -> Void) -> Self {
        return self

    public func hasStatus(_ statusCode: HTTPStatusCode) -> Self {
        return has { XCTAssertEqual($0.statusCode, statusCode) }

    public func hasContentType(withPrefix contentTypePrefix: String) -> Self {
        return hasHeader("Content-Type", withPrefix: contentTypePrefix)

    public func hasHeader(_ name: String, withPrefix expectedPrefix: String) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let header = response.headers[name] else {
                XCTFail("Expected response header \(name) missing")
            guard header.count == 1 else {
                XCTFail("Header \(name) does not contain expected number of values:\nexpected: 1\nactual: \(header.count)")
            let matches = header.filter { $0.hasPrefix(expectedPrefix) }
            XCTAssert(matches.count > 0, "No values for header \(name) found with expected prefix:\nexpected prefix \(expectedPrefix)\nactual values: \(String(describing: matches))")

    public func hasHeader(_ name: String, only expectedValue: String) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let header = response.headers[name] else {
                XCTFail("Expected response header \(name) missing")
            guard header.count == 1, let actualValue = header.first else {
                XCTFail("Header \(name) does not contain expected number of values:\nexpected: 1\nactual: \(header.count)")
            XCTAssertEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, "Header \(name) does not contain expected value:\nexpected: \(expectedValue)\nactual: \(actualValue)")

    private func readDataOrFail(from response: ClientResponse, allowEmpty: Bool = false) -> (length: Int, data: Data)? {
        var data = Data()
        guard let length = try? response.readAllData(into: &data) else {
            XCTFail("Failed to read response data")
            return nil
        guard allowEmpty || length > 0 else {
            XCTFail("Expected some data but got none")
            return nil
        return (length, data)

    public func hasNoData() -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (length, _) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response, allowEmpty: true) else { return }
            XCTAssertEqual(length, 0, "Response data does not match expected length:\nexpected: 0\nactual: \(length)")

    public func hasData() -> Self {
        return has { response in
            _ = self.readDataOrFail(from: response)

    public func hasData(_ expected: Data) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (_, data) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response) else { return }
            XCTAssertEqual(data, expected, "Response data does not match expected")

    public func hasData(_ expected: String) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (_, data) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response) else { return }
            guard let actual = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
                XCTFail("Failed to decode response data into UTF8 String")
            XCTAssertEqual(expected, actual, "Response data does not match expected value:\nexpected: \(expected)\nactual: \(actual)")

    public func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [T]) -> Self {
        return hasData(expected, customDecoder: { return JSONDecoder() })
    public func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: T) -> Self {
        return hasData(expected, customDecoder: { return JSONDecoder() })
    public func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [[String : T]]) -> Self {
        return hasData(expected, customDecoder: { return JSONDecoder() })
    public func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [T], customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (_, data) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response) else { return }
            do {
                let actual = try customDecoder().decode([T].self, from: data)
                XCTAssertEqual(expected, actual, "Response data does not match expected value:\nexpected: \(expected)\nactual: \(actual)")
            } catch {
                XCTFail("Failed to decode response data into type \([T].self): \(error)")

    public func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: T, customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (_, data) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response) else { return }
            do {
                let actual = try customDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
                XCTAssertEqual(expected, actual, "Response data does not match expected value:\nexpected: \(expected)\nactual: \(actual)")
            } catch {
                XCTFail("Failed to decode response data into type \(T.self): \(error)")
    func hasData<T: Decodable & Equatable>(_ expected: [[String : T]], customDecoder: @escaping () -> BodyDecoder) -> Self {
        return has { response in
            guard let (_, data) = self.readDataOrFail(from: response) else { return }
            do {
                let actual = try customDecoder().decode([[String : T]].self, from: data)
                for (index, tuple) in actual.enumerated() {
                    let tupleKey = Array(tuple.keys)[0]
                    let expectedKey = Array(expected[index].keys)[0]
                    XCTAssertEqual(tupleKey, expectedKey, "Response data does not match expected key:\nexpected: \(tupleKey)\nactual: \(expectedKey)")
                    XCTAssertEqual(tuple[tupleKey], expected[index][expectedKey], "Response data does not match expected value:\nexpected: \(String(describing: tuple[tupleKey]))\nactual: \(String(describing: expected[index][expectedKey]))")
            } catch {
                XCTFail("Failed to decode response data into type \(T.self): \(error)")

    public func run() {
        // Construct a list of async tasks that will perform each
        // request in turn and test their associated assertions
        let tasks = { request in
            return { (expectation: XCTestExpectation) in
                do {
                    try request.invoker() { response in
                        guard let response = response else {
                            XCTFail("Expected response object")
                        for assertion in request.assertions {
                } catch {
                    XCTFail("Failed to build request: \(error)")
        test.performServerTest(router, sslOption: sslOption, socketTypeOption: socketTypeOption, timeout: timeout, line: line, asyncTasks: tasks)