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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2019
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import yaml

from ptp.utils.app_state import AppState
from ptp.configuration.configuration_error import ConfigurationError

def display_globals(logger, globals_dict):
    Displays the global variables.

    :param logger: logger object

    :param globals_dict: Dictionary with globals
    # Create the string.
    global_str = 'Final global variables:\n'
    global_str += '='*80 + '\n'
    for key,value in globals_dict:
        global_str += "  {}: {}\n".format(key, value)
    global_str += '='*80 + '\n'
    # Display.

def display_parsing_results(logger, parsed_args, unparsed_args):
    Displays the properly & improperly parsed arguments (if any).

    :param logger: logger object

    :param parsed_args: Parsed command-line arguments

    :param unparsed_args: Unparsed command-line arguments

    # Log the parsed flags.
    flags_str = 'Properly parsed command line arguments: \n'
    flags_str += '='*80 + '\n'
    for arg in vars(parsed_args): 
        flags_str += "  {}= {} \n".format(arg, getattr(parsed_args, arg))
    flags_str += '='*80 + '\n'

    # Log the unparsed flags if any.
    if unparsed_args:
        flags_str = 'Invalid command line arguments: \n'
        flags_str += '='*80 + '\n'
        for arg in unparsed_args: 
            flags_str += "  {} \n".format(arg)
        flags_str += '='*80 + '\n'

def export_experiment_configuration_to_yml(logger, log_dir, filename, config_interface_obj, user_confirm):
    Dumps the configuration to ``yaml`` file.

    :param logger: logger object

    :param log_dir: Directory used to host log files (such as the collected statistics).
    :type log_dir: str

    :param filename: Name of the ``yaml`` file to write to.
    :type filename: str

    :param config_interface_obj: Configuration interface object.

    :param user_confirm: Whether to request user confirmation.
    :type user_confirm: bool

    # -> At this point, all configuration for experiment is complete.

    # Log the resulting training configuration.
    conf_str = 'Final parameter registry configuration:\n'
    conf_str += '='*80 + '\n'
    conf_str += yaml.safe_dump(config_interface_obj.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False)
    conf_str += '='*80 + '\n'

    # Save the resulting configuration into a .yaml settings file, under log_dir
    with open(log_dir + filename, 'w') as yaml_backup_file:
        yaml.dump(config_interface_obj.to_dict(), yaml_backup_file, default_flow_style=False)

    # Ask for confirmation - optional.
    if user_confirm:
            input('Press <Enter> to confirm and start the experiment\n')
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

def load_class_default_config_file(class_type):
    Function loads default configuration from the default config file associated with the given class type and adds it to parameter registry.

    :param class_type: Class type of a given object.

    :raturn: Loaded default configuration.
    # Extract path to default config.
    module = class_type.__module__.replace(".","/")
    rel_path = module[module.find("ptp")+4:]
    # Build the abs path to the default config file of a given component/worker.
    abs_default_config = os.path.join(AppState().absolute_config_path, "default", rel_path) + ".yml"

    # Check if file exists.
    if not os.path.isfile(abs_default_config):
        print("ERROR: The default configuration file '{}' for '{}' does not exist".format(abs_default_config, class_type.__module__))

        # Open file and get parameter dictionary.
        with open(abs_default_config, 'r') as stream:
            param_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream)

        # Return default parameters so they can be added to the global registry.
        if param_dict is None:
                print("WARNING: The default configuration file '{}' is empty!".format(abs_default_config))
                return {}
            return param_dict

    except yaml.YAMLError as e:
        print("ERROR: Couldn't properly parse the '{}' default configuration file. YAML error:\n  {}".format(abs_default_config, e))

def recurrent_config_parse(configs_to_parse: list, configs_parsed: list, abs_config_path: str):
    Parses names of configuration files in a recursive manner, i.e. \
    by looking for ``default_config`` sections and trying to load and parse those \
    files one by one.

    :param configs_to_parse: List containing names of configuration files (with paths).
    :type configs_to_parse: list

    :param configs_parsed: Configurations that were already parsed (so we won't parse them many times).
    :type configs_parsed: list

    :param abs_config_path: Absolute path to ``config`` directory.

    :return: list of parsed configuration files.

    # Terminal condition.
    while len(configs_to_parse) > 0:

        # Get config.
        config = configs_to_parse.pop(0)

        # Skip empty names (after lose comas).
        if config == '':
        print("Info: Parsing the {} configuration file".format(config))

        # Check if it was already loaded.
        if config in configs_parsed:
            print('Warning: Configuration file {} already parsed - skipping'.format(config))

        # Check if file exists.
        if not os.path.isfile(config):
            print('Error: Configuration file {} does not exist'.format(config))

            # Open file and get parameter dictionary.
            with open(config, 'r') as stream:
                param_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream)
        except yaml.YAMLError as e:
            print("Error: Couldn't properly parse the {} configuration file".format(config))
            print('yaml.YAMLERROR:', e)

        # Remember that we loaded that config.

        # Check if there are any default configs to load.
        if 'default_configs' in param_dict:
            default_configs_to_parse = param_dict['default_configs'].replace(" ", "").split(',')
            # If there are - expand them to absolute paths.
            abs_default_configs_to_parse = [os.path.join(abs_config_path,config) for config in default_configs_to_parse]
            # Recursion!
            configs_parsed = recurrent_config_parse(abs_default_configs_to_parse, configs_parsed, abs_config_path)

    # Done, return list of loaded configs.
    return configs_parsed

def reverse_order_config_load(config_interface_obj, configs_to_load):
    Loads configuration files in reversed order.

    :param config_interface_obj: Configuration interface object.

    :param configs_to_load: list of configuration files to load (with absolute paths)
    for config in reversed(configs_to_load):
        # Load config from YAML file.
        print('Info: Loaded configuration from file {}'.format(config))

def get_value_list_from_dictionary(key, parameter_dict, accepted_values = []):
    Parses parameter values retrieved from a given parameter dictionary using key.
    Optionally, checks is all values are accepted.

    :param key: Key of the parameter.
    :param parameter_dict: Dictionary containing given key (e.g. config or globals)
    :param accepted_values: List of accepted values (DEFAULT: [])

    :return: List of parsed values
    parameter = parameter_dict[key]
    # Preprocess parameter value.
    if (type(parameter) == str):
        if parameter == '':
            # Return empty list.
            return []
            # Process and split.
            values = parameter.replace(" ","").split(",")
        values = parameter # list
    assert type(values) == list, "Parameter value must be a list"

    # Test values one by one.
    if len(accepted_values) > 0:
        for value in values:
            if value not in accepted_values:
                raise ConfigurationError("One of the values in '{}' is invalid (current: '{}', accepted: {})".format(key, value, accepted_values))

    # Return list.
    return values

def get_value_from_dictionary(key, parameter_dict, accepted_values = []):
    Parses value of the parameter retrieved from a given parameter dictionary using key.
    Optionally, checks is the values is one of the accepted values.

    :param key: Key of the parameter.
    :param parameter_dict: Dictionary containing given key (e.g. config or globals)
    :param accepted_values: List of accepted values (DEFAULT: [])

    :return: List of parsed values
    value = parameter_dict[key]
    assert type(value) == str, "Parameter value must be a string"
    # Preprocess parameter value.
    if value == '':
        return None

    # Test values one by one.
    if len(accepted_values) > 0:
        if value not in accepted_values:
            raise ConfigurationError("One of the values in '{}' is invalid (current: '{}', accepted: {})".format(key, value, accepted_values))

    # Return value.
    return value