

Test Coverage
  <div class="digits-input">
    <div class="d-flex digits-input__container">
        v-for="d in length"
        :key="d - 1"
        v-model="values[d - 1]"
        :class="`digits-input__container__input--${d - 1}`"
        class="digits-input__container__input w-0 form-control"
        @keyup.delete="focusToPreviousWhenEmpty(d - 1)"
      <input type="hidden" :value="joinedValues" :name="name" />

<script lang="ts">
import { filter, isEqual } from 'lodash'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

type DigitsInputData = {
  mounted: boolean
  values: string[] | number[] | null[]

 * Create an input for digits.
export default defineComponent({
  name: 'DigitsInput',
  model: {
    prop: 'value',
    event: 'input'
  props: {
     * Number of digits to display
    length: {
      type: Number,
      default: 6
     * Value of the input
    value: {
      type: [String, Number],
      default: ''
     * Name of the input
    name: {
      type: String,
      default: ''
  data(): DigitsInputData {
    return {
      mounted: false,
      values: String(this.value).split('').slice(0, this.length)
  computed: {
    joinedValues(): string {
      return filter(this.values, (v) => !isNaN(v as any)).join('')
    /* eslint-disable no-undef */
    inputs(): NodeListOf<HTMLElement> | [] {
      if (!this.mounted) {
        return []
      return this.$el.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('.digits-input__container__input')
    nextInput(): HTMLElement | null {
      if (this.joinedValues.length === this.length) {
        return null
      // Next input is the first non-empty input or the last input
      return this.inputs[this.joinedValues.length] || this.lastInput
    hasNextInput(): boolean {
      return !!this.nextInput
    lastInput(): HTMLElement | null {
      return this.inputs[this.inputs.length - 1]
  watch: {
    values(values: number[] | null[] | string[]): void {
      // Copy and remove values that are not numbers
      const formattedValues = => String(value).replace(/\D/g, ''))
      // Iterate over the values to be sure
      // they are not exceeding 10 and should
      // be spread to the next inputs
      formattedValues.forEach((value, d) => {
        // The value must be spread to the next input only
        // if it's higher than 9 (more than one digit)
        if (value !== null && Number(value) > 9) {
          // Split the number into an array of strings
            .forEach((nextValue, n) => {
              // Spread the value to the next inputs of the array
              formattedValues[d + n] = String(Number(nextValue))
      // We update the values data attribute only if they changed
      // to avoid an infinite update cycle
      if (!isEqual(this.values, formattedValues)) {
        this.$set(this, 'values', formattedValues.slice(0, this.length))
    joinedValues() {
      this.$emit('input', this.joinedValues)
    value() {
      this.values = String(this.value).split('').slice(0, this.length)
  async mounted() {
    await this.$nextTick()
    this.mounted = true
  methods: {
    focusToNextInput() {
      if (this.hasNextInput) {
    focusToPreviousWhenEmpty(d: number) {
      if (!this.values[d]) {
        this.inputs[d - 1]?.focus()

<style scoped lang="scss">
@import '../styles/lib.scss';

.digits-input {
  &__container {
    &__input {
      font-size: 3rem;
      height: 10rem;
      line-height: 10rem;
      text-align: center;
      padding: $spacer $spacer * 0.25;
      margin: 0 $spacer * 0.25;

      &:first-child {
        margin-left: 0;

      &:last-child {
        margin-right: 0;