

Test Coverage
  <button class="btn haptic-copy" @click.stop="copy" @mouseleave="closeTooltip">
    <!-- @slot Main content of the button (including the icon) -->
      <font-awesome-layers functional>
        <transition name="spin">
          <fa v-if="!tooltipTimeout" icon="clipboard" class="haptic-copy__icon" />
        <transition name="spin">
          <fa v-if="tooltipTimeout" icon="clipboard-check" class="haptic-copy__icon" />
      <span :class="{ 'sr-only': hideLabel }" class="ml-1 haptic-copy__label">
        {{ label || $t('haptic-copy.label') }}
      v-if="!noTooltip && mounted && $el"
      :target="() => $el"
      {{ tooltipContent }}

<script lang="ts">
import { FontAwesomeLayers } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'
import { faClipboard } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faClipboard'
import { faClipboardCheck } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faClipboardCheck'
import { BTooltip } from 'bootstrap-vue/esm/components/tooltip/tooltip'
import noop from 'lodash/noop'
import Vue, { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { TranslateResult } from 'vue-i18n'

import { default as Fa, library } from './Fa'

import i18n from '@/i18n'
import { copyHtml, copyText } from '@/utils/clipboard'


type HapticCopyData = {
  mounted: boolean
  succeed: boolean
  tooltipContent: TranslateResult | string
  tooltipTimeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | undefined

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HapticCopy',
  components: {
  props: {
     * Text to copy to the clipboard
    text: {
      type: String,
      default: null
     * Plain text to use as an alternative text for HTML copy (uses `text` by default)
    plain: {
      type: String,
      default: null
     * Hide the button label (still visible for screen reader)
    hideLabel: {
      type: Boolean
     * Button label
    label: {
      type: String,
      default: null
     * Delay after which we hide the tooltip
    tooltipHideDelay: {
      type: Number,
      default: 2000
     * Placement of the tooltip. Can be: top, topleft, topright, right,<br />
     * righttop, rightbottom, bottom, bottomleft, bottomright, left, lefttop,
     * and leftbottom.
    tooltipPlacement: {
      type: String,
      default: 'top',
      validator: (placement: string) => TOOLTIPS_PLACEMENTS.includes(placement)
     * Copy HTML content
    html: {
      type: Boolean
     * Deactivate haptic tooltip display
    noTooltip: {
      type: Boolean
  data(): HapticCopyData {
    return {
      mounted: false,
      succeed: false,
      tooltipContent: '',
      tooltipTimeout: undefined
  computed: {
    tooltipContainer(): string | null {
      // By default we append the tooltip in the root container using its
      // id (if any) because BootstrapVue doesn't like HTMLElement for some
      // reasons.
      if (this.mounted && 'id' in this.$root.$el) {
        return `#${this.$root.$}`
      return null
  beforeMount() {
  mounted() {
    this.$nextTick(() => (this.mounted = true))
  methods: {
    copyTextOrHtml() {
      return this.html ? this.copyHtml() : this.copyText()
    copyText(): Promise<void> {
      return copyText(this.text, this.$el)
    copyHtml(): void {
      return copyHtml(this.text, this.plain || this.text)
    async copy(): Promise<void> {
      try {
         * Emitted when an attempt to copy text is made
         * @event attempt
        // Use clipboard.js internally
        await this.copyTextOrHtml()
        // Then option the tooltip in case of success
        await this.openTooltip('haptic-copy.tooltip.succeed')
         * Emitted when the text has been copied successfully
         * @event success
      } catch (error) {
        await this.openTooltip('haptic-copy.tooltip.failed')
         * Emitted when the text couldn't be copied
         * @event error
        this.$emit('error', error)
      // And close the tooltip after a short delay
      this.nextTimeout(this.closeTooltip, this.tooltipHideDelay)
    async openTooltip(msg = 'haptic-copy.tooltip.succeed') {
      this.tooltipContent = this.$te(msg) ? this.$t(msg) : msg
      await this.$nextTick()

      this.$refs.tooltip && (this.$refs.tooltip as Vue).$emit('open')
    async closeTooltip() {
      this.$refs.tooltip && (this.$refs.tooltip as Vue).$emit('close')
      // Clear the tooltip after a short delay
      await this.$nextTick()
      this.tooltipContent = ''
      this.tooltipTimeout = undefined
    nextTimeout(fn = noop, delay = 0) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        this.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(resolve, delay)

<style lang="scss">
.haptic-copy {
  &__icon {
    &.spin-leave-active {
      transition: all 0.2s;

    &.spin-enter {
      transform: rotate(-180deg);
      opacity: 0;

    &.spin-leave-to {
      transform: rotate(180deg);
      opacity: 0;