

Test Coverage
      '--bar-color': barColor,
      '--bar-highlight-color': barHighlightColor
      'bar-chart--has-highlights': dataHasHighlights,
      'bar-chart--social-mode': socialMode
    <svg :width="width" :height="height">
      <g :style="{ transform: `translate(0, ${}px)` }" class="bar-chart__labels">
          v-for="(label, i) in labels"
          {{ label.label }}
      <g :style="{ transform: `translate(${margin.left}px, ${}px)` }" class="bar-chart__bars">
          v-for="(bar, i) in bars"
          :class="{ 'bar-chart__bars__item--highlight': bar.highlight }"
          <rect :width="bar.width" :height="bar.height" :x="bar.x" :y="bar.y" />
            :x="bar.width + valueGap"
            :y="bar.y + bar.height / 2"
            {{ bar.value | d3Formatter(xAxisTickFormat) }}

import * as d3 from 'd3'
import identity from 'lodash/identity'
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'

import chart from '../mixins/chart'

export default {
  name: 'BarChart',
  mixins: [chart],
  props: {
     * Height of each bar
    barHeight: {
      type: Number,
      default: 30
     * Distance between each bar
    barGap: {
      type: Number,
      default: 15
     * Color of each bar (uses the CSS variable --bar-color by default)
    barColor: {
      type: String,
      default: null
     * Color of each highlighted bar (uses the CSS variable --bar-highlight-color by default)
    barHighlightColor: {
      type: String,
      default: null
     * Enforce a width for each bar's label
    fixedLabelWidth: {
      type: Number,
      default: null
     * Enforce a width for each bar's value
    fixedValueWidth: {
      type: Number,
      default: null
     * Distance between a bar and its label
    labelGap: {
      type: Number,
      default: 10
     * Distande between a bar and its value
    valueGap: {
      type: Number,
      default: 5
     * Sort bars by one or several keys.
    sortBy: {
      type: [Array, String],
      default: null
     * Function to apply to format x axis ticks (bar value). It can be a
     * function returning the formatted value or a d3's formatter string.
    xAxisTickFormat: {
      type: [Function, String],
      default: identity
  data() {
    return {
      width: 0
  computed: {
    sortedData() {
      if (!this.loadedData) {
        return []
      return !this.sortBy ? this.loadedData : sortBy(this.sortedData, this.sortBy)
    labelWidth() {
      if (this.fixedLabelWidth) {
        return this.fixedLabelWidth
      const selector = '.bar-chart__labels__item'
      const defaultWidth = 100
      return this.elementsMaxBBox({ selector, defaultWidth }).width
    valueWidth() {
      if (this.fixedValueWidth) {
        return this.fixedValueWidth
      const selector = '.bar-chart__bars__item__value'
      const defaultWidth = 0
      return this.elementsMaxBBox({ selector, defaultWidth }).width + this.valueGap
    margin() {
      const left = this.labelWidth + this.labelGap
      const right = 0
      const top = 0
      const bottom = 0
      return { left, right, top, bottom }
    padded() {
      const width = this.width - this.margin.left - this.margin.right
      const height = this.height - - this.margin.bottom
      return { width, height }
    scale() {
      const x = d3
        .domain([0, d3.max(this.sortedData, (d) => d.value)])
        .range([0, this.padded.width - this.valueWidth])
      return { x }
    bars() {
      return, i) => {
        return {
          width: Math.abs(this.scale.x(d.value)),
          height: Math.abs(this.barHeight),
          value: d.value,
          highlight: d.highlight,
          x: 0,
          y: (this.barHeight + this.barGap) * i
    labels() {
      return, i) => {
        return {
          label: d.label,
          x: this.labelWidth,
          y: 4 + this.barHeight / 2 + (this.barHeight + this.barGap) * i
    height() {
      return (this.barHeight + this.barGap) * this.sortedData.length
  watch: {
    width() {
  mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize)
  beforeDestroy() {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize)
  methods: {
    onResize() {
      this.width = this.$el.offsetWidth
    initialize() {

<style lang="scss">
@import '../styles/lib';

.bar-chart {
  text {
    font-family: $font-family-base;
    font-size: $font-size-base;
    fill: currentColor;

  &--has-highlights &__bars__item:not(&__bars__item--highlight):not(:hover) {
    opacity: 0.7;
    filter: grayscale(30%);

  &__bars {
    &__item {
      rect {
        fill: var(--bar-color, var(--dark, $dark));

      &--highlight rect {
        fill: var(--bar-highlight-color, var(--primary, $primary));