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55 mins
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import base64
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import string
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, UTC
from http.cookies import Morsel
from typing import cast

import bottle
from ldap3 import ALL, Connection, Server, ServerPool, AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS
from ldap3.core import exceptions
from pymongo.database import Database

from database.users import upsert_user, get_user
from database import sessions
from initialization.secrets import EXPORT_FIELDS_KEYS_NAME
from utils.functions import uuid
from utils.type import SessionId, User

def create_session(database: Database, user: User) -> datetime:
    """Create a new user session.

    Generate a new random, secret and unique session id and a session expiration datetime and add it to the
    database and the session cookie.
    session_id = cast(SessionId, uuid())
    session_duration = int(os.getenv("USER_SESSION_DURATION", "120"))
    session_expiration_datetime = datetime.now(UTC) + timedelta(hours=session_duration)
    sessions.upsert(database, user, session_id, session_expiration_datetime)
    set_session_cookie(session_id, session_expiration_datetime)
    return session_expiration_datetime

def delete_session(database: Database) -> None:
    """Delete the session."""
    session_id = cast(SessionId, str(bottle.request.get_cookie("session_id")))
    sessions.delete(database, session_id)
    set_session_cookie(session_id, datetime.min)

def set_session_cookie(session_id: SessionId, expires_datetime: datetime) -> None:
    """Set the session cookie on the response. To clear the cookie, pass an expiration datetime of datetime.min."""
    # Monkey patch support for SameSite, see https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle/issues/982#issuecomment-315064376
    Morsel._reserved["same-site"] = "SameSite"  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: SLF001
    options = {"expires": expires_datetime, "path": "/", "httponly": True, "same_site": "strict"}
    bottle.response.set_cookie("session_id", session_id, **options)

def check_password(ssha_ldap_salted_password, password) -> bool:
    """Check the OpenLDAP tagged digest against the given password."""
    # See https://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/security.html#SSHA%20password%20storage%20scheme
    # We should (also) support SHA512 as SHA1 is no longer considered to be secure.
    ssha_prefix = b"{SSHA}"
    if not ssha_ldap_salted_password.startswith(ssha_prefix):  # pragma: no feature-test-cover
        logging.warning("Only SSHA LDAP password digest supported!")
        raise exceptions.LDAPInvalidAttributeSyntaxResult
    digest_salt_b64 = ssha_ldap_salted_password.removeprefix(ssha_prefix)
    digest_salt = base64.b64decode(digest_salt_b64)
    digest = digest_salt[:20]
    salt = digest_salt[20:]
    sha = hashlib.sha1(bytes(password, "utf-8"))  # nosec, # noqa: S324
    sha.update(salt)  # nosec
    return digest == sha.digest()

def get_credentials() -> tuple[str, str]:
    """Return the credentials from the request."""
    credentials = dict(bottle.request.json)
    unsafe_characters = re.compile(r"[^\w\- ]+", re.UNICODE)
    username = re.sub(unsafe_characters, "", credentials.get("username", "no username given"))
    password = credentials.get("password", "no password given")
    return username, password

def get_ldap_config(username):
    """Get LDAP config from environment."""
    ldap_search_filter_template = os.environ.get("LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER", "(|(uid=$username)(cn=$username))")
    return {
        "ldap_root_dn": os.environ.get("LDAP_ROOT_DN", "dc=example,dc=org"),
        "ldap_urls": os.environ.get("LDAP_URL", "ldap://localhost:389").split(","),
        "ldap_lookup_user_dn": os.environ.get("LDAP_LOOKUP_USER_DN", "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"),
        "ldap_lookup_user_pw": os.environ.get("LDAP_LOOKUP_USER_PASSWORD", "admin"),
        "ldap_search_filter": string.Template(ldap_search_filter_template).substitute(username=username),

def verify_user(database: Database, username: str, password: str) -> User:
    """Authenticate the user and return whether they are authorized to login and their email address."""
    ldap_config = get_ldap_config(username)
        ldap_servers = [Server(ldap_url, get_info=ALL) for ldap_url in ldap_config.get("ldap_urls")]
        ldap_server_pool = ServerPool(ldap_servers)
        with Connection(
        ) as lookup_connection:
            if not lookup_connection.bind():  # pragma: no feature-test-cover
                raise exceptions.LDAPBindError  # noqa: TRY301
                attributes=["userPassword", "cn", "mail"],
            result = lookup_connection.entries[0]
        if salted_password := result.userPassword.value:
            if check_password(salted_password, password):
                logging.info("LDAP salted password check for %s succeeded", username)
                raise exceptions.LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult  # noqa: TRY301
        else:  # pragma: no feature-test-cover
            with Connection(ldap_server_pool, user=result.entry_dn, password=password, auto_bind=AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS):
                logging.info("LDAP bind for %s succeeded", username)
    except Exception as reason:  # noqa: BLE001
        user = User(username)
        logging.warning("LDAP error: %s", reason)
        user = get_user(database, username) or User(username)
        user.email = result.mail.value or ""
        user.common_name = result.cn.value
        user.verified = True
        upsert_user(database, user)
    return user

@bottle.post("/api/internal/login", authentication_required=False)
@bottle.post("/api/v3/login", authentication_required=False)
def login(database: Database) -> dict[str, bool | str]:
    """Log the user in. Add credentials as JSON payload, e.g. {username: 'user', password: 'pass'}."""
    if os.environ.get("FORWARD_AUTH_ENABLED", "").lower() == "true":  # pragma: no feature-test-cover
        forward_auth_header = str(os.environ.get("FORWARD_AUTH_HEADER", "X-Forwarded-User"))
        username = bottle.request.get_header(forward_auth_header, None)
        user = User(username, username or "", "", username is not None)
        username, password = get_credentials()
        user = verify_user(database, username, password)
    session_expiration_datetime = create_session(database, user) if user.verified else datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    return {
        "ok": user.verified,
        "email": user.email,
        "session_expiration_datetime": session_expiration_datetime.isoformat(),

@bottle.post("/api/internal/logout", authentication_required=True)
@bottle.post("/api/v3/logout", authentication_required=True)
def logout(database: Database) -> dict[str, bool]:
    """Log the user out."""
    return {"ok": True}

@bottle.get("/api/v3/public_key", authentication_required=False)
def get_public_key(database: Database) -> dict:
    """Return a serialized version of the public key."""
    public_key = database.secrets.find_one({"name": EXPORT_FIELDS_KEYS_NAME}, {"public_key": True, "_id": False})
    return cast(dict, public_key)