"""Utility functions."""
import hashlib
import re
import urllib
from import Collection, Iterable
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP, Decimal
from itertools import islice
from typing import cast
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element # nosec # Element is not available from defusedxml, but only used as type
from defusedxml import ElementTree
from .exceptions import XMLRootElementError
from .type import URL, Namespaces, Response
async def parse_source_response_xml(response: Response, allowed_root_tags: Collection[str] | None = None) -> Element:
"""Parse the XML from the source response."""
tree = cast(Element, ElementTree.fromstring(await response.text(), forbid_dtd=False))
if allowed_root_tags and tree.tag not in allowed_root_tags:
raise XMLRootElementError(allowed_root_tags, tree.tag)
return tree
async def parse_source_response_xml_with_namespace(
response: Response,
allowed_root_tags: Collection[str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[Element, Namespaces]:
"""Parse the XML with namespace from the source response."""
tree = await parse_source_response_xml(response, allowed_root_tags)
# ElementTree has no API to get the namespace so we extract it from the root tag:
namespaces = {"ns": tree.tag.split("}")[0][1:]}
return tree, namespaces
Substitution = tuple[re.Pattern[str], str]
MEMORY_ADDRESS_SUB: Substitution = (re.compile(r" at 0x[0-9abcdef]+>"), ">")
TOKEN_SUB: Substitution = (re.compile(r"token=[^&]+"), "token=<redacted>")
KEY_SUB: Substitution = (re.compile(r"key=[0-9abcdef]+"), "key=<redacted>")
HASH_SUB: Substitution = (re.compile(r"(?i)[a-f0-9]{20,}"), "hashremoved")
def stable_traceback(traceback: str) -> str:
"""Remove memory addresses from the traceback so make it easier to compare tracebacks."""
for reg_exp, replacement in [MEMORY_ADDRESS_SUB, TOKEN_SUB, KEY_SUB]:
traceback = re.sub(reg_exp, replacement, traceback)
return traceback
def tokenless(url: str) -> str:
"""Strip private tokens from (text with) urls."""
return re.sub(TOKEN_SUB[0], TOKEN_SUB[1], url)
def hashless(url: URL) -> URL:
"""Strip hashes from the url so that it can be used as part of a issue key."""
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(str(url))
path = re.sub(HASH_SUB[0], HASH_SUB[1], path)
query = re.sub(HASH_SUB[0], HASH_SUB[1], query)
fragment = re.sub(HASH_SUB[0], HASH_SUB[1], fragment)
return URL(urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)))
def add_query(url: URL, query: str) -> URL:
"""Add the query to the URL.
For example, adding "a=b&c=d" to "" returns "".
if not query:
return url
return URL(f"{url}{'&' if '?' in url else '?'}{query}")
def sha1_hash(string: str) -> str:
"""Return a sha1 hash of the string."""
sha1 = hashlib.sha1(string.encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False) # noqa: DUO130,RUF100
return sha1.hexdigest()
def is_regexp(string: str) -> bool:
"""Return whether the string looks like a regular expression."""
return False if matches_semantic_version(string) else bool(set("$^?.+*[]") & set(string))
def matches_semantic_version(string) -> bool:
"""Return whether the string is a semantic version number.
Regular expression taken from
return (
is not None
def match_string_or_regular_expression(string: str, strings_and_or_regular_expressions: Collection[str]) -> bool:
"""Return whether the string is equal to one of the strings or matches one of the regular expressions."""
for string_or_regular_expression in strings_and_or_regular_expressions:
if is_regexp(string_or_regular_expression):
if re.match(string_or_regular_expression, string):
return True
elif string_or_regular_expression == string:
return True
return False
def iterable_to_batches(iterable: Iterable, batch_size: int) -> Iterable:
"""Produce batches of iterables, from a given iterable."""
iterable = iter(iterable)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(iterable, batch_size)), ())
def decimal_round_half_up(dec: Decimal | float) -> int:
"""Round decimal or float to nearest integer, with ties going away from zero."""
return int(Decimal(dec).to_integral_value(ROUND_HALF_UP))