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import "./ExportCard.css"

import { bool, string } from "prop-types"
import { Card, List } from "semantic-ui-react"

import { childrenPropType, datePropType, reportPropType } from "../sharedPropTypes"

function ExportCardItem({ children, url }) {
    const item = children
    return url ? (
        <List.Item as="a" href={url}>
    ) : (
ExportCardItem.propTypes = {
    children: childrenPropType,
    url: string,

export function ExportCard({ lastUpdate, report, reportDate, isOverview = false }) {
    const reportURL = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("report_url") ?? window.location.href
    const title = isOverview ? "About these reports" : "About this report"
    const listItems = [
        <List.Item key={"reportURL"} data-testid={"reportUrl"}>
            <List.Content verticalAlign={"middle"}>
                <ExportCardItem url={reportURL}>{report.title}</ExportCardItem>
        <List.Item key={"date"}>
            <List.Content verticalAlign={"middle"}>
                <ExportCardItem>{"Report date: " + formatDate(reportDate ?? new Date())}</ExportCardItem>
        <List.Item key={"generated"}>
            <List.Content verticalAlign={"middle"}>
                    {"Generated: " + formatDate(lastUpdate) + ", " + formatTime(lastUpdate)}
        <List.Item key={"version"} data-testid={"version"}>
            <List.Content verticalAlign={"middle"}>
                    <em>Quality-time</em> v{process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION}
    return (
        <Card tabIndex="0" className="export-data-card">
                <Card.Header title={title} textAlign="center">
                <List size="small">{listItems}</List>
ExportCard.propTypes = {
    isOverview: bool,
    lastUpdate: datePropType,
    report: reportPropType,
    reportDate: datePropType,

// Hard code en-GB to get European style dates and times. See https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/8381.

function formatDate(date) {
    return date.toLocaleDateString("en-GB", { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit" }).replace(/\//g, "-")

function formatTime(date) {
    return date.toLocaleTimeString("en-GB", { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" })