import { queryAllByRole, queryAllByText, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"
import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"
import { MetricSummaryCard } from "./MetricSummaryCard"
function renderBarChart(maxY, red) {
const summary = {
"2023-01-02": { blue: 0, red: red, green: 0, yellow: 0, white: 0, grey: 0 },
"2023-01-01": { blue: 0, red: red, green: 0, yellow: 0, white: 0, grey: 0 },
return render(<MetricSummaryCard maxY={maxY} summary={summary} />)
const dateString = new Date("2023-01-02").toLocaleDateString()
it("shows the number of metrics per status when the total is zero", () => {
renderBarChart(0, 0)
expect(screen.queryAllByLabelText(`Status on ${dateString}: no metrics`, { exact: false }).length).toBe(1)
it("shows the number of metrics per status when the total is not zero", () => {
renderBarChart(10, 0)
expect(screen.queryAllByLabelText(`Status on ${dateString}: no metrics`, { exact: false }).length).toBe(1)
it("shows the number of metrics per status", () => {
renderBarChart(2, 2)
screen.queryAllByLabelText(`Status on ${dateString}: 2 metrics, 2 target not met`, {
exact: false,
it("shows the tooltip", async () => {
const { container } = renderBarChart(2, 2)
const targetNotMetBar = queryAllByRole(container, "presentation")[4]
const targetNotMetLabel = "Target not met"
await userEvent.hover(targetNotMetBar)
expect(queryAllByText(container, targetNotMetLabel).length).toBe(1)