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3 hrs
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import "./Footer.css"

import { number, object, oneOfType, string } from "prop-types"
import { Container, Divider, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, List, Segment } from "semantic-ui-react"

import { childrenPropType, datePropType, reportPropType } from "../sharedPropTypes"

function FooterItem({ children, icon, url }) {
    const item = icon ? (
            <Icon name={icon} /> {children}
    ) : (
    return url ? (
        <List.Item as="a" href={url}>
    ) : (
FooterItem.propTypes = {
    children: childrenPropType,
    icon: string,
    url: string,

function FooterColumn({ children, header, textAlign, width }) {
    return (
        <Grid.Column width={width} textAlign={textAlign}>
            <Header inverted as="h4">
                {header || <>&zwnj;</>}
            <List inverted link>
FooterColumn.propTypes = {
    children: childrenPropType,
    header: oneOfType([object, string]),
    textAlign: string,
    width: number,

function FooterCenterColumn({ header, children }) {
    return (
        <FooterColumn header={header} width={8} textAlign="center">
FooterCenterColumn.propTypes = {
    header: oneOfType([object, string]),
    children: childrenPropType,

function FooterSideColumn({ header, children }) {
    return (
        <FooterColumn header={header} width={3} textAlign="left">
FooterSideColumn.propTypes = {
    header: oneOfType([object, string]),
    children: childrenPropType,

function AboutAppColumn() {
    return (
                    <em>Quality-time</em> v{process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION}
            <FooterItem icon="flask" url="https://www.ictu.nl/about-us">
                Created by ICTU
            <FooterItem icon="copyright outline" url="https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/blob/master/LICENSE">
            <FooterItem icon="code branch" url="https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time">
                Source code

function SupportColumn() {
    return (
        <FooterSideColumn header="Support">
            <FooterItem icon="book" url={`https://quality-time.readthedocs.io/en/v${process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION}/`}>
                icon="user outline"
                User manual
            <FooterItem icon="bug" url="https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues">
                Known issues
            <FooterItem icon="comment outline" url="https://github.com/ICTU/quality-time/issues/new">
                Report an issue

function AboutReportColumn({ lastUpdate, report }) {
    lastUpdate = lastUpdate ?? new Date()
    // When exporting to PDF, window.location.href may not be the correct URL. This is fixed by having the user's
    // browser pass the correct URL as search parameter and use that instead:
    const reportURL = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("report_url") ?? window.location.href
    return (
        <FooterCenterColumn header="About this report">
            <FooterItem url={reportURL}>{report.title}</FooterItem>
AboutReportColumn.propTypes = {
    lastUpdate: datePropType,
    report: reportPropType,

function QuoteColumn() {
    const quotes = [
        ["If it hurts, do it more frequently,", "and bring the pain forward.", "Jez Humble"],
        ["Quality without results is pointless.", "Results without quality is boring.", "Johan Cruyff"],
        ["Quality is free,", "but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it.", "DeMarco and Lister"],
        ["Quality means doing it right", "even when no one is looking.", "Henry Ford"],
        ["Quality... you know what it is,", "yet you don't know what it is.", "Robert M. Pirsig"],
    const randomQuote = quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)]
    return (

export function Footer({ lastUpdate, report }) {
    return (
        <Segment className="footer" inverted>
                        <Grid.Column width={1} />
                        <AboutAppColumn />
                        {report ? <AboutReportColumn lastUpdate={lastUpdate} report={report} /> : <QuoteColumn />}
                        <Grid.Column width={1} />
                        <SupportColumn />
                <Divider inverted section />
                <Image centered size="mini" src="./favicon.ico" />
Footer.propTypes = {
    lastUpdate: datePropType,
    report: reportPropType,