"""Script to convert the data model in a Markdown file."""
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Literal
from pydantic import HttpUrl
from shared_data_model import DATA_MODEL
from shared_data_model.meta import Metric, NamedModel, Parameter, Source, Subject
# See
AdmonitionType = Literal[
def get_model_name(model: NamedModel) -> str:
"""Return the name of the model."""
# This function could easily be a lambda, but then we can't add type information
def data_model_metric_items() -> list[tuple[str, Metric]]:
"""Return the data model metrics sorted by metric name."""
return sorted(DATA_MODEL.metrics.items(), key=lambda item: get_model_name(item[1]))
def data_model_metric_source_keys_and_names(metric: Metric) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
"""Return the data model metric source keys and source names, sorted by name."""
keys_and_names = [(source_key, DATA_MODEL.sources[source_key].name) for source_key in metric.sources]
return sorted(keys_and_names, key=lambda key_and_name: key_and_name[1])
def markdown_paragraph(text: str) -> str:
"""Return the text as Markdown paragraph."""
return f"\n{text}\n\n"
def markdown_link(url: HttpUrl | str, anchor: HttpUrl | str | None = None) -> str:
"""Return a Markdown link."""
anchor = anchor or url
# When the URL is relative, no anchor is needed as ReadTheDocs will magically use the title of the page as anchor:
return f"[{anchor}]({url})" if str(url).startswith("http") else f"[]({url})"
def definition_list(term: str, *definitions: str) -> str:
"""Return a Markdown definition list."""
definitions_markdown = "".join(f": {definition}\n" for definition in definitions if definition)
return f"{term}\n{definitions_markdown}\n" if definitions_markdown else ""
def markdown_header(header: str, level: int = 1, index: bool = False) -> str:
"""Return a Markdown header."""
index_preamble = f"\n```{{index}} {header}\n```\n\n" if index else ("\n" if level > 1 else "")
return index_preamble + "#" * level + f" {header}\n\n"
def subject_sections(level: int) -> str:
"""Return the subjects as Markdown sections."""
markdown = ""
for subject in sorted(DATA_MODEL.subjects.values(), key=get_model_name):
markdown += subject_section(subject, level)
return markdown
def subject_section(subject: Subject, level: int) -> str:
"""Return the subject as Markdown section."""
markdown = markdown_header(, level=level, index=True)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(subject.description)
supporting_metrics_markdown = ""
subject_metrics = [DATA_MODEL.metrics[metric] for metric in subject.all_metrics]
for metric in sorted(subject_metrics, key=get_model_name):
supporting_metrics_markdown += f"- [{}]({slugify(})\n"
markdown += admonition(supporting_metrics_markdown, "Supporting metrics")
child_subjects = [DATA_MODEL.all_subjects[child_subject] for child_subject in subject.subjects]
for child_subject in sorted(child_subjects, key=get_model_name):
markdown += subject_section(child_subject, level + 1)
return markdown
def metric_sections(level: int) -> str:
"""Return the metrics as Markdown sections."""
markdown = ""
for metric_key, metric in data_model_metric_items():
markdown += metric_section(metric_key, metric, level)
return markdown
def metric_section(metric_key: str, metric: Metric, level: int) -> str:
"""Return the metric as Markdown section."""
markdown = markdown_header(, level=level, index=True)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(metric.description)
name = decapitalize(
markdown += markdown_paragraph(f"*Why measure {name}?* {metric.rationale}")
if rationale_urls := metric.rationale_urls:
markdown += see_also_links(rationale_urls)
if documentation := metric.documentation:
markdown += markdown_paragraph(f"*How to configure {name}?* {documentation}")
if explanation := metric.explanation:
markdown += markdown_paragraph(f"*More information* {explanation}")
if explanation_urls := metric.explanation_urls: # pragma: no branch
markdown += see_also_links(explanation_urls)
markdown += definition_list("Default target", metric_target(metric))
markdown += definition_list("Scales", *metric_scales(metric))
markdown += definition_list("Default tags", *[tag.value for tag in metric.tags])
supported_subjects_markdown = ""
subjects = [subject for subject in DATA_MODEL.all_subjects.values() if metric_key in subject.all_metrics]
for subject in sorted(subjects, key=get_model_name):
supported_subjects_markdown += f"- [{}]({slugify(})\n"
markdown += admonition(supported_subjects_markdown, "Supported subjects")
supporting_sources_markdown = ""
for _source_key, source_name in data_model_metric_source_keys_and_names(metric):
supporting_sources_markdown += f"- [{source_name}]({metric_source_slug(, source_name)})\n"
markdown += admonition(supporting_sources_markdown, "Supporting sources")
return markdown
def see_also_links(urls: list[str]) -> str:
"""Return a "see also" section with a list of URLs."""
return admonition("".join([f"1. {markdown_link(url)}\n" for url in urls]), admonition="seealso")
def metric_target(metric: Metric) -> str:
"""Return the metric target."""
direction = {"<": "≦", ">": "≧"}[metric.direction]
if metric.default_scale == "percentage":
unit = "% of the " + metric.unit
elif metric.default_scale == "version_number":
unit = ""
unit = " " + metric.unit
return f"{direction} {}{unit}"
def metric_scales(metric: Metric) -> list[str]:
"""Return the scales of the metric."""
if len(metric.scales) == 1:
return [metric.default_scale]
return [f"{scale} (default)" if scale == metric.default_scale else scale for scale in sorted(metric.scales)]
def source_sections(level: int) -> str:
"""Return the sources as Markdown sections."""
markdown = ""
for source_key, source in sorted(DATA_MODEL.sources.items(), key=lambda item: get_model_name(item[1])):
markdown += source_section(source, source_key, level)
return markdown
def source_section(source: Source, source_key: str, level: int) -> str:
"""Return the source as Markdown section."""
markdown = markdown_header(, level, index=True)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(source.description)
if source.documentation and (documentation := source.documentation.get("generic")):
# Add generic documentation, meaning documentation that applies to all metrics that the source supports, here.
# Documentation for specific metrics is added in the metric-source sections, see metric_source_section() below.
markdown += markdown_paragraph(documentation)
if source.supported_versions_description:
title = f"Supported {} versions"
markdown += admonition(source.supported_versions_description, title, "important")
supported_metrics_markdown = ""
metrics = [metric for metric in DATA_MODEL.metrics.values() if source_key in metric.sources]
for metric in sorted(metrics, key=get_model_name):
source_name = DATA_MODEL.sources[source_key].name
supported_metrics_markdown += f"- [{}]({metric_source_slug(, source_name)})\n"
markdown += admonition(supported_metrics_markdown, "Supported metrics")
if source.url:
markdown += admonition(markdown_link(source.url), admonition="seealso")
return markdown
def admonition(text: str, title: str = "", admonition: AdmonitionType = "admonition", indent: str = "") -> str:
"""Return an admonition."""
# Only admonitions with type "admonition" support a custom title, so when a title is provided we use a class
# to set the type:
admonition_type = "admonition" if title else admonition
admonition_title = f" {title}" if title else ""
admonition_class = f"{indent}:class: {admonition}\n" if title else ""
return f"{indent}```{{{admonition_type}}}{admonition_title}\n{admonition_class}{indent}{text}\n{indent}```\n\n"
def slugify(name: str) -> str:
"""Return a slugified version of the name."""
# Add type to prevent mypy complaining that 'Argument 1 to "maketrans" of "str" has incompatible type...'
char_mapping: dict[str, str | int | None] = {" ": "-", "(": "", ")": "", "/": ""}
slug = name.lower().translate(str.maketrans(char_mapping))
return f"#{slug}" # The hash isn't really part of the slug, but to prevent duplication it is included anyway
def decapitalize(name: str) -> str:
"""Return the name starting with a lower case letter."""
return name[0].lower() + name[1:]
def metric_source_slug(metric_name: str, source_name: str) -> str:
"""Return a slug for the metric source combination."""
return slugify(f"{metric_name} from {source_name}")
def metric_source_section(metric_key: str, source_key: str) -> str:
"""Return the metric source combination as Markdown section."""
source = DATA_MODEL.sources[source_key]
metric = DATA_MODEL.metrics[metric_key]
metric_link = f"[{}]({slugify(})"
source_link = f"[{}]({slugify(})"
markdown = markdown_paragraph(f"{source_link} can be used to measure {metric_link.lower()}.")
if source.documentation and (documentation := source.documentation.get(metric_key)):
markdown += markdown_paragraph(documentation)
parameters = [p for p in source.parameters.values() if metric_key in p.metrics]
for mandatory in True, False:
markdown += parameter_paragraph(parameters, mandatory)
return markdown
def parameter_paragraph(parameters: list[Parameter], mandatory: bool) -> str:
"""Return the parameters as Markdown paragraph."""
markdown = ""
parameters = [parameter for parameter in parameters if parameter.mandatory == mandatory]
if parameters:
markdown += markdown_header(f"{'Mandatory' if mandatory else 'Optional'} parameters", 4)
sorted_parameters = sorted(parameters, key=get_model_name)
for parameter in sorted_parameters:
markdown += parameter_description(parameter)
return markdown
def parameter_description(parameter: Parameter) -> str:
"""Return the Markdown version of the parameter."""
short_name = parameter.short_name
help_text = " " + if else ""
if parameter.type in ("single_choice", "multiple_choice"):
parameter_type = parameter.type.replace("_", " ")
values = ", ".join(sorted([f"`{value}`" for value in parameter.values or []]))
values_text = f" This parameter is {parameter_type}. Possible {short_name} are: {values}."
values_text = ""
default_value = parameter.default_value
if isinstance(default_value, list):
if not default_value and parameter.type in ("single_choice", "multiple_choice"):
default_value = [f"_all {short_name}_"]
default_value = [f"`{value}`" for value in default_value]
elif default_value:
default_value = [f"`{default_value}`"]
default_value_text = f" The default value is: {', '.join(sorted(default_value))}." if default_value else ""
if parameter.help_url:
help_url = admonition(markdown_link(parameter.help_url), admonition="seealso", indent=" ")
help_url = ""
return f"- **{}**.{help_text}{values_text}{default_value_text}\n{help_url}"
def metric_source_configuration_section(metric_key: str, source_key: str) -> str:
"""Return the metric source combination's configuration as Markdown section."""
configurations = DATA_MODEL.sources[source_key].configuration.values()
relevant_configurations = [config for config in configurations if metric_key in config.metrics]
if not relevant_configurations:
return ""
markdown = markdown_paragraph("Configurations:")
for configuration in sorted(relevant_configurations, key=get_model_name):
markdown += f"- {}:\n"
for value in sorted(configuration.value, key=lambda value: str(value).lower()):
markdown += f" - {value}\n"
markdown += "\n"
return markdown
def data_model_as_table() -> str:
"""Return the data model as Markdown table."""
markdown = markdown_paragraph(
"This is an overview of all [subjects](#subjects) that *Quality-time* can measure, all [metrics](#metrics) "
"that *Quality-time* can use to measure subjects, and all [sources](#sources) that *Quality-time* can use to "
"collect data from to measure the metrics. For each supported "
"[combination of metric and source](#metric-source-combinations), the parameters that can be used to configure "
"the source are listed.",
markdown += markdown_header("Subjects", 2)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(
"This is an overview of all the subjects that *Quality-time* can measure. For each subject, the "
"metrics that can be used to measure the subject are listed.",
markdown += subject_sections(3)
markdown += markdown_header("Metrics", 2)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(
"This is an overview of all the metrics that *Quality-time* can use to measure subjects. For each metric, the "
"default target, the supported scales, and the default tags are given. In addition, the sources that "
"can be used to collect data from to measure the metric are listed.",
markdown += metric_sections(3)
markdown += markdown_header("Sources", 2)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(
"This is an overview of all the sources that *Quality-time* can use to measure metrics. For each source, "
"the metrics that the source can measure are listed. Also, a link to the source's own documentation "
"is provided.",
markdown += source_sections(3)
markdown += markdown_header("Metric-source combinations", 2)
markdown += markdown_paragraph(
"This is an overview of all supported combinations of metrics and sources. For each combination of metric "
"and source, the mandatory and optional parameters are listed that can be used to configure the source to "
"measure the metric. If *Quality-time* needs to make certain assumptions about the source, for example which "
"SonarQube rules to use to count long methods, then these assumptions are listed under 'configurations'.",
for metric_key, metric in data_model_metric_items():
for source_key, source_name in data_model_metric_source_keys_and_names(metric):
markdown += markdown_header(f"{} from {source_name}", 3)
markdown += metric_source_section(metric_key, source_key)
markdown += metric_source_configuration_section(metric_key, source_key)
markdown = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", markdown) # Replace multiple consecutive empty lines with one empty line
return re.sub(r"\n\n$", "\n", markdown) # Remove final empty line
def main() -> None:
"""Convert the data model."""
build_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "build"
data_model_md_path = build_path / ""
with"w") as data_model_md:
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover