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<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Part of Open Media Player.
 * @license GPL-3.0+
 * @copyright Copyright 2011-2015 The Open University (IET) and contributors.
 * @link

 * The oEmbed API controller.
 * @copyright Copyright 2011 The Open University (IET).
 * @author N.D.Freear, 18 June 2010-4 July 2012.

class Oembed extends \IET_OU\Open_Media_Player\MY_Controller

    public function __construct()

        @header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=ouplayer-oembed.json-p-xml.txt');

    protected function _tracker($provider, $host, $meta)
        # Fix for new (#1356) v. legacy.
        $provider = is_array($provider) ? (object) $provider : $provider;
        //TODO - UA-, URL. ($this->uri->site_url() ?)
        if (isset($provider->_google_analytics)) {
            $id = $provider->_google_analytics;
            $path = isset($meta->provider_mid) ? $meta->provider_mid : 'p';
            $image_url = site_url()."track/i/$id/$host/$path/".str_replace(' ', '-', $meta->title).'?title='.urlencode($meta->title);
            return <<<EOF
<img class="oup-b" alt="" src="$image_url" />
        return null;

    public function _error($message, $code = 500)
        return parent::_error($message, $code, __CLASS__);

  * So called 'extended' oEmbed endpoint, to support Drupal consumers and custom oEmbed parameters.
  * Eg. /oembed/ex/theme:oup-light/...?url=http://..
    public function ex()

        // Now call main handler, below.

    * THE handler for the oEmbed endpoint.
    public function index()
        #@header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
        #header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=ouplayer-oembed.json.txt');

        //Get 'width', 'height'.
        $req = new StdClass;

        $req->url = $this->input->get('url');
        if (!$req->url) {
            $this->_error("the URL parameter 'url' is required.", 400);

        $req->format = $this->input->get('format') ? $this->input->get('format') : 'json';
        if ('json' !== $req->format && 'xml' !== $req->format) {
            $this->_error("the output format '$req->format' is not recognised.", "400.5");

        // Security. Only allow eg. 'Object.func_CB_1234'
        $req->callback = $this->_jsonp_callback_check();

        $providers = $this->_get_oembed_providers();

        $p = parse_url($req->url);
        // Bug #89, add support for 'url' parameters of type 'URN'.
        if (preg_match('@^urn:(\w{2,}):.*@', $req->url, $matches)) {
            $p[ 'host' ] = $matches[ 1 ];
            $this->_debug([ "'url' parameter of type 'URN' found.", $p ]);
        } else if (! isset($p[ 'host' ])) {
            $this->_error("the parameter 'url' is invalid - missing host.", 400);
        $host = $req->host = str_replace('www.', '', strtolower($p[ 'host' ]));

        if (! isset($providers[ $host ])) {
            $this->_error("unsupported provider 'http://$req->host'.", 400);

        $provider = $providers[ $host ];
        if (is_string($provider)) {
            # New (#1356)
            $name = $provider;


            $regex = $this->provider->getInternalRegex();
            $oembed_view = $this->provider->getView();

        } else {
             # Legacy (is_array).
             $this->_error("Unexpected oEmbed provider, $provider.");

        } # End legacy.
        //@header('X-Regex: '.$regex);

        if (! preg_match("@{$regex}$@", $req->url, $matches)) {
            $regex_display = $this->provider->regex;
            $this->_debug([ 'regex_real' => $regex ]);
            $this->_error("the format of the URL for provider '$host' is incorrect. Expecting '$regex_display'.", 400);

        // #1319, only try the embed cache DB connection if we absolutely need to! (iet-it-bugs 1319)
        $meta = null;
        if ('IET_OU\\Open_Media_Player\\Oupodcast_Provider' == get_class($this->provider)) {
            #Oupodcast_serv::POD_BASE #preg_match('@@', $host)

            // 'New' 2012 Mediaelement-based themes.
            if (preg_match('/oup-light|ouplayer-base|mejs-default/', $this->_theme->name)) {
        } // #1358, Make OU-embed services work without a DB..
        elseif (! $this->config->item('always_upstream')) {
            $meta = $this->embed_cache_model->get_embed($req->url);

        // Should we load the library for the service?
        if ($this->config->item('always_upstream') || !$meta) {

            $meta = $this->provider->call($req->url, $matches);

        $view_data = array(
            'url'   => $req->url,
            'format'=> $req->format,
            'matches' =>$matches,
            'meta'  => $meta,
            # Fix for new (#1356) v. legacy.
            'tracker'=>$this->_tracker(isset($this->provider) ? $this->provider : $provider, $host, $meta),

        if (file_exists($oembed_view . '.php')) {
            $html = $this->load->view($oembed_view, $view_data);
        } // LEGACY.
        elseif (file_exists(APPPATH . "views/$oembed_view.php")) {
            $html = $this->load->view($oembed_view, $view_data);

        } else {
            $this->_error("not found, view '$oembed_view'.", 404.11);
        $this->_log('debug', __CLASS__.": Success");

    protected function _safe_xml($xml)
        $safe = array('&amp;', '&gt;', '&lt;', '&apos;', '&quot;');
        $place= array('#AMP#', '#GT#', '#LT#', '#APOS#', '#QUOT#');
        $result = str_replace($safe, $place, $xml);
        $result = preg_replace('@&[^#]\w+?;@', '', $result);
        $result = str_replace($place, $safe, $result);
        return $result;