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<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Extend the default CI Input class, to support mixed-format URIs  (iet-it-bugs:1378).
 * Primarily to support Drupal consumers and custom oEmbed parameters.
 * Eg.
 *   /[Controller]/ex/name1:value1/name2:value2/...?name3=value3&..
 *   /oembed/ex/theme:oup-light/...?url=http://..
 * @copyright Copyright 2012 The Open University.
 * @author N.D.Freear, 27 July 2012.
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);

class MY_Input extends CI_Input

    protected $_expath = null;

    * If required, initialize in a controller method.
    * (This can't be called in MY_Input::__construct() as $CI doesn't yet exist!)
    public function use_get_and_expath($expath_start = '/ex/', $delimiter = ':', $pair_delimiter = '/')
        $CI =& get_instance();
        $uri = $CI->uri->uri_string();
        $pos = strpos($uri, $expath_start);
        $uri_ex = $expath_r = null;

        if (false !== $pos) {
            $uri_ex = substr($uri, $pos + strlen($expath_start));
        if ($uri_ex) {
         Things I tried..
         //$expath_r = explode($delimiter, $uri_ex);
         $orig_sep = ini_get('arg_separator.input');
         ini_set('arg_separator.input', $pair_delimiter);

         parse_str($uri_ex, $this->_expath);

         ini_set('arg_separator.input', $orig_sep);

         #$uri_ex = str_replace(array($delimiter, $pair_delimiter), array('=', '&'), $uri_ex);
            $uri_ex = strtr($uri_ex, array(
            $delimiter => '=',
            urlencode($delimiter) => '=',
            strtolower(urlencode($delimiter)) => '=',
            $pair_delimiter => '&',

            parse_str($uri_ex, $this->_expath);

    * Fetch an item from the GET array
    * @access    public
    * @param    string
    * @param    bool
    * @return    string
    public function get($index = null, $xss_clean = false)
        $value = parent::get($index, $xss_clean);

        if (! $value && $this->_expath && isset($this->_expath[$index])) {
            $value = $this->_expath[$index];

        return $value;