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/** Settings and title/toolbar panels.
 * @author Anthony McEvoy.
 * @author Nick Freear.

<div id="title" class="oup-title panel titletoolbar">
  <?php /*<a class="ou-home" href=""><img class="logo" alt="The Open University" src="<?php echo site_url('assets/0.gif') ?>" height="38" width="32" /></a>*/ ?>
  <img class="ou-home logo" alt="<?php echo t('The Open University') ?>" src="<?php echo site_url('assets/0.gif') ?>" height="38" width="32" />
  <ul class="mediatitle">
  <li><h1><?php echo $meta->title; /*substr_replace($meta->title, '…', 62)*/ ?></h1></li>
  <?php if (isset($meta->_access['intranet_only']) && 'Y'==$meta->_access['intranet_only']): ?>
  <li class="restrict-text"><?php echo t('Staff/student access only') ?></li>
  <?php endif; ?>
  <li><?php /*if($meta->summary): ?><span class="summary"><?php echo substr_replace($meta->summary, '…', 95) ?></span><?php endif;*/ ?>
  <?php if(isset($meta->_related_url) && $meta->_related_url){
    #$rel_text = 'video'==$meta->media_type ? $meta->_related_text : substr_replace($meta->_related_text, '…', 55);
    echo anchor($meta->_related_url, $meta->_related_text, array('class'=>'rel-2','target'=>'_blank','title'=>t('Related link opens in new window')));
  } ?></li>

// Embed code - uses jQuery-oEmbed plugin or Iframe.
if (! $meta->is_player('vle')):
  $em_title = substr_replace($meta->title, '…', 36);
  ///Translators: Player options (settings) menus or panels.
  $copy_text = t('Copy and paste');
  if (isset($meta->_short_url)) {
    $param_theme = OUP_PARAM_THEME;
    $jq_plugin_url = site_url('scripts/jquery.oembed.js');
    $embed_method = t('Javascript-based embed (oEmbed)');
    $embed_code = <<<EOF
<!--$copy_text--><a class="embed" href="$meta->_short_url">$em_title</a>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="$jq_plugin_url"></script>
  } else {
    $embed_method = t('Iframe-based embed');
    $embed_label = site_name();
    $embed_url = current_url().'?'.$this->input->server('QUERY_STRING');
    $embed_url = str_replace('/popup/', '/embed/', $embed_url);
    $embed_code = <<<EOF
<!--$copy_text--><iframe class="ouplayer $meta->media_type" title="$embed_label" width=640 height=410 src=

// Help/ about links.
$docs = $this->config->item('player_docs');
$help_url = isset($docs['help']) ? $docs['help'] : '#help/TODO';
$about_url= isset($docs['about'])? $docs['about']: '#about/TODO';
$embedopts_url = isset($docs['embed']) ? $docs['embed'] : '#embed/TODO';

$help_url = str_replace('__SITE__/', site_url(), $help_url);
$about_url= str_replace('__SITE__/', site_url(), $about_url);

<div role="menu" class="optionalnav" aria-label="<?php echo t('Player options') ?>">
  <div class="col1">
<?php if ($help_url && $about_url): ?>
  <a rel="help" class="help" href="<?php echo $help_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Player help') ?></span></a>
  <a class="about" href="<?php echo $about_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('About the player') ?></span></a>
<?php else: ?>
  <a rel="help" class="help" href="<?php echo $about_url ? $about_url : $help_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Help and about') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php /*<button class="decreasesize" aria-label="<?php echo t('Decrease text size') ?>"><span>-A</span></button>
  <button class="increasesize" aria-label="<?php echo t('Increase text size') ?>"><span>A+</span></button>*/ ?>
  <label role="button" class="themeoption" for="theme-menu" title="<?php echo t('Choose the theme') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Theme') ?><?php /*<img class="styleicon" alt="Style icon" src="a6../styleicon.jpg" height="16" width="16">Style*/ ?></span></label>
  <select id="theme-menu" name="<?php echo OUP_PARAM_THEME ?>">
    <option value="ouice-dark">OUICE Dark</option>
    <option value="ouice-bold" selected>OUICE Bold</option>
  <div class="col2">
<?php if ($embed_code): ///Translators: software/programming/HTML code to allow further embedding of this player. ?>
  <label role="button" class="embed" for="embed-code" title="<?php echo t('Embed on other sites') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Embed code') ?></span></label></a>
  <textarea id="embed-code" class="emcode-opt" readonly title="<?php echo $embed_method ?>"><?php echo str_replace('<','&lt;', $embed_code) ?></textarea>
<?php if ($embedopts_url): ?>
  <a class="embed-opt" href="<?php echo $embedopts_url ?>" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('More embeds…') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php /*<button class=""><span>Option</span></button>
  <button class=""><span>Text</span></button>
  <button class=""><span>Subs</span></button>*/ ?>
  <div class="col3">
  <a class="media-url" href="<?php echo $meta->media_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Download media') ?></span></a>
<?php if (isset($meta->transcript_url)): ?>
  <a class="script-pdf" href="<?php echo $meta->transcript_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window: %s', t('PDF')) ?>"><span><?php echo t('Download transcript') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($meta->_short_url)): ?>
<?php ///Translators: 'Permanent link' - view on OU Podcasts web site. ?>
  <a class="short-url" rel="bookmark" href="<?php echo $meta->_short_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window: %s', t('perma-link')) ?>"><span><?php echo t('View on Podcasts') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>

<div role="menu" id="more" class="oup-settings panel" aria-label="<?php echo t('Player options') ?>">
  <button class="more-close" title="<?php echo t('Close options menu') ?>"><span>X</span></button>
<?php if ($help_url && $about_url): ?>
  <a rel="help" class="help" href="<?php echo $help_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Player help') ?></span></a>
  <a class="about" href="<?php echo $about_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('About the player') ?></span></a>
<?php else: ?>
  <a rel="help" class="help" href="<?php echo $about_url ? $about_url : $help_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Help and about') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($embed_code): ?>
  <?php /*<a class="embed" href="#embed-code">*/ ?><label class="embed" for="emcode-more"><span><?php echo t('Embed code') ?></span></label></a>
  <textarea id="emcode-more" class="emcode-more" readonly title="<?php echo $embed_method ?>"><?php echo str_replace('<','&lt;', $embed_code) ?></textarea>
<?php if ($embedopts_url): ?>
  <a class="embed-opt" href="<?php echo $embedopts_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('More embed options') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
  <a class="media-url" href="<?php echo $meta->media_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window') ?>"><span><?php echo t('Download media') ?></span></a>
<?php if (isset($meta->transcript_url)): ?>
  <a class="script-pdf" href="<?php echo $meta->transcript_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window: %s', t('PDF')) ?>"><span><?php echo t('Download transcript') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($meta->_short_url)): ?>
  <a class="short-url" rel="bookmark" href="<?php echo $meta->_short_url ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('New window: %s', t('perma-link')) ?>"><span><?php echo t('View on Podcasts site') ?></span></a>
<?php endif; ?>