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 * postal - Pub/Sub library providing wildcard subscriptions, complex message handling, etc.  Works server and client-side.
 * Author: Jim Cowart (http://freshbrewedcode.com/jimcowart)
 * Version: v0.10.0
 * Url: http://github.com/postaljs/postal.js
 * License(s): MIT, GPL
(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
        // Node, or CommonJS-Like environments
        module.exports = factory(require("lodash"), require("conduitjs"), this);
    } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(["lodash", "conduitjs"], function (_, Conduit) {
            return factory(_, Conduit, root);
    } else {
        // Browser globals
        root.postal = factory(root._, root.Conduit, root);
}(this, function (_, Conduit, global, undefined) {
    var _postal;
    var prevPostal = global.postal;
    var ChannelDefinition = function (channelName) {
        this.channel = channelName || _postal.configuration.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
    ChannelDefinition.prototype.initialize = function () {
        var oldPub = this.publish;
        this.publish = new Conduit.Async({
            target: oldPub,
            context: this
    ChannelDefinition.prototype.subscribe = function () {
        return _postal.subscribe({
            channel: this.channel,
            topic: (arguments.length === 1 ? arguments[0].topic : arguments[0]),
            callback: (arguments.length === 1 ? arguments[0].callback : arguments[1])
    ChannelDefinition.prototype.publish = function () {
        var envelope = arguments.length === 1 ? (Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) === "[object String]" ? {
            topic: arguments[0]
        } : arguments[0]) : {
            topic: arguments[0],
            data: arguments[1]
        envelope.channel = this.channel;
    var SubscriptionDefinition = function (channel, topic, callback) {
        if (arguments.length !== 3) {
            throw new Error("You must provide a channel, topic and callback when creating a SubscriptionDefinition instance.");
        if (topic.length === 0) {
            throw new Error("Topics cannot be empty");
        this.channel = channel;
        this.topic = topic;
    var ConsecutiveDistinctPredicate = function () {
        var previous;
        return function (data) {
            var eq = false;
            if (_.isString(data)) {
                eq = data === previous;
                previous = data;
            } else {
                eq = _.isEqual(data, previous);
                previous = _.clone(data);
            return !eq;
    var DistinctPredicate = function () {
        var previous = [];
        return function (data) {
            var isDistinct = !_.any(previous, function (p) {
                if (_.isObject(data) || _.isArray(data)) {
                    return _.isEqual(data, p);
                return data === p;
            if (isDistinct) {
            return isDistinct;
    var strats = {
        withDelay: function (ms) {
            if (_.isNaN(ms)) {
                throw "Milliseconds must be a number";
            return {
                name: "withDelay",
                fn: function (next, data, envelope) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        next(data, envelope);
                    }, ms);
        defer: function () {
            return this.withDelay(0);
        stopAfter: function (maxCalls, callback) {
            if (_.isNaN(maxCalls) || maxCalls <= 0) {
                throw "The value provided to disposeAfter (maxCalls) must be a number greater than zero.";
            var dispose = _.after(maxCalls, callback);
            return {
                name: "stopAfter",
                fn: function (next, data, envelope) {
                    next(data, envelope);
        withThrottle: function (ms) {
            if (_.isNaN(ms)) {
                throw "Milliseconds must be a number";
            return {
                name: "withThrottle",
                fn: _.throttle(function (next, data, envelope) {
                    next(data, envelope);
                }, ms)
        withDebounce: function (ms, immediate) {
            if (_.isNaN(ms)) {
                throw "Milliseconds must be a number";
            return {
                name: "debounce",
                fn: _.debounce(function (next, data, envelope) {
                    next(data, envelope);
                }, ms, !! immediate)
        withConstraint: function (pred) {
            if (!_.isFunction(pred)) {
                throw "Predicate constraint must be a function";
            return {
                name: "withConstraint",
                fn: function (next, data, envelope) {
                    if (pred.call(this, data, envelope)) {
                        next.call(this, data, envelope);
        distinct: function (options) {
            options = options || {};
            var accessor = function (args) {
                return args[0];
            var check = options.all ? new DistinctPredicate(accessor) : new ConsecutiveDistinctPredicate(accessor);
            return {
                name: "distinct",
                fn: function (next, data, envelope) {
                    if (check(data)) {
                        next(data, envelope);
    SubscriptionDefinition.prototype = {
        after: function () {
            this.callback.after.apply(this, arguments);
            return this;
        before: function () {
            this.callback.before.apply(this, arguments);
            return this;
        catch: function (errorHandler) {
            var original = this.callback.target();
            var safeTarget = function () {
                try {
                    original.apply(this, arguments);
                } catch (err) {
                    errorHandler(err, arguments[0]);
            return this;
        defer: function () {
            return this;
        disposeAfter: function (maxCalls) {
            var self = this;
            self.callback.before(strats.stopAfter(maxCalls, function () {
            return self;
        distinctUntilChanged: function () {
            return this;
        distinct: function () {
                all: true
            return this;
        logError: function () {
            if (console) {
                var report;
                if (console.warn) {
                    report = console.warn;
                } else {
                    report = console.log;
                catch (report);
            return this;
        once: function () {
            return this;
        subscribe: function (callback) {
            this.callback = new Conduit.Async({
                target: callback,
                context: this
            return this;
        unsubscribe: function () {
            if (!this.inactive) {
                this.inactive = true;
        withConstraint: function (predicate) {
            return this;
        withConstraints: function (preds) {
            while (preds.length) {
            return this;
        withDebounce: function (milliseconds, immediate) {
            this.callback.before(strats.withDebounce(milliseconds, immediate));
            return this;
        withDelay: function (milliseconds) {
            return this;
        withThrottle: function (milliseconds) {
            return this;
        withContext: function (context) {
            return this;
    var bindingsResolver = {
        cache: {},
        regex: {},
        compare: function (binding, topic) {
            var pattern, rgx, prevSegment, result = (this.cache[topic] && this.cache[topic][binding]);
            if (typeof result !== "undefined") {
                return result;
            if (!(rgx = this.regex[binding])) {
                pattern = "^" + _.map(binding.split("."), function (segment) {
                    var res = "";
                    if ( !! prevSegment) {
                        res = prevSegment !== "#" ? "\\.\\b" : "\\b";
                    if (segment === "#") {
                        res += "[\\s\\S]*";
                    } else if (segment === "*") {
                        res += "[^.]+";
                    } else {
                        res += segment;
                    prevSegment = segment;
                    return res;
                }).join("") + "$";
                rgx = this.regex[binding] = new RegExp(pattern);
            this.cache[topic] = this.cache[topic] || {};
            this.cache[topic][binding] = result = rgx.test(topic);
            return result;
        reset: function () {
            this.cache = {};
            this.regex = {};
    var fireSub = function (subDef, envelope) {
        if (!subDef.inactive && _postal.configuration.resolver.compare(subDef.topic, envelope.topic)) {
            subDef.callback(envelope.data, envelope);
    var pubInProgress = 0;
    var unSubQueue = [];
    function clearUnSubQueue() {
        while (unSubQueue.length) {
    function getSystemMessage(kind, subDef) {
        return {
            channel: _postal.configuration.SYSTEM_CHANNEL,
            topic: "subscription." + kind,
            data: {
                event: "subscription." + kind,
                channel: subDef.channel,
                topic: subDef.topic
    function getPredicate(options) {
        if (typeof options === "function") {
            return options;
        } else if (!options) {
            return function () {
                return true;
        } else {
            return function (sub) {
                var compared = 0,
                    matched = 0;
                _.each(options, function (val, prop) {
                    compared += 1;
                    if (
                    // We use the bindings resolver to compare the options.topic to subDef.topic
                    (prop === "topic" && _postal.configuration.resolver.compare(sub.topic, options.topic))
                    // We need to account for the context possibly being available on callback due to Conduit
                    || (prop === "context" && options.context === (sub.callback.context && sub.callback.context() || sub.context))
                    // Any other potential prop/value matching outside topic & context...
                    || (sub[prop] === options[prop])) {
                        matched += 1;
                return compared === matched;
    function subscribe(options) {
        var subDef = new SubscriptionDefinition(options.channel || this.configuration.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, options.topic, options.callback);
        var channel = this.subscriptions[subDef.channel];
        var subs;
        if (!channel) {
            channel = this.subscriptions[subDef.channel] = {};
        subs = this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic];
        if (!subs) {
            subs = this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic] = [];
        return subDef;
    function publish(envelope) {
        envelope.channel = envelope.channel || this.configuration.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
        envelope.timeStamp = new Date();
        _.each(this.wireTaps, function (tap) {
            tap(envelope.data, envelope);
        if (this.subscriptions[envelope.channel]) {
            _.each(this.subscriptions[envelope.channel], function (subscribers) {
                var idx = 0,
                    len = subscribers.length,
                while (idx < len) {
                    if (subDef = subscribers[idx++]) {
                        fireSub(subDef, envelope);
        if (--pubInProgress === 0) {
    function unsubscribe() {
        var idx = 0;
        var subs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
        var subDef;
        while (subDef = subs.shift()) {
            if (pubInProgress) {
            if (this.subscriptions[subDef.channel] && this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic]) {
                var len = this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic].length;
                idx = 0;
                while (idx < len) {
                    if (this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic][idx] === subDef) {
                        this.subscriptions[subDef.channel][subDef.topic].splice(idx, 1);
                    idx += 1;
            _postal.publish(getSystemMessage("removed", subDef));
    _postal = {
        configuration: {
            resolver: bindingsResolver,
            DEFAULT_CHANNEL: "/",
            SYSTEM_CHANNEL: "postal"
        subscriptions: {},
        wireTaps: [],
        ChannelDefinition: ChannelDefinition,
        SubscriptionDefinition: SubscriptionDefinition,
        channel: function (channelName) {
            return new ChannelDefinition(channelName);
        addWireTap: function (callback) {
            var self = this;
            return function () {
                var idx = self.wireTaps.indexOf(callback);
                if (idx !== -1) {
                    self.wireTaps.splice(idx, 1);
        noConflict: function () {
            if (typeof window === "undefined" || (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof define === "function" && define.amd)) {
                throw new Error("noConflict can only be used in browser clients which aren't using AMD modules");
            global.postal = prevPostal;
            return this;
        getSubscribersFor: function (options) {
            var result = [];
            _.each(this.subscriptions, function (channel) {
                _.each(channel, function (subList) {
                    result = result.concat(_.filter(subList, getPredicate(options)));
            return result;
        reset: function () {
            this.subscriptions = {};
        unsubscribeFor: function (options) {
            var toDispose = [];
            if (this.subscriptions) {
                toDispose = this.getSubscribersFor(options);
                this.unsubscribe.apply(this, toDispose);
    _postal.subscribe = new Conduit.Sync({
        target: subscribe,
        context: _postal
    _postal.publish = Conduit.Async({
        target: publish,
        context: _postal
    _postal.unsubscribe = new Conduit.Sync({
        target: unsubscribe,
        context: _postal
    _postal.subscribe.after(function (subDef /*, options */ ) {
        _postal.publish(getSystemMessage("created", subDef));
    _postal.subscriptions[_postal.configuration.SYSTEM_CHANNEL] = {};
    _postal.linkChannels = function (sources, destinations) {
        var result = [],
            self = this;
        sources = !_.isArray(sources) ? [sources] : sources;
        destinations = !_.isArray(destinations) ? [destinations] : destinations;
        _.each(sources, function (source) {
            var sourceTopic = source.topic || "#";
            _.each(destinations, function (destination) {
                var destChannel = destination.channel || self.configuration.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
                    channel: source.channel || self.configuration.DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
                    topic: sourceTopic,
                    callback: function (data, env) {
                        var newEnv = _.clone(env);
                        newEnv.topic = _.isFunction(destination.topic) ? destination.topic(env.topic) : destination.topic || env.topic;
                        newEnv.channel = destChannel;
                        newEnv.data = data;
        return result;
    if (global && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(global, "__postalReady__") && _.isArray(global.__postalReady__)) {
        while (global.__postalReady__.length) {
    return _postal;