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!function ($) {
    /* =======================
     *   Popover jQuery Plugin
     *  =======================
     *  Current version: v1.0.0, Last updated: 01-28-2013
     *  Description: Cross-browser, mobile compatible popover.
     *  Author: Jordan Kelly
     *  Github: https://github.com/FoundOPS/popover
     *  Compatible browsers: IE 9+, Chrome ?+, FF 3.6+, Android 2.3+, iOS 4+
     *  jQuery functions:
     *      $(selector).popover([methods] or [config]);
     *      $(selector).optionsPopover([methods] or [config]);
     *  Config parameters:  Example usage - $(selector).popover({..., fontColor: "#000", ...});
     *       id              - When passed for initial menu, id must be the same as the id/class used in selector.
     *                         eg) "#popoverButton"
     *       title           - Title to be displayed on header.
     *       contents        - popover:          An html string to be inserted.
     *                       - optionsPopover:   An array of row data.
     *                       //TODO: Document more.
     *       backgroundColor - Sets the background color for all popups. Accepts hex and color keywords.
     *                         eg) "#000000", "black", etc.
     *       fontColor       - Sets the font color for all popups. Accepts hex and color keywords.
     *                         eg) "#000000", "black", etc.
     *       borderColor     - Sets the border color for all popups. Accepts hex and color keywords.
     *                         eg) "#000000", "black", etc.
     *       keepData        - Boolean that indicates if header and content should be cleared/set on visible.
     *                         WARNING: MAY BE REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS.
     *                         eg) truthy or falsesy values
     *       childToAppend   - A documentFragment or dom element to be appended after content is set.
     *                         WARNING: MAY BE REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS.
     *                         eg)
     *       onCreate        - A function to be called after popover is created.
     *                         eg) function(){ console.log("popover has been created!"); }
     *       onVisible       - A function to be called after popover is visible.
     *                         eg) function(){ console.log("popover is visible!"); }
     *       disableHeader   - Boolean that indicates if a header should not be used on parent listener.
     *                         eg) Truthy/Falsey values
     *   Methods: Example usage - $(selector).popover("methodName", argument1, argument2 ...);
     *       [Internal] - Functions needed for setup/initialization.
     *           _popoverInit        - Internal function used to setup popover.
     *                                 Arguments: options_config, popover_instance
     *           _optionsPopoverInit - Internal function used to setup optionsPopover.
     *                                 Arguments: options_config, popover_instance
     *       [Public]
     *           disableHeader       - Function used to disable header for a popover instance.
     *                                 Arguments: popover_instance
     *           enableHeader        - Function used to enable header for a popover instance.
     *                                 Arguments: popover_instance
     *           lockPopover         - Function used to lock all popovers. Prevents popover from opening/closing.
     *                                 Arguments: none
     *           unlockPopover       - Function used to unlock all popovers.
     *                                 Arguments: none
     *           addMenu             - Function used to add a new menu. Menus can be accessed by all popover instances.
     *                                 Arguments: id, title, contents
     *           closePopover        - Function used to close popover.
     *                                 Arguments: none
     *       [Private] - Note: Only use if you have to.
     *           _getPopoverClass    - Function used to return internal Popover class.
     *                                 Arguments: none
     *   Triggers:   Currently all events are namespaced under popover.* This may change in future versions.
     *       popover.created         - Fired when popup is created and placed in DOM.
     *       popover.listenerClicked - Fired when root popup listener is clicked.
     *       popover.action          - Fired when a menu changes.
     *                                 Arguments: DOM Element causing action.
     *       popover.visible         - Fired when popover is visible.
     *       popover.updatePositions - Fired when left and top positions are updated.
     *       popover.resize          - Fired when popover is resized.
     *       popover.closing         - Fired before popover closes.
     *       popover.setContent      - Fired after popover's contenet is set.

    var methods = {
        _init: function(options, popover) {
            //Theme modifiers
            if(typeof(options.backgroundColor) !== 'undefined'){

            if(typeof(options.fontColor) !== 'undefined'){

            if(typeof(options.borderColor) !== 'undefined'){

            //Functionality modifiers
            //TODO: Rename disableBackButton option.
            if(typeof(options.disableBackButton) !== "undefined"){
                if(options.disableBackButton === true){
                }else if(options.disableBackButton === false){

            if(typeof(options.enableBackButton) !== "undefined"){
                if(options.enableBackButton === true){
                }else if(options.enableBackButton === false){

            if(typeof(options.disableHeader) !== 'undefined'){
                if(options.disableHeader === true){
                }else if(options.disableHeader === false){

            if(typeof(options.keepData) !== 'undefined'){

            if(typeof(options.childToAppend) !== 'undefined'){
                popover.childToAppend = options.childToAppend;

            if(typeof(options.onCreate) !== 'undefined'){
                popover._onCreate = options.onCreate;

            if(typeof(options.onVisible) !== 'undefined'){
                popover._onVisible = options.onVisible;

            Popover.addMenu(options.id, options.title, options.contents);
        _popoverInit: function(options) {
            var popover = new Popover(this.selector);
            methods._init(options, popover);
            return popover;
        _optionsPopoverInit: function (options) {
            var popover = new OptionsPopover(this.selector);
            methods._init(options, popover);
            return popover;
        //Requires instance to be passed.
        disableHeader: function(popover) {
        //Requires instance to be passed.
        enableHeader: function(popover) {
        //Static functions
        lockPopover: function() {
        unlockPopover: function() {
        addMenu: function (menu) {
            Popover.addMenu(menu.id, menu.title, menu.contents);
        closePopover: function () {
        _getPopoverClass: function() {
            return Popover;

    $.fn.optionsPopover = function (method) {
        // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
        //var settings = $.extend({}, options);
        // Method calling logic
        if (methods[method]) {
            return methods[ method ].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
            return methods._optionsPopoverInit.apply(this, arguments);
        } else {
            $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.optionsPopover');

        return this.each(function () {});

    $.fn.ppopover = function (method) {
        // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
        //var settings = $.extend({}, options);
        // Method calling logic
        if (methods[method]) {
            return methods[ method ].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
            return methods._popoverInit.apply(this, arguments);
        } else {
            $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.popover');

        return this.each(function () {});

//          Popover Block
    /**     Popover CONSTRUCTOR    **/
    function Popover(popoverListener) {
        this.constructor = Popover;

        //Set this popover's number and increment Popover count.
        this.popoverNumber = ++Popover.popoverNum;
        //Class added to detect clicks on primary buttons triggering popovers.
        this.popoverListenerID = "popoverListener"+this.popoverNumber;
        this.isHeaderDisabled = true;
        this.isDataKept = false;
        this.hasBeenOpened = false;

        var thisPopover = this;
        var listenerElements = $(popoverListener);
        listenerElements.css("cursor", "pointer");
        listenerElements.click(function (e) {
            thisPopover.toggleVisible(e, $(this));

    Popover.prototype.disableHeader = function() {
        this.isHeaderDisabled = true;

    Popover.prototype.enableHeader = function() {
        this.isHeaderDisabled = false;

    Popover.prototype.disablePopover = function() {
        this.isDisabled = true;

    Popover.prototype.enablePopover = function() {
        this.isDisabled = false;

    Popover.prototype.keepData = function(bool){
        this.isDataKept = bool;

    Popover.prototype.appendChild = function(){
        var child = this.childToAppend;

    Popover.prototype.toggleVisible = function (e, clicked) {
        Popover.lastPopoverClicked = this;
        var clickedDiv = $(clicked);
        if (!clickedDiv) {
            //console.log("ERROR: No element clicked!");

        var popoverWrapperDiv = $("#popoverWrapper");
        if (popoverWrapperDiv.length === 0) {
            //console.log("Popover not initialized; initializing.");
            popoverWrapperDiv = this.createPopover();
            if (popoverWrapperDiv.length === 0) {
                //console.log("ERROR: Failed to create Popover!");

        //TODO: In the future, add passed id to selected div's data-* or add specific class.
        var id = clickedDiv.attr("id");
        var identifierList = clickedDiv.attr('class').split(/\s+/);

        //NOTE: identifierList contains the clicked element's id and class names. This is used to find its
        //      associated menu. The next version will have a specialized field to indicate this.
        //console.log("List: "+identifierList);

        //TODO: Fix repetition.
        if ($("#popover").is(":visible") && Popover.lastElementClick) {
            if (clickedDiv.is("#" + Popover.lastElementClick)) {
                //console.log("Clicked on same element!");
                //console.log("Last clicked: " + Popover.lastElementClick);
            //console.log("Clicked on different element!");

        //Blocking statement that waits until popover closing animation is complete.
        $("#popover").promise().done(function () {});

        //If popover is locked, don't continue actions.
        //Update content

        clickedDiv.trigger("popover.action", clickedDiv);

            $("#popoverHeader").css("backgroundColor", Popover.backgroundColor);
            $("#popoverContent").css("backgroundColor", Popover.backgroundColor);

            $("#popover").css("color", Popover.fontColor);
            //TODO: Trigger color change event and move to OptionsPopover.
            $("#popover a").css("color", Popover.fontColor);

            $("#popoverHeader").css("border-color", Popover.borderColor);
            $("#popoverContent").css("border-color", Popover.borderColor);
            $(".popoverContentRow").css("border-color", Popover.borderColor);

        //Make popover visible
        $("#popover").stop(false, true).fadeIn('fast');
        $("#popoverWrapper").css("visibility", "visible");
        $("#popover").promise().done(function () {});

            //console.log("LOG: Executing onVisible callback.");

        if((this.isDataKept && !this.hasBeenOpened) || (!this.isDataKept)){
            var child = this.childToAppend;
        this.hasBeenOpened = true;

        //Update left, right and caret positions for popover.
        //NOTE: Must be called after popover.visible event, in order to trigger jspScrollPane update.

        Popover.lastElementClick = clickedDiv.attr("id");

    Popover.updatePositions = function(target){

    Popover.updateTopPosition = function(target){
        var top = Popover.getTop(target);
        $("#popoverWrapper").css("padding-top", top + "px");

    Popover.updateLeftPosition = function(target){
        var offset = Popover.getLeft(target);
        $("#popoverWrapper").css("left", offset.popoverLeft);
        Popover.setCaretPosition(offset.targetLeft - offset.popoverLeft + Popover.padding);

//Function returns the left offset of the popover and target element.
    Popover.getLeft = function (target) {
        var popoverWrapperDiv = $("#popoverWrapper");
        Popover.currentTarget = target;
        var targetLeft = target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() / 2;
        var rightOffset = targetLeft + popoverWrapperDiv.outerWidth() / 2;
        var offset = targetLeft - popoverWrapperDiv.outerWidth() / 2 + Popover.padding + 1;
        var windowWidth = $(window).width();

        Popover.offScreenX = false;
        if (offset < 0) {
            Popover.offScreenX = true;
            offset = Popover.padding;
        } else if (rightOffset > windowWidth) {
            Popover.offScreenX = true;
            offset = windowWidth - popoverWrapperDiv.outerWidth();

        //Returns left offset of popover from window.
        return {targetLeft: targetLeft, popoverLeft: offset};

    Popover.getTop = function(target){
        var caretHeight =  $("#popoverArrow").height();
        //TODO: Make more readable.
        //If absolute position from mobile css, don't offset from scroll.
        var scrollTop = ($("#popoverWrapper").css("position")==="absolute")?0:$(window).scrollTop();
        var targetTop = target.offset().top - scrollTop;
        var targetBottom = targetTop + target.outerHeight();
        var popoverTop = targetBottom + caretHeight;
        var windowHeight = $(window).height();
        var popoverContentHeight = $("#popoverContent").height();
        var popoverHeight = popoverContentHeight + $("#popoverHeader").outerHeight() + caretHeight;

        Popover.above = false;
        Popover.offScreenY = false;

        //If popover is past the bottom of the screen.
        //else if popover is above the top of the screen.
        if (windowHeight < targetBottom + popoverHeight) {
            Popover.offScreenY = true;
            //If there is room above, move popover above target
            //else keep popover bottom at bottom of screen.
            if(targetTop >= popoverHeight){
                popoverTop = targetTop - popoverHeight;
                Popover.above = true;
                popoverTop = windowHeight - popoverHeight;
        } else if (popoverTop < 0) {
            Popover.offScreenY = true;
            popoverTop = Popover.padding + caretHeight;

         //Debug logs
         console.log("Caret Height: " + caretHeight);
         console.log("TargetTop: " + targetTop);
         console.log("Popover Cont Height: " + popoverContentHeight);
         console.log("Cont Height: " + $("#popoverContent").height());
         console.log("Header Height: " + $("#popoverHeader").outerHeight());
         console.log("targetBottom: " + targetBottom);
         console.log("popoverHeight: " + popoverHeight);
         console.log("popoverBottom: " + (targetBottom + popoverHeight));
         console.log("Popover Height: " + $("#popover").height());
         console.log("PopoverWrapper Height: " + $("#popoverWrapper").height());
         console.log("PopoverWrapper2 Height: " + $("#popoverWrapper").height(true));
         console.log("popoverTop: " + popoverTop);
         console.log("windowHeight: " + windowHeight);
         console.log("offScreenY: " + Popover.offScreenY);
         console.log("Popover.above: " + Popover.above);

        return popoverTop;

    Popover.setCaretPosition = function(offset){
        //console.log("LOG: Setting caret position.");
        var caretPos = "50%";
        var caret = $("#popoverArrow");
        if (Popover.offScreenX) {
            caretPos = offset;
        //Moves carrot on popover div.
        caret.css("left", caretPos);

        //console.log("LOG: Popover.above: "+Popover.above);
            var popoverHeight = $("#popoverContent").outerHeight() - 4;
            $("#popoverArrow").css("margin-top", popoverHeight+"px")
            $("#popoverArrow").css("margin-top", "")
        Popover.caretLeftOffset = caretPos;

// createPopover: Prepends popover to dom
    Popover.prototype.createPopover = function () {
        //Creates popover div that will be populated in the future.
        var popoverWrapperDiv = $(document.createElement("div"));
        popoverWrapperDiv.attr("id", "popoverWrapper");

        var s = "<div id='popover'>" +
            "<div id='popoverArrow'>▲</div>" +
            "<div id='currentPopoverAction' style='display: none;'></div>" +
            "<div id='popoverContentWrapper'>" +
            "<div id='popoverContent'></div>" +
            "</div>" +
        popoverWrapperDiv.find("#popover").css("display", "none");

        //Appends created div to page.

        //Window resize listener to check if popover is off screen.
        $(window).on('resize', function () {
            if ($("#popover").is(":visible")) {
            var popoverWrapperDiv = $("#popoverWrapper");
                popoverWrapperDiv.css("height", $(document).height());
                popoverWrapperDiv.css("height", "");

        //Click listener to detect clicks outside of popover
            .on('click touchend', function (e) {
                var clicked = $(e.target);
                //TODO: Return if not visible.
                var popoverHeaderLen = clicked.parents("#popoverHeader").length + clicked.is("#popoverHeader") ? 1 : 0;
                var popoverContentLen = (clicked.parents("#popoverContentWrapper").length && !clicked.parent().is("#popoverContentWrapper")) ? 1 : 0;
                var isListener = clicked.parents("."+Popover.lastPopoverClicked.popoverListenerID).length + clicked.is("."+Popover.lastPopoverClicked.popoverListenerID) ? 1 : 0;
                if (popoverHeaderLen === 0 && popoverContentLen === 0 && isListener === 0) {

        var popoverContentWrapperDiv = $("#popoverContentWrapper");
        var throttleTimeout;
        $(window).bind('resize', function () {
            if ($.browser.msie) {
                if (!throttleTimeout) {
                    throttleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
                            throttleTimeout = null;
                        }, 50
            } else {

        //Function also returns the popover div for ease of use.
        return popoverWrapperDiv;

//Closes the popover
    Popover.closePopover = function () {
        Popover.lastElementClick = null;

        Popover.history = [];
        $("#popover").stop(false, true).fadeOut('fast');
        $("#popoverWrapper").css("visibility", "hidden");

    Popover.getAction = function () {
        return $("#currentPopoverAction").html();

    Popover.setAction = function (id) {

    Popover.prototype.disableBackButton = function(){
        this.isBackEnabled = false;

    Popover.prototype.enableBackButton = function(){
        this.isBackEnabled = true;

    Popover.prototype.previousPopover = function(){
        if (Popover.history.length <= 0) {
        var menu = Popover.history[Popover.history.length - 1];

//Public setter function for static var title and sets title of the html popover element.
    Popover.setTitle = function (t) {
        Popover.title = t;

// Public getter function that returns a popover menu.
// Returns: Popover menu object if found, null if not.
// Arguments:   id - id of menu to lookup
    Popover.getMenu = function (id) {
        //Searches for a popover data object by the id passed, returns data object if found.
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < Popover.menus.length; i += 1) {
            //console.log("LOG: getMenu - Popover.menus["+i+"]: "+Popover.menus[i].id);
            if (Popover.menus[i].id === id) {
                return Popover.menus[i];

        //Null result returned if popover data object is not found.
        //console.log("LOG: getMenu - No data found, returning null.");
        return null;

    Popover.addMenu = function (id, title, contents) {
        Popover.menus.push({'id': id, 'title': title, 'contents': contents});

    Popover.prototype.populateByMenu = function(menu){

        this.lastContentHeight = Popover.getPopoverContentHeight();


        //If data is kept, header and other content will still be in dom, so don't do either.
        if(!this.isHeaderDisabled && !this.isDataKept) {

        var popoverDisplay = $("#popover").css("display");

        if(!this.isDataKept || !this.hasBeenOpened)this.setData(menu);

        this.currentContentHeight = Popover.getPopoverContentHeight();

        if(Popover.above && popoverDisplay!=="none"){
            var oldPopoverTop = parseInt($("#popoverWrapper").css("padding-top"), 10);
            var contentHeightDelta = this.currentContentHeight - this.lastContentHeight;
            var popoverTop = oldPopoverTop - (contentHeightDelta);
            $("#popoverWrapper").css("padding-top", popoverTop + "px");

        return true;

//Public void function that populates setTitle and setContent with data found by id passed.
    Popover.prototype.populate = function(identifierList){
        var newMenu = null;
        var i=0;
        for(i; i<identifierList.length; i++){
            newMenu = Popover.getMenu(identifierList[i]);
                //console.log("Found menu! id: "+identifierList[i]);

        if (!newMenu) {
            //console.log("ID not found.");
            return false;

        return this.populateByMenu(newMenu);

    Popover.getPopoverContentHeight = function(){
        var popoverDisplay = $("#popover").css("display");
        var popoverHeight = $("#popoverContent").height();
        return popoverHeight;

    Popover.prototype.insertHeader = function (){
        var header = "<div id='popoverHeader'>" +
            "<div id='popoverTitle'></div>" +
            "<a id='popoverClose'><span id='popoverCloseIcon'>✕</span></a>" +


        //Create back button
        //Don't create back button or listener if disabled.
            //console.log("LOG: Creating back button.");
            var thisPopover = this;
            $("#popoverHeader").prepend("<a id='popoverBack'><span id='popoverBackIcon'>◄</span></a>");
            $("#popoverBack").on("click", function () {

        //Click listener for popover close button.
        $("#popoverClose").on("click", function () {

        $("#popoverContent").css("paddingTop", "47px");

    Popover.prototype.removeHeader = function() {
        $("#popoverContent").css("paddingTop", "");

    Popover.prototype.clearData = function (){


    Popover.prototype.setData = function (data) {

    Popover.prototype.replaceMenu = function (menu, newMenu){
        var property;
        for(property in menu){
            delete menu[property];
        for(property in newMenu){
            menu[property] = newMenu[property];

//Public setter function for private var content and sets content of the html popover element.
    Popover.setContent = function (cont) {
        Popover.content = cont;
        //Note: Popover content set without using jscrollpane api.
        //Note: Removed 'this' reference passed.

    /**     STATIC VARIABLES     **/
    Popover.popoverNum = 0;
    Popover.lastElementClick = null;
    Popover.currentTarget = null;
    Popover.title = "";
    Popover.content = "";
    Popover.menus = [];
    Popover.history = [];
    Popover.backgroundColor = null;
    Popover.fontColor = null;
    Popover.borderColor = null;
    Popover.padding = 3;
    Popover.offScreenX = false;
    Popover.offScreenY = false;
    Popover.isLocked = false;
    Popover.above = false;
    Popover.caretLeftOffset = "50%";
    Popover.lastPopoverClicked = null;

    /**     STATIC FUNCTIONS     **/
    Popover.setBackgroundColor = function(color){
        Popover.backgroundColor = color;

    Popover.setFontColor = function(color){
        Popover.fontColor = color;

    Popover.setBorderColor = function(color){
        Popover.borderColor = color;

    Popover.lockPopover = function(){
        Popover.isLocked = true;

    Popover.unlockPopover = function(){
        Popover.isLocked = false;

//          OptionsPopover Block

    /**   OptionsPopover CONSTRUCTOR  **/
    function OptionsPopover(popoverListener){
        //Super constructor call.
        Popover.apply(this, [popoverListener]);
        this.constructor = OptionsPopover;
        this.superConstructor = Popover;

        this.isHeaderDisabled = false;
        this.isBackEnabled = true;

            OptionsPopover.hasRun = true;
//Inherit Popover
    OptionsPopover.prototype = new Popover();
    OptionsPopover.constructor = OptionsPopover;

    /**     STATIC VARIABLES        **/
    OptionsPopover.hasRun = false;

    /**     PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS     **/
//Run-once function for listeners
    OptionsPopover.prototype.init = function(){
            .on('touchstart mousedown', '#popover a',
            function () {
                $(this).css({backgroundColor: "#488FCD"});
            .on('touchend mouseup mouseout', '#popover a',
            function () {
                $(this).css({backgroundColor: ""});
            .on('click', '.popoverContentRow',
            function () {
                var newId = [];

                if ($(this).hasClass("popoverEvent")) {
                    $(this).trigger("popover.action", $(this));

                var keepOpen = Popover.lastPopoverClicked.populate(newId);
                if (!keepOpen) Popover.closePopover();

    OptionsPopover.prototype.setData = function (data) {
        var contArray = data.contents;
        var c = "";
        var i;

        for (i = 0; i < contArray.length; i++) {
            var lastElement = "";
            var popoverEvent = "";
            var menuId = "";
            var menuUrl = "";
            if (i === contArray.length - 1) {
                lastElement = " last";

            //Links are given the popoverEvent class if no url passed. If link has popoverEvent,
            // event is fired based on currentPopoverAction.
            if (typeof(contArray[i].id) !== 'undefined') {
                menuId = " id='" + contArray[i].id + "'";

            if (typeof(contArray[i].url) !== 'undefined') {
                menuUrl = " href='" + contArray[i].url + "'";
            } else {
                popoverEvent = " popoverEvent";

            c += "<a" + menuUrl + menuId + " class='popoverContentRow" + popoverEvent + lastElement + "'>" +
                contArray[i].name +
