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Test Coverage

BUG found

title: "[BUG]"
Severity: Minor
Found in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ by fixme

First header should be a top level header

### Describe the bug

MD002 - First header should be a top level header

Tags: headers

Aliases: first-header-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when the first header in the document isn't a h1 header:

## This isn't a H1 header

### Another header

The first header in the document should be a h1 header:

# Start with a H1 header

## Then use a H2 for subsections

First line in file should be a top level header


MD041 - First line in file should be a top level header

Tags: headers

Aliases: first-line-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when the first line in the file isn't a top level (h1) header:

This is a file without a header

To fix this, add a header to the top of your file:

# File with header

This is a file with a top level header

Note: The level parameter can be used to change the top level (ex: to h2) in cases where an h1 is added externally.

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