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# :factory: :left_right_arrow: :busts_in_silhouette: Digital Twin as a Service

## :grinning: Motivation

The Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) software platform is useful
to <font color="orange"> **Build, Use and Share** </font> digital twins (DTs).

:mechanical_arm: <font color="orange">**Build**</font>: DTs are built on DTaaS using
reusable DT assets available on the platform.

:office_worker: :factory_worker: <font color="orange">**Use**</font>: Run your
DTs on DTaaS.

:handshake: <font color="orange">**Share**</font>: Share ready-to-use DTs
with other users. It is also possible to share the services
offered by one DT with other users.

## :rocket: Install and Use

Please use the latest release available on
the [releases page](
and its [documentation](
to install and use the DTaaS software platform.

### Independent Packages

The DTaaS development team publishes reusable packages which are then
put together to form the complete DTaaS application.

These packages are published on
[npmjs](, and
[docker hub]( repositories.

You are welcome to open an [issue](
if there is a suggestion to improve the software.

## :scientist: Research

If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:

  author={Talasila, Prasad and Gomes, Cláudio and Mikkelsen, Peter Høgh and Arboleda, Santiago Gil and Kamburjan, Eduard and Larsen, Peter Gorm},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC)},
  title={Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS): A Platform for Digital Twin Developers and Users}, 
  keywords={digital twins;physical twin;automation;life cycle;composition},

## :hammer_and_wrench: Development Setup

This is a mono repo containing code for
both the web client and the microservices code base.
The [web client](client),
[library](servers/lib) and
microservices are functional at present.
These packages are available on

Please see the
[developer documentation](
for more details.

## :balance_scale: License

This software is owned by
[The INTO-CPS Association](
and is available under [the INTO-CPS License](./

Please see [third-party](docs/ for details of
the third-party software included in the DTaaS.