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Test Coverage
from src.pkg import utils
import filecmp
from pprint import pprint

def test_import_yaml_users():

    expected = {
        "image": "mltooling/ml-workspace-minimal:0.13.2",
        "volumes": [
        "shm_size": "512m",
        "labels": [

    template, err= utils.importYaml("users.local.yml")
    if err!=None:
        raise Exception(err)
    assert template==expected

def test_import_yaml_compose():
    expected = getTestComposeObject()

    compose, err = utils.importYaml('tests/compose.users.test.yml')
    if err is not None:
        raise Exception(err)
    assert expected==compose

def test_import_toml():
    toml, err = utils.importToml('tests/dtaas.test.toml')
    if err is not None:
        raise Exception(err)
    expected = {
        "name" : "Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS)",
        "version" : "0.1.0",
        "owner" : "The INTO-CPS-Association",
        "git-repo" : "",

        # absolute path to the DTaaS application directory
        "server-dns" : "localhost",
        "path" : "/home/Desktop/DTaaS"
            # matching user info must present in this config file
            "add" : ["username1","username2", "username3"],
            "delete" : ["username2", "username3"],

            "username1" :{
            "email" : ""
            "username2" :{
            "email" : ""
            "username3" : {
            "email" : ""

                "config" : "/home/Desktop/DTaaS/env.local.js"
    assert expected==toml

def test_replace_all():

    templateRandomVals = ["stringval1", "stringval2", "stringval3", "listval1", "listval2", "listval3"]
    template = getReplaceAllObject(templateRandomVals)

    expectedRandomVals = ["one", "two", "three", "foo", "bar", "qux"]
    expected = getReplaceAllObject(expectedRandomVals)

    mapping = {}
    for i in range(len(templateRandomVals)):
        mapping[templateRandomVals[i]] = expectedRandomVals[i]
    ans, err = utils.replaceAll(template, mapping)
    if err is not None:
        raise Exception(err)

    assert ans==expected

def test_export_yaml():

    data = getTestComposeObject()

    err = utils.exportYaml(data, 'tests/compose.users.exp.yml')
    if err is not None:
        raise Exception(err)
    assert filecmp.cmp('tests/compose.users.test.yml', 'tests/compose.users.exp.yml')

def getReplaceAllObject(randomVals):

    obj = {
        "key1": randomVals[0],
        "key2": [randomVals[3], randomVals[4], randomVals[5]],
            "dict1key1": randomVals[1],
            "dict2key2": [randomVals[3],randomVals[5]],
            "dict3key3": {
                    "listkey": [randomVals[4]]
        "dictkey2": {
            "dict2key1" : {
                "key5": randomVals[2],
                "key6": randomVals[3],
                "key7": [randomVals[4], randomVals[5]]
            "dict2key2": randomVals[1],
            "dict2key3": randomVals[4]

    return obj

def getTestComposeObject():
    testCompose = {
        "version": '3',
                "image": "mltooling/ml-workspace-minimal:0.13.2",
                "volumes": [
                "shm_size": "512m",
                "labels": [
                "external": True,

    return testCompose