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# Add other services

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
!!! Pre-requisite
    You should read the documentation about
    the already available [services](../

This guide will show you how to add more services.
In the following example we will be adding **MongoDB** as a service,
but these steps could be modified to install other services as well.

**Adding other services requires more RAM and CPU power.**
**Please make sure the host machine meets the hardware requirements**
**for running all the services.**

**1. Add the configuration:**

Select configuration parameters for the MongoDB service.

| Configuration Variable Name | Description                                                       |
| :-------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| username                    | the username of the root user in the MongoDB                      |
| password                    | the password of the root user in the MongoDB                      |
| port                        | the mapped port on the host machine (default is 27017)            |
| datapath                    | path on host machine to mount the data from the MongoDB container |

Open the file `/deploy/services/services.yml` and add the configuration for MongoDB:

        username: "dtaas"
        password: "dtaas"
        vhost: "/"
            main: 5672
            management: 15672
        username: <username>
        password: <password>
        port: <port>
        datapath: <datapath>

**2. Add the script:**

The next step is to add the script that sets up the MongoDB container with the configuraiton.

Create new file named `/deploy/services/mongodb.js` and add the following code:

/* Install the optional platform services for DTaaS */
import { $ } from "execa";
import chalk from "chalk";
import fs from "fs";
import yaml from "js-yaml";

const $$ = $({ stdio: "inherit" });
const log = console.log;
let config;

try {
  log("Load services configuration"));
  config = await yaml.load(fs.readFileSync("services.yml", "utf8"));
      "configuration loading is successful and config is a valid yaml file"
} catch (e) {
  log("configuration is invalid. Please rectify services.yml file"));

log("Start MongoDB server"));
const mongodbConfig =;

try {
      "Attempt to delete any existing MongoDB server docker container"
  await $$`docker stop mongodb`;
  await $$`docker rm mongodb`;
} catch (e) {}

log("Start new Mongodb server docker container"));
await $$`docker run -d -p ${mongodbConfig.port}:27017 \
  --name mongodb \
  -v ${mongodbConfig.datapath}:/data/db \
  -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=${mongodbConfig.username} \
  -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=${mongodbConfig.password} \
  --restart always \
log("MongoDB server docker container started successfully"));

**3. Run the script:**

Go to the directory `/deploy/services/`
and run services script with the following commands:

yarn install
node mongodb.js

The MongoDB should now be available on **<port\>**.