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# Link services to local ports

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!!! Requirements

    - User needs to have an account on server2.
    - SSH server must be running on server2

To link a port from the service machine (server2)
to the local port on the user workspace.
You can use ssh local port forwarding technique.

**1. Step:**

Go to the user workspace, on which you want to map
from localhost to the services machine

- e.g. ``

**2. Step:**

Open a terminal in your user workspace.
![Open terminal in user workspace](open_terminal_in_workspace.gif)

**3. Step:**

Run the following command to map a port:

ssh -fNT -L <local_port>:<destination>:<destination_port> <user>@<>

Here's an example mapping the RabbitMQ broker service available at 5672 of to localhost port 5672.

ssh -fNT -L 5672:localhost:5672

Now the programs in user workspace can treat the RabbitMQ broker service as
a local service running within user workspace.