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# DTaaS on Single Vagrant Machine

These are installation instructions for running DTaaS software
inside one vagrant Virtual Machine. The setup requires a
machine which can spare 16GB RAM, 8 vCPUs and 50GB Hard Disk
space to the vagrant box.

## Create Base Vagrant Box

Create [**dtaas** Vagrant box](
You would have created an SSH key pair - _vagrant_ and _vagrant.pub_.
The _vagrant_ is the private SSH key and is needed for the next steps.
Copy _vagrant_ SSH private key into the current directory
This shall be useful for logging into the vagrant
machines created for two-machine deployment.

## Target Installation Setup

The goal is to use the [**dtaas** Vagrant box](
to install the DTaaS software on one single vagrant machine.
A graphical illustration of a successful installation can be
seen here.

![Single vagrant machine](single-machine.png)

There are many unused software packages/docker containers within
the dtaas base box.
The used packages/docker containers are highlighed in blue color.

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD046 -->

!!! tip
    The illustration shows hosting of gitlab on the same
    vagrant machine with <http:>_http(s)://</http:>
    The gitlab setup is outside the scope this installation
    guide. Please refer to
    [gitlab docker install](
    for gitlab installation.

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## Configure Server Settings

A dummy **** URL has been used for illustration.
Please change this to your unique website URL.

Please follow the next steps to make this installation work
in your local environment.

Update the **Vagrantfile**. Fields to update are:

1. Hostname (`node.vm.hostname = ""`)
1. MAC address (`:mac => "xxxxxxxx"`).
   This change is required if you have a DHCP server assigning domain names
   based on MAC address. Otherwise, you can leave this field unchanged.
1. Other adjustments are optional.

## Installation Steps

Execute the following commands from terminal

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Set a cronjob inside the vagrant virtual
machine to remote the conflicting default route.
Download the [route script]( and run
the following command.

sudo bash

Please follow the instructions of [regular server installation](../
setup to complete the installation.

## References

Image sources: [Ubuntu logo](,
[Traefik logo](,