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# What is DTaaS?

The Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) software platform is useful
to <font color="orange"> **Build, Use and Share** </font> digital twins (DTs).

:mechanical_arm: <font color="orange">**Build**</font>: DTs are built on DTaaS using
reusable DT assets available on the platform.

:office_worker: :factory_worker: <font color="orange">**Use**</font>: Run your
DTs on DTaaS.

:handshake: <font color="orange">**Share**</font>: Share ready-to-use DTs
with other users. It is also possible to share the services
offered by one DT with other users.

There is an overview of DTaaS available in the form of
and [feature walkthrough](

## License

This software is owned by
[The INTO-CPS Association](
and is available under [the INTO-CPS License](

DTaaS software platform uses [third-party](./
open-source software.
These software components have their own licenses.