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# Third Party Software

The DTaaS software platform uses many third-party software.
These software components have their own licenses.

## User Installations

The list of software included with DTaaS installation scripts are:

| Software Package                                                         | Usage     | License                                                                   |
| :----------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [docker v24.0](                             | mandatory | Apache 2.0                                                                |
| [ml-workspace-minimal v0.13]( | mandatory | Apache 2.0                                                                |
| [nodejs v20.10](                                   | mandatory | [Custom - Modified MIT]( |
| [npm v10.2](                                           | mandatory | Artistic License 2.0                                                      |
| [serve](                                 | mandatory | MIT                                                                       |
| [Træfik v2.10](                       | mandatory | MIT                                                                       |
| [yarn v1.22](                                       | mandatory | BSD 2-Clause                                                              |
| [eclipse-mosquitto v2](             | optional  | Eclipse Public License-2.0                                                |
| [gitlab-ce v16.4](                              | optional  | MIT                                                                       |
| [Grafana v10.1](                      | optional  | GNU Affero General Public (AGPL) License v3.0                             |
| [InfluxDB v2.7](                  | optional  | Apache2, MIT                                                              |
| [Mongodb v7.0](                         | optional  | AGPL License and Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1                     |
| [Tabbitmq v3-management](    | optional  | Mozilla Public License                                                    |
| [Telegraf v1.28](                 | optional  | MIT                                                                       |

## Development Environments

Inaddition to all the software included in user installations,
the DTaaS development environments may use the following
additional software packages.

| Software Package                                                    | Usage     | License        |
| :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-------- | :------------- |
| [Material for mkdocs]( | mandatory | MIT            |
| [Docker-compose v2.20](           | optional  | Apache 2.0     |
| [Jupyter Lab](             | optional  | 3-Clause BSD   |
| [Microk8s v1.27](             | optional  | Apache 2.0     |
| [Openssl](                                  | optional  | Custom License |

## Package Dependencies

There are specific software packages included in the development of client,
library microservice and runner microservice. These packages can be seen
in the **package.json** file of the matching directories.

The plugins of _material for mkdocs_ might have their own licenses.
The list of plugins used are in **requirements.txt** file.