# Developer Instructions
## :gear: Configure
This microservice needs library assets and configuration
file. Please see [README](./ for this information.
## :hammer_and_wrench: Developer Commands
yarn install # Install dependencies for the microservice
yarn syntax # Analyze code for errors and style issues
yarn format #format .ts[x] and .js[x] files with prettier
yarn graph # Generate dependency graphs in the code
yarn build # Compile ES6 to ES5 and copy JS files to build/ directory
yarn test:unit # Run unit tests
yarn test:int # Run integration tests
yarn test:e2e # Run end-to-end tests
yarn test:http # Run tests for HTTP file service provided by cloudcmd
yarn test:all # Run all tests except http tests
yarn start -h # List of all the CLI commands
yarn start # Start the application
yarn start:pm2 # Start the application with process manager 2
yarn stop:pm2 # Stop the application managed by process manager 2
yarn clean # Deletes "build", "coverage", "dist" and other temp files
**NOTE:** The integration, end-to-end and http tests require a valid
`.env` file. Here is a sample file.
LOCAL_PATH ='/Users/<Username>/DTaaS/files'
## Service Endpoint
The URL endpoint for this microservice is located at: `localhost:PORT/lib`
The [API](./ page shows sample queries and responses.
## Manual testing
As of now, some features require manual testing or attention.
### CloudCMD (a npm package dependency)
Due to how CloudCMD works,
it is required to manually run `yarn test:http` with `LOCAL_PATH` both as an
absolute path and local path. For example, the manual tests
need to be done with the following `LOCAL_PATH` values.
| OS | Absolute Path | Relative Path |
| ------- | ----------------------------- | ------------- |
| Windows | C:\DTaaS\files | ..\..\files |
| Linux | /Users/\<Username\>/DTaaS/files | ../../files |
### PM2
the pm2 might not close spawned processes correctly,
therefore please use the following command to kill a process.
`pm2 del <id>`.
**NOTE:** to see the processes spawned by pm2 use `pm2 list`
## :package: :ship: Packages
### Docker images
The docker version of lib microservice is packaged with the DTaaS
application release.
Please see [publishing](../../docker/ page
for more information publishing docker images.
### Default NPM Registry
The default registry for npm packages is [npmjs](
sudo npm install -g @into-cps-association/libms
The steps for publishing the package to npmjs are listed in
[npm packages](../../docs/developer/ page.
The libms is also published on this registry, usually per release
of the DTaaS application. The package on npmjs is more stable
than the package on github npm registry.
### Github NPM Package Registry
The Github actions workflow of
[lib microservice](../../.github/workflows/lib-ms.yml) publishes the **libms**
A new libmspackage is published to github packages for each version
of libms microservice.
### Verdaccio - Local NPM Package Registry
Use the instructions in
[publish npm package](../../docs/developer/ for help
with publishing **libms npm package** in local computer.
Application of the advice given on that page for **libms** will require
running the following commands.
## Use in Docker Environment
### Adjust Configuration (Optional)
The microservices require configuration and the docker version
of the microservices uses the configuration
file available in `config/.env.default`.
Please add a `.env` file with the environment variables for
the docker compose file to use.
### Use
The commands to start and stop the appliation are:
**NOTE**: the docker compose file is located in the `servers/lib` directory.
docker compose -f up -d
This command brings up the lib docker container and makes
the website available at <http://localhost:4001>.
The `config/.env.default` file is used as the microservice configuration.
If the configuration values are changed, please restart the container.
docker compose -f down
docker compose -f up -d
### Publish
yarn install
yarn build #the dist/ directory is needed for publishing step
yarn publish --no-git-tag-version #increments version and publishes to registry
yarn publish #increments version, publishes to registry and adds a git tag
### Unpublish
npm unpublish --registry http://localhost:4873/ @into-cps-association/libms@0.2.0