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# Overview

The **lib microservice** is a simplified file manager providing graphQL API.
It has two features:

* provide a listing of directory contents.
* transfer a file to user.

## :arrow_down: Install

### Default NPM Registry

The default registry for npm packages is [npmjs](
Install the package with the following commands

sudo npm install -g @into-cps-association/libms

The package on [npmjs]( is published
less frequently than the one on Github NPM Registry. But
the package on npmjs is more stable version of libms and should
be used for production purposes.

### Github NPM Registry

The package is also available in Github
[packages registry](

Set the registry and install the package with the following commands

sudo npm config set @into-cps-association:registry
sudo npm install -g @into-cps-association/libms

The _npm install_ command asks for username and password. The username is
your Github username and the password is your Github
[personal access token](
In order for the npm to download the package, your personal access token
needs to have _read:packages_ scope.

## Use in Docker Environment

### Adjust Configuration (Optional)

The microservices require configuration,
see the [Configure](#gear-configure) section for more info.

The docker version of the microservices uses the configuration
file available in `config/.env.default`.
If you would like to adjust the configuration, please change this file.

### Use

The commands to start and stop the appliation are:

git clone
cd servers/lib
docker compose -f compose.lib.yml up -d

This command brings up the lib docker container and makes
the website available at <http://localhost:4001>.
The `config/.env.default` file is used as the microservice configuration.
If the configuration values are changed, please restart the container.

docker compose -f compose.lib.yml down
docker compose -f compose.lib.yml up -d

## :gear: Configure

The microservices requires config specified in INI format.
The template configuration file is:

MODE='local' or 'gitlab'
LOCAL_PATH ='/Users/<Username>/DTaaS/files'
APOLLO_PATH='/lib' or ''
GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND='false' or 'true'

The `LOCAL_PATH` variable is the absolute filepath to the
location of the local directory which will be served to users
by the Library microservice.

Replace the default values the appropriate values for your setup.
Please save this config in a file.

## :rocket: Use

Display help.

$libms -h
Usage: libms [options]

The lib microservice is a file server. It supports file transfer
over GraphQL and HTTP protocols.

  -c, --config <file>  provide the config file (default .env)
  -H, --http <file>    enable the HTTP server with the specified config
  -h, --help           display help for libms

Both the options are not mandatory.

### Configuration file

The config is saved `.env` file by convention. If `-c` is not specified
The **libms** looks for
`.env` file in the working directory from which it is run.
If you want to run **libms** without explicitly specifying the configuration
file, run


To run **libms** with a custom config file,

libms -c FILE-PATH
libms --config FILE-PATH

If the environment file is named something other than `.env`,
for example as `config/.env.default`, you can run

libms -c "config/.env.default"

You can press `Ctl+C` to halt the application.

### Protocol Support

The **libms** supports GraphQL protocol by default.
It is possible to enable the HTTP protocol by setting
the `-H` option.

To run **libms** with a custom config for HTTP protocol, use

libms -H FILE-PATH
libms --http FILE-PATH

<summary>Please see this sample HTTP config file</summary>

  "name": "DTaaS Fileserver",
  "auth": false,
  "editor": "edward",
  "packer": "zip",
  "diff": true,
  "zip": true,
  "buffer": true,
  "dirStorage": true,
  "online": false,
  "open": false,
  "oneFilePanel": true,
  "keysPanel": false,
  "prefix": "/lib/files",
  "confirmCopy": true,
  "confirmMove": true,
  "showConfig": false,
  "showFileName": true,
  "contact": false,
  "configDialog": false,
  "console": false,
  "terminal": false,
  "vim": false,
  "columns": "name-size-date-owner-mode",
  "export": false,
  "import": false,
  "dropbox": false,
  "dropboxToken": "",
  "log": true


## Application Programming Interface (API)

The lib microservice application provides services at
two end points:

### HTTP protocol

Endpoint: `localhost:PORT/lib/files`

This option needs to be enabled with `-H http.json` flag.
The regular file upload and download options become available.

### GraphQL protocol

Endpoint: `localhost:PORT/lib`

<summary>GraphQL API details</summary>
The lib microservice takes two distinct GraphQL queries.

#### Directory Listing

This query receives directory path and provides list of files
in that directory. A sample query and response are given here.

``` graphql
query {
  listDirectory(path: "user1") {
    repository {
      tree {
        blobs {
          edges {
            node {
        trees {
          edges {
            node {

``` graphql
  "data": {
    "listDirectory": {
      "repository": {
        "tree": {
          "blobs": {
            "edges": []
          "trees": {
            "edges": [
                "node": {
                  "name": "common",
                  "type": "tree"
                "node": {
                  "name": "data",
                  "type": "tree"
                "node": {
                  "name": "digital twins",
                  "type": "tree"
                "node": {
                  "name": "functions",
                  "type": "tree"
                "node": {
                  "name": "models",
                  "type": "tree"
                "node": {
                  "name": "tools",
                  "type": "tree"

#### Fetch a File

This query receives directory path and send the file contents to user in response.

To check this query, create a file `files/user2/data/welcome.txt`
with content of `hello world`.

A sample query and response are given here.

query {
  readFile(path: "user2/data/sample.txt") {
    repository {
      blobs {
        nodes {

  "data": {
    "readFile": {
      "repository": {
        "blobs": {
          "nodes": [
              "name": "sample.txt",
              "rawBlob": "hello world",
              "rawTextBlob": "hello world"

### Direct HTTP API Calls in lieu of GraphQL API Calls

The lib microservice also supports making API calls using HTTP POST requests.
Simply send a POST request to the URL endpoint with the GraphQL query in
the request body. Make sure to set the Content-Type header to

The easiest way to perform HTTP requests is to use
desktop application.
You can download the Ubuntu AppImage and run it. Select the following options:

Method: POST
URL: localhost:4001
Body: <<copy the json code from examples below>>
Content Type: text/json

Here are examples of the HTTP requests and responses for the HTTP API calls.

#### Directory listing

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD013 -->

POST /lib HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4001
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 388

   "query":"query {\n  listDirectory(path: \"user1\") {\n    repository {\n      tree {\n        blobs {\n          edges {\n            node {\n              name\n              type\n            }\n          }\n        }\n        trees {\n          edges {\n            node {\n              name\n              type\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

This HTTP POST request will generate the following HTTP response message.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-Length: 306
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:26:49 GMT
X-Powered-By: Express

{"data":{"listDirectory":{"repository":{"tree":{"blobs":{"edges":[]},"trees":{"edges":[{"node":{"name":"data","type":"tree"}},{"node":{"name":"digital twins","type":"tree"}},{"node":{"name":"functions","type":"tree"}},{"node":{"name":"models","type":"tree"}},{"node":{"name":"tools","type":"tree"}}]}}}}}}

#### Fetch a file

This query receives directory path and send the file contents to user in response.

To check this query, create a file `files/user2/data/welcome.txt`
with content of `hello world`.

POST /lib HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4001
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 217

   "query":"query {\n  readFile(path: \"user2/data/welcome.txt\") {\n    repository {\n      blobs {\n        nodes {\n          name\n          rawBlob\n          rawTextBlob\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: close
Content-Length: 134
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 09:17:18 GMT
X-Powered-By: Express

{"data":{"readFile":{"repository":{"blobs":{"nodes":[{"name":"welcome.txt","rawBlob":"hello world","rawTextBlob":"hello world"}]}}}}}

<!-- markdownlint-enable MD013 -->