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/** 伺かのコンテナを扱うディレクトリオブジェクト */

/** -- */ // doc comment が後にないとtypedocによってmoduleの情報が出力されないので

import * as fs from "fs";
import {FileSystemObject} from "fso";
import * as path from "path";
import {UkagakaContainerStandaloneType, UkagakaDescriptInfo, UkagakaInstallInfo} from "ukagaka-install-descript-info";

/** the profile */
export interface Profile {
  [key: string]: any;

/** コンテナ(ghost, balloon等)の情報を取得できるディレクトリオブジェクト */
export interface HasNanikaContainerInfoDirectory {
  toString(): string;
  ["new"](...paths: string[]): FileSystemObject | NanikaContainerSyncDirectory | NanikaContainerSyncFile;
  children(): Promise<Array<FileSystemObject | NanikaContainerSyncDirectory | NanikaContainerSyncFile>>;
  childrenAll(): Promise<Array<FileSystemObject | NanikaContainerSyncDirectory | NanikaContainerSyncFile>>;
  /** "install.txt" の内容 */
  installInfo(): Promise<UkagakaInstallInfo>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "ghost"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Ghost>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "shell"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Shell>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "balloon"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Balloon>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Plugin>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "headline"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Headline>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.skin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarSkin>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarPlugin>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
  descriptInfo(): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo>;
  relative(to: string | FileSystemObject): FileSystemObject;
   * 全ての子要素のstatsと内容をキャッシュした -Sync API を提供する新しいオブジェクトを生成する。
   * make new directory object which provides -Sync APIs by cache all children's stats and contents.
  toCached(): Promise<NanikaContainerSyncDirectory>;

/** profile を読み込めるディレクトリオブジェクトのベースクラス */
export abstract class NanikaBaseDirectory extends FileSystemObject {
  /** profile のファイルパス */
  abstract profile(): FileSystemObject;

   * profile を書き込む
   * @param profile profile
  async writeProfile(profile: Profile) {
    const target = this.profile();
    await target.parent().mkdirAll();
    await target.writeFile(JSON.stringify(profile), {encoding: "utf8"});

   * profile を読み込む
  async readProfile() {
    let data: string;
    try {
      data = await this.profile().readFile({encoding: "utf8"});
    } catch (error) {
      return {};
    return data.length ? JSON.parse(data) as Profile : {} as Profile;

   * 全ての子要素のstatsと内容をキャッシュした -Sync API を提供する新しいオブジェクトを生成する。
   * make new directory object which provides -Sync APIs by cache all children's stats and contents.
  async toCached() {
    const children = await this.childrenAll();
    const contents =
      await Promise.all(children.map(async (child) =>
        (await child.isDirectory()) ? undefined : child.readFile(),
    const stats = await Promise.all(children.map((child) => child.stat()));
    return new NanikaContainerSyncDirectory(
      children.map((child, index) =>
        new NanikaContainerSyncFile(child.path, contents[index], stats[index]),

 * コンテナ(ghost, balloon等)のルートディレクトリオブジェクト
 * some container(like ghost, balloon or some)'s root directory object
export abstract class NanikaContainerDirectory extends NanikaBaseDirectory implements HasNanikaContainerInfoDirectory {
  /** "install.txt" のファイルパス */
  installTxt() { return this.new("install.txt"); }

  /** "descript.txt" のファイルパス */
  descriptTxt() { return this.new("descript.txt"); }

  /** "install.txt" の内容 */
  async installInfo() {
    return UkagakaInstallInfo.parse(
      await this.installTxt().readFile(),

   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "ghost"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Ghost>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "balloon"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Balloon>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "shell"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Shell>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Plugin>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "headline"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Headline>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.skin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarSkin>;
   * "descript.txt" の内容
   * @param type コンテナの種類
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarPlugin>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: UkagakaContainerStandaloneType) {
    return UkagakaDescriptInfo.parse(
      await this.descriptTxt().readFile(),
      type as "ghost", // TODO: Narazaka: 他に方法あるかな?
    ) as UkagakaDescriptInfo;

  /** "descript.txt" の内容 */
  async descriptInfo() {
    return UkagakaDescriptInfo.parse(
      await this.descriptTxt().readFile(),

  /** コンテナ名 */
  async name() {
    return (await this.descriptInfo()).name;

const childRe = new RegExp(`^\\.\\.(?:\\${path.sep}\\.\\.)*$`);

/** directory object which provides -Sync APIs */
export abstract class NanikaContainerSyncEntry {
  static format(pathObject: path.ParsedPath) {
    return new FileSystemObject(path.format(pathObject));

  path: string;

  constructor(path: string) { // tslint:disable-line no-shadowed-variable
    this.path = path;

  toString() {
    return this.path;

  get delimiter() {
    return path.delimiter;

  get sep() {
    return path.sep;

  parse() {
    return path.parse(this.path);

  normalize() {
    return this;

  basename() {
    return new FileSystemObject(path.basename(this.path));

  dirname() {
    return new FileSystemObject(path.dirname(this.path));

  extname() {
    return path.extname(this.path);

  isAbsolute() {
    return path.isAbsolute(this.path);

  relative(to: string | FileSystemObject) {
    return new FileSystemObject(path.relative(this.path, to.toString()));

  resolve(...paths: Array<string | FileSystemObject>) {
    return new FileSystemObject(path.resolve(...paths.map((_path) => _path.toString()).concat([this.path])));

  isChildOf(to: string | FileSystemObject) {
    return childRe.test(path.relative(this.path, to.toString()));

 * 全ての子要素のstatsと内容をキャッシュした -Sync API を提供するコンテナ(ghost, balloon等)のルートディレクトリオブジェクト。
 * container root directory object which provides -Sync APIs by cache all children's stats and contents.
export class NanikaContainerSyncDirectory extends NanikaContainerSyncEntry implements HasNanikaContainerInfoDirectory {

  private _childrenCache: Array<NanikaContainerSyncDirectory | NanikaContainerSyncFile>;
  private _childrenAllCache: NanikaContainerSyncFile[];
  private _indexes: {[path: string]: number} = {};

   * @param path パス
   * @param childrenAllCache 子要素全てのstatsと内容のキャッシュ
  constructor(path: string, childrenAllCache: NanikaContainerSyncFile[]) { // tslint:disable-line no-shadowed-variable
    this._childrenAllCache = childrenAllCache;

  installTxt() {
    return this.new("install.txt");

  descriptTxt() {
    return this.new("descript.txt");

  async isDirectory() { return true; }
  isDirectorySync() { return true; }
  async isFile() { return false; }
  isFileSync() { return false; }

  async exists() { return true; }
  existsSync() { return true; }

  new(...paths: string[]): NanikaContainerSyncDirectory | NanikaContainerSyncFile {
    const newPath = path.join(this.path, ...paths);
    const index = this._indexes[newPath];
    if (index == null) {
      return new NanikaContainerSyncFile(newPath);
    } else {
      const child = this._childrenAllCache[index];
      if (child.isDirectorySync()) {
        const childChildren = this._childrenAllCache
          .filter((childCache) => childCache.isChildOf(child.toString()));
        return new NanikaContainerSyncDirectory(child.path, childChildren);
      } else {
        return child;

  childrenSync() {
    if (this._childrenCache) return this._childrenCache;
    const re = new RegExp(`^${this.path}[/\\\\][^/\\\\]+$`);
    this._childrenCache = this._childrenAllCache
      .filter((child) => re.test(child.toString()))
      .map((child) => child.isDirectorySync() ? this.new(child.basename().toString()) : child);
    return this._childrenCache;

  async children() {
    return this.childrenSync();

  childrenAllSync() {
    return this._childrenAllCache;

  async childrenAll() {
    return this.childrenAllSync();

  async filteredChildrenAll(excepts: string[] | ((child: NanikaContainerSyncFile) => boolean)) {
    return this.filteredChildrenAllSync(excepts);

  filteredChildrenAllSync(excepts: string[] | ((child: NanikaContainerSyncFile) => boolean)) {
    if (!excepts || !excepts.length) return this.childrenAllSync();
    if (excepts instanceof Array) {
      const exceptTargets = excepts.map((exceptPath) => path.join(this.path, exceptPath));
      return (this.childrenAllSync())
          // 子パスは全ての除外パスと(無関係か除外パスの親)=!(子パスはいずれかの除外パス(そのものか除外パスの子))
          // child path is (unrelated to || parent of) all of the except paths
          //   = !(child path is (same as || child of) at least one of the except paths)
          (child) => !exceptTargets.find(
            (exceptTarget) => exceptTarget === child.path || child.isChildOf(exceptTarget),
    } else {
      return (this.childrenAllSync()).filter(excepts);

  async toCached() {
    return this;

  async installInfo() {
    return this.installInfoSync();

  installInfoSync() {
    return UkagakaInstallInfo.parse(
      (this.installTxt() as NanikaContainerSyncFile).readFileSync(),

  async descriptInfoByType(type: "ghost"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Ghost>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "balloon"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Balloon>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "shell"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Shell>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Plugin>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "headline"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.Headline>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.skin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarSkin>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: "calendar.plugin"): Promise<UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarPlugin>;
  async descriptInfoByType(type: UkagakaContainerStandaloneType) {
    return this.descriptInfoByTypeSync(type as "ghost") as UkagakaDescriptInfo;

  async descriptInfo() {
    return this.descriptInfoSync();

  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "ghost"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.Ghost;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "balloon"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.Balloon;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "shell"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.Shell;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "plugin"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.Plugin;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "headline"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.Headline;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "calendar.skin"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarSkin;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: "calendar.plugin"): UkagakaDescriptInfo.CalendarPlugin;
  descriptInfoByTypeSync(type: UkagakaContainerStandaloneType) {
    return UkagakaDescriptInfo.parse(
      (this.descriptTxt() as NanikaContainerSyncFile).readFileSync(),
      type as "ghost", // TODO: Narazaka: 他に方法あるかな?
    ) as UkagakaDescriptInfo;

  descriptInfoSync() {
    return UkagakaDescriptInfo.parse(
      (this.descriptTxt() as NanikaContainerSyncFile).readFileSync(),
    ) as UkagakaDescriptInfo;

  async name() {
    return (await this.descriptInfo()).name;

  nameSync() {
    return this.descriptInfoSync().name;

  private _makeIndexes() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this._childrenAllCache.length; ++i) {
      this._indexes[this._childrenAllCache[i].path] = i;

 * statsと内容をキャッシュした -Sync API を提供するオブジェクト。
 * entry object which provides -Sync APIs by cache all children's stats and contents.
export class NanikaContainerSyncFile extends NanikaContainerSyncEntry {
  path: string;
  private _content: Buffer | null;
  private _stats: fs.Stats | null;

   * @param path パス
   * @param content 内容のキャッシュ
   * @param stats statsのキャッシュ
  // tslint:disable-next-line no-shadowed-variable
  constructor(path: string, content: Buffer | null = null, stats: fs.Stats | null = null) {
    this._content = content;
    this._stats = stats;

  lstatSync() {
    if (this._stats == null) throw new Error("not found");
    return this._stats;
  isFileSync() { return this.lstatSync().isFile(); }
  isDirectorySync() { return this.lstatSync().isDirectory(); }
  isBlockDeviceSync() { return this.lstatSync().isBlockDevice(); }
  isCharacterDeviceSync() { return this.lstatSync().isCharacterDevice(); }
  isSymbolicLinkSync() { return this.lstatSync().isSymbolicLink(); }
  isFIFOSync() { return this.lstatSync().isFIFO(); }
  isSocketSync() { return this.lstatSync().isSocket(); }
  async lstat() {
    return this.lstatSync();
  async isFile() { return this.isFileSync(); }
  async isDirectory() { return this.isDirectorySync(); }
  async isBlockDevice() { return this.isBlockDeviceSync(); }
  async isCharacterDevice() { return this.isCharacterDeviceSync(); }
  async isSymbolicLink() { return this.isSymbolicLinkSync(); }
  async isFIFO() { return this.isFIFOSync(); }
  async isSocket() { return this.isSocketSync(); }

  async exists() { return this.existsSync(); }
  existsSync() { return Boolean(this._content); }

  readFileSync(encoding: string): string;
  readFileSync(options: { encoding: string; flag?: string; }): string; // tslint:disable-line unified-signatures
  readFileSync(options?: { flag?: string; }): Buffer;
  readFileSync(options?: any): string | Buffer {
    if (this._content == null) throw new Error("not found");
    const encoding = options == null ? undefined :
      typeof options === "string" ? options :
      options.encoding as string | undefined;
    if (encoding) {
      return (this._content as Buffer).toString(encoding);
    } else {
      return this._content as Buffer;

  readFile(encoding: string): Promise<string>;
  readFile(options: { encoding: string; flag?: string; }): Promise<string>; // tslint:disable-line unified-signatures
  readFile(options?: { flag?: string; }): Promise<Buffer>;
  async readFile(
    arg: undefined | string | { encoding: string; flag?: string; } | { flag?: string; },
  ): Promise<string | Buffer> {
    return this.readFileSync(arg as string);