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2 hrs
Test Coverage
import string
from itertools import tee
from typing import List, Text
import unicodedata
import json
import random
import io
import re

import zstandard
import jsonlines
import simdjson

from data_processing.lang_detector import FasttextLanguageDetector

parser = simdjson.Parser()

def parse_json(x):
        return parser.parse(x).as_dict()
    except ValueError:

SIMPLE_EMAIL_RE = re.compile(r"\S+@\S+")

    "+7 (",

    "var ",


STOP_BEFORE_LETTER = re.compile(r'\.(\w)')
RE_SQUARE_BRACKETS = re.compile(r"\[[^\]]*\]", flags=re.MULTILINE)

    ",": ",",
    "。": ".",
    "、": ",",
    "„": '"',
    "”": '"',
    "“": '"',
    "«": '"',
    "»": '"',
    "1": '"',
    "」": '"',
    "「": '"',
    "《": '"',
    "》": '"',
    "´": "'",
    "∶": ":",
    ":": ":",
    "?": "?",
    "!": "!",
    "(": "(",
    ")": ")",
    ";": ";",
    "–": "-",
    "—": " - ",
    ".": ". ",
    "~": "~",
    "’": "'",
    "…": "...",
    "━": "-",
    "〈": "<",
    "〉": ">",
    "【": "[",
    "】": "]",
    "%": "%",
    "►": "-",

    "\xa0": " ",
    "&quot;": '"',
    "&gt;": ">",
    "&lt;": "<",
    "&ge;": ">=",
    "&le;": "<=",
    "&amp;": "&",
    "&apos;": "'",
    "&nbsp;": " ",
    "&approx;": "≈",
    "&lbrace;": "{",
    "&rbrace;": "}",
    "&lbrack;": "[",
    "&rbrack;": "]"

lang_detector = FasttextLanguageDetector()

def gen_batch(records, batch_size):
    batch_start = 0
    while batch_start < len(records):
        batch_end = batch_start + batch_size
        batch = records[batch_start: batch_end]
        batch_start = batch_end
        yield batch

def gen_batch_iter(records, batch_size):
    batch = []
    for record in records:
        if len(batch) == batch_size:
            yield batch
            batch = []
    if batch:
        yield batch

class TextProcessor:
    def __init__(
        languages=("ru", ),
        join_lines: bool = False,
        normalization: str = "NFKC",
        min_chars: int = 30,
        min_text_part: float = 0.85,
        fix_punct: bool = True,
        fix_spaces: bool = True,
        fix_short_lines: bool = True,
        check_languages: bool = True,
        check_pii: bool = True,
        check_code: bool = True,
        check_links: bool = True,
        check_email: bool = True,
        check_text_part: bool = True
        self.languages = languages
        self.join_lines = join_lines
        self.normalization = normalization
        self.min_chars = min_chars
        self.min_text_part = min_text_part
        self.fix_punct = fix_punct
        self.fix_spaces = fix_spaces
        self.fix_short_lines = fix_short_lines
        self.check_languages = check_languages
        self.check_pii = check_pii
        self.check_code = check_code
        self.check_links = check_links
        self.check_email = check_email
        self.check_text_part = check_text_part

    def remove_non_printable(self, text):
        return "".join(c for c in text if c.isprintable())

    def fix_line_punct(self, line):
        line = " ".join(line.split()).strip()
        line = line.strip("*").strip("=").strip("~").strip("•")
        line = line.replace(" ,", ",")
        line = line.replace(" .", ". ")
        line = STOP_BEFORE_LETTER.sub(r'. \1', line)
        line = line.replace(" ?", "?")
        line = line.replace(" !", "!")
        line = line.replace(" %", "%")
        line = line.replace(" ;", ";")
        line = line.replace(" :", ":")
        line = " ".join(line.split()).strip()
        line = line.replace(". ,", ".,")
        return line

    def normalize(self, text):
        text = unicodedata.normalize(self.normalization, text)

        for old, new in HTML_ARTEFACTS.items():
            text = text.replace(old, new)
        for old, new in UNICODE_PUNCTUATION.items():
            text = text.replace(old, new)

        lines = text.split("\n")
        lines = [self.remove_non_printable(line) for line in lines]
        lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip()]

        if self.fix_punct:
            lines = [self.fix_line_punct(line) for line in lines]
        if self.fix_spaces:
            lines = [" ".join(line.split()).strip() for line in lines]
        if self.fix_short_lines:
            lines = [l for l in lines if len(set(l.replace(" ", "").strip())) > 1]

        if self.join_lines:
            text = " ".join(lines)
            text = "\n".join(lines)
        return text

    def has_bad_ss(self, text):
        has_email = self.check_email and
        has_pii = self.check_pii and any(ss in text for ss in PII_SUBSTRINGS)
        has_code = self.check_code and any(ss in text.lower() for ss in CODE_SUBSTRINGS)
        has_links = self.check_links and any(ss in text.lower() for ss in LINKS_SUBSTRINGS)
        return has_pii or has_code or has_links or has_email

    def has_bad_language(self, text):
        return lang_detector(text)[0] not in self.languages

    def count_text_part(self, sentence):
        all_count = len(sentence)
        text_count = sum(1 for ch in sentence if '\u0400' <= ch <= '\u04FF' or ch.isspace())
        return text_count / all_count

    def remove_square_brackets(self, text):
        brackets = RE_SQUARE_BRACKETS.finditer(text)
        for bracket in brackets:
            bracket =
            text = text.replace(bracket, " ")
        return text

    def __call__(self, text):
        text = self.normalize(text)
        if len(text) < self.min_chars:
            return None
        if self.has_bad_ss(text):
            return None
        if self.check_languages and self.has_bad_language(text):
            return None
        if self.check_text_part and self.count_text_part(text) < self.min_text_part:
            return None
        return text

def read_jsonl(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            yield parse_json(line)

class PlainArchive:
    def __init__(self, file_path, mode="w"):
        self.file_path = file_path
        self.fh = open(file_path, mode)
        self.mode = mode

    def __iter__(self):
        assert self.mode == "r"
        for line in self.fh:
            yield parse_json(line)

    def add_data(self, text, meta={}):
        assert self.mode == "w"
        self.fh.write(json.dumps({"text": text, "meta": meta}, ensure_ascii=False).strip() + "\n")

    def commit(self):
        assert self.mode == "w"

def ngrams(sequence: List[Text], n: int):
    Return the ngrams generated from a sequence of items, as an iterator.
    This is a modified version of nltk.util.ngrams.
    iterables = tee(iter(sequence), n)
    for i, sub_iterable in enumerate(iterables):
        for _ in range(i):
            next(sub_iterable, None)
    return zip(*iterables)