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3 hrs
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from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

from rulm.transform import Transform

from rupo.rhymes.rhymes import Rhymes
from rupo.main.vocabulary import StressVocabulary
from rupo.stress.word import StressedWord

class PoemTransform(Transform):
    Фильтр по шаблону метра.
    def __init__(self,
                 stress_vocabulary: StressVocabulary,
                 metre_pattern: str,
                 rhyme_pattern: str,
                 n_syllables: int,
                 eos_index: int,
                 letters_to_rhymes: dict=None,
        self.stress_vocabulary = stress_vocabulary

        self.n_syllables = n_syllables

        mul = n_syllables // len(metre_pattern)
        if n_syllables % len(metre_pattern) != 0:
            mul += 1

        self.metre_pattern = metre_pattern * mul
        self.stress_position = len(self.metre_pattern) - 1
        self.eos_index = eos_index

        self.rhyme_pattern = rhyme_pattern
        self.rhyme_position = len(self.rhyme_pattern) - 1
        self.score_border = score_border

        self.letters_to_rhymes = defaultdict(set)
        if letters_to_rhymes is not None:
            for letter, words in letters_to_rhymes.items():
                for word in words:

    def __call__(self, probabilities: np.array) -> np.array:
        if self.rhyme_position < 0 and self.stress_position == len(self.metre_pattern) - 1:
            probabilities = np.zeros(probabilities.shape, dtype="float")
            probabilities[self.eos_index] = 1.
            return probabilities

        for index in range(probabilities.shape[0]):
            word = self.stress_vocabulary.get_word(index)
            is_good_by_stress = self._filter_word_by_stress(word)
            is_good_by_rhyme = True
            if self.stress_position == len(self.metre_pattern) - 1:
                is_good_by_rhyme = self._filter_word_by_rhyme(word)
            if not is_good_by_stress or not is_good_by_rhyme:
                probabilities[index] = 0.

        assert np.sum(probabilities > 0) != 0, "Poem transform filtered out all words"
        return probabilities

    def advance(self, index: int):
        word = self.stress_vocabulary.get_word(index)
        syllables_count = len(word.syllables)

        if self.stress_position == len(self.metre_pattern) - 1:
            letter = self.rhyme_pattern[self.rhyme_position]
            self.rhyme_position -= 1

        self.stress_position -= syllables_count

        if self.stress_position < 0:
            self.stress_position = len(self.metre_pattern) - 1

    def _filter_word_by_stress(self, word: StressedWord) -> bool:
        syllables = word.syllables
        syllables_count = len(syllables)
        if syllables_count == 0:
            return False
        if self.stress_position - syllables_count < -1:
            return False
        for i in range(syllables_count):
            syllable = syllables[i]
            syllable_number = self.stress_position - syllables_count + i + 1
            if syllables_count >= 2 and syllable.stress == -1 and self.metre_pattern[syllable_number] == "+":
                for j in range(syllables_count):
                    other_syllable = syllables[j]
                    other_syllable_number = other_syllable.number - syllable.number + syllable_number
                    if i != j and other_syllable.stress != -1 and self.metre_pattern[other_syllable_number] == "-":
                        return False
        return True

    def _filter_word_by_rhyme(self, word: StressedWord) -> bool:
        if len(word.syllables) <= 1:
            return False
        rhyming_words = self.letters_to_rhymes[self.rhyme_pattern[self.rhyme_position]]
        if len(rhyming_words) == 0:
            return True
        first_word = list(rhyming_words)[0]

        is_rhyme = Rhymes.is_rhyme(first_word, word,
                                   syllable_number_border=2) and first_word.text != word.text
        return is_rhyme

    def __copy__(self):
        obj = type(self)(self.stress_vocabulary, self.metre_pattern, self.rhyme_pattern, self.n_syllables,
                         self.eos_index, self.letters_to_rhymes, self.score_border)
        obj.stress_position = self.stress_position
        obj.rhyme_position = self.rhyme_position
        obj.letters_to_rhymes = deepcopy(self.letters_to_rhymes)
        return obj