* This is the file handling multilanguage on the site
* @license GNU
* @author GIJOE
* @version $Id: im_multilanguage.php 11194 2011-04-20 23:49:33Z skenow $
* @package core
// list the language tags separated with comma
//define('EASIESTML_LANGS','xlang:en,xlang:ja'); // This is a sample of long pattern against tag misunderstanding [xlang:en]english[/xlang:en]
define('EASIESTML_LANGS', $icmsConfigMultilang['ml_tags']); // [en]english[/en] [ja]japananese[/ja] common
// list the language images separated with comma
define('EASIESTML_LANGIMAGES', 'images/flags/english.gif,images/flags/french.gif');
// list the language names separated with comma (these will be alt of <img>)
define('EASIESTML_LANGNAMES', $icmsConfigMultilang['ml_captions']);
// list language - accept_chaset patterns (perl regex) separated with comma
define('EASIESTML_ACCEPT_CHARSET_REGEXES', ',/shift_jis/i');
// list language - accept_language patterns (perl regex) separated with comma
// charset in Content-Type separated with comma (only for fastestcache)
define('EASIESTML_CHARSETS', $icmsConfigMultilang['ml_charset']);
// tag name for language image (default [mlimg]. don't include specialchars)
define('EASIESTML_IMAGETAG', 'mlimg');
// make regular expression which disallows language tags to cross it
// the life time of language selection stored in cookie
define('EASIESTML_COOKIELIFETIME', 365*86400);
// default language
// Patch check
//if (! defined( 'ICMS_ROOT_PATH') || ! defined( 'ICMS_URL') || defined( 'XOOPS_SIDEBLOCK_LEFT')) die( "You should patch just after define('ICMS_URL', ...) in mainfile.php") ;
// moving the inclusing of easiest ml just after the xoopsDB creation because we need the db...
if (! defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH') || ! defined('ICMS_URL')) die("You should patch just after define('ICMS_URL', ...) in mainfile.php");
// Target check
if (! preg_match('?' . preg_quote(ICMS_ROOT_PATH, '?') . '(/common/)?', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
global $easiestml_lang;
// get cookie path
$xoops_cookie_path = defined('XOOPS_COOKIE_PATH') ? XOOPS_COOKIE_PATH : preg_replace('?http://[^/]+(/.*)$?', "$1", ICMS_URL);
if ($xoops_cookie_path == ICMS_URL) $xoops_cookie_path = '/';
// deciding the current language (the priority is important)
$easiestml_langs = explode(',', EASIESTML_LANGS);
$easiestml_charsets = explode(',', EASIESTML_CHARSETS);
if (! empty($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] == 'all') {
// set by GET (all)
$easiestml_lang = 'all';
} else if (! empty($_GET['lang']) && ($offset = array_search($_GET['lang'], $easiestml_langs)) !== false) {
// set by GET (other than all)
$easiestml_lang = $_GET['lang'];
$easiestml_charset = $easiestml_charsets[$offset];
icms_setCookieVar('lang', $easiestml_lang, time() + EASIESTML_COOKIELIFETIME);
} else if (! empty($_COOKIE['lang']) && ($offset = array_search($_COOKIE['lang'], $easiestml_langs)) !== false) {
// set by COOKIE (other than all)
$easiestml_lang = $_COOKIE['lang'];
$easiestml_charset = $easiestml_charsets[$offset];
} else if (! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])) {
// set by HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET pattern
$offset = 0;
foreach (explode(',', EASIESTML_ACCEPT_CHARSET_REGEXES) as $pattern) {
if ($pattern && preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])) {
$easiestml_lang = $easiestml_langs[$offset];
$easiestml_charset = $easiestml_charsets[$offset];
$offset ++;
} else if (! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
// set by HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE pattern
$offset = 0;
foreach (explode(',', EASIESTML_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_REGEXES) as $pattern) {
if ($pattern && preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
$easiestml_lang = $easiestml_langs[$offset];
$easiestml_charset = $easiestml_charsets[$offset];
if (empty($easiestml_lang)) {
$easiestml_lang = $easiestml_langs[EASIESTML_DEFAULT_LANG];
$easiestml_charset = $easiestml_charsets[EASIESTML_DEFAULT_LANG];
// charset for Content-Type
* The multilanguage function
* @param string $s The passed string
* @return string $s The (translated?) string
function easiestml($s) {
global $easiestml_lang, $icmsConfigMultilang;
// all mode for debug (allowed to system admin only)
if (is_object(icms::$user) && icms::$user->isAdmin(1) && ! empty($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] == 'all') {
return $s;
$easiestml_langs = explode(',', EASIESTML_LANGS);
// protection against some injection
if (! in_array($easiestml_lang, $easiestml_langs)) {
$easiestml_lang = $easiestml_langs[0];
// escape brackets inside of <input type="text" value="...">
// $s = preg_replace_callback( '/(\<input)(?=.*type\=[\'\"]?text[\'\"]?)([^>]*)(\>)/isU' , 'easiestml_escape_bracket' , $s) ;
// Fix for bug #1905485 in tracker
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(\<input\b(?![^\>]*\btype=([\'"]?)(submit|image))[^\>]*\>)/isU', 'easiestml_escape_bracket_input', $s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(\<input)([^>]*)(\>)/isU', 'easiestml_escape_bracket_textbox', $s);
// escape brackets inside of <textarea></textarea>
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(\<textarea[^>]*\>)(.*)(<\/textarea\>)/isU', 'easiestml_escape_bracket_textarea', $s);
// multilanguage image tag
$langnames = explode(',', $icmsConfigMultilang['ml_names']);
foreach ($langnames as $v) {
$langimages[] = "images/flags/$v.gif";
$langnames = explode(',', EASIESTML_LANGNAMES);
if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$link_base = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?lang=';
} else if (($pos = strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'lang=')) === false) {
$link_base = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ENT_QUOTES) . '&lang=';
} else if ($pos < 2) {
$link_base = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?lang=';
} else {
$link_base = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?' . htmlspecialchars(substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, $pos-1), ENT_QUOTES) . '&lang=';
$langimage_html = '';
foreach ($easiestml_langs as $l => $lang) {
$langimage_html .= '<a href="' . $link_base . urlencode($lang) . '"><img src="' . ICMS_URL . '/' . $langimages[$l] . '" title="' . $langnames[$l] . '" alt="' . $langnames[$l] . '" /></a> ';
$s = preg_replace('/\[change_lang_' . $lang . '\]/', $link_base . urlencode($lang), $s);
$s = preg_replace('/\[' . EASIESTML_IMAGETAG . '\]/', $langimage_html, $s);
// create the pattern between language tags
//$pqhtmltags = explode( ',' , preg_quote( EASIESTML_NEVERCROSSTAGS , '/')) ;
//$mid_pattern = '(?:(?!(' . implode( '|' , $pqhtmltags) . ')).)*' ;
// eliminate description between the other language tags.
foreach ($easiestml_langs as $lang) {
if ($easiestml_lang == $lang) continue;
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\[' . preg_quote($lang) . '\].*\[\/' . preg_quote($lang) . '(?:\]\<br \/\>|\])/isU', 'easiestml_check_nevercross', $s);
// simple pattern to strip selected lang_tags (remove all tags)
$s = preg_replace('/\[\/?' . preg_quote($easiestml_lang) . '\](\<br \/\>)?/i', '', $s);
// much complex pattern to strip valid pair of selected lag_tags (BUGGY?)
// $s = str_replace( '['.$easiestml_lang.']<br />' , '['.$easiestml_lang.']' , $s) ;
// $s = str_replace( '[/'.$easiestml_lang.']<br />' , '[/'.$easiestml_lang.']' , $s) ;
// $s = preg_replace( '/(\['.preg_quote($easiestml_lang).'\])('.$mid_pattern.')(\[\/'.preg_quote($easiestml_lang).'\])/isU' , '$2' , $s) ;
/* list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
$GIJ_end_time = ((float)$sec + (float)$usec);
error_log( ($GIJ_end_time - $GLOBALS['GIJ_start_time']) . "(sec)\n" , 3 , "/tmp/error_log") ; */
return $s;
* Escape textbox function for MultiLanguage
* @param array $matches Matches array to escape
* @return array
function easiestml_escape_bracket_textbox($matches) {
if (preg_match('/type=["\']?text["\']?/i', $matches[2])) {
return $matches[1] . str_replace('[', '[', $matches[2]) . $matches[3];
} else {
return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3];
* Escape textarea function for MultiLanguage
* @param array $matches Matches array to escape
* @return array
function easiestml_escape_bracket_textarea($matches) {
return $matches[1] . str_replace('[', '[', $matches[2]) . $matches[3];
* Escape regex function for MultiLanguage
* @param array $matches Matches array to escape
* @return array
function easiestml_check_nevercross($matches) {
$answer = '';
$answer = preg_match(EASIESTML_NEVERCROSSREGEX, $matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : '';
return $answer;
* Fix for bug #1905485 in tracker
* @param array $matches Matches array to escape
* @return array
function easiestml_escape_bracket_input($matches) {
return str_replace('[', '[', $matches[1]);