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1 wk
Test Coverage
if ( typeof window.$ != 'function' ) {
    function $() {
        var elements = new Array();

        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var element = arguments[i];
            if (typeof element == 'string')
                element = document.getElementById(element);

            if (arguments.length == 1)
                return element;


        return elements;

function xoopsGetElementById(id) {
    if (typeof jQuery == 'function') {
        return $("[id='" + id + "']")[0];
    } else {
        return $(id);

function xoopsSetElementProp(name, prop, val) {
    var elt=xoopsGetElementById(name);
    if (elt) elt[prop]=val;

function xoopsSetElementStyle(name, prop, val) {
    var elt=xoopsGetElementById(name);
    if (elt &&[prop]=val;

function xoopsGetFormElement(fname, ctlname) {
    var frm=document.forms[fname];
    return frm?frm.elements[ctlname]:null;

function justReturn() {

function openWithSelfMain(url,name,width,height,returnwindow) {
    var options = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no";

    var new_window =, name, options); = "main";
    if (returnwindow != null) {
       return new_window;

function setElementColor(id, color){
    xoopsGetElementById(id).style.color = "#" + color;

function setElementFont(id, font){
    xoopsGetElementById(id).style.fontFamily = font;

function setElementSize(id, size){
    xoopsGetElementById(id).style.fontSize = size;

function changeDisplay(id){
    var elestyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style;
    if (elestyle.display == "block") {
        elestyle.display = "none";
    } else {
        elestyle.display = "block";

function setVisible(id){
    xoopsGetElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible";

function setHidden(id){
    xoopsGetElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden";

function makeBold(id){
    var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style;
    if (eleStyle.fontWeight != "bold" && eleStyle.fontWeight != "700") {
        eleStyle.fontWeight = "bold";
    } else {
        eleStyle.fontWeight = "normal";

function makeItalic(id){
    var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style;
    if (eleStyle.fontStyle != "italic") {
        eleStyle.fontStyle = "italic";
    } else {
        eleStyle.fontStyle = "normal";

function makeUnderline(id){
    var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style;
    if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "underline") {
        eleStyle.textDecoration = "underline";
    } else {
        eleStyle.textDecoration = "none";

function makeLineThrough(id){
    var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style;
    if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "line-through") {
        eleStyle.textDecoration = "line-through";
    } else {
        eleStyle.textDecoration = "none";

function appendSelectOption(selectMenuId, optionName, optionValue){
    var selectMenu = xoopsGetElementById(selectMenuId);
    var newoption = new Option(optionName, optionValue);
    selectMenu.options[selectMenu.length] = newoption;
    selectMenu.options[selectMenu.length].selected = true;

function disableElement(target){
    var targetDom = xoopsGetElementById(target);
    if (targetDom.disabled != true) {
        targetDom.disabled = true;
    } else {
        targetDom.disabled = false;

function xoopsCheckAll( form, switchId ) {
    var eltForm = xoopsGetElementById(form);
    var eltSwitch = xoopsGetElementById(switchId);
    // You MUST NOT specify names, it's just kept for BC with the old lame crappy code
    if ( !eltForm && document.forms[form] )        eltForm = document.forms[form];
    if ( !eltSwitch && eltForm.elements[switchId] )    eltSwitch=eltForm.elements[switchId];

    var i;
    for (i=0;i!=eltForm.elements.length;i++) {
        if ( eltForm.elements[i] != eltSwitch && eltForm.elements[i].type == 'checkbox' ) {
            eltForm.elements[i].checked = eltSwitch.checked;

function xoopsCheckGroup( form, switchId, groupName ) {
    var eltForm = xoopsGetElementById(form);
    var eltSwitch = xoopsGetElementById(switchId);
    // You MUST NOT specify names, it's just kept for BC with the old lame crappy code
    if ( !eltForm && document.forms[form] )        eltForm = document.forms[form];
    if ( !eltSwitch && eltForm.elements[switchId] )    eltSwitch=eltForm.elements[switchId];

    var i;
    for (i=0;i!=eltForm.elements.length;i++) {
        var e=eltForm.elements[i];
        if ( (e.type == 'checkbox') && ( == groupName ) ) {
            e.checked = eltSwitch.checked;
  ;;  // Click to activate subgroups twice so we don't reverse effect

function xoopsCheckAllElements(elementIds, switchId) {
    var switch_cbox = xoopsGetElementById(switchId);
    for (var i = 0; i < elementIds.length; i++) {
        var e = xoopsGetElementById(elementIds[i]);
        if (( != && (e.type == 'checkbox')) {
            e.checked = switch_cbox.checked;

function xoopsSavePosition(id)
    var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if (textareaDom.createTextRange) {
        textareaDom.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();

function xoopsInsertText(domobj, text)
    if (domobj.createTextRange && domobj.caretPos){
          var caretPos = domobj.caretPos;
        caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) 
== ' ' ? text + ' ' : text;  
    } else if (domobj.getSelection && domobj.caretPos){
        var caretPos = domobj.caretPos;
        caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charat(caretPos.text.length - 1)  
== ' ' ? text + ' ' : text;
    } else {
        domobj.value = domobj.value + text;

function xoopsCodeSmilie(id, smilieCode) {
    var revisedMessage;
    var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    xoopsInsertText(textareaDom, smilieCode);

function showImgSelected(imgId, selectId, imgDir, extra, xoopsUrl) {
    if (xoopsUrl == null) {
        xoopsUrl = "./";
    imgDom = xoopsGetElementById(imgId);
    selectDom = xoopsGetElementById(selectId);
if (selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value != "") {
    imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/"+ imgDir + "/" + selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value + extra;
} else {
    imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/images/blank.gif";

function xoopsCodeUrl(id, enterUrlPhrase, enterWebsitePhrase){
    if (enterUrlPhrase == null) {
        enterUrlPhrase = "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:";
    var text = prompt(enterUrlPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        if (enterWebsitePhrase == null) {
            enterWebsitePhrase = "Enter the web site title:";
        var text2 = prompt(enterWebsitePhrase, "");
        if ( text2 != null ) {
            if ( text2 == "" ) {
                var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text + "[/url]";
            } else {
                var pos = text2.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
                if(0 < pos){
                    text2 = text2.substr(0,pos);
                var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text2 + "[/url]";
            xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);

function xoopsCodeImg(id, enterImgUrlPhrase, enterImgPosPhrase, imgPosRorLPhrase, errorImgPosPhrase){
    if (enterImgUrlPhrase == null) {
        enterImgUrlPhrase = "Enter the URL of the image you want to add:";
    var text = prompt(enterImgUrlPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        if (enterImgPosPhrase == null) {
            enterImgPosPhrase = "Now, enter the position of the image.";
        if (imgPosRorLPhrase == null) {
            imgPosRorLPhrase = "'R' or 'r' for right, 'L' or 'l' for left, 'C' or 'c' for center, or leave it blank.";
        if (errorImgPosPhrase == null) {
            errorImgPosPhrase = "ERROR! Enter the position of the image:";
        var text2 = prompt(enterImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase, "");
        while ( ( text2 != "" ) && ( text2 != "r" ) && ( text2 != "R" ) && ( text2 != "c" ) && ( text2 != "C" ) && ( text2 != "l" ) && ( text2 != "L" ) && ( text2 != null ) ) {
            text2 = prompt(errorImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase,"");
        if ( text2 == "l" || text2 == "L" ) {
            text2 = " align=left";
        } else if ( text2 == "r" || text2 == "R" ) {
            text2 = " align=right";
        } else if ( text2 == "c" || text2 == "C" ) {
            text2 = " align=center";
        } else {
            text2 = "";
        var result = "[img" + text2 + "]" + text + "[/img]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);

function xoopsCodeEmail(id, enterEmailPhrase){
    if (enterEmailPhrase == null) {
        enterEmailPhrase = "Enter the email address you want to add:";
    var text = prompt(enterEmailPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var result = "[email]" + text + "[/email]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);

function xoopsCodeQuote(id, enterQuotePhrase){
    if (enterQuotePhrase == null) {
        enterQuotePhrase = "Enter the text that you want to be quoted:";
    var text = prompt(enterQuotePhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "[quote]" + text + "[/quote]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
/*function xoopsCodeHidden(id,enterHiddenPhrase){
    if (enterHiddenPhrase == null) {
        enterHiddenPhrase = "Enter The Text To Be Hidden:";
    var text = prompt(enterHiddenPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "[hide]" + text + "[/hide]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
function xoopsmakeleft(id,enterHiddenPhrase){
    if (enterHiddenPhrase == null) {
        enterHiddenPhrase = "Enter The Text To Be Aligned On The Left Side:";
    var text = prompt(enterHiddenPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "[left]" + text + "[/left]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
function xoopsmakecenter(id,enterHiddenPhrase){
    if (enterHiddenPhrase == null) {
        enterHiddenPhrase = "Enter The Text To Be Aligned On The Center Side:";
    var text = prompt(enterHiddenPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "[center]" + text + "[/center]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
function xoopsmakeright(id,enterHiddenPhrase){
    if (enterHiddenPhrase == null) {
        enterHiddenPhrase = "Enter The Text To Be Aligned On The Right Side:";
    var text = prompt(enterHiddenPhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "[right]" + text + "[/right]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);
function xoopsCodeCode(id, enterCodePhrase, enterCodeLangPhrase, CodeLangTypePhrase, errorCodeLangPhrase){
    if (enterCodePhrase == null) {
        enterCodePhrase = "Enter the codes that you want to add.";
    var text = prompt(enterCodePhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        if (enterCodeLangPhrase == null) {
            enterCodeLangPhrase = "Now, enter the language of your code.";
        if (CodeLangTypePhrase == null) {
            CodeLangTypePhrase = "'P' or 'p' for PHP, 'C' or 'c' for CSS, 'J' or 'j' for JAVASCRIPT, 'H' or 'h' for HTML, or leave it blank.";
        if (errorCodeLangPhrase == null) {
            errorCodeLangPhrase = "ERROR! Enter the language of your code:";
        var text2 = prompt(enterCodeLangPhrase + "\n" + CodeLangTypePhrase, "");
        while ( ( text2 != "" ) && ( text2 != "p" ) && ( text2 != "P" ) && ( text2 != "c" ) && ( text2 != "C" )  && ( text2 != "j" ) && ( text2 != "J" )  && ( text2 != "h" ) && ( text2 != "H" ) && ( text2 != null ) ) {
            text2 = prompt(errorCodeLangPhrase + "\n" + CodeLangTypePhrase,"");
        if ( text2 == "p" || text2 == "P" ) {
            text2 = "_php";
        } else if ( text2 == "c" || text2 == "C" ) {
            text2 = "_css";
        } else if ( text2 == "j" || text2 == "J" ) {
            text2 = "_js";
        } else if ( text2 == "h" || text2 == "H" ) {
            text2 = "_html";
        } else {
            text2 = "";
        var result = "[code" + text2 + "]" + text + "[/code" + text2 + "]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);

function xoopsCodeText(id, hiddentext, enterTextboxPhrase){
    var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    var textDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Addtext");
    var fontDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Font");
    var colorDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Color");
    var sizeDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Size");
    var xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle = xoopsGetElementById(hiddentext).style;
    var textDomValue = textDom.value;
    var fontDomValue = fontDom.options[fontDom.options.selectedIndex].value;
    var colorDomValue = colorDom.options[colorDom.options.selectedIndex].value;
    var sizeDomValue = sizeDom.options[sizeDom.options.selectedIndex].value;
    if ( textDomValue == "" ) {
        if (enterTextboxPhrase == null) {
            enterTextboxPhrase = "Please input text into the textbox.";
    } else {
        if ( fontDomValue != "FONT") {
            textDomValue = "[font=" + fontDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/font]";
            fontDom.options[0].selected = true;
        if ( colorDomValue != "COLOR") {
            textDomValue = "[color=" + colorDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/color]";
            colorDom.options[0].selected = true;
        if ( sizeDomValue != "SIZE") {
            textDomValue = "[size=" + sizeDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/size]";
            sizeDom.options[0].selected = true;
        if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "bold" || xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "700") {
            textDomValue = "[b]" + textDomValue + "[/b]";
            xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight = "normal";
        if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle == "italic") {
            textDomValue = "[i]" + textDomValue + "[/i]";
            xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle = "normal";
        if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "underline") {
            textDomValue = "[u]" + textDomValue + "[/u]";
            xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none";
        if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "line-through") {
            textDomValue = "[d]" + textDomValue + "[/d]";
            xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none";
        xoopsInsertText(textareaDom, textDomValue);
        textDom.value = "";
        xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.color = "#000000";
        xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontFamily = "";
        xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontSize = "12px";
        xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.visibility = "hidden";

function xoopsValidate(subjectId, textareaId, submitId, plzCompletePhrase, msgTooLongPhrase, allowedCharPhrase, currCharPhrase) {
    var maxchars = 65535;
    var subjectDom = xoopsGetElementById(subjectId);
    var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(textareaId);
    var submitDom = xoopsGetElementById(submitId);
    if (textareaDom.value == "" || subjectDom.value == "") {
        if (plzCompletePhrase == null) {
            plzCompletePhrase = "Please complete the subject and message fields.";
        return false;
    if (maxchars != 0) {
        if (textareaDom.value.length > maxchars) {
            if (msgTooLongPhrase == null) {
                msgTooLongPhrase = "Your message is too long.";
            if (allowedCharPhrase == null) {
                allowedCharPhrase = "Allowed max chars length: ";
            if (currCharPhrase == null) {
                currCharPhrase = "Current chars length: ";
            alert(msgTooLongPhrase + "\n\n" + allowedCharPhrase + maxchars + "\n" + currCharPhrase + textareaDom.value.length + "");
            return false;
        } else {
            submitDom.disabled = true;
            return true;
    } else {
        submitDom.disabled = true;
        return true;

function icms_showDiv(type,id,classname){
    divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
    for (i=0; i<divs.length;i++){
        if (/classname/.test(divs[i].className)){
            divs[i].style.display = 'none';
    if (!id)id = '';
function appendSelectOption(selectMenuId, optionName, optionValue){
    var selectMenu = xoopsGetElementById(selectMenuId);
    var newoption = new Option(optionName, optionValue);
    newoption.selected = true;
    selectMenu.options[selectMenu.options.length] = newoption;

function imageResize(img, maxWidth){
    if(img.width > maxWidth && maxWidth > 0) img.width = maxWidth;

/* Who is the original author of the scripts? let's find out later on */
function CaricaFoto(img){
    foto1= new Image();

function Controlla(img){

function viewFoto(img){
    finestra.document.write ("<html><body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0>");
    finestra.document.write ("<a href='javascript:this.close()'><img border=0 src=");
    finestra.document.write (img);
    finestra.document.write ("></a></body></html>");
    return false;
function icmsCode_languages(id,enterLanguagePhrase,langcode){
    if (enterLanguagePhrase == null) {
            enterLanguagePhrase = "Enter The Text To Be Language:";
    var text = prompt(enterLanguagePhrase, "");
    var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id);
    if ( text != null && text != "" ) {
        var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00'));
        if(0 < pos){
            text = text.substr(0,pos);
        var result = "["+langcode+"]" + text + "[/"+langcode+"]";
        xoopsInsertText(domobj, result);