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Welcome to your new ImpressCMS powered website. If you haven't already, please delete the [b]install[/b] folder from the server and ensure that [b]mainfile.php[/b] is not writeable (chmod 444).

To begin administering your new ImpressCMS powered website you can click the [b]Administration[/b] Menu link located on the left of this page.

You may want to begin by editing your website [b]Preferences[/b]: In the admin panel, hover over the [b]System[/b] dropdown and select [b]Preferences.[/b]

Afterwards you can begin adding [b]Modules[/b] and [b]Themes[/b].
Many of the available modules and themes for ImpressCMS, are available at the [url=]Addons[/url] section of the [url=]projects website[/url].

You will also need to begin using [b]Blocks[/b]. You can begin by removing this block. You can do this by navigating to System Admin > Blocks, and the selecting "Webmasters" in the [b]Groups[/b] select box. You will then be able to see the blocks available for the Webmasters group, which this block is!

For more information about working with ImpressCMS, please use the links below.
<ul><li>[url=]Using ImpressCMS[/url]</li><li>[url=]Customizing ImpressCMS[/url]</li><li>[url=]Developing for ImpressCMS[/url]</li></ul>
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