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Test Coverage
 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Inserts configuration data's
 * This file is responsible for configuration data's while installing
 * @copyright   The XOOPS project
 * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
 * @package        installer
 * @since       2.3.0
 * @author        Haruki Setoyama  <>
 * @author         Kazumi Ono <>
 * @author        Skalpa Keo <>
 * @author        Taiwen Jiang <>
 * @version        $Id: makedata.php 12329 2013-09-19 13:53:36Z skenow $

include_once './class/dbmanager.php';

// RMV
// TODO: Shouldn't we insert specific field names??  That way we can use
// the defaults specified in the database...!!!! (and don't have problem
// of missing fields in install file, when add new fields to database)

function make_groups(&$dbm) {
    $gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'] = $dbm->insert('groups', " VALUES (0, '".addslashes(_INSTALL_WEBMASTER)."', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_WEBMASTERD)."', 'Admin')");
    $gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'] = $dbm->insert('groups', " VALUES (0, '".addslashes(_INSTALL_REGUSERS)."', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_REGUSERSD)."', 'User')");
    $gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS'] = $dbm->insert('groups', " VALUES (0, '".addslashes(_INSTALL_ANONUSERS)."', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_ANONUSERSD)."', 'Anonymous')");

    if (!$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'] || !$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'] || !$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS']) {
        return false;

    return $gruops;

function make_data(&$dbm, &$cm, $adminname, $adminlogin_name, $adminpass, $adminmail, $language, $gruops) {

    $tables = array();

    // data for table 'groups_users_link'
    $dbm->insert('groups_users_link', " VALUES (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].", 1)"
    . ", (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'].", 1)");

    // data for table 'group_permission'
    $dbm->insert("group_permission", " VALUES (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'module_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1, 'module_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'].",1,1,'module_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS'].",1,1,'module_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",2,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",3,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",4,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",5,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",6,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",7,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",8,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",9,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",10,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",11,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",12,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",13,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",14,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",15,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",16,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",17,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",18,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",19,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",20,1,'system_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'group_manager')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",2,1,'group_manager')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",3,1,'group_manager')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'content_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'].",1,1,'content_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS'].",1,1,'content_read')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'content_admin')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'use_wysiwygeditor')");

    // default theme

    //Image Category to admin Logos
    $dbm->insert("imagecategory", " (imgcat_id, imgcat_pid, imgcat_name, imgcat_maxsize, imgcat_maxwidth, imgcat_maxheight, imgcat_display, imgcat_weight, imgcat_type, imgcat_storetype, imgcat_foldername) VALUES (1, 0, 'Logos', 358400, 350, 80, 1, 0, 'C', 'file', 'logos')");
    $dbm->insert("group_permission", " VALUES(0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'imgcat_write')"
        . ", (0,".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].",1,1,'imgcat_read')");
    //Default logo used in the admin
    $dbm->insert("image", " (image_id, image_name, image_nicename, image_mimetype, image_created, image_display, image_weight, imgcat_id) VALUES (1, 'img482278e29e81c.png', 'ImpressCMS', 'image/png', ".time().", 1, 0, 1)");

    $time = time();
    $dbm->insert('tplset', " VALUES (1, 'default', 'ImpressCMS Default Template Set', '', ".$time.")");

    // system modules

    if (!file_exists('../modules/system/language/'.$language.'/modinfo.php')) {
        $language = 'english';
    include_once '../modules/system/language/'.$language.'/modinfo.php';
    include_once '../modules/system/language/'.$language.'/common.php';
    include_once '../language/' . $language . '/global.php';
    $modversion = array();
    include_once '../modules/system/icms_version.php';
    $time = time();

    // RMV-NOTIFY (updated for extra column in table)
    /* do not alter the value for dbversion (the 3rd to last field) - all updates for
     * this will be handled by the module update process
    $dbm->insert("modules", " VALUES (1, '"._MI_SYSTEM_NAME."','" . $modversion['version'] . "', ".$time.", 0, 1, 'system', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 'system', 0)");

    foreach ($modversion['templates'] as $tplfile) {
        if ($fp = fopen('../modules/system/templates/'.$tplfile['file'], 'r')) {
            $newtplid = $dbm->insert('tplfile', " VALUES (0, 1, 'system', 'default', '".addslashes($tplfile['file'])."', '".addslashes($tplfile['description'])."', ".$time.", ".$time.", 'module')");
            $tplsource = fread($fp, filesize('../modules/system/templates/'.$tplfile['file']));
            $dbm->insert('tplsource', " (tpl_id, tpl_source) VALUES (".$newtplid.", '".addslashes($tplsource)."')");

    foreach ($modversion['blocks'] as $func_num => $newblock) {
        if ($fp = fopen('../modules/system/templates/blocks/'.$newblock['template'], 'r')) {
            if (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_block_user.html', 'system_block_login.html', 'system_block_mainmenu.html', 'system_block_socialbookmark.html', 'system_block_themes.html', 'system_block_search.html','system_admin_block_warnings.html','system_admin_block_cp.html','system_admin_block_modules.html','system_block_newusers.html','system_block_online.html','system_block_waiting.html','system_block_topusers.html'))) {
                $visible = 1;
            } else {
                $visible = 0;
            if (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_block_search.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 2;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_block_socialbookmark.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 7;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_admin_block_warnings.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 12;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_admin_block_cp.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 11;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_admin_block_modules.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 13;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_block_online.html','system_block_waiting.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 9;
            } elseif (in_array($newblock['template'], array('system_block_newusers.html','system_block_topusers.html'))) {
                $canvaspos = 10;
            } else {
                $canvaspos = 1;
            $options = !isset($newblock['options']) ? '' : trim($newblock['options']);
            $edit_func = !isset($newblock['edit_func']) ? '' : trim($newblock['edit_func']);

            # Adding dynamic block area/position system - TheRpLima - 2007-10-21
            #$newbid = $dbm->insert('newblocks', " VALUES (0, 1, ".$func_num.", '".addslashes($options)."', '".addslashes($newblock['name'])."', '".addslashes($newblock['name'])."', '', 0, 0, ".$visible.", 'S', 'H', 1, 'system', '".addslashes($newblock['file'])."', '".addslashes($newblock['show_func'])."', '".addslashes($edit_func)."', '".addslashes($newblock['template'])."', 0, ".$time.")");
            $newbid = $dbm->insert('newblocks', " VALUES (0, 1, ".$func_num.", '".addslashes($options)."', '".addslashes($newblock['name'])."', '".addslashes($newblock['name'])."', '', ".$canvaspos.", 0, ".$visible.", 'S', 'H', 1, 'system', '".addslashes($newblock['file'])."', '".addslashes($newblock['show_func'])."', '".addslashes($edit_func)."', '".addslashes($newblock['template'])."', 0, ".$time.")");

            $newtplid = $dbm->insert('tplfile', " VALUES (0, ".$newbid.", 'system', 'default', '".addslashes($newblock['template'])."', '".addslashes($newblock['description'])."', ".$time.", ".$time.", 'block')");
            $tplsource = fread($fp, filesize('../modules/system/templates/blocks/'.$newblock['template']));
            $dbm->insert('tplsource', " (tpl_id, tpl_source) VALUES (".$newtplid.", '".addslashes($tplsource)."')");
            $dbm->insert("group_permission", " VALUES (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].", ".$newbid.", 1, 'block_read')"
                . ", (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_USERS'].", ".$newbid.", 1, 'block_read')"
                . ", (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS'].", ".$newbid.", 1, 'block_read')");
    // adding welcome custom block visible for webmasters
    $welcome_webmaster_filename = 'language/' . $language . '/welcome_webmaster.tpl';
    if (!file_exists($welcome_webmaster_filename)) {
        $welcome_webmaster_filename = 'language/english/welcome_webmaster.tpl';
    if ($fp = fopen($welcome_webmaster_filename, 'r')) {
        $tplsource = fread($fp, filesize('language/' . $language . '/welcome_webmaster.tpl'));
        $newbid = $dbm->insert('newblocks', " VALUES (0, 0, 0, '', 'Custom Block (Auto Format + smilies)', '" . addslashes(WELCOME_WEBMASTER) . "', '" . addslashes($tplsource) . "', 4, 0, 1, 'C', 'S', 1, '', '', '', '', '', 0, ".$time.")");
        $dbm->insert("group_permission", " VALUES (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].", ".$newbid.", 1, 'block_read')");
    // adding welcome custom block visible for anonymous
    $welcome_anonymous_filename = 'language/' . $language . '/welcome_anonymous.tpl';
    if (!file_exists($welcome_anonymous_filename)) {
        $welcome_anonymous_filename = 'language/english/welcome_anonymous.tpl';
    if ($fp = fopen($welcome_anonymous_filename, 'r')) {
        $tplsource = fread($fp, filesize('language/' . $language . '/welcome_anonymous.tpl'));
        $newbid = $dbm->insert('newblocks', " VALUES (0, 0, 0, '', 'Custom Block (Auto Format + smilies)', '" . addslashes(WELCOME_ANONYMOUS) . "', '" . addslashes($tplsource) . "', 4, 0, 1, 'C', 'S', 1, '', '', '', '', '', 0, ".$time.")");
        $dbm->insert("group_permission", " VALUES (0, ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS'].", ".$newbid.", 1, 'block_read')");

    // data for table 'users'
    $pwd = new icms_core_Password();
    $temp = $pwd->encryptPass($adminpass);
    $regdate = time();
    // RMV-NOTIFY (updated for extra columns in user table)
    // `uid`,
    //  `name`,
    //  `uname`,
    //  `email`,
    //  `url`,
    //  `user_avatar`,
    //  `user_regdate`,
    //  `user_icq`,
    //  `user_from`,
    //  `user_sig`,
    //  `user_viewemail`,
    //  `actkey`,
    //  `user_aim`,
    //  `user_yim`,
    //  `user_msnm`,
    //  `pass`,
    //  `posts`,
    //  `attachsig`,
    //  `rank`,
    //  `level`,
    //  `theme`,
    //  `timezone_offset`
    //  `last_login`,
    //  `umode`,
    //  `uorder`,
    //  `notify_method`,
    //  `notify_mode`,
    //  `user_occ`,
    //  `bio`,
    //  `user_intrest`,
    //  `user_mailok`,
    //  `language`,
    //  `salt`,
    //  `pass_expired`,
    //  `enc_type`,

    $dbm->insert('users', " VALUES (1, '', '".addslashes($adminname)."', '".addslashes($adminmail)."', '".XOOPS_URL."/', 'blank.gif', '".$regdate."', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', '".$temp."', 0, 0, 7, 5, 'iTheme', '0.0', ".time().", 'thread', 0, 1, 0, '', '', '', '0', '".addslashes($language)."', 0, 0, 1, '".addslashes($adminlogin_name)."')");

    // data for table 'block_module_link'
    $sql = 'SELECT bid, side, template FROM '.$dbm->prefix('newblocks');
    $result = $dbm->query($sql);

    while ($myrow = $dbm->fetchArray($result)) {
        # Adding dynamic block area/position system - TheRpLima - 2007-10-21
        if ($myrow['side'] == 1 OR $myrow['side'] == 2 OR $myrow['side'] == 7) {
            $dbm->insert("block_module_link", " VALUES (".$myrow['bid'].", 0, 0)");
        } elseif (in_array($myrow['template'],array('system_admin_block_warnings.html','system_admin_block_cp.html','system_admin_block_modules.html','system_block_newusers.html','system_block_online.html','system_block_waiting.html','system_block_topusers.html'))) {
            $dbm->insert("block_module_link", " VALUES (".$myrow['bid'].", 1, 2)");
        } else {
            $dbm->insert("block_module_link", " VALUES (".$myrow['bid'].", 0, 1)");

    // Data for table 'config'

    $i=0; // sets auto increment for config values (incremented using $i++ after each value.)
    $ci=1; // sets auto increment for configoption values (incremented using $ci++ after each value.)

    // Data for Config Category 1 (System Preferences)
    $c = 1; // sets config category id
    $p = 0; // sets auto increment for config position (the order in which the option is displayed in the form)
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sitename', '_MD_AM_SITENAME', '"._LOCAOL_STNAME."', '_MD_AM_SITENAMEDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'slogan', '_MD_AM_SLOGAN', '"._LOCAL_SLOCGAN." ', '_MD_AM_SLOGANDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adminmail', '_MD_AM_ADMINML', '".addslashes($adminmail)."', '_MD_AM_ADMINMLDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'language', '_MD_AM_LANGUAGE', '".addslashes($language)."', '_MD_AM_LANGUAGEDSC', 'language', 'other', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'startpage', '_MD_AM_STARTPAGE', 'a:3:{i:1;s:2:\"--\";i:2;s:2:\"--\";i:3;s:2:\"--\";}', '_MD_AM_STARTPAGEDSC', 'startpage', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'server_TZ', '_MD_AM_SERVERTZ', '0', '_MD_AM_SERVERTZDSC', 'timezone', 'float', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'default_TZ', '_MD_AM_DEFAULTTZ', '0', '_MD_AM_DEFAULTTZDSC', 'timezone', 'float', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_ext_date', '_MD_AM_EXT_DATE', '"._EXT_DATE_FUNC."', '_MD_AM_EXT_DATEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'theme_set', '_MD_AM_DTHEME', 'iTheme', '_MD_AM_DTHEMEDSC', 'theme', 'other', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'theme_admin_set', '_MD_AM_ADMIN_DTHEME', 'iTheme', '_MD_AM_ADMIN_DTHEME_DESC', 'theme_admin', 'other', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'theme_fromfile', '_MD_AM_THEMEFILE', '0', '_MD_AM_THEMEFILEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'theme_set_allowed', '_MD_AM_THEMEOK', '".serialize(array('iTheme'))."', '_MD_AM_THEMEOKDSC', 'theme_multi', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'template_set', '_MD_AM_DTPLSET', 'default', '_MD_AM_DTPLSETDSC', 'tplset', 'other', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'editor_default', '_MD_AM_EDITOR_DEFAULT', 'dhtmltextarea', '_MD_AM_EDITOR_DEFAULT_DESC', 'editor', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'editor_enabled_list', '_MD_AM_EDITOR_ENABLED_LIST', '".addslashes(serialize(array('dhtmltextarea', 'FCKeditor', 'tinymce')))."', '_MD_AM_EDITOR_ENABLED_LIST_DESC', 'editor_multi', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sourceeditor_default', '_MD_AM_SRCEDITOR_DEFAULT', 'editarea', '_MD_AM_SRCEDITOR_DEFAULT_DESC', 'editor_source', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'anonymous', '_MD_AM_ANONNAME', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_ANON)."', '_MD_AM_ANONNAMEDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'gzip_compression', '_MD_AM_USEGZIP', '0', '_MD_AM_USEGZIPDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'usercookie', '_MD_AM_USERCOOKIE', 'icms_user', '_MD_AM_USERCOOKIEDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_mysession', '_MD_AM_USEMYSESS', '0', '_MD_AM_USEMYSESSDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'session_name', '_MD_AM_SESSNAME', 'icms_session', '_MD_AM_SESSNAMEDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'session_expire', '_MD_AM_SESSEXPIRE', '15', '_MD_AM_SESSEXPIREDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'debug_mode', '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE', '0', '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODEDSC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE0', 0, $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE1', 1, $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE2', 2, $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE3', 3, $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'closesite', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITE', '0', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'closesite_okgrp', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOK', '".addslashes(serialize(array('1')))."', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOKDSC', 'group_multi', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'closesite_text', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXT', '"._INSTALL_L165."', '_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXTDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'my_ip', '_MD_AM_MYIP', '', '_MD_AM_MYIPDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_ssl', '_MD_AM_USESSL', '0', '_MD_AM_USESSLDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sslpost_name', '_MD_AM_SSLPOST', 'icms_ssl', '_MD_AM_SSLPOSTDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sslloginlink', '_MD_AM_SSLLINK', 'https://', '_MD_AM_SSLLINKDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'com_mode', '_MD_AM_COMMODE', 'nest', '_MD_AM_COMMODEDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_NESTED', 'nest', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_FLAT', 'flat', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_THREADED', 'thread', $i)");
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'com_order', '_MD_AM_COMORDER', '0', '_MD_AM_COMORDERDSC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_OLDESTFIRST', '0', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_NEWESTFIRST', '1', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_captchaf', '_MD_AM_USECAPTCHAFORM', 1, '_MD_AM_USECAPTCHAFORMDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'enable_badips', '_MD_AM_DOBADIPS', '0', '_MD_AM_DOBADIPSDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'bad_ips', '_MD_AM_BADIPS', '".addslashes(serialize(array('')))."', '_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'module_cache', '_MD_AM_MODCACHE', '', '_MD_AM_MODCACHEDSC', 'module_cache', 'array', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 2 (User Preferences)
    $c=2; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allow_register', '_MD_AM_ALLOWREG', 1, '_MD_AM_ALLOWREGDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'minpass', '_MD_AM_MINPASS', '5', '_MD_AM_MINPASSDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'pass_level', '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL', '40', '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL_DESC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL1', '20', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL2', '40', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL3', '60', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL4', '80', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL5', '95', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'minuname', '_MD_AM_MINUNAME', '3', '_MD_AM_MINUNAMEDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'maxuname', '_MD_AM_MAXUNAME', '20', '_MD_AM_MAXUNAMEDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'delusers', '_MD_AM_DELUSRES', '30', '_MD_AM_DELUSRESDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_captcha', '_MD_AM_USECAPTCHA', 1, '_MD_AM_USECAPTCHADSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'welcome_msg', '_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG', '0', '_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSGDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'welcome_msg_content', '_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG_CONTENT', '".addslashes(_WELCOME_MSG_CONTENT)."', '_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG_CONTENTDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allow_chgmail', '_MD_AM_ALLWCHGMAIL', '0', '_MD_AM_ALLWCHGMAILDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allow_chguname', '_MD_AM_ALLWCHGUNAME', '0', '_MD_AM_ALLWCHGUNAMEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allwshow_sig', '_MD_AM_ALLWSHOWSIG', '1', '_MD_AM_ALLWSHOWSIGDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allow_htsig', '_MD_AM_ALLWHTSIG', '1', '_MD_AM_ALLWHTSIGDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sig_max_length', '_MD_AM_SIGMAXLENGTH', '255', '_MD_AM_SIGMAXLENGTHDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'new_user_notify', '_MD_AM_NEWUNOTIFY', '1', '_MD_AM_NEWUNOTIFYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'new_user_notify_group', '_MD_AM_NOTIFYTO', ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].", '_MD_AM_NOTIFYTODSC', 'group', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'activation_type', '_MD_AM_ACTVTYPE', '0', '_MD_AM_ACTVTYPEDSC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_USERACTV', '0', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_AUTOACTV', '1', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ADMINACTV', '2', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_REGINVITE', '3', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'activation_group', '_MD_AM_ACTVGROUP', ".$gruops['XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN'].", '_MD_AM_ACTVGROUPDSC', 'group', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'uname_test_level', '_MD_AM_UNAMELVL', '0', '_MD_AM_UNAMELVLDSC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_STRICT', '0', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_MEDIUM', '1', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_LIGHT', '2', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_allow_upload', '_MD_AM_AVATARALLOW', '0', '_MD_AM_AVATARALWDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_allow_gravatar', '_MD_AM_GRAVATARALLOW', '1', '_MD_AM_GRAVATARALWDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
    /* the avatar resizer shall later be included
     $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_auto_resize', '_MD_AM_AUTORESIZE', '0', '_MD_AM_AUTORESIZE_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_minposts', '_MD_AM_AVATARMP', '0', '_MD_AM_AVATARMPDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_width', '_MD_AM_AVATARW', '80', '_MD_AM_AVATARWDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_height', '_MD_AM_AVATARH', '80', '_MD_AM_AVATARHDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'avatar_maxsize', '_MD_AM_AVATARMAX', '35000', '_MD_AM_AVATARMAXDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'self_delete', '_MD_AM_SELFDELETE', '0', '_MD_AM_SELFDELETEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'rank_width', '_MD_AM_RANKW', '120', '_MD_AM_RANKWDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'rank_height', '_MD_AM_RANKH', '120', '_MD_AM_RANKHDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'rank_maxsize', '_MD_AM_RANKMAX', '35000', '_MD_AM_RANKMAXDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'bad_unames', '_MD_AM_BADUNAMES', '".addslashes(serialize(array('webmaster', '^impresscms', '^admin')))."', '_MD_AM_BADUNAMESDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'bad_emails', '_MD_AM_BADEMAILS', '".addslashes(serialize(array('$')))."', '_MD_AM_BADEMAILSDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'remember_me', '_MD_AM_REMEMBERME', '0', '_MD_AM_REMEMBERMEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'reg_dispdsclmr', '_MD_AM_DSPDSCLMR', 1, '_MD_AM_DSPDSCLMRDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'reg_disclaimer', '_MD_AM_REGDSCLMR', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_DISCLMR)."', '_MD_AM_REGDSCLMRDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'priv_dpolicy', '_MD_AM_PRIVDPOLICY', 0, '_MD_AM_PRIVDPOLICYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'priv_policy', '_MD_AM_PRIVPOLICY', '".addslashes(_INSTALL_PRIVPOLICY)."', '_MD_AM_PRIVPOLICYDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'allow_annon_view_prof', '_MD_AM_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_VIEW_PROFILE', '0', '_MD_AM_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_VIEW_PROFILE_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'enc_type', '_MD_AM_ENC_TYPE', '23', '_MD_AM_ENC_TYPEDSC', 'select', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_MD5', '20', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_SHA256', '21', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_SHA384', '22', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_SHA512', '23', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_RIPEMD128', '24', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_RIPEMD160', '25', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_WHIRLPOOL', '26', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1284', '27', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1604', '28', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1924', '29', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2244', '30', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2564', '31', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1285', '32', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1605', '33', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1925', '34', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2245', '35', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2565', '36', $i)");
    // ----------

    // Data for Config Category 3 (Meta & Footer Preferences)
    $c=3; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_keywords', '_MD_AM_METAKEY', 'community management system, CMS, content management, social networking, community, blog, support, modules, add-ons, themes', '_MD_AM_METAKEYDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_description', '_MD_AM_METADESC', 'ImpressCMS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.', '_MD_AM_METADESCDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_robots', '_MD_AM_METAROBOTS', 'index,follow', '_MD_AM_METAROBOTSDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_INDEXFOLLOW', 'index,follow', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_NOINDEXFOLLOW', 'noindex,follow', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_INDEXNOFOLLOW', 'index,nofollow', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW', 'noindex,nofollow', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_rating', '_MD_AM_METARATING', 'general', '_MD_AM_METARATINGDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_METAOGEN', 'general', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_METAO14YRS', '14 years', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_METAOREST', 'restricted', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_METAOMAT', 'mature', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_author', '_MD_AM_METAAUTHOR', 'ImpressCMS', '_MD_AM_METAAUTHORDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'meta_copyright', '_MD_AM_METACOPYR', 'Copyright &copy; 2007-" . date('Y', time()) . "', '_MD_AM_METACOPYRDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'google_meta', '_MD_AM_METAGOOGLE', '', '_MD_AM_METAGOOGLE_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'footer', '_MD_AM_FOOTER', '"._LOCAL_FOOTER."', '_MD_AM_FOOTERDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_google_analytics', '_MD_AM_USE_GOOGLE_ANA', 0, '_MD_AM_USE_GOOGLE_ANA_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'google_analytics', '_MD_AM_GOOGLE_ANA', '', '_MD_AM_GOOGLE_ANA_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'footadm', '_MD_AM_FOOTADM', '"._LOCAL_FOOTER."', '_MD_AM_FOOTADM_DESC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 4 (Badword Preferences)
    $c=4; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'censor_enable', '_MD_AM_DOCENSOR', '0', '_MD_AM_DOCENSORDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'censor_words', '_MD_AM_CENSORWRD', '".addslashes(serialize(array('fuck', 'shit', 'cunt', 'wanker', 'bastard')))."', '_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'censor_replace', '_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC', '"._LOCAL_SENSORTXT."', '_MD_AM_CENSORRPLCDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 5 (Search Preferences)
    $c=5; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'enable_search', '_MD_AM_DOSEARCH', '1', '_MD_AM_DOSEARCHDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'enable_deep_search', '_MD_AM_DODEEPSEARCH', '1', '_MD_AM_DODEEPSEARCHDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'num_shallow_search', '_MD_AM_NUMINITSRCHRSLTS', '5', '_MD_AM_NUMINITSRCHRSLTSDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'keyword_min', '_MD_AM_MINSEARCH', '3', '_MD_AM_MINSEARCHDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'search_user_date', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_USERDATE', '1', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_USERDATE', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'search_no_res_mod', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_NO_RES_MOD', '1', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_NO_RES_MODDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'search_per_page', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_PER_PAGE', '20', '_MD_AM_SEARCH_PER_PAGEDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 6 (Mail Settings)
    $c=6; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'from','_MD_AM_MAILFROM','','_MD_AM_MAILFROMDESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'fromname','_MD_AM_MAILFROMNAME','','_MD_AM_MAILFROMNAMEDESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
    // RMV-NOTIFY... Need to specify which user is sender of notification PM
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'fromuid','_MD_AM_MAILFROMUID','1','_MD_AM_MAILFROMUIDDESC','user','int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'mailmethod','_MD_AM_MAILERMETHOD','mail','_MD_AM_MAILERMETHODDESC','select','text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", 'PHP mail()','mail', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'sendmail','sendmail', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'SMTP','smtp', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'SMTPAuth','smtpauth', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'smtphost','_MD_AM_SMTPHOST','a:1:{i:0;s:0:\"\";}', '_MD_AM_SMTPHOSTDESC','textsarea','array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'smtpuser','_MD_AM_SMTPUSER','','_MD_AM_SMTPUSERDESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'smtppass','_MD_AM_SMTPPASS','','_MD_AM_SMTPPASSDESC','password','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'smtpsecure','_MD_AM_SMTPSECURE','ssl','_MD_AM_SMTPSECUREDESC','select','text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", 'None','', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'SSL','ssl', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'TLS','tls', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'smtpauthport','_MD_AM_SMTPAUTHPORT','465','_MD_AM_SMTPAUTHPORTDESC','textbox','int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'sendmailpath','_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATH','/usr/sbin/sendmail','_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATHDESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 7 (Authentication Settings)
    $c=7; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'auth_method','_MD_AM_AUTHMETHOD','xoops','_MD_AM_AUTHMETHODDESC','select','text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_XOOPS', 'xoops', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_LDAP', 'ldap', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_AD', 'ads', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_port','_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT','389','_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT','textbox','int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_server','_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER','your directory server','_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_base_dn','_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN','dc=icms,dc=org','_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_manager_dn','_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN','manager_dn','_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_manager_pass','_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS','manager_pass','_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS_DESC','password','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_version','_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION','3','_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_users_bypass','_MD_AM_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS','".serialize(array('admin'))."','_MD_AM_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS_DESC','textsarea','array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_loginname_asdn','_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN','uid_asdn','_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN_D','yesno','int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_loginldap_attr', '_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR', 'uid', '_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR_D', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_filter_person','_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON','','_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_domain_name','_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME','mydomain','_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_provisionning','_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS','0','_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_DESC','yesno','int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_provisionning_group','_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP','a:1:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";}','_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP_DSC','group_multi','array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_mail_attr','_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR','mail','_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_givenname_attr','_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR','givenname','_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR_DSC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_surname_attr','_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR','sn','_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR_DESC','textbox','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_field_mapping','_MD_AM_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_ATTR','email=mail|name=displayname','_MD_AM_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_DESC','textsarea','text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_provisionning_upd', '_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD', '1', '_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ",0,$c,'ldap_use_TLS','_MD_AM_LDAP_USETLS','0','_MD_AM_LDAP_USETLS_DESC','yesno','int', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 8 (Multi Language Settings)
    $c=8; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_enable', '_MD_AM_ML_ENABLE', '0', '_MD_AM_ML_ENABLEDEC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_autoselect_enabled', '_MD_AM_ML_AUTOSELECT_ENABLED', '0', '_MD_AM_ML_AUTOSELECT_ENABLED_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_tags', '_MD_AM_ML_TAGS', '"._DEF_LANG_TAGS."', '_MD_AM_ML_TAGSDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_names', '_MD_AM_ML_NAMES', '"._DEF_LANG_NAMES."', '_MD_AM_ML_NAMESDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_captions', '_MD_AM_ML_CAPTIONS', '"._LOCAL_LANG_NAMES."', '_MD_AM_ML_CAPTIONSDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c,'ml_charset', '_MD_AM_ML_CHARSET', 'UTF-8,UTF-8', '_MD_AM_ML_CHARSETDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 9 (Content Manager Settings)
    $c=9; // sets config category id
    /* These have been deprecated in 1.2 and should not be inserted. They are part of the content module now */

    // Data for Config Category 10 (Personalization Settings)
    $c=10; // sets config category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_left_logo', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM', '/uploads/imagemanager/logos/img482278e29e81c.png', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_DESC', 'select_image', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_left_logo_url', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_URL', '".XOOPS_URL."/', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_URL_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_left_logo_alt', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_ALT', 'ImpressCMS', '_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_ALT_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_right_logo', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM', '', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_DESC', 'select_image', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_right_logo_url', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_URL', '', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_URL_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'adm_right_logo_alt', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_ALT', '', '_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_ALT_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'rss_local', '_MD_AM_RSSLOCAL', '"._MD_AM_RSSLOCALLINK_DESC."', '_MD_AM_RSSLOCAL_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'editre_block', '_MD_AM_EDITREMOVEBLOCK', '1', '_MD_AM_EDITREMOVEBLOCKDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_custom_redirection', '_MD_AM_CUSTOMRED', '1', '_MD_AM_CUSTOMREDDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'multi_login', '_MD_AM_MULTLOGINPREVENT', '0', '_MD_AM_MULTLOGINPREVENTDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'email_protect', '_MD_AM_EMAILPROTECT', '0', '_MD_AM_EMAILPROTECTDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_NOMAILPROTECT', '0', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_GDMAILPROTECT', '1', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_REMAILPROTECT', '2', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'email_font', '_MD_AM_EMAILTTF', 'arial.ttf', '_MD_AM_EMAILTTF_DESC', 'select_font', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'email_font_len', '_MD_AM_EMAILLEN', '10', '_MD_AM_EMAILLEN_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'email_cor', '_MD_AM_EMAILCOLOR', '#000000', '_MD_AM_EMAILCOLOR_DESC', 'color', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'email_shadow', '_MD_AM_EMAILSHADOW', '#cccccc', '_MD_AM_EMAILSHADOW_DESC', 'color', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'shadow_x', '_MD_AM_SHADOWX', '2', '_MD_AM_SHADOWX_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'shadow_y', '_MD_AM_SHADOWY', '2', '_MD_AM_SHADOWY_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'recprvkey', '_MD_AM_RECPRVKEY', '', '_MD_AM_RECPRVKEY_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'recpubkey', '_MD_AM_RECPUBKEY', '', '_MD_AM_RECPUBKEY_DESC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'shorten_url', '_MD_AM_SHORTURL', '0', '_MD_AM_SHORTURLDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'max_url_long', '_MD_AM_URLLEN', '50', '_MD_AM_URLLEN_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'pre_chars_left', '_MD_AM_PRECHARS', '35', '_MD_AM_PRECHARS_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'last_chars_left', '_MD_AM_LASTCHARS', '10', '_MD_AM_LASTCHARS_DESC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'show_impresscms_menu', '_MD_AM_SHOW_ICMSMENU', '1', '_MD_AM_SHOW_ICMSMENU_DESC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'use_jsjalali', '_MD_AM_JALALICAL', '0', '_MD_AM_JALALICALDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'pagstyle', '_MD_AM_PAGISTYLE', 'default', '_MD_AM_PAGISTYLE_DESC', 'select_paginati', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 11 (CAPTCHA Settings)
    $c=11; // sets config category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_mode', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MODE', 'image', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MODEDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_OFF', 'none', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_IMG', 'image', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_TXT', 'text', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_skipmember', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPMEMBER', '".addslashes(serialize(array('2')))."', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPMEMBERDSC', 'group_multi', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_casesensitive', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_CASESENS', '0', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_CASESENSDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_skip_characters', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPCHAR', '".addslashes(serialize(array('o', '0', 'i', 'l', '1')))."', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPCHARDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_maxattempt', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMP', '8', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMPDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_num_chars', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_NUMCHARS', '4', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_NUMCHARSDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_fontsize_min', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMIN', '10', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMINDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_fontsize_max', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMAX', '12', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMAXDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_background_type', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGTYPE', '100', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGTYPEDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_BAR', '0', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_CIRCLE', '1', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_LINE', '2', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_RECTANGLE', '3', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_ELLIPSE', '4', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_POLYGON', '5', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_RANDOM', '100', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_background_num', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGNUM', '50', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGNUMDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'captcha_polygon_point', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_POLPNT', '3', '_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_POLPNTDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 12 (Text Sanitizer Plugin Settings)
    $c=12; // sets config category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'sanitizer_plugins', '_MD_AM_SELECTSPLUGINS', '".addslashes(serialize(array('syntaxhighlightphp', 'hiddencontent')))."', '_MD_AM_SELECTSPLUGINS_DESC', 'select_plugin', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'code_sanitizer', '_MD_AM_SELECTSHIGHLIGHT', 'none', '_MD_AM_SELECTSHIGHLIGHT_DESC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_HIGHLIGHTER_OFF', 'none', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_HIGHLIGHTER_PHP', 'php', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_HIGHLIGHTER_GESHI', 'geshi', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'geshi_default', '_MD_AM_GESHI_DEFAULT', 'php', '_MD_AM_GESHI_DEFAULT_DESC', 'select_geshi', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 13 (AutoTasks)
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'autotasks_system', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_SYSTEM', 'internal', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_SYSTEMDSC', 'autotasksystem', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'autotasks_helper', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_HELPER', 'wget %url%', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_HELPERDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", 'PHP-CGI', 'php -f %path%', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'wget', 'wget %url%', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", 'Lynx', 'lynx --dump %url%', $i)");
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'autotasks_helper_path', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_HELPER_PATH', '/usr/bin/', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_HELPER_PATHDSC', 'text', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'autotasks_user', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_USER', '', '_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS_USERDSC', 'text', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");

    // Data for Config Category 14 (HTMLPurifier Settings)

    $host_domain = imcms_get_base_domain(XOOPS_URL);
    $host_base = imcms_get_url_domain(XOOPS_URL);

    $c=14; // sets config category id
    $p=0; // reset position increment to 0 for new category id
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'enable_purifier', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ENABLE', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ENABLEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_DefinitionID', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFID', 'system', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFIDDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_DefinitionRev', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFREV', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFREVDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_Host', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_HOST', '".addslashes($host_domain)."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_HOSTDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_Base', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BASE', '".addslashes($host_base)."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BASEDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_Disable', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLE', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_DisableExternal', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXT', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_DisableExternalResources', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTRES', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTRESDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_DisableResources', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLERES', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLERESDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_MakeAbsolute', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_MAKEABS', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_MAKEABSDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_HostBlacklist', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BLACKLIST', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BLACKLISTDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_AllowedSchemes', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_ALLOWSCHEME', '".addslashes(serialize(array('http','https','mailto','ftp','nntp','news')))."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_ALLOWSCHEMEDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
    //$dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_URI_SafeIframeRegexp', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_SAFEIFRAMEREGEXP', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_SAFEIFRAMEREGEXPDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")");
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_DefinitionID', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFID', 'system', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFIDDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_DefinitionRev', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFREV', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFREVDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_Doctype', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DOCTYPE', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DOCTYPEDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_401T', 'HTML 4.01 Transitional', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_401S', 'HTML 4.01 Strict', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X10T', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X10S', 'XHTML 1.0 Strict', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X11', 'XHTML 1.1', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_TidyLevel', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_TIDYLEVEL', 'medium', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_TIDYLEVELDSC', 'select', 'text', " . $p++ . ")");
    // Insert data for Config Options in selection field. (must be placed before //$i++)
        $dbm->insert('configoption', " VALUES (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_NONE', 'none', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_LIGHT', 'light', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_MEDIUM', 'medium', $i)"
            . ", (" . $ci++ . ", '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HEAVY', 'heavy', $i)");
    // ----------
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_AllowedElements', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWELE',
     '".addslashes(serialize(array('a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'b', 'blockquote', 'br', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'dd', 'del', 'dfn', 'div', 'dl',
                                   'dt', 'em', 'font', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'i', 'img', 'ins', 'kbd', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 's',
                                   'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var')))."',
     '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWELEDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")");
    $dbm->insert('config', " VALUES (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_AllowedAttributes', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWATTR',
     '".addslashes(serialize(array('a.class', 'a.href', '', '', 'a.rev', '', 'a.title', '', 'a.rel', 'abbr.title', 'acronym.title',
                                   'blockquote.cite', 'div.align', '', 'div.class', '', 'font.size', 'font.color', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'img.src', 'img.alt', 'img.title', 'img.class', 'img.align', '', 'img.height', 'img.width', '', '', '', '', 'span.class', '', 'table.class', '', 'table.border', 'table.cellpadding', 'table.cellspacing', '', 'table.width', 'td.abbr', 'td.align', 'td.class', '', 'td.colspan', 'td.rowspan', '', 'td.valign', 'tr.align', 'tr.class', '', '', 'tr.valign', 'th.abbr', 'th.align', 'th.class', '', 'th.colspan', 'th.rowspan', '', 'th.valign', '')))."',
     '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWATTRDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_ForbiddenElements', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDELE', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDELEDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_ForbiddenAttributes', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDATTR', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDATTRDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_MaxImgLength', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_MAXIMGLENGTH', '1200', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_MAXIMGLENGTHDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_SafeEmbed', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEEMBED', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEEMBEDDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_SafeObject', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEOBJECT', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEOBJECTDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_HTML_AttrNameUseCDATA', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ATTRNAMEUSECDATA', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ATTRNAMEUSECDATADSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"

        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Filter_ExtractStyleBlocks', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLK', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLKDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Filter_ExtractStyleBlocks_Escaping', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEESC', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEESCDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Filter_ExtractStyleBlocks_Scope', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLKSCOPE', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLKSCOPEDSC', 'textsarea', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Filter_YouTube', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_ENABLEYOUTUBE', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_ENABLEYOUTUBEDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Core_EscapeNonASCIICharacters', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_ESCNONASCIICHARS', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_ESCNONASCIICHARSDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Core_HiddenElements', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_HIDDENELE', '".addslashes(serialize(array('script','style')))."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_HIDDENELEDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Core_RemoveInvalidImg', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_REMINVIMG', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_REMINVIMGDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_AutoParagraph', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_AUTOPARA', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_AUTOPARADSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_DisplayLinkURI', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_DISPLINKURI', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_DISPLINKURIDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_Linkify', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_LINKIFY', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_LINKIFYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_PurifierLinkify', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_PURILINKIFY', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_PURILINKIFYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_Custom', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_CUSTOM', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_CUSTOMDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_RemoveEmpty', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTY', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_RemoveEmptyNbsp', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSP', '0', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_AutoFormat_RemoveEmptyNbspExceptions', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPEXCEPT', '".addslashes(serialize(array('td','th')))."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPEXCEPTDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_AllowedFrameTargets', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWFRAMETARGET', '".addslashes(serialize(array('_blank','_parent','_self','_top')))."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWFRAMETARGETDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_AllowedRel', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWREL', '".addslashes(serialize(array('external','nofollow','external nofollow','lightbox')))."', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWRELDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_AllowedClasses', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWCLASSES', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWCLASSESDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_ForbiddenClasses', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_FORBIDDENCLASSES', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_FORBIDDENCLASSESDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_DefaultInvalidImage', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMG', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_DefaultInvalidImageAlt', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGALT', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGALTDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_DefaultImageAlt', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFIMGALT', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFIMGALTDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_ClassUseCDATA', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_CLASSUSECDATA', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_CLASSUSECDATADSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_EnableID', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ENABLEID', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ENABLEIDDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_IDPrefix', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIX', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_IDPrefixLocal', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXLOCAL', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXLOCALDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_Attr_IDBlacklist', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDBLACKLIST', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDBLACKLISTDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_DefinitionRev', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_DEFREV', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_DEFREVDSC', 'textbox', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_AllowImportant', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWIMPORTANT', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWIMPORTANTDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_AllowTricky', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWTRICKY', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWTRICKYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_AllowedProperties', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWPROP', '', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWPROPDSC', 'textsarea', 'array', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_MaxImgLength', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_MAXIMGLEN', '1200px', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_MAXIMGLENDSC', 'textbox', 'text', " . $p++ . ")"
        . ", (" . ++$i . ", 0, $c, 'purifier_CSS_Proprietary', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_PROPRIETARY', '1', '_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_PROPRIETARYDSC', 'yesno', 'int', " . $p++ . ")");
    // <<<<< End of Purifier Category >>>>>

    $dbm->insert('system_autotasks', " VALUES (0, 'Inactivating users', 'autotask.php', 0, 1440, 0, 1, ".time().", 'addon/system', 00)");

    return $gruops;