* ImpressCMS Block Persistable Class for Configure
* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project <>
* @license GNU General Public License (GPL) <>
* @since ImpressCMS 1.2
* @package Administration
* @subpackage Blocks
* @version SVN: $Id: blocksadmin.php 11281 2011-06-23 14:08:32Z phoenyx $
* @author Gustavo Pilla (aka nekro) <>
* @author Rodrigo Pereira Lima (aka therplima) <>
defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH') or die('ImpressCMS root path not defined');
* System Block Configuration Object Class
* @package Administration
* @subpackage Blocks
* @since ImpressCMS 1.2
* @author Gustavo Pilla (aka nekro) <>
class SystemBlocksadmin extends icms_view_block_Object {
* Constructor
* @param SystemBlocksadminHandler $handler
public function __construct(&$handler) {
$this->initNonPersistableVar('visiblein', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, 'visiblein', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
$this->setControl('name', 'label');
$this->setControl('visible', 'yesno');
$this->setControl('bcachetime', array('itemHandler' => 'blocksadmin', 'method' => 'getBlockCacheTimeArray', 'module' => 'system'));
$this->setControl('side', array('itemHandler' => 'blocksadmin', 'method' => 'getBlockPositionArray', 'module' => 'system'));
$this->setControl('c_type', array('itemHandler' => 'blocksadmin', 'method' => 'getContentTypeArray', 'module' => 'system', 'onSelect' => 'submit'));
$this->setControl('visiblein', 'page');
$this->setControl('options', 'blockoptions');
* Creates custom accessors for properties
* @see htdocs/libraries/icms/ipf/icms_ipf_Object::getVar()
public function getVar($key, $format = 's') {
if ($format == 's' && in_array($key, array('visible', 'mid', 'side'))) {
return call_user_func(array($this, $key));
return parent::getVar($key, $format);
* Custom accesser for weight property
private function weight() {
$rtn = $this->getVar('weight', 'n');
return $rtn;
* Custom accessor for visible property
private function visible() {
if ($this->getVar('visible', 'n') == 1) {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=visible&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _VISIBLE . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/button_ok.png" alt="' . _VISIBLE . '"/></a>';
} else {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=visible&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _VISIBLE . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/button_cancel.png" alt="' . _VISIBLE . '"/></a>';
return $rtn;
* Custom accessor for mid property
private function mid() {
$rtn = $this->handler->getModuleName($this->getVar('mid', 'n'));
return $rtn;
* Custom accessor for side property
private function side() {
$block_positions = $this->handler->getBlockPositions(TRUE);
$rtn = (defined($block_positions[$this->getVar('side', 'n')]['title'])) ? constant($block_positions[$this->getVar('side', 'n')]['title']) : $block_positions[$this->getVar('side', 'n')]['title'];
return $rtn;
// Render Methods for Action Buttons
* Renders a space in the actions column
public function getBlankLink() {
return "<img src='" . ICMS_URL . "/images/blank.gif' width='22' alt='' title='' />";
* Renders a graphic and link to move the block up (lower weight)
public function getUpActionLink() {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=up&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _UP . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/up.png" alt="' . _UP . '"/></a>';
return $rtn;
* Renders a graphic and link to move the block down (increase weight)
public function getDownActionLink() {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=down&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _DOWN . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/down.png" alt="' . _DOWN . '"/></a>';
return $rtn;
* Renders a graphic and link to clone the block
public function getCloneActionLink() {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=clone&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _CLONE . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/editcopy.png" alt="' . _CLONE . '"/></a>';
return $rtn;
* Renders a graphic and link to edit a block
public function getEditActionLink() {
$rtn = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=mod&bid=' . $this->getVar('bid') . '" title="' . _EDIT . '" ><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/edit.png" alt="' . _EDIT . '"/></a>';
return $rtn;
* Overrides parent method
* @see htdocs/libraries/icms/ipf/icms_ipf_Object::getAdminViewItemLink()
public function getAdminViewItemLink($onlyUrl = false) {
$rtn = $this->getVar('title');
return $rtn;
* getDeleteItemLink
* Overwrited Method
* @param string $onlyUrl
* @param boolean $withimage
* @param boolean $userSide
* @return string
public function getDeleteItemLink($onlyUrl = FALSE, $withimage = TRUE, $userSide = FALSE) {
$ret = ICMS_URL . "/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=del&" . $this->handler->keyName . "=" . $this->getVar($this->handler->keyName);
if ($onlyUrl) {
if ($this->getVar('block_type') != 'C' && $this->getVar('block_type') != 'K') {
return "";
} else {
return $ret;
} elseif ($withimage) {
if ($this->getVar('block_type') != 'C' && $this->getVar('block_type') != 'K') {
return "<img src='" . ICMS_URL . "/images/blank.gif' width='22' alt='' title='' />";
} else {
return "<a href='" . $ret . "'><img src='" . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . "/actions/editdelete.png' style='vertical-align: middle;' alt='" . _CO_ICMS_DELETE . "' title='" . _CO_ICMS_DELETE . "' /></a>";
return "<a href='" . $ret . "'>" . $this->getVar($this->handler->identifierName) . "</a>";
* Create the form for this object
* @return a {@link SmartobjectForm} object for this object
* @see icms_ipf_ObjectForm::icms_ipf_ObjectForm()
public function getForm($form_caption, $form_name, $form_action = FALSE, $submit_button_caption = _CO_ICMS_SUBMIT, $cancel_js_action = FALSE, $captcha = FALSE) {
if (!$this->isNew() && $this->getVar('block_type') != 'C') {
$form = new icms_ipf_form_Base($this, $form_name, $form_caption, $form_action, NULL, $submit_button_caption, $cancel_js_action, $captcha);
return $form;
public function getSideControl() {
$control = new icms_form_elements_Select('', 'block_side[]', $this->getVar('side', 'e'));
$positions = $this->handler->getBlockPositions(TRUE);
$block_positions = array();
foreach ($positions as $k => $position) {
$block_positions[$k] = defined($position['title']) ? constant($position['title']) : $position['title'];
return $control->render();
public function getWeightControl() {
$control = new icms_form_elements_Text('', 'block_weight[]', 5, 10, $this->getVar('weight', 'e'));
return $control->render();
* System Block Configuration Object Handler Class
* @since ImpressCMS 1.2
* @author Gustavo Pilla (aka nekro) <>
class SystemBlocksadminHandler extends icms_view_block_Handler {
private $block_positions;
private $modules_name;
public function __construct(&$db) {
icms_ipf_Handler::__construct($db, 'blocksadmin', 'bid', 'title', 'content', 'system');
$this->table = $this->db->prefix('newblocks');
public function getVisibleStatusArray() {
$rtn = array();
$rtn[1] = _VISIBLE;
$rtn[0] = _INVISIBLE;
return $rtn;
// public function getVisibleInArray() {
// /* TODO: To be implemented... */
// }
public function getBlockPositionArray() {
$block_positions = $this->getBlockPositions(TRUE);
$rtn = array();
foreach ($block_positions as $k => $v) {
$rtn[$k] = (defined($block_positions[$k]['title'])) ? constant($block_positions[$k]['title']) : $block_positions[$k]['title'];
return $rtn;
public function getContentTypeArray() {
return array('H' => _AM_HTML, 'P' => _AM_PHP, 'S' => _AM_AFWSMILE, 'T' => _AM_AFNOSMILE);
public function getBlockCacheTimeArray() {
$rtn = array('0' => _NOCACHE, '30' => sprintf(_SECONDS, 30), '60' => _MINUTE, '300' => sprintf(_MINUTES, 5), '1800' => sprintf(_MINUTES, 30), '3600' => _HOUR, '18000' => sprintf(_HOURS, 5), '86400' => _DAY, '259200' => sprintf(_DAYS, 3), '604800' => _WEEK, '2592000' => _MONTH);
return $rtn;
public function getModulesArray($full = FALSE) {
if (!is_array($this->modules_name)) {
$icms_module_handler = icms::handler('icms_module');
$installed_modules = $icms_module_handler->getObjects();
$this->modules_name[0]['name'] = _NONE;
$this->modules_name[0]['dirname'] = '';
foreach ($installed_modules as $module) {
$this->modules_name[$module->getVar('mid')]['name'] = $module->getVar('name');
$this->modules_name[$module->getVar('mid')]['dirname'] = $module->getVar('dirname');
$rtn = $this->modules_name;
if (!$full) {
foreach ($this->modules_name as $key => $module) {
$rtn[$key] = $module['name'];
return $rtn;
public function getModuleName($mid) {
if ($mid == 0) return '';
$modules = $this->getModulesArray();
$rtn = $modules[$mid];
return $rtn;
public function getModuleDirname($mid) {
$modules = $this->getModulesArray(TRUE);
$rtn = $modules[$mid]['dirname'];
return $rtn;
public function upWeight($bid) {
$blockObj = $this->get($bid);
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo();
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('side', $blockObj->vars['side']['value']));
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('weight', $blockObj->getVar('weight'), '<'));
$sideBlocks = $this->getObjects($criteria);
$weight = (is_array($sideBlocks) && count($sideBlocks) == 1) ? $sideBlocks[0]->getVar('weight') - 1 : $blockObj->getVar('weight') - 1;
if ($weight < 0) $weight = 0;
$blockObj->setVar('weight', $weight);
$this->insert($blockObj, TRUE);
public function downWeight($bid) {
$blockObj = $this->get($bid);
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo();
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('side', $blockObj->vars['side']['value']));
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('weight', $blockObj->getVar('weight'), '>'));
$sideBlocks = $this->getObjects($criteria);
$weight = (is_array($sideBlocks) && count($sideBlocks) == 1) ? $sideBlocks[0]->getVar('weight') + 1 : $blockObj->getVar('weight') + 1;
$blockObj->setVar('weight', $weight);
$this->insert($blockObj, TRUE);
public function changeVisible($bid) {
$blockObj = $this->get($bid);
if ($blockObj->getVar('visible', 'n')) {
$blockObj->setVar('visible', 0);
} else {
$blockObj->setVar('visible', 1);
$this->insert($blockObj, TRUE);
* BeforeSave event
* Event automatically triggered by IcmsPersistable Framework before the object is inserted or updated
* We also need to do the transformation in case of an insert to handle cloned blocks with options
* @param object $obj SystemBlocksadmin object
* @return TRUE
public function beforeSave(&$obj) {
if (empty($_POST['options'])) return TRUE;
$options = "";
foreach ($_POST['options'] as $opt) {
if ($options != "") $options .= '|';
$options .= $opt;
$obj->setVar('options', $options);
return TRUE;