* Function for removing users that have not activated their accounts
* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project
* @license LICENSE.txt
* @package Administration
* @subpackage Autotasks
* @version SVN: $Id: autotask.php 10998 2011-02-02 19:15:09Z skenow $
defined("ICMS_ROOT_PATH") || die("ICMS root path not defined");
* Deletes users who registered but aren't yet active for X days.
* To be used in ImpressCMS 1.2
* @return mixed Did the query succeed or not? Returns nothing if succeeded, false if not succeeded
function remove_usersxdays() {
$db =& icms_db_Factory::instance();
global $icmsConfigUser;
$days = $icmsConfigUser['delusers'];
$delete_regdate= time() - ($days * 24 * 60 * 60); // X days/month * 24 hrs/day
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE (level = '0' AND user_regdate < '%s')", $db->prefix('users'), $delete_regdate);
if (!$result = $db->queryF($sql)) {
return FALSE;
* Here comes the part for removing inactive users after X days.
* I used to ad it here, because it is always loaded within core loading.
* I also made a condition to run the function, only when system is not doing a GET action!