// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// XOOPS - PHP Content Management System //
// Copyright (c) 2000 //
// <> //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits //
// of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting //
// source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the //
// original comment or credit authors. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Author: Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu) //
// URL:,, //
// Project: The XOOPS Project //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Config file of the System module
* This file holds the configuration information of this module
* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project
* @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
* @package core
* @since 1.2
defined("ICMS_ROOT_PATH") || die("ICMS root path not defined");
* General Information
$modversion = array(
'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_NAME,
'version' => '2.0.0b3',
'description' => _MI_SYSTEM_DESC,
'author' => "fiammybe",
'credits' => "The ImpressCMS Project",
'help' => "",
'license' => "GNU General Public License v2 (GPL2)",
'official' => TRUE,
'dirname' => basename(__DIR__),
'modname' => 'system',
* Images information
'iconsmall' => "images/icon_small.png",
'iconbig' => "images/system_big.png",
'image' => "images/system_slogo.png", /* for backward compatibility */
/** Development information */
'status_version' => "Beta 3",
'status' => "beta",
'date' => "26 Nov 2024",
'author_word' => "",
'warning' => _CO_ICMS_WARNING_BETA,
* Contributors
'developer_website_url' => "",
'developer_website_name' => "ImpressCMS Core & Module developers",
'developer_email' => "");
$modversion['people']['developers'][] = "[url=]marcan[/url] (Marc-André Lanciault)";
$modversion['people']['developers'][] = "[url=]fiammybe[/url]";
$modversion['people']['developers'][] = "[url=]Skenow[/url]";
$modversion['people']['developers'][] = "[url=]Mekdrop[/url]";
$modversion['people']['testers'][] = "[url=]fiammybe[/url]";
$modversion['people']['translators'][] = "";
$modversion['people']['documenters'][] = "[url=]Skenow[/url]";
$modversion['people']['documenters'][] = "[url=]fiammybe[/url]";
// $modversion['people']['other'][] = "";
// Autotasks
$modversion['autotasks'][] = array('enabled' => TRUE, 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_REMOVEUSERS, 'code' => 'autotask.php', 'interval' => 1440);
* Manual
$modversion['manual']['wiki'][] = "<a href='" . _LANGCODE . "' target='_blank'>" . _LANGNAME . "</a>";
* Administrative information
$modversion['hasAdmin'] = TRUE;
$modversion['adminindex'] = "admin.php";
$modversion['adminmenu'] = "menu.php";
* Install and update informations
$modversion['onUpdate'] = "include/update.php";
* Search information
$modversion['hasSearch'] = FALSE;
* Menu information
$modversion['hasMain'] = FALSE;
* Blocks information
$modversion['blocks'][1] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME2, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_user_show', 'template' => 'system_block_user.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME3, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_login_show', 'template' => 'system_block_login.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME4, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_search_show', 'template' => 'system_block_search.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_waiting.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME5, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_waiting_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_waiting_edit', 'options' => '1|5', 'template' => 'system_block_waiting.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME6, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_main_show', 'template' => 'system_block_mainmenu.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME7, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_info_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_info_edit', 'options' => '320|190|s_poweredby.gif|1', 'template' => 'system_block_siteinfo.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME8, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_online_show', 'template' => 'system_block_online.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME9, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_topposters_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_topposters_edit', 'options' => '10|1', 'template' => 'system_block_topusers.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME10, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_newmembers_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_newmembers_edit', 'options' => '10|1|1', 'template' => 'system_block_newusers.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME11, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_comments_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_comments_edit', 'options' => '10', 'template' => 'system_block_comments.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME12, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_notification_show', 'template' => 'system_block_notification.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME13, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_themes_show', 'edit_func' => 'b_system_themes_edit', 'options' => '0|80', 'template' => 'system_block_themes.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME14, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_multilanguage_show', 'template' => 'system_block_multilanguage.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array(
'file' => 'system_blocks.php',
'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME18,
'description' => '',
'show_func' => 'b_system_social_show',
'edit_func' => 'b_system_social_edit',
'options' => '1|1|1|1|1|1|1',
'template' => 'system_block_socialbookmark.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_admin_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME101, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_admin_warnings_show', 'template' => 'system_admin_block_warnings.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_admin_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME102, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_admin_cp_show', 'template' => 'system_admin_block_cp.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_admin_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BNAME103, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_admin_modules_show', 'template' => 'system_admin_block_modules.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BLOCK_BOOKMARKS, 'description' => _MI_SYSTEM_BLOCK_BOOKMARKS_DESC, 'show_func' => 'b_system_bookmarks_show', 'template' => 'system_block_bookmarks.html');
$modversion['blocks'][] = array('file' => 'system_admin_blocks.php', 'name' => _MI_SYSTEM_BLOCK_CP_NEW, 'description' => '', 'show_func' => 'b_system_admin_cp_new_show', 'template' => 'system_admin_block_cp_new.html');
* Templates information
$modversion['templates'] = array(
array('file' => 'system_imagemanager.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_imagemanager2.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_userinfo.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_userform.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_rss.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_comment.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_comments_flat.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_comments_thread.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_comments_nest.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_siteclosed.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_redirect.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_dummy.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_notification_list.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_notification_select.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_block_dummy.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_privpolicy.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_error.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_blockspadmin.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_pagemanager_index.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_blocksadmin.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_modulesadmin.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_common_form.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_persistabletable_display.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_customtag.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_default_form.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_imagemanager.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_imagemanager_imglist.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_imagemanager_img.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_imagemanager_editimg.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_imagemanager_cloneimg.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_rss.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_search.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_persistable_singleview.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_breadcrumb.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_adsense.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_print.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_rating.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_modulemenu.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_rating_form.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_mimetype.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_userrank.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_version.html', 'description' => 'Version information template'),
array('file' => 'system_adm_autotasks.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_adm_moduleabout.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_popup_imagemanager_cloneimg.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_popup_imagemanager_editimg.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_popup_imagemanager_img.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_popup_imagemanager_imglist.html', 'description' => ''),
array('file' => 'system_popup_imagemanager.html', 'description' => ''));