// $Id: userrank.php 9538 2009-11-13 18:59:32Z pesianstranger $
######################## Added in 1.2 ###################################
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS','User Ranks Settings');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_DSC', 'Here is a list of the user ranks available in the system.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK', 'User rank');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_CREATE', 'Add a user rank');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_CREATE_INFO', 'Simply fill this form in order to add a user rank.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Do you really want to delete this user rank from the system ?');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_EDIT', 'Edit a user rank');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_EDIT_INFO', 'Use this form to edit the information of this user rank.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_INFO', 'User rank information');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_NOT_FOUND', 'The selected user rank was not found.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_CREATED', 'The user rank was successfully added.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANKS_MODIFIED', 'The user rank was successfully modified.');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_RANK_SPECIAL','Special Ranks');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_RANK_SPECIAL_DSC','(Special ranks can be assigned to users irrespective of the number of user posts)');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_RANK_TITLE','Rank Title');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_RANK_MIN','Min. Posts');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_RANK_MAX','Max. Posts');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_EXPLAIN_TITLE', 'What are User Ranks ?');
define('_CO_ICMS_USERRANK_EXPLAIN', 'User ranks are picture, used to make difference between users in different levels of your site! Complete documentation of this feature can be found here: <a rel="external" href="">User ranks</a>.');