File preferences.php
has 593 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring. Open
// $Id: preferences.php 9546 2009-11-14 12:16:02Z Phoenyx $
//%%%%%% Admin Module Name AdminGroup %%%%%
// dont change
if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_LOADINGIMG","Toon loading... afbeelding?");
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define("_MD_AM_DONTCHNG","Niet wijzigen!");
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define("_MD_AM_IFUCANT","Als u de lees- en schrijfrechten niet kunt veranderen kunt u de rest van dit bestand handmatig aanpassen.");
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define("_MD_AM_ACTVGROUP","Stuur activerings e-mail naar gebruikersgroep");
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define("_MD_AM_ACTVGROUPDSC","Alleen mogelijk wanneer <i>Activering door beheerders</i> ingeschakeld is");
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define('_MD_AM_METADESCDSC','De omschrijving meta tag is een algemene omschrijving van de inhoud van uw website.');
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define('_MD_AM_DOCENSOR','Censuur van ongewenste woorden inschakelen?');
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEDSC','Selecteer ja om de website te sluiten, zodat alleen gebruikers in de gelecteerde groepen toegang tot de website hebben.');
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define('_MD_AM_NOMODULE','Er is geen module die gecached kan worden.');
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define("_MD_AM_MAILER","Mail instellingen");
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPHOST","SMTP host(s)");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR_DSC","De veldnaam voor het voornaam attribuut in de LDAP directorie.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP","Standaard groep");
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define("_MD_AM_STARTPAGE","Module voor uw startpagina");
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define("_MD_AM_SELFDELETE","Sta gebruikers toe het eigen account te verwijderen?");
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define('_MD_AM_IPBAN','IP Blokkade');
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define('_MD_AM_NOINDEXFOLLOW','No index, follow');
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define('_MD_AM_INDEXNOFOLLOW','Index, no follow');
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define('_MD_AM_METAAUTHORDSC','De autheur meta tag geeft de naam van de auteur van het document. Gegevens die ondersteund worden zijn: naam, e-mail adres van de webmaster, bedrijfsnaam of internet adres.');
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define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRD','Te censureren woorden');
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define("_MD_AM_MAILFROM","Emailadres afzender");
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define("_MD_AM_MAILFROMNAME","Naam afzender");
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define("_MD_AM_MAILFROMUIDDESC","Wanneer het systeem een privebericht stuurt, onder welke afzender zou het moeten verschijnen?");
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define("_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG","Verstuur een welkomsbericht aan nieuwe geregistreerde gebruikers");
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if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_USERCOOKIEDSC","Dit cookie bestand bevat alleen een gebruikersnaam en wordt voor de duur van ? jaar op de pc van de gebruiker opgeslagen (als de gebruiker dat wenst). Als een gebruiker deze cookie heeft, wordt de gebruikersnaam automatisch ingevuld in het login veld.");
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define('_MD_AM_AVATARMPDSC','Vul het minimum aantal berichten in dat nodig is om een eigen pasfoto te kunnen uploaden');
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define('_MD_AM_DSPDSCLMRDSC','Selecteer <i>Ja</i> om de disclaimer op de registratiepagina te tonen.');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION","LDAP Versie protocol");
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if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_NOTIFYTO","Stuur een bericht naar groep");
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define('_MD_AM_ALLWCHGMAIL','Sta gebruikers toe eigen e-mail adres te wijzigen?');
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define('_MD_AM_METAKEYDSC','De keywords meta tag is een serie trefwaarden die de inhoud van uw website weergeeft. Vul tussen elk trefwoord een komma of een spatie in. (Bijv. XOOPS, PHP, mySQL, portal system)');
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define('_MD_AM_METAO14YRS','14 jaar');
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define('_MD_AM_METACOPYRDSC','De copyright meta tag geeft de copyright verklaring die u aan uw webdocumenten wilt koppelen.');
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define('_MD_AM_CENSOR','Woord censuur opties');
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define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC','Vul in berichten van gebruikers te censureren woorden in. <br />Tussen elk woord een<b>|</b>, ongeacht hoofd- of kleine letters.');
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define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLCDSC','Gecensureerde woorden worden vervangen door deze tekens');
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define('_MD_AM_THEMEFILEDSC','Wanneer deze optie is ingeschakeld, worden de template .html bestanden automatisch bijgewerkt als er nieuwere bestanden in de themes/templates map van het huidige theme staan. Deze optie dient uitgeschakeld te worden zodra de website openbaar wordt.');
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOKDSC','Gebruikers in de standaard Webmasters groep hebben altijd toegang.');
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXTDSC','Deze tekst wordt getoond wanneer de website gesloten is.');
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define("_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATH","Path naar sendmail");
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define("_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_XOOPS","ImpressCMS database");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_RIPEMD160","RIPEMD 160");
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if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_DTHEME","Standaard vormgeving");
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define("_MD_AM_USEMYSESSDSC","Selecteer ja om de sessie gerelateerde waarden aan uw wensen aan te passen.");
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define("_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE","Debug modus");
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define("_MD_AM_DEBUGMODEDSC","Verschillende debug opties. Deze optie dient uitgeschakeld te worden zodra de website openbaar wordt.");
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define("_MD_AM_ALLOWIMAGE","Sta gebruikers toe afbeeldingen in berichten op te nemen?");
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define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE2','Gebruik debug (popup mode)');
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define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC','Ongewenste woorden worden vervangen door:');
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define('_MD_AM_SITECACHEDSC','Slaat de hele inhoud van de website op voor de geselecteerde duur om prestaties te verhogen. Site-brede cache instellingen gaan voor module-cache instellingen, blokken-cache instellingen en module-onderdeel cache, indien aanwezig.');
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define('_MD_AM_DTPLSET','Standaard Templates');
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPPASS","SMTPAuth wachtwoord");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON","De speciale zoekfilter om gebruikers te vinden via LDAP");
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define("_MD_AM_SITENAME","Naam website");
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define("_MD_AM_ADMINML","E-mail adres beheerder");
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define("_MD_AM_UNAMELVL","Hoe strikt dienen de gebruikte tekens te zijn?");
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define("_MD_AM_MYIP","Uw IP adres");
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define("_MD_AM_CHNGUTHEME","Verander vormgeving van alle gebruikers");
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define('_MD_AM_SSLPOSTDSC','De naam van de variabele die gebruikt wordt om een sessie waarde te verzenden via het POST commando. Als u het niet zeker weet, gebruik dan, in verband met veiligheidsoverwegingen, een moeilijk te raden naam.');
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define('_MD_AM_MINUNAME','Minimum aantal tekens voor gebruikersnaam');
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define('_MD_AM_METACOPYR','Meta copyright');
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define('_MD_AM_MODCACHEDSC','Slaat module inhoud op voor de geselecteerde duur om prestaties te verhogen. Module-cache instellingen gaan voor module-onderdeel cache instellingen, indien aanwezig.');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_NAME_ATTR","LDAP - Naam veld");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS","Automatische ImpressCMS account onderhoud");
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define("_MD_AM_ALWDHTML","Toegestane HTML code in alle berichten");
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define("_MD_AM_AVATARH","Max pasfoto hoogte (pixels)");
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define("_MD_AM_AVATARCONF","Instellingen eigen pasfoto");
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define('_MD_AM_USERSETTINGS','Instellingen gebruikersgegevens');
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define('_MD_AM_METARATING','Meta rating');
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define('_MD_AM_METAROBOTS','Meta robots');
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define('_MD_AM_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW','No index, no follow');
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define('_MD_AM_MINSEARCH','Minimum aantal tekens voor het trefwoord');
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITE','Sluit de website?');
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define("_MD_AM_THEMEOK","Selecteerbare thema's");
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define("_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_LDAP","Standaard LDAP directorie");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR_DESC","De veldnaam voor het achternaam attribuut LDAP directorie.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN_DESC","The basis DN (Distinguished Name) van de LDAP directorie.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_DESC","Geef hier een overzicht van de ImpressCMS database velden en de LDAP verificatie systeem velden.".
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1604","HAVAL 160,4");
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define("_MD_AM_GOOGLE_ANA_DESC",'Geef hier de van Google verkregen ID-code in om het eigendom van de website te bevestigen. Hiermee kunt u de volledige statistieken en fouten pagina zien. Vul het rode deel van de id-code in, zoals: UA - <font color=#FF0000><b>xxxxxxxxxxxx-x</b></font>".<br />Meer informatie op <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.');
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define("_MD_AM_SHOW_ICMSMENU","Toon ImpressCMS Project drop down menu?");
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define("_MD_AM_ACTVTYPE","Selecteer activeringswijze voor nieuwe aanmeldingen");
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define('_MD_AM_BADIPS','IP adressen die van de website worden geblokkeerd.');
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define('_MD_AM_METAOREST','Beperkte toegang');
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define('_MD_AM_INDEXFOLLOW','Index, follow');
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define('_MD_AM_METAFOOTER','Meta tags en footer');
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define('_MD_AM_DOSEARCH','Schakel website zoekopdrachten in?');
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define('_MD_AM_SITECACHE','Site-brede cache');
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPPASSDESC","Wachtwoord om verbinding te maken met een SMTP host via SMTPAuth.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN","DN van de LDAP manager");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN_DESC","De DN van de gebruiker voor de zoekfunctie (eg manager)");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR_D","Wanneer de Gebruik de login naam als DN op ja is gezet dient deze te corresponderen met de ImpressCMS loginnaam");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME_DESC","Windows domeinnaam. alleen voor ADS en NT Servers");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_ATTR","ImpressCMS-Auth server veld overzicht");
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define("_MD_AM_RANKW","Positie afbeelding max breedte (pixel)");
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define("_MD_AM_ML_ENABLEDSC","Stel in op Ja om meerdere talen in de website mogelijk te maken.");
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define("_MD_AM_REMEMBERME","Activeer de 'Onhoud mij' optie in het inlogblok.");
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define("_MD_AM_REMEMBERMEDSC","De 'Onhoud mij' optie is niet helemaal veilig, gebruik is op eigen risico!");
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define("_MD_AM_PRIVDPOLICYDSC","De 'Privacy verklaring' moet worden aangepast aan uw website en geactiveerd wanneer u registraties op uw website toestaat.");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_RIPEMD128","RIPEMD 128");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1284","HAVAL 128,4");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1925","HAVAL 192,5");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILSHADOW","Shadow color for the email image");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILSHADOW_DESC","Kies een kleur voor de te tonen schaduw van de e-mail afbeelding. <br />Laat leeg wanneer u geen schaduw wenst.<br />Opmerking: Deze bron zal alleen werken wanneer de optie <b><i>Bescherm e-mails tegen SPAM?</i></b> is ingeschakeld.");
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define("_MD_AM_MULTLOGINPREVENTDSC","Door deze optie in te schakelen, is het voor gebruikers niet mogelijk om nogmaals in te loggen alvorens uit te loggen uit de eerste sessie. Dit is handig om te voorkomen dat iemand zich met de zelde gebruikersnaam met de website verbindt.");
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define("_MD_AM_MULTLOGINMSG_DESC","Bericht dat wordt getoond aan de gebruiker die probeert in te loggen met een gebruikersnaam die reeds in gebruik is. <br><i>Dez optie zal alleen functioneren wanneer bovenstaande is ingeschakeld.</i>");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MODE","Captcha modus");
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if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_LANGUAGE","Standaard taal");
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define("_MD_AM_USERCOOKIE","Naam voor gebruikers cookies.");
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define("_MD_AM_SESSNAMEDSC","De naam van de sessie (alleen geldig indien de <i>Gebruik eigen sessie</i> optie is ingeschakeld)");
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define("_MD_AM_INVLDSCOOK","Ongeldige waarde voor naam sessie cookie.");
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define("_MD_AM_USERACTV","Activering door gebruiker (aangeraden)");
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define("_MD_AM_THEMESET","Thema set");
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define("_MD_AM_ANONNAME","Gebruikersnaam voor anonieme gebruikers");
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define('_MD_AM_BADUNAMESDSC','Tussen elke naam moet een pipeline <b>|</b>, ongeacht hoofd- of kleine letters, <a href="" target="_blank">regex</a> aan.');
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define('_MD_AM_METAKEY','Meta trefwoorden');
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define('_MD_AM_METADESC','Meta omschrijving');
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define("_MD_AM_USEGZIP","Gebruik gzip compressie?");
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define('_MD_AM_SEARCH','Zoek opties');
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define("_MD_AM_AVATARALLOW","Sta toe om een eigen pasfoto te uploaden?");
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define('_MD_AM_MINSEARCHDSC','Vul het minimum aantal tekens in dat gebruikers in moeten vullen om een zoekopdracht uit te voeren.');
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define("_MD_AM_DEFAULTTZ","Standaard tijdzone");
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define("_MD_AM_AUTOACTV","Automatische activering");
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define('_MD_AM_DSPDSCLMR','Toon diclaimer?');
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define("_MD_AM_NEWUNOTIFY","Stuur een e-mail bij een nieuwe aanmelding?");
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define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE1','Gebruik debug (inline mode)');
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define("_MD_AM_LIGHT","Laag (aanbevolen bij multi-byte tekens)");
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOK','Selecteer groepen die toegang tot de website hebben wanneer deze gesloten is.');
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define('_MD_AM_DOBADIPS','Schakel IP blokkade in?');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT","LDAP - Poort Nummer");
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define("_MD_AM_ALLOWHTML","Sta HTML code in reactie van gebruikers toe?");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER_DESC","De naam van de LDAP directorie server.");
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define('_MD_AM_MODCONFIG','Module instel opties');
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define('_MD_AM_USESSL','Gebruik SSL voor login?');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN","Gebruik de login naam als DN");
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define('_MD_AM_BADEMAILS','E-mail adressen die niet in het gebruikersprofiel gebruikt mogen worden');
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define('_MD_AM_REGDSCLMR','Registratie disclaimer');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP_DSC","De nieuwe gebruiker is aangemeld voor deze groepen");
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define('_MD_AM_ALLOWREGDSC','Selecteer <i>Ja</i> om aanmelding van nieuwe gebruikers toe te staan.');
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define("_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL6","Geen classificatie");
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define('_MD_AM_SSLLINK','URL waar de SSL pagina zich bevind');
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define("_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSGDSC","Verstuur een welkomsbericht aan nieuwe geregistreerde gebruikers wanneer het account wordt geactiveerd. De inhoud van dit bericht kan worden ingesteld in de volgende optie.");
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define("_MD_AM_MAILFROMUID","Gebruiker afzender");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_NAME_ATTR_DESC","De veldnaam voor het naam attribuut in de LDAP directorie.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN","LDAP - Base DN");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR","LDAP - Achternaam veld");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_TYPEDSC","Wijzig het algoritme dat wordt gebruikt om gebruikers wachtwoorden te versleutelen.<br />Het wijzigen van deze instelling zal alle bestaande wachtwoorden ongeldig maken! Alle gebruikers zullen hun wachtwoord moeten resetten nadat de wijziging is aangebracht.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN_D","De ImpressCMS login naam is gebruikt in de LDAP DN (eg : uid=<loginnaam>,dc=xoops,dc=org)<br>De input is direct te lezen op de LDAP Server zonder te hoeven zoeken");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME","De domeinnaam");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_URL","Administratiemenu rechter logo URL");
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- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RSSLOCAL","RSS URL voor admin");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL_DESC","Defineer welk beveiligingsniveau u wilt voor de wachtwoorden van uw gebruikers. Het is aangeraden dit niet te laag of te hoog in te stellen, wees verstandig.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_NUMCHARSDSC","Maximaal aantal karakters om te genereren.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ML_ENABLE","Meerdere talen mogelijk");
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- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ML_TAGSDSC","Voer de tags in die gebruikt moeten worden op deze website, gescheiden door een komma. Bijvoorbeeld, dit wordt gebruikt om de tags te defineren voor het gebruik van Nederlands en Engels: nl,en");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RANKH","Positie afbeelding max hoogte (pixel)");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ML_CAPTIONSDSC","Voer de opschrifen in die u wilt gebruiken voor deze talen. Bijv.: Nederlands,English");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RANKMAX","Positie afbeelding max bestandsgrootte (byte)");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_EDITOR_DEFAULT_DESC","Selecteer de standaard Editor voor de hele website.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_PRIVPOLICY","Voer uw websites 'Privacy verklaring' in.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_MD5","MD5 (niet aangeraden)");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG_CONTENTDSC","U kunt dit bericht, dat wordt verzonden aan nieuwe gebruikers, aanpassen. U kunt de volgende tags gebruiken: <br /><br />- {UNAME} = gebruikersnaam van de gebruiker<br />- {X_UEMAIL} = email van de gebruiker<br />- {X_ADMINMAIL} = emailadres van de webmaster<br />- {X_SITENAME} = naam van de website<br />- {X_SITEURL} = URL van de website");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1924","HAVAL 192,4");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_EXT_DATE","Wilt u gebruikmaken van een uitgebreide/lokale datum functie?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWNAVDSC","Selecteer ja om het inhoud beheer navigatie menu te tonen.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_SHA512","SHA 512");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_GOOGLE_ANA","Google Analytcs");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWSUBSDSC","Selecteer ja om gerelateerde pagina linken te tonen.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_UNABLEENCCLOSED","Bijwerken van de database is mislukt, U kunt de wachtwoord encriptie niet wijzigen terwijl de website gesloten is");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWPINFO","Toon inzender en publicatie informatie?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_CASESENSDSC","Karakters in afbeeldingsmodus zijn hoofdletter gevoelig.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RLOGOADM","Administratiemenu rechter logo");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_DESC"," Selecteer een afbeelding om te gebruiken in de rechter bovenhoek van het administratiemenu. <br /><b><i> Om een afbeelding te selecteren of te verzenden dient u minimaal een afbeeldingen categorie aan te maken in systeem --> afbeeldingen manager.</b></i> ");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RSSLOCAL_DESC","Webadres waar de rss is te vinden om te worden getoond onder de beheerpagina.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_URLLEN_DESC","Het maximale aantal karakters dat wordt genegeerd bij het afkorten, langere URK's zullen worden in gekort.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SIGMAXLENGTH","Maximum aantal karakters in gebruikers handtekeningen?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMIN","Min. lettergrootte");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SESSEXPIRE","Sessie duur");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_COMORDER","Standaard volgorde reacties");
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- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_BADUNAMES','Namen die niet als gebruikersnaam gebruikt mogen worden');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_DOBADIPSDSC','Bezoekers met deze IP adressen worden van uw website geblokkeerd');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_DOCENSORDSC','Woorden worden gecensureerd wanneer deze optie ingeschakeld is. Inschakeling betekent een tragere website.');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_DOSEARCHDSC','Sta zoekopdrachten voor berichten en items binnen uw website toe.');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_ALLOWREG','Sta aanmelding nieuwe gebruikers toe?');
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPUSERDESC","Gebruikersnaam om verbinding te maken met een SMTP host via SMTPAuth.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_AUTH_CONFOPTION_AD","Microsoft Active directorie ©");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR","LDAP - e-mail veld");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR","LDAP - Voornaam veld");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT_DESC","Het poortnummer voor toegang tot de directorie server.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER","LDAP - Server Naam");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION_DESC","Het LDAP Versie protocol : 2 of 3");
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- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2244","HAVAL 224,4");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWSUBS","Toon gerelateerde pagina\'s?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_LLOGOADM","Administratiemenu linker logo");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_ALT","Administratiemenu linker logo titel");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_FOOTADM_DESC","Te tonen inhoud in de footer op de beheerpagina.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILCOLOR_DESC","Kies een kleur voor de te tonen e-mail afbeelding.<br />Opmerking: Deze bron zal alleen werken wanneer de optie <b><i>Bescherm e-mails tegen SPAM?</i></b> is ingeschakeld.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGTYPE","Achtergrond type");
- Exclude checks
Closing brace must be on a line by itself Open
if(!defined('_AM_DBUPDATED')){define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database succesvol bijgewerkt!");}
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define("_MD_AM_SERVERTZ","Server tijdzone");
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define("_MD_CONTENTMAN","Inhoud Beheer");
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define("_MD_AM_MYIPDSC","Dit IP adres zal niet meegeteld worden bij de reclame banners");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_MINPASS","Minimaal aantal tekens voor het wachtwoord");
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define("_MD_AM_INVLDMINPASS","Ongeldige waarde voor minimum lengte wachtwoord.");
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define("_MD_AM_ADMNOTSET","Geen beheerders e-mail ingevoerd.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SESSEXPIREDSC","Maximale duur van inactiviteit tijdens een sessie.<br />(alleen mogelijk indien <i>Gebruik PHP native sessie</i> is uitgeschakeld)");
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define("_MD_AM_AVATARW","Max pasfoto breedte (pixels)");
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define("_MD_AM_INVLDUCOOK","Ongeldige waarde voor naam gebruikers cookie.");
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define("_MD_AM_SESSNAME","Naam sessie");
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define("_MD_AM_INVLDSEXP","Ongeldige waarde voor sessie duur.");
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define("_MD_AM_REMEMBER","Vergeet niet de lees- en schrijfrechten voor dit bestand te veranderen (chmod 666) zodat het systeem de instellingen op kan slaan.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ALLOWTHEME","Sta gebruikers toe een eigen vormgeving te kiezen?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_COMMODE","Standaard reacties weergave");
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define('_MD_AM_AVATARMP','Minimum aantal berichten');
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define('_MD_AM_SSLPOST','Naam SSL Post variabele');
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define('_MD_AM_MAXUNAME','Maximum aantal tekens voor gebruikersnaam');
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define("_MD_AM_AVATARMAX","Max pasfoto grootte (bytes)");
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define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE3','Smarty Sjablonen Debug');
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define('_MD_AM_GENERAL','Algemene instellingen');
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define("_MD_AM_ADMINACTV","Activering door beheerders");
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define('_MD_AM_BADEMAILSDSC','Tussen elk adres moet een pipeline <b>|</b> te staan, ongeacht hoofd- of kleine letters, <a href="" target="_blank">regex</a> aan.');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_REGDSCLMRDSC','Vul hier de tekst in waarmee nieuwe leden akkoord moeten gaan alvorens zich te registreren voor de website.');
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_METARATINGDSC','De rating meta tag geeft de classificatie van uw website aan');
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define('_MD_AM_METAROBOTSDSC','De robots tag vertelt de zoekmachines welke inhoud te indexeren en te doorzoeken');
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATHDESC","Path naar het sendmail programma (of vervanging) op de webserver.");
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_FOOTERDSC','Zorg ervoor dat u altijd een volledige url intypt, te beginnen met http://, anders zal de link niet goed werken in de modules.');
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define("_MD_AM_MAILERMETHOD","Gewenste e-mail methode");
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define("_MD_AM_AUTHMETHODDESC","Welke verificatie methode wilt u gebruiken voor het aanmelden van gebruikers.");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_SLOGAN","Spreuk voor uw website");
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define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXT','Reden voor het sluiten van de website');
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR_DESC","De naam van het e-mail attribuut in de LDAP directorie.");
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define("_MD_AM_MAILERMETHODDESC","Methode voor het bezorgen van e-mail. Standaard is \"mail\", gebruik alleen een andere optie als deze problemen geeft.");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2565","HAVAL 256,5");
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPHOSTDESC","Lijst met SMTP servers om verbinding mee te maken.");
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define("_MD_AM_DEFAULT_CONTPAGEDSC","Selecteer de standaard pagina die de gebruiker getoond wordt in de inhoud beheer. Laat leeg om Inhoud beheer de laatst aangemaakte pagina te laten tonen.");
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define("_MD_AM_STRICT","Strikt (alleen letters en cijfers)");
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define("_MD_AM_SMTPUSER","SMTPAuth gebruikersnaam");
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define("_MD_AM_EDITOR_DEFAULT","Standaard Editor");
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- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_ACTSEO","Gebruik menu titel in plaats van de id in de URL (verbeter seo)?");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_USEMYSESS","Gebruik eigen sessie");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_RLOGOADM_ALT","Administratiemenu rechter logo Link Titel");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_REGINVITE","Registreren op uitnodiging");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_TYPE","Wachtwoord versleuteling wijzigen (Standaard is SHA256)");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_THEMEOKDSC","Selecteer hier de thema's waaruit gebruikers een standaard thema kunnen kiezen");
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- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS","Wachtwoord van de LDAP manager");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILTTF","Bron lettertypes voor de e-mailafbeelding");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR","LDAP Attribuut gebruiken om gebruikers te zoeken");
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define('_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC','^aaa.bbb.ccc blokkeert bezoekers met een IP adres dat begint met aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc$ blokkeert bezoekers met een IP adres dat eindigt op aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc blokkeert bezoekers met een IP adres dat aaa.bbb.ccc bevat. Tussen elk adres moet een pipeline <b>|</b>, ongeacht hoofd- of kleine letters, <a href="" target="_blank">regex</a> aan.');
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define("_MD_AM_MULTILANGUAGE","Meerdere talen instellingen");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILPROTECT","Bescherm e-mails tegen SPAM?");
- Exclude checks
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define('_MD_AM_THEMEFILE','Template bestanden uit themes/templates map bijwerken?');
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_PRIVDPOLICY","Activeer de websites 'Privacy verklaring'.");
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define("_MD_AM_GRAVATARALLOW","Gebruik van GRAVATAR toestaan?");
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define("_MD_AM_SEARCH_NO_RES_MOD","Toon modules zonder match in zoekresultaten");
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define("_MD_AM_AUTHMETHOD","Verificatie methode");
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define("_MD_AM_EDITOR_ENABLED_LIST","Editors inschakelen");
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define("_MD_AM_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_VIEW_PROFILE","Sta anonieme gebruikers toe profielen van gebruikers te zien.");
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define("_MD_AM_ML_NAMESDSC","Voer de namen in van de te gebruiken talen, gescheiden door een komma. Bijv.: nederlands,english");
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define("_MD_AM_METAGOOGLE","Google Meta Tag");
- Exclude checks
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define("_MD_AM_ML_CHARSETDSC","Voer de charsets van deze talen in");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILLEN","Letter grootte");
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define("_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_URL","Administratiemenu linker logo URL");
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define("_MD_AM_SHOW_ICMSMENU_DESC","Selecteer NEE om het drop down menu niet te tonen en JA om dit wel te tonen.");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILLEN_DESC","Voer het aantal tekens in dat wordt getoond.");
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define("_MD_AM_SHORTURL","URL's afkorten?");
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define("_MD_AM_EDITREMOVEBLOCKDSC","Door deze optie in te schakelen, ziet u twee icoontje in de bloktitel met een directe toegang tot het verwijderen of aanpassen van het blok.");
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define("_MD_AM_PRECHARS_DESC","Aantal karakters dat wordt getoond in het begin van de afgekorte URL's.");
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define("_MD_AM_MULTLOGINMSG","Multilogin redirection bericht:");
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define("_MD_AM_PRECHARS","Voor karakters");
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define("_MD_AM_LASTCHARS","Na karakters");
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define("_MD_AM_SIGMAXLENGTHDSC","Hier kunt u de lengte van uw gebruikers handtekeningen instellen.<br /> iedere karakter meer zal genegeerd worden.<br /><i>Wees voorzichtig, lange handtekeningen kunnen vaak de layout verstoren...</i>");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_POLPNT","Polygoon punten");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD","Handhaaf ImpressCMS account onderhoud");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD_DESC","De ImpressCMS gebruikers account wordt altijd gesynchroniseerd door middel van de verificatie server");
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define("_MD_AM_ML_CAPTIONS","Talen opschrift");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_SHA384","SHA 384");
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define("_MD_AM_METAGOOGLE_DESC",'Geef hier de van Google verkregen ID-code in om het eigendom van de website te bevestigen. Hiermee kunt u de volledige statistieken en fouten pagina zien. Write down the id-code, like: <small>meta name="verify-v1" content="<font color=#FF0000><b>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</b></font>" </small><br />(you need to write the red bold id-code).<br />Meer informatie op <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.');
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define("_MD_AM_SHADOWX","X offset voor schaduw");
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define("_MD_AM_SHADOWY_DESC","Voer een waarde in dat de verticale offset aangeeft van de email schaduw in pixels.<br />Opmerking: Deze bron zal alleen werken wanneer de optie <b><i>Schaduw kleur voor e-mail afbeelding</i></b> is opgegeven.");
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define("_MD_AM_URLLEN","Max Lengte");
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define("_MD_AM_LASTCHARS_DESC","Aantal karakters dat wordt getoond in het einde van de afgekorte URL's.");
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define("_MD_AM_USE_GOOGLE_ANA","Google Analytics toestaan?");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPCHAR","Karakters overslaan");
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define('_MD_AM_PAGISTYLE','Stijlvan de pagina linken:');
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define('_MD_AM_PAGISTYLE_DESC','Selecteer de stijl van de pagina linken.');
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define("_MD_AM_DELUSRES","Verwijder inactieve gebruikers");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFIDDSC","Sets the default ID name of the purifier configuration (leave as is, unless you are creating custom configurations & that you know what you are doing");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEEMBED","Enable Safe Embed");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEEMBEDDSC","Whether or not to permit embed tags in documents, with a number of extra security features added to prevent script execution. This is similar to what websites like MySpace do to embed tags. Embed is a proprietary element and will cause your website to stop validating. You probably want to enable this with HTML Safe Object. Highly experimental.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLERES","Disable Resources");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_MAKEABS","URI Make Absolute");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPEXCEPT","Remove empty Nbsp Override");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWCLASSES","Allowed Class Values");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_CLASSUSECDATA","Use NMTokens or CDATA specifications");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXLOCAL","Allowed Customised AutoFormatting");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWPROP","Allowed CSS Properties");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_DEFREV","CSS Definition Revision");
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define("_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL1","Zeer zwak(onveilig)");
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define("_MD_AM_SEARCH_USERDATE","Toon gebruiker en datum in zoekresultaten");
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define("_MD_AM_EXT_DATEDSC","Let op: bij activering van deze optie zal ImpressCMS een extern datumscript gebruiken, echter <b>ALLEEN</b> wanneer u dit script gebruikt in uw website.<br />Bezoek alstublieft <a href=''>extended date function</a> voor meer informatie.");
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define("_MD_AM_CONTMANAGER","Inhoud beheer");
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define("_MD_AM_MULTLOGINPREVENT","Inschakelen multilogin verbieden?");
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define("_MD_AM_GRAVATARALWDSC","Door dit toe te staan, kunnen gebruikers een aan hun e-mailadres gekoppeld centraal opgeslage avatar/pasfoto gebruiken.");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MODEDSC","Selecteer het type Captcha voor uw website");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_CASESENS","Hoofdletter gevoeligheid");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMPDSC","Maximum aantal pogingen voor iedere sessie.");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_NUMCHARS","Max. aantal karakters?");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGTYPEDSC","Achtergrond type in afbeeldingsmodus");
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define("_MD_AM_STARTPAGEDSC","Selecteer de gewenste module of pagina al sstartpagina voor iedere groep.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDATTR","Forbidden Attributes");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_HOST","URI Host Domain");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_AUTOPARADSC","This directive turns on auto-paragraphing, where double newlines are converted in to paragraphs whenever possible.<br /> Auto-paragraphing:<br /><br />* Always applies to inline elements or text in the root node,<br />* Applies to inline elements or text with double newlines in nodes that allow paragraph tags,<br />* Applies to double newlines in paragraph tags.<br /></br>p tags must be allowed for this directive to take effect. We do not use br tags for paragraphing, as that is semantically incorrect.<br />To prevent auto-paragraphing as a content-producer, refrain from using double-newlines except to specify a new paragraph or in contexts where it has special meaning (whitespace usually has no meaning except in tags like pre, so this should not be difficult.) To prevent the paragraphing of inline text adjacent to block elements, wrap them in div tags (the behavior is slightly different outside of the root node.)");
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if(!defined('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS')){define('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS', 'Auto taken');}
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if(!defined('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS')){define('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS', 'Auto taken');}
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILCOLOR","Letterkleur voor de e-mail afbeelding");
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define("_MD_AM_EDITREMOVEBLOCK","Wijzigen en verwijderen van blokken vanaf de gebruikerszijde?");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPMEMBER","Captcha vrije groepen");
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define("_MD_AM_PLUGINS","Plugin beheerder");
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define("_MD_AM_SELECTSHIGHLIGHT_DESC","Selecteer de plugin die word gebruikt om uw codes te highlighten.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_MAXIMGLENGTH","Max Image Length");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLE","Disable all URI in user posts");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXT","Disable External Links");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_ESCNONASCIICHARSDSC","This directive overcomes a deficiency in %Core.Encoding by blindly converting all non-ASCII characters into decimal numeric entities before converting it to its native encoding. This means that even characters that can be expressed in the non-UTF-8 encoding will be entity-ized, which can be a real downer for encodings like Big5. It also assumes that the ASCII repetoire is available, although this is the case for almost all encodings. Anyway, use UTF-8!");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_HIDDENELE","Enable HTML Hidden Elements");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_DISPLINKURI","Enable Link Display");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_LINKIFY","Enable Auto Linkify");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_FORBIDDENCLASSESDSC","List of Forbidden class values in the class attribute. Leave This empty to allow all values in the Class Attribute.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGDSC","This is the default image an img tag will be pointed to if it does not have a valid src attribute. In future versions, we may allow the image tag to be removed completely, but due to design issues, this is not possible right now.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGALTDSC","This is the content of the alt tag of an invalid image if the user had not previously specified an alt attribute. It has no effect when the image is valid but there was no alt attribute present.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_PROPRIETARY","Allow Safe Proprietary CSS");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PROVIS_DESC","Maak een ImpressCMS gebruikersdatabase aan als deze niet bestaat");
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define("_MD_AM_PASSLEVEL","Minimale beveiligingsniveau");
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define("_MD_AM_ML_TAGS","Meerdere talen tags");
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define("_MD_AM_ML_AUTOSELECT_ENABLED","Selecteer automatisch de taal, afhankelijk van de browser instelling");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_SHA256","SHA 256 (Aangeraden)");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2245","HAVAL 224,5");
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define("_MD_AM_SHADOWY","Y offset voor schaduw");
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define("_MD_AM_DELUSRESDSC","Deze optie zal alle gebruikers verwijderen die zich hebben geregistreerd, maar hun account nog niet hebben geactiveerd na X dagen.<br />Voer het aantal dagen in.");
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define("_MD_AM_SELECTSHIGHLIGHT","Selecteer het type als highlighter voor de codes");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFREV","HTML Definition Revision Number");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_MAXIMGLENGTHDSC","This directive controls the maximum number of pixels in the width and height attributes in img tags. This is in place to prevent imagecrash attacks, disable with 0 at your own risk. ");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFID","URI Definition ID");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BASEDSC","Enter URI Base. Leave blank to disable!");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTY","Remove Empty Elements");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_MAXIMGLEN","CSS Max Image Length");
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define("_MD_AM_WELCOMEMSG_CONTENT","Inhoud van het welkomsbericht");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL2564","HAVAL 256,4");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1605","HAVAL 160,5");
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define("_MD_AM_DEFAULT_CONTPAGE","Standaard pagina");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWNAV","Toon navigatie menu aan de gebruikerszijde?");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILTTF_DESC","Kies een van de lettertypes uit de onderstaande lijst om te worden gebruikt door de email sfbeelding generator.<br />Opmerking: Deze bron zal alleen werken wanneer de optie <b><i>Bescherm e-mails tegen SPAM?</i></b> is ingeschakeld.");
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define("_MD_AM_EMAILPROTECTDSC","Door \"Ja\" te selecteren zullen alle e-mails die deel uitmaken van de inhoud van de website automatisch worden omgezet in afbeeldingen om SPAM te voorkomen");
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define("_MD_AM_SHORTURLDSC","Door \"Ja\" te selecteren worden alle aan de website toegevoegde url en links in lengte ingekort.");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA","Captcha instellingen");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGNUM","Achtergrond afbeeldingen");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_POLPNTDSC","Aantal polygoon punten om te genereren");
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define("_MD_AM_RECPRVKEY","her-Captcha privé api code");
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define("_MD_AM_GESHI_DEFAULT_DESC","GeSHi (Generic Syntax Hilighter) is een syntax highlighter voor uw codes.");
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define('_MD_AM_DTHEMEDSC','Standaard thema dat wordt gebruikt op uw website.');
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDELEDSC","This is the logical inverse of HTML.Allowed Elements, and it will override that directive, or any other directive.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDATTRDSC"," While this directive is similar to HTML Allowed Attributes, for forwards-compatibility with XML, this attribute has a different syntax.<br />Instead of tag.attr, use tag@attr. To disallow href attributes in a tags, set this directive to a@href.<br />You can also disallow an attribute globally with attr or *@attr (either syntax is fine; the latter is provided for consistency with HTML Allowed Attributes).<br /><br />Warning: This directive complements HTML Forbidden Elements, accordingly, check out that directive for a discussion of why you should think twice before using this directive.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ATTRNAMEUSECDATADSC","The W3C specification DTD defines the name attribute to be CDATA, not ID, due to limitations of DTD. In certain documents, this relaxed behavior is desired, whether it is to specify duplicate names, or to specify names that would be illegal IDs (for example, names that begin with a digit.) Set this configuration directive to yes to use the relaxed parsing rules.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_ALLOWSCHEME","Allowed URI Schemes");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_PURILINKIFY","Enable Purifier Internal Linkify");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPDSC","When enabled, HTML Purifier will treat any elements that contain only non-breaking spaces as well as regular whitespace as empty, and remove them when 'Remove Empty Elements' is enabled.<br /><br />
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWPROPDSC","If HTML Purifier's style attributes set is unsatisfactory for your needs, you can overload it with your own list of tags to allow. Note that this method is subtractive: it does its job by taking away from HTML Purifier usual feature set, so you cannot add an attribute that HTML Purifier never supported in the first place.<br /><br />Warning: If another preference conflicts with the elements here, that preference will win and override.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X11","XHTML 1.1");
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define("_MD_AM_SRCEDITOR_DEFAULT_DESC","Selecteer de standaard editor voor het aanpassen van de broncodes.");
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define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON_DESC","Speciale LDAP Filter om gebruikers te vinden. @@loginnaam@@ word vervangen door de gebruikers naam<br> LAAT DIT VELD LEEG ALS U NIET WEET WAT DIT INHOUD !" .
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define("_MD_AM_SEARCH_PER_PAGE","Item per pagina in zoekresultaten");
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define("_MD_AM_EDITOR_ENABLED_LIST_DESC","Selecteer de mogelijke editors bij de modules (Wanneer de module een editor keuze toestaat.)");
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define("_MD_AM_ENC_HAVAL1285","HAVAL 128,5");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_SHOWPINFODSC","Selecteer ja om in de pagina informatie over de inzender en de publicatie te tonen.");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_ACTSEODSC","Selecteer ja om de waarde van de menu titel in plaats van het id te gebruiken in de URL van de pagina.");
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define("_MD_AM_LLOGOADM_DESC"," Selecteer een afbeelding om te gebruiken in de linker bovenhoek van het administratiemenu. <br /><b><i> Om een afbeelding te selecteren of te verzenden dient u minimaal een afbeeldingen categorie aan te maken in systeem --> afbeeldingen manager.</b></i> ");
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define("_MD_AM_FOOTADM","Administratiemenu footer");
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define("_MD_AM_SHADOWX_DESC","Voer een waarde in dat de horizontale offset aangeeft van de email schaduw in pixels.<br />Opmerking: Deze bron zal alleen werken wanneer de optie <b><i>Schaduw kleur voor e-mail afbeelding</i></b> is opgegeven.");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPMEMBERDSC","Selecteer groepen voor wie een captcha niet is vereist. Deze groepen zullen het captcha veld niet zien.");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_MAXATTEMP","Maximum aantal pogingen");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEOBJECT","Enable Safe Object");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_HOSTDSC","Enter URI Host. Leave blank to disable!");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTRESDSC","Disables the embedding of external resources, preventing users from embedding things like images from other hosts. This prevents access tracking (good for email viewers), bandwidth leeching, cross-site request forging, posting, and other nasties, but also results in a loss of end-user functionality (they can't directly post a pic they posted from Flickr anymore). Use it if you don't have a robust user-content moderation team. ");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_ENABLEYOUTUBE","Allowed Embedding YouTube Video");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLKDSC","Requires CSSTidy Plugin to be installed).<br /><br />This directive turns on the style block extraction filter, which removes style blocks from input HTML, cleans them up with CSSTidy, and places them in the StyleBlocks context variable, for further use by you, usually to be placed in an external stylesheet, or a style block in the head of your document.<br /><br />Warning: It is possible for a user to mount an imagecrash attack using this CSS. Counter-measures are difficult; it is not simply enough to limit the range of CSS lengths (using relative lengths with many nesting levels allows for large values to be attained without actually specifying them in the stylesheet), and the flexible nature of selectors makes it difficult to selectively disable lengths on image tags (HTML Purifier, however, does disable CSS width and height in inline styling). There are probably two effective counter measures: an explicit width and height set to auto in all images in your document (unlikely) or the disabling of width and height (somewhat reasonable). Whether or not these measures should be used is left to the reader.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_CUSTOM","Select Custom Filters");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_AUTOPARA","Enable Paragraph Auto Format");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_PURILINKIFYDSC","Internal auto-formatter that converts configuration directives in syntax %Namespace.Directive to links. a tags with the href attribute must be allowed. (Leave this as is if you are not having any problems)");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_CUSTOM","Allowed Customised AutoFormatting");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSPEXCEPTDSC","When enabled, this directive defines what HTML elements should not be removed if they have only a non-breaking space in them.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWRELDSC","List of allowed forward document relationships in the rel attribute. Common values may be nofollow or print.<br /><br />Default = external, nofollow, external nofollow & lightbox.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_FORBIDDENCLASSES","Forbidden Class Values");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ENABLEIDDSC","Allows the ID attribute in HTML. This is disabled by default due to the fact that without proper configuration user input can easily break the validation of a webpage by specifying an ID that is already on the surrounding HTML. If you don't mind throwing caution to the wind, enable this directive, but I strongly recommend you also consider blacklisting IDs you use (ID Blacklist) or prefixing all user supplied IDs (ID Prefix).");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_NUMPAGES","Aantal pagina's om weer te geven in tag modus");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_TEASERLENGTHDSC","Aantal karakters van de pagina teaser in de lijst bij tag modus.<br />Stel in op 0 voor geen limiet.");
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define("_MD_AM_HIGHLIGHTER_GESHI","GeSHi highlighter");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_MEDIUM","Medium (recommended)");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BLACKLIST","URI Blacklist");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_ENABLEYOUTUBEDSC","This directive enables YouTube video embedding in HTML Purifier. Check <a href=''>this</a> document on embedding videos for more information on what this filter does.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_ESCINVALIDTAGS","Escape Invalid Tags");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWCLASSESDSC","List of allowed class values in the class attribute. Leave This empty to allow all values in the Class Attribute.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMG","Default Invalid Image");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_LOCALMOVIE","Local Movies");
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define("_MD_AM_RECPUBKEY","her-Captcha publieke api code");
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define("_MD_AM_SELECTSPLUGINS_DESC","Selecteer hier de plugins die worden gebruikt om uw tekst op te maken.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ENABLE","Enable HTML Purifier");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DOCTYPEDSC","Doctype to use during filtering. Technically speaking this is not actually a doctype (as it does not identify a corresponding DTD), but we are using this name for sake of simplicity. When non-blank, this will override any older directives like XHTML or HTML (Strict).");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWELE","Allowed Elements");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_LINKIFYDSC","This directive turns on linkification, auto-linking http, ftp and https URLs. a tags with the href attribute must be allowed. ");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFINVIMGALT","Default Invalid Image Alt Tag");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_PROPRIETARYDSC","Whether or not to allow safe, proprietary CSS values.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_401T","HTML 4.01 Transitional");
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_NUMPAGESDSC","Defineer aantal pagina\'s om weer te geven aan de gebruikerszijde in de tag modus.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BASE","URI Base Domain");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_REMINVIMG","Remove Invalid Image");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYDSC"," When enabled, HTML Purifier will attempt to remove empty elements that contribute no semantic information to the document. The following types of nodes will be removed:<br /><br />
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define("_MD_AM_CONT_TEASERLENGTH","Teaser lengte");
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define("_MD_AM_SELECTSPLUGINS","Selecteer de toegestane plugins om te gebruiken");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_TIDYLEVELDSC","General level of cleanliness the Tidy module should enforce.<br /><br />
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFID","HTML Definition ID");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWATTR","Allowed Attributes");
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define("_MD_AM_GDMAILPROTECT","GD beveiliging");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFREVDSC","Example: revision 3 is more up-to-date than revision 2. Thus, when this gets incremented, the cache handling is smart enough to clean up any older revisions of your definition as well as flush the cache.<br />You can leave this as is unless you know what you are doing & are editing the purifier files directly");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEESCDSC","Whether or not to escape the dangerous characters <, > and & as \3C, \3E and \26, respectively. This can be safely set to false if the contents of StyleBlocks will be placed in an external stylesheet, where there is no risk of it being interpreted as HTML.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_COLORKEYS","Colour Keywords");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWATTRDSC","Whitelist of HTML Attributes that are allowed to be posted. Any attributes entered here will not be filtered out of user posts. You should only allow safe html attirbutes.<br /><br />Format your attributes as follows:<br />element.attribute (example: div.class) will allow you to use the class attribute with div tags. you can also use wildcards: *.class for example will allow the class attribute in all allowed elements.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_CLASSUSECDATADSC","If null, class will auto-detect the doctype and, if matching XHTML 1.1 or XHTML 2.0, will use the restrictive NMTOKENS specification of class. Otherwise, it will use a relaxed CDATA definition. If true, the relaxed CDATA definition is forced; if false, the NMTOKENS definition is forced. To get behavior of HTML Purifier prior to 4.0.0, set this directive to false. Some rational behind the auto-detection: in previous versions of HTML Purifier, it was assumed that the form of class was NMTOKENS, as specified by the XHTML Modularization (representing XHTML 1.1 and XHTML 2.0). The DTDs for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, however specify class as CDATA. HTML 5 effectively defines it as CDATA, but with the additional constraint that each name should be unique (this is not explicitly outlined in previous specifications).");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFIDDSC","Unique identifier for a custom-built URI definition. If you want to add custom URIFilters, you must specify this value. (leave as is unless you know what you are doing)");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DEFREV","URI Definition Revision Number");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWIMPORTANTDSC","This parameter determines whether or not !important cascade modifiers should be allowed in user CSS. If no, !important will stripped.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLERESDSC","Disables embedding resources, essentially meaning no pictures. You can still link to them though. See URI Disable External Resources for why this might be a good idea.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEESC","Escape Dangerous Characters in StyleBlocks");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWREL","Allowed Document Relationships");
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define("_MD_AM_JALALICAL","Uitgebreide kalender met Jalali gebruiken?");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIX","Set Attribute ID Prefix");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER","HTMLPurifier Settings");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDBLACKLIST","Attribute ID Blacklist");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_DEFREVDSC","Example: revision 3 is more up-to-date than revision 2. Thus, when this gets incremented, the cache handling is smart enough to clean up any older revisions of your definition as well as flush the cache.<br />You can leave this as is unless you know what you are doing & are editing the purifier files directly");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_DEFREVDSC","Revision identifier for your custom definition. See HTML Definition Revision for details.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_FORBIDELE","Forbidden Elements");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_HIDDENELEDSC","This directive is a lookup array of elements which should have their contents removed when they are not allowed by the HTML definition. For example, the contents of a script tag are not normally shown in a document, so if script tags are to be removed, their contents should be removed to. This is opposed to a b tag, which defines some presentational changes but does not hide its contents.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_401S","HTML 4.01 Strict");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_MAXIMGLENDSC","This parameter sets the maximum allowed length on img tags, effectively the width and height properties. Only absolute units of measurement (in, pt, pc, mm, cm) and pixels (px) are allowed. This is in place to prevent imagecrash attacks, disable with null at your own risk. This directive is similar to HTML Max Image Length, and both should be concurrently edited, although there are subtle differences in the input format (the CSS max is a number with a unit).");
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define("_MD_AM_SRCEDITOR_DEFAULT","Standaard broncode Editor");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_LIVELEAK","LiveLeak Movies");
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if(!defined('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS')){define('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS', 'Auto taken');}
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if(!defined('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS')){define('_MD_AM_AUTOTASKS', 'Auto taken');}
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_FONTMAX","Max. lettergrootte");
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define("_MD_AM_JALALICALDSC","Door dit te selecteren, gebruikt u een uitgebreide kalender in formulieren.<br />Houd er rekening mee dat deze kalender mogelijk niet correct werkt met alle browsers.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ALLOWELEDSC","Whitelist of HTML Elements that are allowed to be posted. Any elements entered here will not be filtered out of user posts. You should only allow safe html elements.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_ALLOWSCHEMEDSC","Whitelist that defines the schemes that a URI is allowed to have. This prevents XSS attacks from using pseudo-schemes like javascript or mocha.<br />Accepted values (http, https, ftp, mailto, nntp, news)");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLKSCOPEDSC","If you would like users to be able to define external stylesheets, but only allow them to specify CSS declarations for a specific node and prevent them from fiddling with other elements, use this directive.<br />It accepts any valid CSS selector, and will prepend this to any CSS declaration extracted from the document.<br /><br />For example, if this directive is set to #user-content and a user uses the selector a:hover, the final selector will be #user-content a:hover.<br /><br />The comma shorthand may be used; consider the above example, with #user-content, #user-content2, the final selector will be #user-content a:hover, #user-content2 a:hover.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_CUSTOMDSC","Select Custom Movie filters From the list");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_ESCINVALIDTAGSDSC","When enabled, invalid tags will be written back to the document as plain text. Otherwise, they are silently dropped.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_REMINVIMGDSC","This directive enables pre-emptive URI checking in img tags, as the attribute validation strategy is not authorized to remove elements from the document. Default = yes");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWFRAMETARGET","Allowed Frame Targets");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ALLOWFRAMETARGETDSC","Lookup table of all allowed link frame targets. Some commonly used link targets include _blank, _self, _parent and _top. Values should be lowercase, as validation will be done in a case-sensitive manner despite W3C's recommendation. XHTML 1.0 Strict does not permit the target attribute so this directive will have no effect in that doctype. XHTML 1.1 does not enable the Target module by default, you will have to manually enable it (see the module documentation for more details.)");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFIMGALTDSC","This is the content of the alt tag of an image if the user had not previously specified an alt attribute.<br />This applies to all images without a valid alt attribute, as opposed to Default Invalid Alt Tag, which only applies to invalid images, and overrides in the case of an invalid image.<br />Default behavior with null is to use the basename of the src tag for the alt.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWTRICKY","Allow Tricky CSS Styles");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_VIMEO","Vimeo Movies");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_BGNUMDSC","Aantal achtergrond afbeeldingen om te genereren");
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define("_MD_AM_GESHI_DEFAULT","Selecteer de plugin om te gebruiken voor geshi");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ENABLEDSC","Select 'yes' to enable the HTML Purifier filters, disabling this could leave your site vulnerable to attack if you allow your HTML content");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTDSC","Disables links to external websites. This is a highly effective anti-spam and anti-pagerank-leech measure, but comes at a hefty price: nolinks or images outside of your domain will be allowed.<br />Non-linkified URIs will still be preserved. If you want to be able to link to subdomains or use absolute URIs, enable URI Host for your website.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_ATTRNAMEUSECDATA","Relax DTD Name Attribute Parsing");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_FILTER_EXTRACTSTYLEBLK","Extract Style Blocks?");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_REMOVEEMPTYNBSP","Remove Non-Breaking Spaces");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEDSC","Disabling URI will prevent users from posting any links whatsoever, it is not recommended to enable this except for test purposes.<br />Default is 'No'");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_ENABLEID","Allow ID Attribute?");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_DISABLEEXTRES","Disable External Resources");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDBLACKLISTDSC","Array of IDs not allowed in the document.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X10T","XHTML 1.0 Transitional");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CORE_COLORKEYSDSC","Lookup array of color names to six digit hexadecimal number corresponding to color, with preceding hash mark. Used when parsing colors.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_X10S","XHTML 1.0 Strict");
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define("_MD_AM_CAPTCHA_SKIPCHARDSC","Deze optie zorgt dat de ingevoerde karakters worden overgeslagen bij het genereren van een Captcha");
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define("_MD_AM_HIGHLIGHTER_PHP","php highlighter");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_HTML_SAFEOBJECTDSC","Whether or not to permit object tags in documents, with a number of extra security features added to prevent script execution. This is similar to what websites like MySpace do to object tags. You may also want to enable HTML Safe Embed for maximum interoperability with Internet Explorer, although embed tags will cause your website to stop validating. Highly experimental.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_BLACKLISTDSC","Enter Domain names that should be filtered (removed) from user posts.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_URI_MAKEABSDSC","Converts all URIs into absolute forms. This is useful when the HTML being filtered assumes a specific base path, but will actually be viewed in a different context (and setting an alternate base URI is not possible).<br /><br />URI Base must be enabled for this directive to work.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_DISPLINKURIDSC","This directive turns on the in-text display of URIs in <a> tags, and disables those links. For example, <a href=\"\">example</a> becomes example (");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_AUTO_CUSTOMDSC","This directive can be used to add custom auto-format injectors. Specify an array of injector names (class name minus the prefix) or concrete implementations. Injector class must exist. please visit <a href=''>HTML Purifier Homepage</a> for more info.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_DEFIMGALT","Default Image Alt Tag");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXDSC","String to prefix to IDs. If you have no idea what IDs your pages may use, you may opt to simply add a prefix to all user-submitted ID attributes so that they are still usable, but will not conflict with core page IDs. Example: setting the directive to 'user_' will result in a user submitted 'foo' to become 'user_foo' Be sure to set 'Allow ID Attribute' to yes before using this.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_ATTR_IDPREFIXLOCALDSC","Temporary prefix for IDs used in conjunction with Attribute ID Prefix. If you need to allow multiple sets of user content on web page, you may need to have a seperate prefix that changes with each iteration. This way, seperately submitted user content displayed on the same page doesn't clobber each other. Ideal values are unique identifiers for the content it represents (i.e. the id of the row in the database). Be sure to add a seperator (like an underscore) at the end. Warning: this directive will not work unless Attribute ID Prefix is set to a non-empty value!");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWIMPORTANT","Allow !important in CSS Styles");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_CSS_ALLOWTRICKYDSC","This parameter determines whether or not to allow \"tricky\" CSS properties and values. Tricky CSS properties/values can drastically modify page layout or be used for deceptive practices but do not directly constitute a security risk. For example, display:none; is considered a tricky property that will only be allowed if this directive is set to no.");
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define("_MD_AM_PURIFIER_GOOGLEVID","Google Video");
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" en de LDAP versie moet worden ingesteld op 3.");
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* Tags with no attributes and no content, and that are not empty elements (remove \<a\>\</a\> but not \<br /\>), and<br />
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o The colgroup element, or<br />
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o Elements with the id or name attribute, when those attributes are permitted on those elements.<br /><br />
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* Tags with no content, except for:<br />
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