* rating definations
* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project
* @license LICENSE.txt
* @package ratings
* @author marcan <>
if (!defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH')) die("ImpressCMS 根路径未定义");
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_RATE_IT', 'Rate it !');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_DUPLICATE_ENTRY', 'Sorry ! You have already rated this ! You cannot rate something twice.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_ERROR', 'An error occurred, your rating could not be stored.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_SUCCESS', 'Your rating has been stored. Thank for your contribution !');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_RATE_THIS', 'Was this useful ? (1 being <i>Not useful</i> and 5 being <i>Very useful</i>)');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_ALREADY_RATED', 'Your rate: ');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_VOTERS_TOTAL', 'Voters total: ');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_AVERAGE', 'Average: ');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS', 'Rating');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_DSC', 'Here is a list of the ratings added in the system.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING', 'Rating');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_CREATE', 'Add a rating');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_CREATE', 'Add a rating');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_CREATE_INFO', 'Simply fill this form in order to add a rating.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Do you really want to delete this rating from the system ?');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_EDIT', 'Edit a rating');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_EDIT_INFO', 'Use this form to edit the information of this rating.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_INFO', 'Rating information');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_NOT_FOUND', 'The selected rating was not found.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_CREATED', 'The rating was successfully created.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATINGS_MODIFIED', 'The rating was successfully modified.');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_EXPLAIN_TITLE', 'What are Ratings ?');
define('_CO_ICMS_RATING_EXPLAIN', 'Ratings is a new feature being added ImpressCMS. With using this tool, you will be able to add a new rating method to your modules, and control the results through this section! Documentation for this feature can be found here: <a rel="external" href="">Rating Features</a>. Let us know how you would like to see this developed');