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Test Coverage
package checkers

import (

//go:generate counterfeiter -o ../fakes/isqlpinger.go . SQLPinger
//go:generate counterfeiter -o ../fakes/isqlqueryer.go . SQLQueryer
//go:generate counterfeiter -o ../fakes/isqlexecer.go . SQLExecer

// SQLPinger is an interface that allows direct pinging of the database
type SQLPinger interface {
    PingContext(ctx context.Context) error

// SQLQueryer is an interface that allows querying of the database
type SQLQueryer interface {
    QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)

// SQLExecer is an interface that allows executing of queries in the database
type SQLExecer interface {
    ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)

// SQLQueryerResultHandler is the BYO function to
// handle the result of an SQL SELECT query
type SQLQueryerResultHandler func(rows *sql.Rows) (bool, error)

// SQLExecerResultHandler is the BYO function
// to handle a database exec result
type SQLExecerResultHandler func(result sql.Result) (bool, error)

// SQLConfig is used for configuring a database check.
// One of the Pinger, Queryer, or Execer fields is required.
// If Execer is set, it will take precedence over Queryer and Pinger,
// Execer implements the SQLExecer interface in this package.
// The sql.DB and sql.TX structs both implement this interface.
// Note that if the Execer is set, then the ExecerResultHandler
// and Query values MUST also be set
// If Queryer is set, it will take precedence over Pinger.
// SQLQueryer implements the SQLQueryer interface in this package.
// The sql.DB and sql.TX structs both implement this interface.
// Note that if the Queryer is set, then the QueryerResultHandler
// and Query values MUST also be set
// Pinger implements the SQLPinger interface in this package.
// The sql.DB struct implements this interface.
type SQLConfig struct {
    // Pinger is the value implementing SQLPinger
    Pinger SQLPinger

    // Queryer is the value implementing SQLQueryer
    Queryer SQLQueryer

    // Execer is the value implementing SQLExecer
    Execer SQLExecer

    // Query is the parameterized SQL query required
    // with both Queryer and Execer
    Query string

    // Params are the SQL query parameters, if any
    Params []interface{}

    // QueryerResultHandler handles the result of
    // the QueryContext function
    QueryerResultHandler SQLQueryerResultHandler

    // ExecerResultHandler handles the result of
    // the ExecContext function
    ExecerResultHandler SQLExecerResultHandler

// SQL implements the "ICheckable" interface
type SQL struct {
    Config *SQLConfig

// NewSQL creates a new database checker that can be used for ".AddCheck(s)".
func NewSQL(cfg *SQLConfig) (*SQL, error) {
    if err := validateSQLConfig(cfg); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &SQL{
        Config: cfg,
    }, nil

// DefaultQueryHandler is the default SQLQueryer result handler
// that assumes one row was returned from the passed query
func DefaultQueryHandler(rows *sql.Rows) (bool, error) {
    defer rows.Close()

    numRows := 0
    for rows.Next() {

    return numRows == 1, nil

// DefaultExecHandler is the default SQLExecer result handler
// that assumes one row was affected in the passed query
func DefaultExecHandler(result sql.Result) (bool, error) {
    affectedRows, err := result.RowsAffected()
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    return affectedRows == int64(1), nil

// this makes sure the sql check is properly configured
func validateSQLConfig(cfg *SQLConfig) error {
    if cfg == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("config is required")

    if cfg.Execer == nil && cfg.Queryer == nil && cfg.Pinger == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("one of Execer, Queryer, or Pinger is required in SQLConfig")

    if (cfg.Execer != nil || cfg.Queryer != nil) && len(cfg.Query) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("SQLConfig.Query is required")

    return nil

// Status is used for performing a database ping against a dependency; it satisfies
// the "ICheckable" interface.
func (s *SQL) Status() (interface{}, error) {
    if err := validateSQLConfig(s.Config); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    switch {
    // check for SQLExecer first
    case s.Config.Execer != nil:
        // if the result handler is nil, use the default
        if s.Config.ExecerResultHandler == nil {
            s.Config.ExecerResultHandler = DefaultExecHandler
        // run the execer
        return s.runExecer()
    // check for SQLQueryer next
    case s.Config.Queryer != nil:
        // if the result handler is nil, use the default
        if s.Config.QueryerResultHandler == nil {
            s.Config.QueryerResultHandler = DefaultQueryHandler
        // run the queryer
        return s.runQueryer()
    // finally, must be a pinger
        ctx := context.Background()
        return nil, s.Config.Pinger.PingContext(ctx)

// This will run the execer from the Status func
func (s *SQL) runExecer() (interface{}, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    result, err := s.Config.Execer.ExecContext(ctx, s.Config.Query, s.Config.Params...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ok, err := s.Config.ExecerResultHandler(result)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("userland exec result handler returned false")

    return nil, nil

// This will run the queryer from the Status func
func (s *SQL) runQueryer() (interface{}, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    rows, err := s.Config.Queryer.QueryContext(ctx, s.Config.Query, s.Config.Params...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // the BYO result handler is responsible for closing the rows

    ok, err := s.Config.QueryerResultHandler(rows)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("userland query result handler returned false")

    return nil, nil