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// Package health is a library that enables *async* dependency health checking for services running on an orchestrated container platform such as kubernetes or mesos.
// For additional overview, documentation and contribution guidelines, refer to the project's "".
// For example usage, refer to
package health

import (


//go:generate counterfeiter -o ./fakes/icheckable.go . ICheckable

var (
    // ErrNoAddCfgWhenActive is returned when you attempt to add check(s) to an already active healthcheck instance
    ErrNoAddCfgWhenActive = errors.New("Unable to add new check configuration(s) while healthcheck is active")

    // ErrAlreadyRunning is returned when you attempt to "h.Start()" an already running healthcheck
    ErrAlreadyRunning = errors.New("Healthcheck is already running - nothing to start")

    // ErrAlreadyStopped is returned when you attempt to "h.Stop()" a non-running healthcheck instance
    ErrAlreadyStopped = errors.New("Healthcheck is not running - nothing to stop")

    // ErrEmptyConfigs is returned when you attempt to add an empty slice of configs via "h.AddChecks()"
    ErrEmptyConfigs = errors.New("Configs appears to be empty - nothing to add")

// The IHealth interface can be useful if you plan on replacing the actual health
// checker with a mock during testing. Otherwise, you can set "hc.Disable = true"
// after instantiation.
type IHealth interface {
    AddChecks(cfgs []*Config) error
    AddCheck(cfg *Config) error
    Start() error
    Stop() error
    State() (map[string]State, bool, error)
    Failed() bool

// ICheckable is an interface implemented by a number of bundled checkers such
// as "MySQLChecker", "RedisChecker" and "HTTPChecker". By implementing the
// interface, you can feed your own custom checkers into the health library.
type ICheckable interface {
    // Status allows you to return additional data as an "interface{}" and "error"
    // to signify that the check has failed. If "interface{}" is non-nil, it will
    // be exposed under "State.Details" for that particular check.
    Status() (interface{}, error)

// IStatusListener is an interface that handles health check failures and
// recoveries, primarily for stats recording purposes
type IStatusListener interface {
    // HealthCheckFailed is a function that handles the failure of a health
    // check event. This function is called when a health check state
    // transitions from passing to failing.
    //     * entry - The recorded state of the health check that triggered the failure
    HealthCheckFailed(entry *State)

    // HealthCheckRecovered is a function that handles the recovery of a failed
    // health check.
    //     * entry - The recorded state of the health check that triggered the recovery
    //     * recordedFailures - the total failed health checks that lapsed
    //       between the failure and recovery
    //    * failureDurationSeconds - the lapsed time, in seconds, of the recovered failure
    HealthCheckRecovered(entry *State, recordedFailures int64, failureDurationSeconds float64)

// Config is a struct used for defining and configuring checks.
type Config struct {
    // Name of the check
    Name string

    // Checker instance used to perform health check
    Checker ICheckable

    // Interval between health checks
    Interval time.Duration

    // Fatal marks a failing health check so that the
    // entire health check request fails with a 500 error
    Fatal bool

    // Hook that gets called when this health check is complete
    OnComplete func(state *State)

// State is a struct that contains the results of the latest
// run of a particular check.
type State struct {
    // Name of the health check
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Status of the health check state ("ok" or "failed")
    Status string `json:"status"`

    // Err is the error returned from a failed health check
    Err string `json:"error,omitempty"`

    // Fatal shows if the check will affect global result
    Fatal bool `json:"fatal,omitempty"`

    // Details contains more contextual detail about a
    // failing health check.
    Details interface{} `json:"details,omitempty"` // contains JSON message (that can be marshaled)

    // CheckTime is the time of the last health check
    CheckTime time.Time `json:"check_time"`

    ContiguousFailures int64     `json:"num_failures"`     // the number of failures that occurred in a row
    TimeOfFirstFailure time.Time `json:"first_failure_at"` // the time of the initial transitional failure for any given health check

// indicates state is failure
func (s *State) isFailure() bool {
    return s.Status == "failed"

// Health contains internal go-health internal structures.
type Health struct {
    Logger log.Logger

    // StatusListener will report failures and recoveries
    StatusListener IStatusListener

    active     *sBool // indicates whether the healthcheck is actively running
    configs    []*Config
    states     map[string]State
    statesLock sync.Mutex
    runners    map[string]chan struct{} // contains map of active runners w/ a stop channel

// New returns a new instance of the Health struct.
func New() *Health {
    return &Health{
        Logger:     log.NewSimple(),
        configs:    make([]*Config, 0),
        states:     make(map[string]State, 0),
        runners:    make(map[string]chan struct{}, 0),
        active:     newBool(),
        statesLock: sync.Mutex{},

// DisableLogging will disable all logging by inserting the noop logger.
func (h *Health) DisableLogging() {
    h.Logger = log.NewNoop()

// AddChecks is used for adding multiple check definitions at once (as opposed
// to adding them sequentially via "AddCheck()").
func (h *Health) AddChecks(cfgs []*Config) error {
    if {
        return ErrNoAddCfgWhenActive

    h.configs = append(h.configs, cfgs...)

    return nil

// AddCheck is used for adding a single check definition to the current health
// instance.
func (h *Health) AddCheck(cfg *Config) error {
    if {
        return ErrNoAddCfgWhenActive

    h.configs = append(h.configs, cfg)
    return nil

// Start will start all of the defined health checks. Each of the checks run in
// their own goroutines (as "time.Ticker").
func (h *Health) Start() error {
    if {
        return ErrAlreadyRunning

    // if there are no check configs, this is a noop
    if len(h.configs) < 1 {
        return nil

    for _, c := range h.configs {
        h.Logger.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": c.Name}).Debug("Starting checker")
        ticker := time.NewTicker(c.Interval)
        stop := make(chan struct{})

        h.startRunner(c, ticker, stop)

        h.runners[c.Name] = stop

    // Checkers are now actively running

    return nil

// Stop will cause all of the running health checks to be stopped. Additionally,
// all existing check states will be reset.
func (h *Health) Stop() error {
    if ! {
        return ErrAlreadyStopped

    for name, stop := range h.runners {
        h.Logger.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": name}).Debug("Stopping checker")

    // Reset runner map
    h.runners = make(map[string]chan struct{}, 0)

    // Reset states

    return nil

// State will return a map of all current healthcheck states (thread-safe), a
// bool indicating whether the healthcheck has fully failed and a potential error.
// The returned structs can be used for figuring out additional analytics or
// used for building your own status handler (as opposed to using the built-in
// "hc.HandlerBasic" or "hc.HandlerJSON").
// The map key is the name of the check.
func (h *Health) State() (map[string]State, bool, error) {
    return h.safeGetStates(), h.Failed(), nil

// Failed will return the basic state of overall health. This should be used when
// details about the failure are not needed
func (h *Health) Failed() bool {
    for _, val := range h.safeGetStates() {
        if val.Fatal && val.isFailure() {
            return true
    return false

func (h *Health) startRunner(cfg *Config, ticker *time.Ticker, stop <-chan struct{}) {

    // function to execute and collect check data
    checkFunc := func() {
        data, err := cfg.Checker.Status()

        stateEntry := &State{
            Name:      cfg.Name,
            Status:    "ok",
            Details:   data,
            CheckTime: time.Now(),
            Fatal:     cfg.Fatal,

        if err != nil {
                "check": cfg.Name,
                "fatal": cfg.Fatal,
                "err":   err,
            }).Error("healthcheck has failed")

            stateEntry.Err = err.Error()
            stateEntry.Status = "failed"


        if cfg.OnComplete != nil {
            go cfg.OnComplete(stateEntry)

    go func() {
        defer ticker.Stop()

        // execute once so that it is immediate

        // all following executions
        for {
            select {
            case <-ticker.C:
            case <-stop:
                break RunLoop

        h.Logger.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": cfg.Name}).Debug("Checker exiting")

// resets the states in a concurrency-safe manner
func (h *Health) safeResetStates() {
    defer h.statesLock.Unlock()
    h.states = make(map[string]State, 0)

// updates the check state in a concurrency-safe manner
func (h *Health) safeUpdateState(stateEntry *State) {
    // dispatch any status listeners

    // update states here
    defer h.statesLock.Unlock()

    h.states[stateEntry.Name] = *stateEntry

// get all states in a concurrency-safe manner
func (h *Health) safeGetStates() map[string]State {
    defer h.statesLock.Unlock()

    // deep copy h.states to avoid race
    statesCopy := make(map[string]State, 0)

    for k, v := range h.states {
        statesCopy[k] = v

    return statesCopy

// if a status listener is attached
func (h *Health) handleStatusListener(stateEntry *State) {
    // get the previous state
    prevState := h.states[stateEntry.Name]

    // state is failure
    if stateEntry.isFailure() {
        if !prevState.isFailure() {
            // new failure: previous state was ok
            if h.StatusListener != nil {
                go h.StatusListener.HealthCheckFailed(stateEntry)

            stateEntry.TimeOfFirstFailure = time.Now()
        } else {
            // carry the time of first failure from the previous state
            stateEntry.TimeOfFirstFailure = prevState.TimeOfFirstFailure
        stateEntry.ContiguousFailures = prevState.ContiguousFailures + 1
    } else if prevState.isFailure() {
        // recovery, previous state was failure
        failureSeconds := time.Now().Sub(prevState.TimeOfFirstFailure).Seconds()

        if h.StatusListener != nil {
            go h.StatusListener.HealthCheckRecovered(stateEntry, prevState.ContiguousFailures, failureSeconds)