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# One Time Secret

[![CircleCI](]( [![Maintainability](](

Share secrets with one-time-access.

My hope is this will reduce the number of developers
sending credentials around in Emails and Slack by
making it really easy to set up.

![Demo of app working](

### Setup Tutorials
 - [Heroku](
 - [Self-hosted](

If you want to contribute more tutorials please create an issiue so I can add the content.

### Stuck on something?
Look in the Wiki, everything from cusomizing, logging, and hosting is in there.

### Design Intentions
1. Permit self-hosting of secrets (many hosted services exist)
1. Grokable code (others should be able to understand the code)
1. Limited dependencies and easy installation (other open-source libraries require a lot of setup)
1. Easily modified when needed

### Intentional Failure modes
- Webserver restarted: total data loss, it will only store secrets in-process-memory.
- Secret Data is removed: Overwrite string with a random string of equal length, and then delete string from map.
- Secret Data reaches Time-To-Live age: Removed automatically.

### Feature roadmap
[Project Board](