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Src/Sankhya/Construtores de Componentes de BI/41.FINANCEIRO_BANCO_RECEITA-DESPESA


Test Coverage
        <parameter id="DATA" description="Data" metadata="date" required="true" keep-last="false"/>
    <level id="lvl_f1xa71" description="Principal">
        <chart id="cht_f1xa72" type="column">
                <![CDATA[Receitas - Despesas]]>
            <expression type="sql" data-source="MGEDS">
                <![CDATA[SELECT distinct dhbaixa as DATA, (SELECT sum(VLRCHEQUE) FROM sankhya_producao.sankhya.TGFFIN  WHERE DHBAIXA = :DATA and CODCTABCOINT in (4,5,6,7,11,8,16) AND RECDESP = 1)  - (SELECT sum(VLRCHEQUE) FROM sankhya_producao.sankhya.TGFFIN  WHERE DHBAIXA = :DATA and CODCTABCOINT in (4,5,6,7,11,8,16) AND RECDESP = -1)     AS VALOR FROM sankhya_producao.sankhya.TGFFIN where dhbaixa = :DATA]]>
                <field name="DATA" label="DATA" type="D" visible="true" useFooter="false"/>
                <field name="VALOR" label="VALOR" type="F" visible="true" useFooter="false" mask="R$ #.##0,00"/>
                <category field="" rotation="0" dropLabel="false">
                    <mask>R$ #.##0,00</mask>
                    <title>Receita - Despesas</title>
                <serie type="column">
                    <display>Receita - Despesa</display>